Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 28


Jing Jiujiu was so frightened that her whole body almost turned pale.

"I... I... I ate a child!" He turned his head, his face full of shock, and stared at Bai Yuhuai with blank eyes.

Bai Yuhuai responded: "Yeah."

Then he took out a handkerchief and handed it to Jing Jiujiu: "Wipe your mouth."

Jing Jiujiu took it instinctively and wiped his mouth carefully, but soon he couldn't help but repeat himself: "I ate children!"

Bai Yuhuai: "Well, strictly speaking, it is no longer a baby. It is just a monster filled with evil spirits, and has no self-awareness at all."

Jing Jiujiu: “…”

This description makes it even harder to swallow.

Bai Yuhuai looked at his face and added, "For ghosts, it is a great tonic."

Jing Jiujiu whispered: "I don't think I'm that weak... Why would I eat it?"

"This is the evil spirit's feeding instinct."

Jing Jiujiu was dumbfounded.

I didn’t know it yet, it turns out I’m actually a ghost

"But aren't evil ghosts... like in the movies, killing people when they see them, and being particularly cruel and ferocious with hideous faces?" Just like Sadako who once scared Jing Jiujiu so much in the movie.

Bai Yuhuai then told him what runes were painted on the two doors of his bedroom.

After hearing this, Jing Jiujiu was silent for several seconds.

After a long while, his voice sounded again, dragging out: "Is that so..." "That is to say, after being separated from the thing that extracts my Yin energy and suppresses me, I can easily become a hideous ghost with only killing and hatred in my mind, right?"

"No." Bai Yuhuai said.

"Huh? Why not?" Jing Jiujiu thought it over carefully and felt that there was nothing wrong with her logic.

"I'll find a way."

Jing Jiujiu was deeply moved after listening to it.

Mr. Bai is such a great man!

Not only do you want to be ridden by me and stuck to me, but you also have to find ways for me!

After being moved, Jing Jiujiu suddenly remembered something, and asked in a daze: "... Is it too late to spit it out now?"

"It's too late." Bai Yuhuai paused and asked him seriously, "Do you think it tastes good?"

Jingjiu the drunkard was dumbfounded.

Woo woo woo, I should have vomited first before talking.

He licked his lips in pain, but he didn't taste anything... but it was very similar to eating shrimp balls, which went down in one slurp, and had a little sweetness.


Wow, I have a sense of taste

Jing Jiujiu licked her lips hard again, but didn't taste anything.

He began to suck his tongue vigorously, making a sizzling sound.

Outside the bushes, Xu Sanyu paused and covered his face. Wow, so intense!

After a while, Jing Jiujiu finally came to a surprising conclusion -


If you want to raise a ghost, you really need to use these things to feed it.

Raw meat is of the lowest grade.

But most people can only choose to feed ghosts with raw meat. After all, catching ghosts to feed your own ghosts is not as easy as it sounds.

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes: "There is another one here."

Jing Jiujiu hurriedly lowered her head to look.

The little ghost, who lay on his back for a long time without moving, probably wanted to make himself look deader, so his limbs were stiff, his neck was stretched out, and even his fangs were retracted. His big ghost eyes rolled up, revealing the whites of his eyes.

It looks like a hard and horrible death.

"I don't want to eat anymore. I don't want to eat anymore." Jing Jiujiu said hurriedly.

Bai Yuhuai bent down, picked up the little ghost with one hand, and said lightly: "It should be delicious, although not as strong as the evil spirit just now." Bai Yuhuai was like a parent coaxing a child to eat celery and onions. He began to try to describe the taste of this food to make it more attractive: "Its sweetness may be lighter, probably like freshly squeezed juice..."

The little ghost didn't pretend to be dead this time. It trembled and tried its best to turn its head and grinned at Bai Yuhuai.

Jing Jiujiu touched her belly and said, "I think it hasn't been digested yet."

Bai Yuhuai had no choice but to shut up.

No matter how much he knew about ghosts, he was not a ghost after all, and he was not as experienced as Jing Jiujiu. Bai Yuhuai knew that people would have stomachaches if they ate too much, and ghosts would probably also have some negative effects if they ate too much.

Bai Yuhuai looked at the kid coldly and said, "Then take it back and save it for tomorrow."

Jing Jiujiu nodded, but then paused.

He always felt that something was not right.

When Bai Yuhuai tied up the little ghost with a thin golden thread and walked him around like a dog, Jing Jiujiu suddenly realized.

...Mr. Bai seems to have become more cruel, isn't he

Even though that kid can't open the □□ flow, he should still understand human nature.

It completely lost its previous arrogance and just crawled behind. As it crawled, Jing Jiujiu remembered something.

"It's Guan Yan's ghost." Jing Jiujiu said.


"If Guan Yan saw this..."

"Can he jump up and ask us for it?"

Jing Jiujiu thought for a moment and said, "No. He can't do that either. Raising a ghost is a secret matter."


Then they paraded the kid back to the hotel.

Guan Yan was not on the set, so he didn't see it.

That night passed.

There are more people losing ghosts.

Guan Yan’s phone was almost blown up.

At four o'clock in the morning, Guan Yan woke up from his sleep. He washed his face with cold water with a dark face. When he turned around, he stared at the number on the screen, and a trace of annoyance rose in his heart. If he had known this, he should have gone to buy a ghost by himself. It was a pity that he was unfamiliar with the place at that time and needed someone to lead him. He was afraid that he would not be able to buy a ghost, but would attract evil spirits back to him... Now with Master Zhou, it's different.

Guan Yan switched to Weibo in annoyance and scrolled through the trending searches one by one.

