Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 38


After returning to the hotel, Jing Jiujiu confirmed with Bai Yuhuai again and again: "Has the blood really been suppressed?"

Bai Yuhuai responded without getting tired of it: "Yeah."

Jing Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't scare me again next time."

Jing Jiujiu is not so afraid of death now, but she also doesn't want to be scalded to death by Bai Yuhuai's blood!

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai responded again. He stared at Jing Jiujiu's face carefully for two seconds.

The boy had a beautiful face, with his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was genuinely worried about him.

The boy was totally unaware of the emotions that he could not hold back.

He was raised in the palm of his hand and died in the castle at the age when he should have been in love.

How could he understand this

But it does not matter.

I can teach him little by little.

Bai Yingdi, who had been single since birth and had zero experience in love, thought so confidently.

On the third day after arriving in Jiang City, all members of the program crew got on the car and rushed to Wuni Town.

In the car, Ji Meng looked around and couldn't help asking, "Brother Bai, the guy next to you yesterday, isn't he going to the recording site with us today?"

Bai Yuhuai raised his eyes, his gaze slightly cold.

Compared to the last time I was in the castle, there have been obvious changes.

Emperor Bai doesn't like me very much.

When Ji Meng received this realization, he felt a lump in his heart. He wanted to defend himself, but he was speechless.

What else could he say? Could he say that I really didn't have any feelings for that ghost-like boy

Bai Yuhuai: "He will take a car there himself."

After hearing this, the director hurriedly said, "Is that young master not used to riding in a minibus like this? If we had known earlier, we could have arranged one for him."

The director is now extremely grateful to Bai Yuhuai. Of course, he wishes he could take charge of this small matter for Bai Yuhuai.

Bai Yuhuai: “No need.”

In fact, if you look carefully at this time, you can find that Bai Yuhuai's gaze is inadvertently focused on a certain point.

Jing Jiujiu was just standing there.

Jing Jiujiu swept her eyes across the entire carriage and whispered, "Why don't you leave a seat for me?"

Bai Yuhuai's eyes moved, and he took out his mobile phone and typed on it.

As soon as Jing Jiujiu saw his movements, she immediately moved over to cooperate.

Because you are a ghost

Jing Jiujiu sighed softly.


Who made ghosts have no ghost rights

Jing Jiujiu asked again: "Then where should I sit?"

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes and said nothing, but there was a hint of hint in his tone.

Jing Jiujiu also lowered her eyes, and then sat on Bai Yuhuai's lap obediently. After all, Bai Yuhuai had been used to it since he had sat on it many times.

Others definitely can't do it.

Let him sit for a while, maybe his yang energy will be weak the next day!

The minibus drove for three hours.

The director couldn't help but laugh and said, "This is really like going to the countryside..."

The guest who finally came to attend the event frowned. His name is Jian Suifan, and his TV series is currently on the air, so he is also very popular.

"We're here! We're here!" Jian Suifan's assistant shouted.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Without thinking, Ji Meng instinctively turned his head to look at Bai Yuhuai again. Then he saw the man do a very strange movement.

Bai Yuhuai raised his hand lightly, as if pressing it on someone's waist, and then that person stood up. Bai Yuhuai's mouth corners curled up imperceptibly, and he lowered his head to straighten his wrinkled hem.

When Ji Meng saw this, his heart started beating wildly.

That boy!

Could he be in the carriage right now, but no one can see him

With this doubt, Ji Meng was still in a trance until he got off the car.

The director and Jian Suifan, who looked down on everyone, all looked in the same direction at this moment: "Boss Yin!" "Hello, Boss Yin!"

Jian Suifan smiled and said, "Ding Hanbing, you are here too..."

Ji Meng suddenly remembered some gossip, saying that when Jian Suifan and Ding Hanbing were in the same company, they almost formed a group to debut. But Jian Suifan kicked Ding Hanbing out and refused to do so. Who knew that Ding Hanbing would become extremely popular later.

This story has also become a regular short piece of chicken soup for the comeback on marketing accounts and Zhiyin.

Ding Hanbing and Yin Mo both came here on their own. Yin Mo was still greeting the director politely, but Ding Hanbing had lost interest in responding and there was a hint of anxiety on his face.

As soon as Bai Yuhuai approached, he couldn't help but lower his voice and asked, "Where is the person?"

"Find it yourself."

Ding Hanbing can find a ghost.

I can only hold back my anger.

No way, he wouldn't record a show and only see Bai Yuhuai, right? Then why did he record it? He could just poke his eyes out.

Yin Mo saw Jing Jiujiu at first sight.

Jing Jiujiu stood under Bai Yuhuai's parasol, a little sunlight penetrated his body and shone on the ground. At this time, Yin Mo really felt that he was a ghost.

Ink came closer.

"Is it because of the umbrella? The umbrella can block the sunlight for him, allowing him to walk freely even though he is like this?" Yin Mo asked.

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

Yin Mo reached out and grasped the umbrella handle: "Let me do it. Teacher Bai is also very tired from doing this all the time."

Bai Yuhuai did not let go.

"I want to say a few words to Jiujiu. Can Teacher Bai step aside for a moment?" Yin Mo smiled.

Bai Yuhuai refused to give in: "Let's talk about it right here."

Jing Jiujiu was still pulling the string in her hand at this time, and she pulled a string of little ghosts off the roof of the minibus, and they fell to the ground with a clang.

Jing Jiujiu: "Well, tell me. What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Master Tingyi?"

Yin Mo took a deep breath and suppressed the jealousy in his heart: "I just want to tell you, be careful of Bai Yuhuai."

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

Saying bad things in front of people, one sentence followed another, Yin Mo felt quite good, so he immediately said: "He just happened to find you in the castle and brought you out. He seems to know a lot, but he is just an ordinary person. Don't you think he is hard to see through?"

Yin Mo said, and repeated: "Jiujiu, be careful of Bai Yuhuai." "Don't get too close to him."

Jing Jiujiu felt guilty, but couldn't say it out loud.

I followed Bai Yuhuai on my own.

Riding on his neck.

Before Jing Jiujiu could think of a suitable excuse, Bai Yuhuai spoke first: "You believe the words of a bald donkey?"


Yin Mo: "Who is the bald donkey?"

Jing Jiujiu was slightly confused.

Why are they attacking each other

The director watched the scene from afar and was dumbfounded: "This is... what happened?"

Jian Suifan also raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Rob... an umbrella?"

Ding Hanbing was feeling depressed at the moment, and said unhappily, "What's this? We might even have to fight later."


Ding Hanbing said casually: "Oh, you don't know yet, he and Bai Yuhuai are enemies, big enemies, it wouldn't be surprising if blood was seen on the show..."

The director believed it after hearing it and became deeply worried.

Only Jian Suifan knew that he was talking nonsense, and he laughed in disdain. He made up such a casual story about Mr. Bai and Mr. Yin, which was worse than Ding Hanbing.

The director was afraid that something might happen, so he asked everyone to buy some things in the town. After getting some equipment, they went into the mine.

The town is desolate. The big supermarket has long been abandoned. The most common thing is the small shop with old shelves.

The MC here asked: "Do you want to buy matches?"

"How many buckets of instant noodles do you want to buy? What is this... Kangshoufu?"

Over there, Yin Mo and Bai Yuhuai were still holding the same umbrella, and Jing Jiujiu was sandwiched in the middle.

Ding Hanbing passed by them and was about to call them crazy. What were they doing holding an umbrella together? Then he heard Yin Mo talking in a low voice.

Ding Hanbing paused, keenly feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

No matter how you look at it, it seems like there's something wrong with these two people.

It wasn't until everyone had purchased supplies and entered the mountains that Ding Hanbing reacted.


Did Jiujiu turn into a ghost? He was the only one who couldn't see it!

The mine is just behind the town, and an abandoned factory can be vaguely seen on the hillside. Half of the factory wall has collapsed, revealing half of the red bricks. From a distance, half of it is black and the other half is red, which is indescribably weird.

