Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 29: 030 (Catching bugs)


Jing Jiujiu and Xu Sanyu got together and thought about it for a long time before finally confirming that it might be a hand, not a foot.

When this statue was cast, the fingers were curled up, so the marks left behind appear thick and short.

"How does it touch it?" Jing Jiujiu couldn't help but be curious.

Bai Yuhuai: "Very few evil gods have real bodies. They are attached to statues and have no clear form or movements. They move with the will of believers. 'Being touched by an evil god' is just a popular way of saying it. To be precise, the moment the spirit moves, a palm print is left. This is a unique mark."

"Mark what?" Xu Sanyu asked hurriedly. He was even more active than Jing Jiujiu.


This word doesn't sound like a good thing.

Bai Yuhuai's face darkened slightly: "Mark it as its offering."

Xu Sanyu said angrily: "What a grand show! What kind of person is it, to use a human as a sacrifice?"

Jing Jiujiu: "Evil God, you just said it."

Xu Sanyu's long reaction arc finally came to an end: "... God? Is it really a god?"

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes, his cold tone unable to conceal his contempt: "Such an evil and vile thing is worthy of being called a god?"

Xu Sanyu nodded in agreement, but after that he became a little nervous and looked around: "Where is the evil god squatting right now?"

As soon as Xu Sanyu finished speaking, Bai Yuhuai's cell phone rang.

Jing Jiujiu almost guessed it: "Master Zhou?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai answered the phone, and soon Master Zhou's anxious voice came from the other end: "Oh my, please help! Guan Yan brought a statue of a god and insisted that I consecrate it! I did... But the statue looks very evil. Is there really something wrong with me?"

After asking, Master Zhou carefully asked again: "Who is answering the phone now, Mr. Bai or the young master?"

Bai Yuhuai: "It's me."

“Take a picture of the Buddha statue.”

Master Zhou responded quickly.

Bai Yuhuai asked again: "How did you turn on the light?"

Master Zhou: "Just pour holy water, ah, paper ash water. Then recite two sutras, like... Namo Amitabha. Others are too difficult to memorize. This one is more versatile."

Jing Jiujiu interrupted and asked Bai Yuhuai, "What will happen if we recite this sutra to a foreign evil god?"

Master Zhou: "Is that from a foreign country?"

Master Zhou: "Oh my god, I'm using my country's scriptures to criticize the Buddha of another country. It must think I'm awesome and wants to kill me?"

"What are you afraid of?" Bai Yuhuai said calmly, "The evil god kills people, but it's not as fast as the evil ghost. It's nothing more than an extra mark on the body."

Master Zhou opened his mouth.

Is this a consolation

Master Zhou said weakly: "Well, now that I have taken the photos, what should I do now?"

"Tell Guan Yan that if you want to truly use this statue, you need to offer it with something. Take one ounce of glutinous rice, one pound of salt, and ten ounces of locust flowers. Then ask him to drip three drops of blood into the water. Place it on the altar first. Then buy pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, and other poultry. All are indispensable and place them outside the altar. Offer it like this for three days."

Master Zhou nodded repeatedly after hearing this, sent a photo after hanging up the phone, and told Guan Yan to go shopping.

Jing Jiujiu asked: "What is this for?"

Bai Yuhuai: "It is used to trap gods."

Jing Jiujiu twisted her neck again: "Then what about this handprint..."

Bai Yuhuai gently brushed off Jing Jiujiu's clothes and said, "Don't be afraid. Once we figure out what it is, it will be easy to deal with."

Jing Jiujiu was not afraid. He had never even seen the evil god. Even if he had seen him, he would only look like a statue. What was there to be afraid of? Was he half as ferocious as Sadako

"It's a pity to waste a piece of clothing." Jing Jiujiu said, pulling the hat rope.

Bai Yuhuai paused and his eyes fell on the sweatshirt again.

This was also one of the things he bought for Jing Jiujiu.

