Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 27


Guan Yan blew out a smoke ring from his mouth and said with a smile: "...smoking."

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes: "Oh, smoking?"

Guan Yan heard that he seemed to have a hint of sarcasm in his words, so he lowered his head and took a look. He realized that although his expression remained unchanged, his hands were unconsciously pressed tightly against the seam of his pants because he was too nervous, and the cigarette butt had burned a hole in his costume.

Guan Yan cursed, quickly put his hand away, and smiled awkwardly.

But at this time Jing Jiujiu and Bai Yuhuai had already walked away.

"He doesn't look very smart." Jing Jiujiu commented on Guan Yan.

Bai Yuhuai: "Yeah. This guy has a lot of little tricks."

As Jing Jiujiu was talking, she couldn't help but get a little angry: "Why did that little devil just run away?"

"He's afraid of you."

Such little ghosts have keen perception and are always afraid of things that are bigger and stronger than them.

Jing Jiujiu felt that after hearing these words, she felt very relieved and no longer cared where the little ghost ran to.

The guide was waiting for them. When he saw them coming back and Guan Yan following them from a distance, he immediately invited them to go to the hotel together.

Everyone didn't eat for too long, and the wine wasn't even opened yet. They were all still thinking about the problem with the recording that happened that day.

The assistant director patted Guan Yan on the shoulder and said, "How come Guan Yan's face is even uglier than the director's?"

The guide laughed and scolded: "Bullshit, I don't stink."

Guan Yan could only force himself to laugh a few times.

His little devil ran out and disappeared.

This thing can't run around... His fate is already tied to the little ghost.

Bai Yuhuai sat alone far away, and no one dared to respect him.

Without the boy by his side, he seemed somewhat lonely. Seeing this, Guan Yan suppressed his worries and was about to smile, but suddenly met Bai Yuhuai's gaze.

As if it contained some deep meaning.

Guan Yan's scalp tingled and he instinctively turned his head away without thinking.

Only after doing this did Guan Yan feel a little regretful.

What is he afraid of? Does he still need to be afraid of Bai Yuhuai

Thinking of this, Guan Yan felt even more upset.

He still has to find that little devil quickly!

Jing Jiujiu couldn't eat, so she made up an excuse and went back to the hotel early.

The crew had booked the entire hotel. Jing Jiujiu's room was next to Bai Yuhuai's, both on the fourth floor. Besides them, the film queen Tao and Guan Yan also lived on the fourth floor.

Jing Jiujiu walked slowly forward and happened to pass by Guan Yan's room.

There were two consecutive "dong dong" sounds, as if something was knocked over. Then a little ghost with a green face and fangs crawled out from inside in tattered clothes. It quickly crawled away from Jing Jiujiu's feet.

Isn't this... the little devil that ran away

Jing Jiujiu blinked, and was a little stunned for a moment because the other party ran away so fast.

never mind.

Just run.

Jing Jiujiu went to visit Lin Zhi, who was shivering in bed, not knowing what to do and not knowing how to use anything. He was a more genuine level 10 country bumpkin than Jing Jiujiu.

Jing Jiujiu asked him, "Do you want to go to the crew together tomorrow?"

Lin Zhi nodded repeatedly.

He just wanted to stay with Jing Jiujiu, even if she was a ghost.

"But the clothes you are wearing..."

Linzhi tried it.

Can't be changed.

Jing Jiujiu sighed: "I can wear it after burning it. But your clothes seem to be permanent."

He speculated that this might be because Lin Zhi was too stubborn in believing that she was the character in the script due to the influence of her surroundings.

"Then you should just pretend to be cosplayers."

"Oh." Lin Zhi nodded, not quite understanding.

A ghost and an unknown creature are communicating here.

The crew members also returned to the hotel one after another. Guan Yan walked in and found traces of Xiao Gui's return. The raw meat in the suitcase had been bitten. And how did Xiao Gui open the suitcase? He bit a fucking hole. Guan Yan stared at the suitcase, angry.

This damn thing!

Guan Yan suppressed his anger and walked around the room, but he couldn't find the little ghost.

Guan Yan could no longer suppress his anger. He turned around and saw that the door was still open. He walked forward and was about to slam the door shut to vent his anger. However, the actress Tao stopped outside and asked, "What's wrong?"

Guan Yan pursed his lips and made up an excuse: "I lost something."

Movie Queen Tao asked in surprise: "Is it valuable? Should we call the police?"

Guan Yan: “…No!”

Seeing that his face was not right, Queen Tao paused and asked in a low voice: "Is it... that kind of thing?"

Guan Yan raised his head and asked in a deep voice, "What kind of thing?"

Tao has a very good reputation in the film industry, which is related to her habit of being a good person. Just like last time in the teahouse, when no one else liked Ding Hanbing, she still took the initiative to greet Ding Hanbing.

The same is true now.

She asked softly, "Did you lose some amulet or something?"

Guan Yan breathed a sigh of relief and responded, "Yeah."

Movie Queen Tao smiled and said, "That's very important, more important than any gold watch or necklace. Some amulets are very effective." As she spoke, she pulled something out from around her neck.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a glass bead.

Tao said, "This is my amulet. Master Zhou blessed it for me." She paused and said, "If you really can't find yours, why don't you buy a new one?"

"What Master Zhou?" Guan Yan asked.

Movie Queen Tao did not hide her feelings and briefly mentioned a few words to him.

"It's nothing special. As long as he can get rid of bad luck, I think Master Zhou is really good at it," said actress Tao.

Guan Yan grinned. Bad luck? He didn't have any bad luck at the moment.

Ever since he got the little ghost, he's had nothing but good luck.

Only today...

Guan Yan frowned.

Could it be that Bai Yuhuai actually had some little ghost? Otherwise, how could he have reached today's height in just a few years! This is simply not something a normal person can do!

Guan Yan thought about it from his own perspective and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

But the person he met while abroad was far away and couldn't help...

Guan Yan raised his head and smiled, then said, "I seem to have heard something about this Master Zhou you mentioned. Could you please give me his contact information? I'll ask him to help me find what I lost."

Movie Queen Tao nodded and gave him the contact information.

Guan Yan grabbed his phone and went back into the house.

The only thing we are afraid of now is that Master Zhou is too upright and doesn't understand things like raising little ghosts.

Guan Yan called that night.

"Oh, where are you?" Master Zhou asked.

His voice sounded old but powerful, and indeed had some of the flavor of a master.

"I'm in a film crew in Hai City."

Master Zhou slapped his thigh.

Oh, isn’t this a coincidence

"I've already arrived at Haishi." Master Zhou paused, then asked, "Tell me, what do you want to do? Perform a ritual? Or ask for a talisman?"

"I'm looking for something." said Guan Yan.

Master Zhou thought, why are you asking me to find something one by one? What is that statue? I have no idea.

"How much are you offering?"

“… one hundred thousand.”

Master Zhou: “Ha!”

Guan Yan frowned: "You think it's not enough?"

Master Zhou: "Do you know how much Tao He gives each time?"

Guan Yan felt that he was being implied that he didn't make as much money as Tao He. Yes, he was not as good as Tao He now. But soon, he would make more than Bai Yuhuai.

But we can't lose face right now.

Guan Yan: “Two hundred thousand.”

Master Zhou: “Heh.”

Guan Yan: "... Three hundred thousand." "It's up to you if you want to do it!"

Master Zhou: "Once the money is in place, it'll be easy. Okay, what's the crew's name? I'll call you when I get there."

Guan Yan gritted his teeth and said gloomily: "If you can't do this, forget about the three hundred thousand. I will tear you into pieces."

Master Zhou muttered in his heart, "This guy has really no manners. If he doesn't want to give money, just say so."

He turned off his phone and thought, 300,000 is fine, even a little is enough. He still needs to give some money to the young master next to Mr. Bai!

Master Zhou immediately called Jing Tinghua again: "I have found Haishi."

"Haishi? The statue is in Haishi? Impossible!"

Master Zhou felt a little guilty, but when he thought about the fact that Mr. Bai and the young master who looked very rich were standing behind him, what was there to be afraid of? Master Zhou then straightened his back and said, "Believe it or not, I will pay you and do the job." After that, he hung up Jing Tinghua's phone.

Jing Tinghua stroked the receiver with a grim look on his face, but he did not call again.

Since you have hired someone, you must trust him.

Some masters with great skills can be a powerful tool to help you, but once you anger such masters, they can become a deadly weapon that hurts you.

After Master Zhou finished his call, he immediately called Jing Jiujiu.

Jing Jiujiu just got bored of staying in Linzhi.

Oh, he had never seen such a nagging person, always complaining about this and that, just like Xianglin Sao.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out and talk to you." Jing Jiujiu said, and turned to go out.

Master Zhou explained on the phone why he came to Hai City. If you two need him, please feel free to ask. Finally, he mentioned that he might make another 200,000 yuan, and he would give some to the young master. Please enjoy the food and drinks, etc...

the next day.

The entire crew got up early.

Jing Jiujiu didn't need to sleep, and walked behind Bai Yuhuai in high spirits.

Only Lin Zhi was clinging to the door: "Life is so hard..." "Why do people have to get up so early?"

Jing Jiujiu thought for a moment and said, "For living."

Linzhi's cultural level is really not very high, and he has no idea of the profoundness of Chinese characters. Hearing this lively and vivid speech, will those who don't get up early die

Lin Zhi shuddered and thought that he didn't want to die.

He hasn't married yet.

Lin Zhi hurriedly followed.

The others looked at him and couldn't help but look sideways.

This guy was dressed strangely and didn't look like someone from their crew.

Xu Sanyu smiled and said, "New assistant."

A new assistant dressed like this

The height of the man is similar to that of the actor Bai, so could he be the actor Bai's body double? Is the actor Bai also looking for a body double now

Everyone was confused, but out of politeness no one asked directly.

I turned around and quickly arrived at the crew.

The staff arrived earlier and began to organize the actors to put on makeup and check the venue. The whole place was busy for a while. Jing Jiujiu and Lin Zhi were the only two idle people standing there and started chatting.

Jing Jiujiu told him about the little devil from yesterday.

"I originally wanted to ask you to scare it, but it was scared away by me." Jing Jiujiu still felt a little proud when she said this.

He restored the ghost's dignity with his own hands.

After hearing this, Lin Zhi felt it was a great pity.

He also wanted to do something for Jing Jiujiu, so that Jing Jiujiu wouldn't think he was useless and ask him to get lost in the future.

This world is too scary, he will die if he stays alone.

"Look, it's the little devil he raised." Jing Jiujiu looked at Guan Yan.

Lin Zhi: “I understand.”

Jing Jiujiu:

What do you unserstand

Lin Zhi thought, ok, I will go scare this guy later.

Lin Zhi doesn't distinguish between beauty and ugliness. In fact, she thinks she looks pretty even without a face. Look at his smooth, egg-like head. Isn't it beautiful

But if Jing Jiujiu says it's ugly, then so be it.

Lin Zhi went to one side alone and squatted there waiting for Guan Yan to be alone.

Jing Jiujiu:

He glanced at Lin Zhi's figure, squatting there, like a big fool.

Jing Jiujiu couldn't understand what he was thinking.

But think about it, who can understand what Chaos is thinking

Jing Jiujiu turned around, dragged her small stool and sat down to watch the show.

Bai Yuhuai's scenes are arranged very tightly.

One moment, he was holding a man dressed in a leather suit and dressed like a "monster" firmly in the water with a cold face. The next moment, he had to fight with the man in the mud again.

After a few scenes, they were all action scenes.

Although it was early autumn, Bai Yuhuai's white shirt was quickly soaked through, sticking tightly to his muscular lines.

Jing Jiujiu has broadened my horizons.

It turns out that filming is just like rushing around.

The literary and martial arts plays are separated and performed one after another.

Jing Jiujiu felt so tired just looking at it.

Guan Yan, who had just finished filming a literary scene, walked up to the guide and asked, "Aren't we going to reshoot yesterday's scene?"

The guide said without even looking up: "Forget it. It will save Brother Bai's trouble. The blood plasma prepared by the props team smells really bad. It will be uncomfortable if it splashes on my head."

Guan Yan smiled and said, "How about a substitute?"

"Brother Bai, how can you find a body double? I do all the fighting scenes myself."

Guan Yan: "Oh, no? I saw he brought one."

The guide stopped talking.

Some words should not be responded to casually, lest they fall into the ears of someone with ulterior motives and become a handle against them.

Guan Yan had achieved his goal, so he turned around and left.

If that person is not Bai Yuhuai's substitute, then what is that person

At this time, Guan Yan's cell phone rang. It was Master Zhou calling, saying that the person had arrived and asked him to go and pick him up in person.

After hearing this, Guan Yan felt uncomfortable and thought to himself, who do you think you are and why do you want me to answer the phone

He originally wanted to ask his assistant to go, but then he thought the matter was too secretive, so he swallowed his anger and went in person.

Seeing this, Lin Zhi also followed quietly.

The assistant director turned around and asked: "Are you ready, Lao Guan?"

"Where's the old guard?!"

"Guan Yan has left the group. Maybe he has gone to pick someone up." said the person next to him.

The assistant director frowned.

Guan Yan met Master Zhou, who was wearing a Taoist robe and a wooden hairpin on his head, and his attire was very orthodox Taoist.

Guan Yan asked: "Master, don't you have someone to carry your bag?"

Master Zhou sighed: "Oh, how can these people bear the backlash of peeping into the secrets of heaven and changing their fate? They are all afraid of dying, so they ran away..." He said, then looked at Guan Yan: "So, people in this line of work don't want anything else but money. They have to live well before they die."

Guan Yan's mouth twitched, but he no longer doubted whether the person in front of him had real ability.

The old connotation is that he is stingy, which makes Guan Yan very unhappy.

"Now let's talk about what I'm looking for." Guan Yan paused, lowered his voice, and observed Master Zhou's expression, "... I'm looking for a ghost. The ghost I raise."

"Oh." Master Zhou's expression remained unchanged. He thought to himself, what's this? I've sold evil spirits to Jing Tinghua before. Although they were all made up.

“I brought this little ghost back home specially when I was traveling at the end of last year. The little ghost only eats raw meat and absorbs resentment, so it is very difficult to raise. But for some reason, it suddenly got lost... If it ran outside, became starving, and ate raw human flesh, the consequences would be disastrous.” This is what Guan Yan is most worried about.

If it comes to this, all the money he spent abroad will be wasted.

"Oh, what else could it be? You said it was a little ghost, so it must be because the little ghost was scared away by the big ghost. Or maybe it met the Heavenly Master." Master Zhou made up a story.

"Tianshi?" Guan Yan frowned, "There shouldn't be one here."

If there was, he would have figured out that it was a ghost he had raised.

The only possibility is that you encountered another ghost.

Guan Yan immediately thought of the strange man.

Is he the ghost that Bai Yuhuai raised

This ghost... is really big.

"It's Linzhi." said Guan Yan.

He heard Xu Sanyu call that person like this...

Lin Zhi who was following quietly behind:

I was discovered

Lin Zhi simply walked out, raised his hand to pick off his eyes and nose. He left his mouth. Otherwise, he would not speak clearly. Jing Jiujiu said that he sounded like an old lady without teeth, and his speech was unclear. Lin Zhi found it funny just by listening, and his fists were clenched with shame.

Lin Zhi walked straight behind Master Zhou and stared at Guan Yan.

I was still thinking happily in my heart, how would Jing Jiujiu praise me after I go back? - "Linzhi, you are such a big baby", "Linzhi, I will support you for the rest of my life", "Linzhi, your acting skills are top-notch"... Many compliments flashed through Linzhi's mind.

Lin Zhi asked: "Were you talking about me just now?"

Guan Yan froze, and quickly put on a smile, thinking, how did this person follow me out? And someone heard me. This is so damn embarrassing... Guan Yan turned his head slightly and faced Lin Zhi's smooth face, and the only moving mouth on her face.

Guan Yan: "Ah,..." He took a deep breath, and then slowly recovered his normal language system, "Ghost, there is a ghost! It's really a ghost!"

Master Zhou: "What?"

Guan Yan: "Behind you, there's a ghost... a ghost!!! It's him!"

Master Zhou turned his head away in fright.

Oh shit, I thought it was something else, but it turns out I've seen it before.

Master Zhou turned his head back calmly: "It's no big deal."

I've also seen that young master trick someone into hanging himself, and he couldn't get down. His IQ is really scary. But his face is okay, just imagine it as an egg.

Guan Yan's chest was heaving. Seeing that Master Zhou was so calm, he suddenly felt that this man was unfathomable!

"Quick, hurry and get him out! Let's talk about the next thing... I'll pay more, I'm willing to pay more."

Master Zhou turned around and whispered to Lin Zhi, "Young Master Jing is here."

Lin Zhi turned around and went to look for Jing Jiujiu.

Where is it? Where is it? Do you see my heroic figure

Guan Yan was shocked.

It actually works!

Guan Yan asked: "What did you say?"

Master Zhou: "It's nothing to chant a spell."

Guan Yan was completely convinced now, and hurriedly said, "How about one million? Find that kid back and make him inseparable from me. Of course, if you have a better way to change your luck, I can double the price."

Master Zhou: "Okay."

Guan Yan: "Also... can you stab a villain?"

"Not only can I stab villains, I can also stab adults." Master Zhou continued to talk nonsense.

Guan Yan nodded: "I will find a way to get someone's birthday for you, and you can make a figurine of him. No, two. And one more person."

Master Zhou agreed and said, "To find the little ghost, you need to have something of it to serve as a trigger..."

Guan Yan said calmly: "This is very simple. I am not the only one who welcomed the little ghost back last year. I can just get some from them. The little ghost will recognize it."

Master Zhou responded and asked Guan Yan to pay a deposit.

Only then did Guan Yan feel relieved and went back.

If I had known that raising a little ghost would cause so much trouble, I should have just learned from the popular actress in China and bought a statue of the god. Damn, it's all because the statue is too expensive. One statue costs 10 million!

After Guan Yan left, Master Zhou immediately called Jing Jiujiu: "Young Master, are you coming out for dinner? I'll treat you."

By the way, he also told Jing Jiujiu what Guan Yan said, that many people welcomed the little ghost back.

Jing Jiujiu was shocked: "... So many? Illegal imports? That's a bit too much. They don't even have to pay taxes."

Master Zhou was stunned for a moment, then said, "...Ah, yes."

Do you want to respond to national policies and help crack down on illegal imports