The director said: "The cameras have been set up. I will take you here. If you have any questions later, please feel free to contact the production team..."

When Jian Suifan got here, he already felt a little regretful.

Why is it such a ghost place? It's even worse than the castle last time!

But it was too late to regret now. Several guests wore GoPro and microphones themselves, and held a video camera in their hands.

Several photographers followed from a distance.

The group went up the mountain.

"It's 8:13 pm now..." Jian Suifan said to his camera, "We have just arrived at the factory on the hillside of the mine. It is said that this place once made a fortune because of its mineral resources, but as the resources became scarce, it gradually fell into decline. Large areas of houses are vacant, and unfinished buildings are piled up... The factory owners are also missing..."

He was recording with full concentration, and it looked like he was doing a horror live broadcast.

The other MCs were busy helping to make a fire.

"Although there are not many trees here, we still have to be careful of wild animals at night..." Yin Mo said.

He is the main man who makes fire.

Jing Jiujiu walked around the area and said, "… a little, fragrant?"

Bai Yuhuai's eyes moved, he took out his mobile phone and typed: Do you like it here

Jing Jiujiu: "Of course I don't like it. It looks so desolate here."

Bai Yuhuai: Chaos cannot be found for the time being, we are here to pick a body for you

Just as Bai Yuhuai finished typing, a flashlight swept over him.

"What are you doing?!" the man shouted angrily, and his voice sounded like a man in his forties or fifties.

Jing Jiujiu turned her head and looked over.

He was a lame, blind man with sparse, gray hair. His face was much older than his voice, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes looked so thick that they seemed able to pinch a fly to death.

Jing Jiujiu:

Jing Jiujiu: "Is this the body you want to choose for me?"

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

Bai Yuhuai: "Of course not!"

"Oh." Jing Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I feel relieved.

"Brother Bai, who are you talking to?" mc Yunxin asked timidly.

The others were more concerned about the lame and blind man. The man was lame on his left leg and blind in his right eye. He was leaning on a stick, which looked like his walking stick. The walking stick was covered in rust. When they got closer, they could see that half of the stick was semicircular, while the other half was a sharp edge.

Look at the bottom of the stick, it is sharpened into a point, and you can just poke it into the loose ground and it will stick into the mud.

Everyone was shocked.

The photographer quickly went up to him and explained that they were here to record the show, and that they had obtained approval from the local authorities and all the necessary formalities. They also had a medical team, ambulance, rescuers, etc. ready, and that they would not trouble the locals.

"Medical team?" The man sneered and said nothing more.

Jing Jiujiu whispered, "How strange, how could he become like this?"

Bai Yuhuai: "Hmm?"

Jing Jiujiu: "He is a very rich man. The civilized stick he holds is made of burl wood with a ruby on the top. If the ruby is not valuable, the stick is definitely valuable. Many rich people appreciate the strange and morbid patterns of burl wood. They will keep them as collections for enjoyment. If he sells this, he can move to another place to live a good life. ... Why doesn't he leave?"

Why are so many properties here vacant

To put it bluntly, it is because of the lack of supporting facilities.

When there are no hospitals, schools, supermarkets, transportation... these basic facilities that people rely on for survival, naturally no one will be willing to live here anymore.

What’s more, this is a completely abandoned mine

Bai Yuhuai: "You are right."

He paused and said calmly: "He is the caretaker here, he can't leave."

Jing Jiujiu: "Ah? Is there anything else worth guarding here?"

After the man finished speaking, he silently left with his stick.

But Jian Suifan was suddenly startled and fell down.

"Is that old man here to get these things?" Jian Suifan was still in shock.

When the others heard the sound, they used their flashlights to look around. They found that the dead branches were full of white paper cut into human shapes, and wooden dolls or assembled dolls. Even the factory gate was full of them.

Jing Jiujiu understood immediately: "... Are these the bodies you want to choose for me?"