Obviously, he was a young man who was afraid of even fictional female ghosts in movies, but at this moment, he only remembered to destroy his clothes.

“… Buy a new one.” Bai Yuhuai said.

Buy lots and lots of new ones.

"Shall we go back then?" Jing Jiujiu asked.


The two of them were surprisingly calm, leaving Xu Sanyu behind, still reconstructing his worldview. It's not like he hadn't noticed it before. But Brother Bai never mentioned metaphysics to them, until now, wow, they were all fascinated!

Xu Sanyu turned and left, and only remembered after he had taken a few steps.

Well, no, we haven’t figured out what’s in its stomach yet!

Master Zhou soon came in person with the photos. He carefully showed his phone to Jing Jiujiu: "Look, it's scary, isn't it?"

Jing Jiujiu: "It's just so-so."

Master Zhou: "Isn't it scary? The eyeballs are dotted with red paint."

Bai Yuhuai took the phone, glanced at it, and frowned: "What a bunch of idiots."

Master Zhou was startled when he heard this and thought Bai Yuhuai was scolding him.

Jing Jiujiu asked, "Are you talking about Guan Yan and the others?" Jing Jiujiu paused, and based on Bai Yuhuai's words, she had a guess, "Did the ghost seller deliberately let them bring in this statue? Is there anything special about this statue?"

"This is a replica of the Four-Faced Buddha. The traditional, commonly seen Four-Faced Buddha holds a flag in one hand and a Buddhist scripture in the other... They symbolize power, wisdom, good fortune, etc..."

"This four-faced Buddha holds the frontal bone of the baby near the fontanelle in one hand, and the parietal bone in the other hand, which is commonly known as the crown of the head. It is believed that this place is connected to the gods above and the soul and spirit of the human body below. In martial arts novels, if a palm hits a person's crown of the head, then this person is beyond salvation. ..."

"This thing eats everything. The energy of heaven and earth, the essence of human beings, the yin energy of ghosts, and the spiritual energy of birds and beasts. It eats everything."

"It's hard to trap something like this. Those offerings won't work for more than a few days. It won't move. If you want it to follow the statue, you have to use a little ghost to lure it."

Jing Jiujiu frowned: "Did someone invite the evil god to our country to eat our food and improve their fortune?"

"It should be. The evil god cannot be worshipped casually. It costs a thousand times more than offering sacrifices to a little ghost. Once the offerings cannot be made, the worshipper will suffer bad luck and his family will be destroyed. Even worse, the evil god will kill people until it has had enough. The people who sell the statues want the statues' protection, but are unwilling to sacrifice themselves, so they simply take the statues somewhere else."

Jing Jiujiu seemed to want to say something but stopped herself.

It is somewhat similar to Jing Tinghua's style.

But he didn't want to talk about these things in front of others, so he kept silent.

Master Zhou trembled when he heard this.

"Such a ferocious thing? Will it keep killing people? If I pour paper ash water on it and recite Buddhist scriptures to it, won't I die?"

Jing Jiujiu also found it a bit scary at first, but then she thought, how else could he die

Suddenly, it wasn't so scary anymore, and he even had the energy to comfort Master Zhou: "Don't be afraid, Bai Yuhuai..."

Bai Yuhuai's heart moved. Should he praise him for being so awesome

Jing Jiujiu: "The bodyguards his family hired are all very capable. Especially the one with dyed yellow hair last time."

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

On the other side, Guan Yan followed Master Zhou's instructions and did not dare to miss anything, and placed them carefully in front of the shrine.

Yes, he even made a shrine specifically for the statue.

Putting down the last thing, Guan Yan clasped his hands and bowed.

I am so sincere, so my wishes should be fulfilled, right

I don't ask for much, I just hope that there will be fewer people like Bai Yuhuai in the entertainment industry. People like me should go higher. For example, Director Cheng is said to want to find Bai Yuhuai for his next film, why not find me

The curtains in the hotel room suddenly moved.

A cold wind suddenly blows from the ground.