The crew had just started filming, so the news that he had joined the male lead should have been on the hot search list, but the news about Bai Yuhuai's bracelet took up all the attention. It was already the second day, and the internet was still happily discussing it.

Guan Yan felt more and more upset the more he watched, so he simply turned it off and then dialed the number on the screen.

"Hello." The person on the other end answered the phone quickly, as if he had been waiting for his call all night.

"Guan Yan, do you know?" The female star's voice was cold and hissing, "Several people's ghosts were lost last night. I dare not sleep now. As soon as I close my eyes, I feel that the statue is staring at me. What should I do? Guan Yan, what do you think we should do?"

Guan Yan didn't bother to pay attention to her and asked casually: "Have you contacted the ghost seller?"

It turns out that other people’s little ghosts were also lost

It seems that this thing is unreliable!

Guan Yan's inner pressure was relieved a lot. At least it was clear that it was not his fault that the little ghost disappeared.

"I tried to contact him, but couldn't get through. The number was no longer in service..." the female star couldn't help but swear as she spoke.

Guan Yan was also stunned when he heard this.

Guan Yan felt a pain in his heart when he thought about the money he had given out, and he cursed: "Fuck it, isn't this just cheating people?"

"I don't want that statue anymore, but I don't know where to throw it. I heard that statues of gods cannot be thrown away randomly..." The other party was still crying madly on the phone.

Guan Yan's heart moved.

This statue is much more valuable, he doesn't know if it is a scam or not. But since the woman took it, she has already torn off the endorsement of an international luxury brand.

Guan Yan then smiled and said, "Sister, if you trust me, I will help you deal with it, how about that?"

The female star cursed inwardly, who the hell is your sister? I look ten years younger than you.

But she still said in surprise: "Thank you, Guan Yan, thank you."

That afternoon, Guan Yan got the statue, and then heard that the stagehand whose half face was bitten off survived, but he probably lived a life worse than death afterwards.

Guan Yan shuddered unconsciously when he heard this, but he felt relieved when he thought that the little ghost would not eat its feeder.

He carefully wrapped the statue with cloth and sent his assistant to buy some offerings to the god.

Guan Yan turned his head and saw Jing Jiujiu.

The beautiful young man was still sitting there, staring at Bai Yuhuai, like a loyal fan of Bai Yuhuai. Guan Yan felt a little jealous. How could Bai Yuhuai always have the best things in the world

Honor, money and a huge fan base.

Guan Yan looked down at the tightly wrapped object in his hand.

If this thing really has a spirit... then we should start with the people around Bai Yuhuai.

On this side, Xu Sanyu came over and asked, "Are you feeling sick in the stomach?"

Jing Jiujiu put down her hand that was touching her belly: "No."

He just didn't know how that thing was digested, and whether it could be digested at all? He felt a ball of gas in his stomach, emitting a cold but comfortable temperature. Was this indigestion

After worrying about all this, Jing Jiujiu started to worry again. If he couldn't digest it, would he vomit out a child? If the child was only half digested, wouldn't that be even more terrifying

"Please wait a minute." Xu Sanyu was afraid that he would get sick, so he asked someone to bring hot water to Jing Jiujiu.

Jing Jiujiu held the cup in her hand and couldn't help but touch her belly again.

Xu Sanyu stared at his actions in a daze, thinking, no way, what, are you guys still trying to follow the world trend and have a man give birth to a child

The results of sowing seeds won’t come out so quickly, right

Jing Jiujiu sat there for a while and really felt like vomiting.

He was a little scared and quickly covered his mouth.

If he really spits it out, everyone will be scared to death, right

Xu Sanyu looked at him, seeming to be hesitant to speak.

"Is there something in your stomach?"

Jing Jiujiu responded vaguely: “Hmm.”

Xu Sanyu suddenly became nervous all over, but before he could ask anything else, Bai Yuhuai also noticed that something was wrong with Jing Jiujiu, so he immediately stopped filming and walked over here.

When Xu Sanyu met Bai Yuhuai, of course he had to shut up, for fear that he would offend Bai Yuhuai by asking too many questions.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yuhuai asked.

Jing Jiujiu raised her head pitifully: "Disgusting, I want to vomit."

The boy's face seemed to have become even paler.

But this thing is a great tonic after all, and it is good for him.

So Bai Yuhuai insisted, "Swallow it back." At the same time, he began to think about how to make these miserable and disgusting ghosts look more delicious. Just describing the taste was not enough to impress Jing Jiujiu.

Xu Sanyu was even more shocked after hearing this.

That baby is yours! Isn't morning sickness normal? Brother Bai, why are you asking people to swallow it back

Xu Sanyu thought about it and hurried to help Jing Jiujiu: "How about we go to the bathroom to vomit the acid?"

Jing Jiujiu:

I don't complain.

I vomit ghosts.

I'm afraid I'll scare you to death.

Jing Jiujiu thought about it and prepared to decline.

Xu Sanyu suddenly said angrily: "Who is so wicked? Give the young master such a big slap mark!"

Bai Yuhuai went around behind Jing Jiujiu.

On the boy's white sweatshirt, there was a huge slap mark, black with a hint of red. It looked like thick blood that had dried and solidified into black.

Bai Yuhuai's face darkened: "... You have been touched by the evil god."

Xu Sanyu:


Why can’t I understand

"No one touched me." Jing Jiujiu was also shocked.

Evil... evil evil god? It sounds very evil!

Jing Jiujiu hurriedly pulled at her sweatshirt, wanting to see what she looked like from behind.

Seeing that he was having difficulty seeing, Xu Sanyu quickly asked his assistant to bring him two mirrors.

Jing Jiujiu looked at herself in the mirror for a few seconds: "… This evil god's legs are quite big."