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

No one had been here for a long time, but a traveler insisted on coming here to explore. He accidentally discovered these things hanging on the mine, and then he rolled down the mountain and began to look for masters. He found Master Zhou and another well-known figure in the metaphysical circle.

After Bai Yuhuai learned about this from Master Zhou, he immediately blocked the news and did not allow it to spread.

Bai Yuhuai: I have been making human-shaped objects here for more than ten years. Over time, the things under my hands have naturally become spiritual and are no longer dead objects.

On the other side, Jian Suifan hurriedly walked towards Bai Yuhuai and the others, but kicked something away.

Jian Suifan looked down.

"Fuck it."

It was a clay statue.

In addition, there are also polished stones, all of which are placed on the ground.

Jing Jiujiu glanced in his direction and said, "I can see it. They first used mud, then slowly switched to stone, and then to wood, paper figurines... The shapes they made also gradually changed from rough to more refined."

Bai Yuhuai: “Yes.”

"Why are they doing this?" Jing Jiujiu asked in confusion.

"One possibility is that it is to deposit the souls of relatives. Because the mine has been dug up, there is really no place to bury the bones. After the relatives are cremated into ashes, some people are superstitious and believe that if the bones are not buried, the souls cannot rest in peace and cannot enter the underworld to reincarnate."

Jing Jiujiu paused and said, "No."

Bai Yuhuai: "Hmm?"

Jing Jiujiu: "It shouldn't be like this."

At this time, Jian Suifan sat down next to Bai Yuhuai, still in shock, and said with a forced smile: "Brother Bai doesn't seem to be afraid of such a scene at all."

He watched that episode of the show, and at first he thought that it was just a character created for him by the program team in order to please Bai Yuhuai.

But now it seems like it’s not

Bai Yuhuai was interrupted by him, frowned slightly, and responded coldly.

Jing Jiujiu: “…”

Jing Jiujiu: "He sat on my feet."

Jian Suifan shivered. "It's a bit cold. Why don't we go directly into the factory? If we want to find clues, we can't search all over the mountains... We can get out of the wind in the factory."

Jing Jiujiu withdrew her foot.

Jian Suifan leaned forward suddenly, and his face suddenly changed in shock: "Did you feel anything?"

Others rushed over to comfort him.

Yin Mo came over and said in a low voice, "The yin energy is very strong here. It was afternoon when we went up the mountain, but we didn't feel anything then." "Where's Jiujiu?"

"I went to pick a body."

“Damn, why didn’t I think of that…” Yin Mo quickly turned his head to look at the paper figures and puppets.

With everyone's comfort, Jian Suifan gradually calmed down.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Bai Yuhuai, feeling disappointed.

President Yin and Actor Bai ignored him.

However, everyone was frightened by this sudden incident and finally decided to go into the factory.

"No one has ever really seen a ghost, this is just a show. Our main goal is to find clues..." Jian Suifan said, leading the way into the factory.

They rearranged the tents, campfire and barbecue grill next to the walls that had not collapsed.

With the shelter of the house, everyone felt much more at ease.

And outside the factory.

The little ghosts climbed up the branches, howling and screaming, pointing at the paper people and puppets, and even started fighting while screaming.

Jing Jiujiu:


Jing Jiujiu picked out a paper figure that looked fairer, closed her eyes, used her mind, and crawled inside.

When he opened his eyes again, his world suddenly became much wider.

Jing Jiujiu walked towards the factory with one step deep and one step shallow.

The little ghosts were still arguing outside about which one looked better and which one should be given to the big ghost.

Although it was just the body of a paper man, Jing Jiujiu could slowly feel the coolness. The wind made him rustle, as if there was a bellows in his head.

That feeling is particularly wonderful.

It's just too hard to walk.

Jing Jiujiu wrinkled her nose, thought about it, and simply floated forward with the help of the wind.

But at this time, the wind direction changed.


Jing Jiujiu flew lightly and landed on the tree.

Jing Jiujiu:

Looking at the factory again, it had become a tiny dot in his eyes.

Jing Jiujiu was so nervous that her legs curled up.

I must be at least 123…3 kilometers away from Bai Yuhuai, right? I'm being dragged back!

But Jing Jiujiu swayed on the treetop for a while, but waited for nothing.


Won't I be dragged

Jing Jiujiu jumped down the tree with great effort.

If he has a body to inhabit, does he not count as a ghost? No wonder Bai Yuhuai always said he would find a body for him. Did Bai Yuhuai already know that he would be dragged back to the castle

Jing Jiujiu thought as she slowly climbed up the mountain.

I don't know how many days it will take...

At this time, another gust of wind blew.

Jing Jiujiu was blown up the mountain and hit head-on against the factory gate.

Seeing this, the little ghosts cried and quickly rolled down from the tree, trying to help Jing Jiujiu.

They all climbed very fast, as if they were afraid of falling behind and offending the big ghost.

It's a bit like the little eunuchs in ancient times.

Then the ones at the back chased the ones in front, and they all crashed into the gate together.

People in the factory heard a "bang".

"Bang bang bang."

The door was slammed several times in succession, making a crackling sound, which gave them goose bumps.

Jian Suifan was also very scared at first, but when he turned around and saw that Ding Hanbing's face had become even paler, he calmed down a lot.

It turns out... Ding Hanbing is afraid of ghosts.

"It's getting late, why don't we take a rest first." Yin Mo suggested.

Wine and good heart.

If I get into the puppet paper man, they might be afraid of scaring them and won't dare to come in.

The others responded to Yin Mo's suggestion and went into the tent.

The factory gradually became quiet. Yin Mo stood up, took out a talisman and threw it to Ding Hanbing.

"What is that?" Ding Hanbing frowned.

"My master gave it to Jiujiu, and Jiujiu gave it to me and you." At this point, Yin Mo's tone was a little sour, "It's a talisman. Ordinary ghosts can't get close to it."

Ding Hanbing touched it reluctantly, then threw it back.


Yin Mo: “Have you changed your personality?” That’s great.

Although Ding Hanbing couldn't see a ghost, he still said: "You know nothing. I just want Jiujiu to be close to me..."

Ink: “…”

Yin Mo: "This thing can only ward off small ghosts, not big ghosts. Jiujiu is the big ghost."

As soon as Yin Mo finished speaking, Ding Hanbing quickly picked up the amulet again and held it to his chest happily: "Jiujiu is so good to me!"

Ink: “…”

So fucking thick-skinned.

Jing Jiujiu also stepped over the threshold with difficulty and moved forward step by step.

The little ghosts saw his intention and rushed over, threw Jing Jiujiu on their backs, and quickly climbed towards Bai Yuhuai.

When they were one meter away from Bai Yuhuai, they stopped in fear and threw Jing Jiujiu at Bai Yuhuai.

Bai Yuhuai was sitting in the tent when he felt an itch on his neck.

Like something just brushed past lightly.

Of course it can't be a ghost.

Except for Jing Jiujiu, no ghost dared to touch him like this.

"Wine?" Bai Yuhuai said in a low voice.

Jing Jiujiu was almost frozen to death.

Having a body isn't necessarily better than being a ghost...

Without saying a word, Jing Jiujiu grabbed Bai Yuhuai's collar, opened a gap with her soft little hands, and crawled all the way in, looking for the warmest place...

there's no way.

He is a paper man now and cannot be roasted by fire.

The person will be gone once he is roasted!

Bai Yuhuai's body felt extremely warm. Jing Jiujiu moved around inside, climbing left and right, trying to find a good place to stay.

Bai Yuhuai:

Bai Yuhuai's expression gradually became strange. He couldn't help but slightly open the collar of his clothes and lowered his voice: "Jing Jiujiu?"

This dress is pulled.

Jing Jiujiu slipped and fell down.

He stamped his feet, stood there, looked around blankly, grabbed a rope and started pulling.

Bai Yuhuai opened his mouth again, but this time the sound seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth: "...Jing, wine, wine."

"Don't take my pants off."