Guan Yan suddenly felt cold all over.

This scene was a bit similar to when he had just brought the little ghost into the house and settled it. Guan Yan was relieved. It seemed that Master Zhou's arrangement was indeed useful. It was much more reliable than that ghost seller...

Guan Yan put on an extra piece of clothing, turned around, and saw the statue's eyes flashing.

Guan Yan held his breath for a moment.

The statue... is alive?!

This was even more shocking than the moment he saw the little ghost with his own eyes!

After all, ghosts are ghosts!

This is God!

Shouldn’t God be stronger than demons

Guan Yan suppressed his excitement and continued to make a wish: "Do you see? These offerings all over the table and the floor are all from me to you. Can you fulfill some of my insignificant wishes?"

Guan Yan chattered non-stop.

The statue's eyes turned even more blood red.

The red light comes on.

The wind blew even harder.

Rice is the energy of heaven and earth. But sticky rice can suppress evil spirits. Sophora japonica is the yin, while its flowers are the yang. Salt has been used to ward off evil spirits since ancient times.

The human blood, the meat of chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep... were placed outside the circle of glutinous rice, locust flowers and salt.

The statue was filled with anger.

This damn believer recited a lot of words that it couldn't understand, pointed at it, placed offerings, but trapped it in them so that it couldn't taste a single bite.

He's playing it on purpose!

He is fooling the gods!

With a loud "bang", a person-high wardrobe in the hotel collapsed, wine glasses on the table flew everywhere, and the fragments hit Guan Yan's face, shattering his joy.

Guan Yan was stunned: "Did you show your spirit?"

On this side, Bai Yuhuai asked Master Zhou about the photo of the statue given by Jing Tinghua.

Master Zhou quickly flipped it out and said, "Look."

Jing Jiujiu was stunned for a moment: "Why does this statue... have no face?"

Master Zhou was stunned.

Master Zhou: "No, when I first got it, it had a face, but it was a little blurry. It looked pretty good. It looked similar to Mr. Bai, both were exceptionally good-looking. So good-looking that it didn't seem like something from the human world."

At this moment, there was a sudden rustling sound from inside the bedroom door, as if something was scratching the door panel with its nails.

Master Zhou was so frightened that his legs trembled: "Is this, is the evil god coming?"

Jing Jiujiu shook her head, stood up and opened the door: "No, it's just a little ghost."

Master Zhou: “!”

Oh shit!

This little ghost looks much scarier than the one in the theater!

Master Zhou rolled his eyes and narrowly avoided fainting.

Jing Jiujiu sighed softly: "It must be hungry again."

He didn't want to eat the brat.

But we can't just let it go. What if it returns to Guan Yan and does something bad again? Or what if it gets completely out of control and bites people's faces like the one before

Jing Jiujiu turned around and asked Bai Yuhuai: "How about I let it take a small bite?"

Bai Yuhuai: "No."

How could anyone feed himself with stored food

It was not known whether the little ghost understood their conversation or not. He started to circle around Jing Jiujiu. He even became bolder and grabbed Jing Jiujiu's trouser leg and tried to climb up.

And the sound of nails scratching the door did not stop.


This time it sounded like scratching glass.

Master Zhou, who was originally huddled on the sofa, had a livid face and was too stiff to move: "Young Master, Mr. Bai, you... you look outside the window."

Jing Jiujiu: “Hmm?”

He walked towards the window.

Bai Yuhuai's face had already darkened, and he took the little ghost away from him.

The little ghost was so scared that he started to whine and groan, and no words came out of his mouth. It seemed that his intelligence was not very high when he was alive.

Jing Jiujiu opened the window and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The night view outside the window is beautiful, but in the room not far away, there seems to be a little red light

Master Zhou:

Master Zhou: "Look down."

Jing Jiujiu looked down and saw countless young devils piled up high, one on top of the other, like building a wall. Then they rolled down onto the lawn below like dominoes.

Jing Jiujiu: