Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 41


There was silence all around, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

There are actually people who are bold enough to use their own native land to offer sacrifice to the gods... Is he crazy

Greed is insatiable, doesn’t he understand

“No, no…” the old man explained anxiously and was about to leave, but he fell down as soon as he took a step.

The fall broke his forehead.

Jian Suifan thought this was outrageous. Okay, even if you really have ghosts, those puppets might contain ghosts... What? A piece of land has its own consciousness? And some gods have appeared

This old man actually regarded the young man as a god

When you write scripts, don't you guys in the production team make a rough draft first to see if your boasting will be exposed

"Let's go back." Jing Jiujiu said slowly, "Just leave him here alone. Yan Mo is looking for his offerings, and this land is also looking for the people who gave him up... It's none of our business. We can wait for two more days at most and then we should be able to go down the mountain."

Bai Yuhuai was the first to respond: "Yeah."

The old man who had refused to admit it became anxious now, and reached out to grab Jing Jiujiu's sleeve: "No, you can't leave..."

He was halfway through his words.

Bai Yuhuai, Yin Mo and Ding Hanbing almost blocked his way at the same time.

The three of them looked at each other: "..."

The atmosphere was subtle for a moment.

The rest of the show crew had a strange look on their faces for a moment, even the old man was confused. But he quickly reacted—

So many people surrounded the young man, which showed how extraordinary he was!

"Do you know anything else?" the old man stood on tiptoe and shouted.

However, the three people standing in front of him were all much taller than him.

He had a limp and it was no use standing on tiptoe.

Jian Suifan couldn't help but say, "Brother Bai, what are you doing? Can't you see that the clue for us to get down the mountain should be with him?"

Jian Suifan really didn't want to stay in this broken place any longer, so his words were filled with anger.

Ji Meng was speechless listening to this.

I thought to myself that this person is even worse at acting than I am.

Can't you be more humble and honest

"A clue?" Ding Hanbing sneered.

Ding Hanbing turned his head and stared at Jian Suifan coldly: "Do you think this is just a game? If you want to stay here with him to find clues, then you can stay."

After Ding Hanbing finished speaking, he turned around and followed Jing Jiujiu.


Jian Suifan had a curse word stuck in his throat. He was afraid of being caught by the camera, so he didn't say it out loud.

Is Ding Hanbing sick? Not only did he deliberately target him, but he also didn't know how to live or die and got close to Bai Yuhuai's people

Yin Mo chuckled, as if he was mocking Jian Suifan, and also as if he was mocking the old man, and soon turned around and followed.


"There are so many ungrateful people like this, don't take it to heart."

Jing Jiujiu didn't respond.

Bai Yuhuai looked at the old man with cold eyes, shocking him. The old man instinctively felt a sense of trembling fear from the bottom of his heart... Seeing that he dared not move or shout, Bai Yuhuai turned around.

"Jiujiu, you are so smart. You can tell what's going on at a glance." Ding Hanbing praised her.

Everyone was a little dazed after listening to it.

So they all know this guy

Jing Jiujiu said nonchalantly: "Bai Yuhuai taught me."

He didn't even look back, but Bai Yuhuai's heart couldn't help but move slightly, as if a spring breeze was blowing past him.

After hearing this, Ding Hanbing was speechless for a moment.

I don’t know how to respond to this!

Yin Mo quickly interjected, "I'll teach you next time. You can ask me anything."

Jing Jiujiu: “Yeah.”

Yin Mo struck while the iron was hot and asked in a low voice: "Then when you become a paper man, you can actually stay in my pocket..."

Ding Hanbing:

What the fuck did I miss

Ding Hanbing quickly said, "What paper figurine? Stay here!" Ding Hanbing said, pulling the pocket of his jacket: "My pocket is big!"

Everyone just watched as Yin Mo and Ding Hanbing surrounded the young man from the left and right, whispering to each other, but they seemed to be very close.

It reminded them of the photos that the marketing account had posted before.

It seemed like they were surrounding one person... That night Ding Hanbing also posted a strange message on Weibo.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's not just Ding Hanbing who is inexplicable. Yin Mo is also inexplicable.

Ji Meng's heart moved.

Could it be that Yin Mo’s special Weibo post saying “Found it” was referring to this Young Master Jing

At this time, Bai Yuhuai walked forward slowly: "Jing Jiujiu."

Jing Jiujiu turned her head suddenly and escaped from their encirclement.

"Hmm?" Jing Jiujiu took the initiative to walk beside Bai Yuhuai and asked in a low voice: "Did you find anything else?"

Bai Yuhuai: "Nothing."

A question mark popped up in Jing Jiujiu's head: "...Oh."

But the corners of Bai Yuhuai's mouth softened a little.

Jing Jiujiu shook her head secretly.

He always felt that Bai Yuhuai had become strange...

The photographer behind him saw this scene and couldn't help but whispered, "Brother Ding and President Yin, are they both interested in him?"

After hearing this, Jian Suifan couldn't even bring himself to mock.

Indeed, the boy looked like someone who could easily please others.

The photographer then sighed again: "… If I were Brother Bai, I would definitely love him to death. Brother Bai just called out and he walked over. How devoted he is."

Jian Suifan was feeling fear and unhappiness in his heart.

The three people surrounding the boy are either more famous than him, richer than him, or more prestigious than him...

Jian Suifan thought, if it were me, who the hell would be so devoted

"Let's go, everyone go in." the photographer said.

He has to be responsible for everyone's safety on behalf of the program crew.

Jian Suifan couldn't bring himself to do that, so he just turned around and started talking to the old man.

He even thought, what if he was the first to find the clue? Then he would take over the powerful role in this episode, right

Jian Suifan turned around and smiled: "Do you have anything else to say? Tell me everything, maybe I can help you."

Is the old man an NPC

Will we be able to get clues if we know his story and help him

The old man put away his panicked look and looked at him coldly: "You can't help."

Jian Suifan opened his mouth and was about to refute.

The old man said, "You are not God."

Jian Suifan laughed angrily: "Why? That young man just now, is he a god?"

"He is." the old man said firmly.

Only God would be surrounded by so many powerful believers.

Just like the first time he saw the god in red.

No, no, this young god is even more powerful than the previous one. The young man saw through everything after just one encounter...

The old man shuddered unconsciously and looked up at Jian Suifan: "If you can invite a god for me..."

"Then you will give me the clue?" Jian Suifan asked impatiently.

Why must it be that young man

"What clues?" The old man said coldly again: "The gods know everything, and you still ask me for clues?"

Jian Suifan: “…”

We couldn't continue the conversation that day.

Jian Suifan turned around and left, cursing in anger.

The boy is not an MC invited by the program team. Is this old man blind? Why does he have to hold on to him

The old man kept muttering something: "Piety... Piety can move the gods..." As he spoke, he began to kneel and kowtow again, not caring about the blood on his head.

Jian Suifan looked back, shuddered in shock at his appearance, and then walked away quickly.

His brain seemed to be split in two.

Half of them were yelling, "You've seen a ghost! You heard me? This is all wrong!"

The other half was also shouting, what you recorded was just a horror reality show, it was all made up by the production crew, you are an idiot if you take it seriously.

Jian Suifan quickened his pace and returned to the factory.

Jing Jiujiu has already gone back into Bai Yuhuai's tent.

Bai Yuhuai said calmly: "The old man can't die for the time being."

Jing Jiujiu: “Hmm?”

Bai Yuhuai picked up the light little paper man and said, "Don't you want a bigger body?"

Jing Jiujiu: "Oh. Only he knows where the people who made these things are."

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

Jing Jiujiu also took the paper figurine, pinched it lightly with her fingertips, sighed softly and said: "It's hard to leave the hometown. After this land was used up, it probably did something to make the people here feel scared. So they made these puppets and paper figurines, hung them on the branches, pretending that they are still living on this land, in order to comfort the consciousness of this land... That's why the old man keeps kowtowing, kowtowing to the lifeless land, and keeps saying that everything is there. Where is it? Nothing is there anymore."

"The only thing the old man probably didn't expect was that Yan Mo would really come to the human world to collect his offerings..."

Jing Jiujiu paused and said, "Yan Mo is so miserable."

He also took away half of his finger.

Jing Jiujiu thought for a moment and commented very sincerely: "... Before this, I didn't know that King Yama looked like this."

Bai Yuhuai moved his lips, wanting to say, since the underworld ceased to exist, these old things have been hiding for who knows how many years, it is normal that I have never seen them...

Jing Jiujiu immediately spoke up again: "It's quite beautiful... It has a unique kind of beauty."

Bai Yuhuai's heart tightened: "Really?"

Jing Jiujiu: "Oh, it's just too long."

Bai Yuhuai felt relieved: "Yeah." He immediately added calmly: "The ghost messengers and ghost kings in the underworld are all nine feet tall. It is said that they are born in the underworld and will become like this after a long time. In the underworld, it is a symbol of nobility."

In short,

Everyone in the underworld is so ugly.

None of the proportions are normal.

Jing Jiujiu:

Jing Jiujiu: "I've learned a lot!"

Yin Mo couldn't hold back his jealousy and resentment, so he raised his hand and shook the tent: "Teacher Bai is very knowledgeable, why don't we talk about when ordinary people can make a wish to the King of Hell? Can we wish for a good rebirth when we go to the underworld?"

Bai Yuhuai looked indifferent.

What does it have to do with him

In fact, as long as the three realms did not collapse and the falling objects did not hit Jing Jiujiu, it had nothing to do with him.

Jing Jiujiu uttered a low "eh", then raised her hand to unzip her pants, letting Yin Mo and the number one melon-eating contestant Ding Hanbing in.

Jing Jiujiu paused: "With the underworld gone, does that mean the Ten Kings of Hell have lost their support and can only rely on the faith of mortals to survive? Last time, Master Tingyi said that since the Ming Dynasty, there has been no concept of heaven and earth. Then..." "Was the evil god in the ancient castle also a god? Did he fall?"

After listening to this, Yin Mo quickly praised: "Jiujiu is right!"

Ding Hanbing thought about it and had nothing to say, so he just posted: "I think so too."

Bai Yuhuai heard that they were chatting in a harmonious atmosphere, so he interrupted and said, "It's not that easy. The gods have their own duties, and for tens of thousands of years, they have left a fixed impression in people's minds. For example, Lei Gong and Dian Mu, can you expect them to play the role of the God of Wealth? The same goes for Yama. He was not born to be worshipped. Who would worship him? Only thousands of little ghosts and ghost messengers."

"It's not that a god can become an evil god just because he wants to."

Jing Jiujiu was slightly confused.

Bai Yuhuai paused: "But the statue can be made... When it is made, it is just a statue. But if you tell the believers that it is Guanyin Bodhisattva, then the believers will regard it as Guanyin. Over time, it will become the incarnation of Guanyin."

Jing Jiujiu tilted her head: "So, God can be created?"

Bai Yuhuai corrected him, "Well, to be more precise, evil gods can be created. But it's not that easy. Even if it has believers, it still needs divinity. Just like Guanyin, she is a god, so all the statues in the world can be her incarnations."

Jing Jiujiu continued, “Does that mean that the godhood can be taken away? Take away someone else’s godhood, build a new statue, give it a new name, make up a new origin, and let believers bow down to it… It will become a new god, with abilities that it originally could not have.”

Yin Mo couldn't help but say: "Jiujiu's speculation makes sense... Jiujiu is more insightful than me, Jiujiu is more connected to gods and Buddhas."

Ding Hanbing was completely speechless and could only utter dryly, "Yeah, I think so too."

After he finished speaking, Ding Hanbing suddenly came back to his senses and said sternly: "Yin Mo, are you crazy? What nonsense are you talking about? Do you still want Jiujiu to become a monk?"

are you crazy!

Isn't this cutting off your own path

The corner of Yin Mo's mouth twitched: "No. Jiujiu doesn't want to be a monk."

Jing Jiujiu nodded: "Being a monk is not interesting at all." "And I'm poor."

Ink: “…”

Indeed, poor.

Bai Yuhuai didn't say anything else.

Jing Jiujiu is right.

He rubbed his fingertips... How about I turn Jing Jiujiu into a god

Jing Tinghua wanted him to die in the ancient castle, to never experience the ups and downs of life, and to be the nourishment of the Jing family forever.

Then I want him to be a god, worshiped by all people. Not to mention mortals, even evil gods cannot let him be tainted by the slightest bit of filth...

Jing Jiujiu waited quietly for a while, but Bai Yuhuai didn't speak again.

So he supported himself on the ground, bent his waist, and put his head towards Bai Yuhuai, looking like he was going to kiss Bai Yuhuai...

"Why aren't you talking?" Jing Jiujiu asked.

Yin Mo and Ding Hanbing felt very happy when they saw this.

If I had known that acting cool was so useful, who wouldn’t be able to act cool

Bai Yuhuai supported Jing Jiujiu's waist and raised his head: "It's time to eat."

Jing Jiujiu: "Oh, then you guys go ahead."

After saying that, he waited obediently in the tent.

It's time to eat.

It's already one o'clock in the afternoon.

The production crew reluctantly boiled some water, made some instant egg drop soup, and ate two compressed biscuits and an apple, and that was the end of their lunch.

Where has Jian Suifan ever experienced this

I took two bites and put it down without any taste.

The others ate a lot.

Yin Mo had suffered in his early years, so what was this? Ding Hanbing felt that Jing Jiujiu just sat there well, and he felt that eating this was sweet.

Not to mention the photographers, even Yun Xin, a girl, knew the importance of conserving her energy and just ate her fill first.

Bai Yuhuai stood up with the bowl in his hand and walked into the tent.

Jian Suifan saw this and said, "…Is this for the person in the tent?"

Ding Hanbing knew that Jing Jiujiu couldn't eat at all, but he just couldn't stand Jian Suifan's weird attitude.

Yin Mo also frowned.

No one hoped more than them that Jing Jiujiu could really eat.

"Count yourself. It's only been more than a day since the show was recorded. How many farts have you let out of your mouth?" Ding Hanbing said.

The other people in the program crew froze for a moment. They didn't expect Ding Hanbing to be so blunt and disrespectful.

Jian Suifan's face turned green: "I'm just asking..."

Yin Mo raised his head, suppressed his usual smile, and said calmly: "Talk less and save yourself some energy. All these things will be given to him, and it is not your turn to speak, understand?"

The atmosphere outside the tent suddenly became tense.

Inside the tent, Jing Jiujiu asked, "Is it fragrant?"

Bai Yuhuai knew he wanted to eat.

Bai Yuhuai's eyes moved: "Do you want to drink?"

Jing Jiujiu's eyes lit up: "Can I drink it if I turn into a little paper man?"

"No, it will get wet. Turning into a paper man can only restore your five basic senses."

Jing Jiujiu was disappointed.

Bai Yuhuai asked him: "Can you touch me?"

Jing Jiujiu stretched out her hand and pressed it on Bai Yuhuai's chest. The muscles underneath bulged slightly, and Jing Jiujiu could only feel the shape: "I can feel it."

Bai Yuhuai: "Well, that's fine."

Jing Jiujiu:

Bai Yuhuai picked up the bowl and took a sip, then grabbed Jing Jiujiu's wrist where the bracelet was worn and pulled the light ghost towards him.

Bai Yuhuai put down the bowl and instead carefully held the back of Jing Jiujiu's head, as if he was afraid that if he exerted too much force it would go through her.

He kissed Jing Jiujiu's lips.

Outside the tent, Ding Hanbing rolled up his sleeves in anger.

"Young Master Ding, young master, calm down!"

"The camera is here, don't fight, don't fight."

There was a huge quarrel.

In the tent, Jing Jiujiu was stunned.

He felt a fierce air rushing towards him, burning hot as if it was going to melt him.

He exhaled cool and gloomy air.

You can see Bai Yuhuai's overly handsome eyebrows and his long eyelashes.

Jing Jiujiu moved away slightly and said dryly: "I didn't get to drink it..."

He only felt the shape of Bai Yuhuai's mouth.

Bai Yuhuai's eyes flashed, and he pulled Jing Jiujiu back, kissed him again, and inserted his tongue... Jing Jiujiu was stunned for three seconds, then jumped away quickly.

He licked his lips.

“… I drank it.”

Although there was still no taste, he tasted it.

He actually drank it!

Jing Jiujiu sucked her tongue, and it seemed that some liquid really slid down her throat.

Bai Yuhuai sat there motionless like a rock, his face slightly flushed and veins bulging on his neck, as if he was trying hard to endure something.

He did not capture Jing Jiujiu back.

Jing Jiujiu carefully savored the rare and hard-earned taste of the past seven years. Although he ended up feeling lonely, he was still very happy.

He murmured, "So this is how I can actually drink something..."

Bai Yuhuai suddenly raised his head, feeling that there was something wrong with Jing Jiujiu's idea...

Jing Jiujiu said: "I know it!"

Bai Yuhuai:

Bai Yuhuai's eyelids twitched, and his original charm and emotion turned into panic in an instant.

Will Jing Jiujiu find someone else to feed him next time

Jing Jiujiu was so happy at the moment that he didn't care what Bai Yuhuai was thinking. He smacked his lips and thought, no wonder books and the Internet all say that kissing is a great thing...

Ghosts think it’s great too!

At this moment, the noisy sounds outside the tent suddenly stopped.

Jing Jiujiu poked her head out happily: "Did you guys have a fight just now?"

"No..." Ding Hanbing denied it flatly.

Yun Xin looked as if she had seen a ghost: "... last night's things happened again..."

Bai Yuhuai pulled the ball of fur on Jing Jiujiu's sweatshirt and pulled the boy back.

His eyes darkened for a moment.

He carefully looked at the boy's face again.

There is no change at all.

He is a ghost.

Bai Yuhuai couldn't leave any trace on his lips, and no one would know that he had just been so carried away that he kissed Jing Jiujiu.

Bai Yuhuai couldn't tell whether he felt lost or something else in his heart.

"Teacher Bai." Yin Mo called out in a deep voice.

Bai Yuhuai then collected his thoughts and paid some attention to the outside world.

"They probably thought it was night again." Bai Yuhuai said calmly, but he had no intention of leaving.

Yin Mo asked, "We're just going to watch?"

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

This Jing Jiujiu is still opening his mouth.

Seeing this, Ding Hanbing couldn't help but ask, "Jiujiu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Did those ghost messengers have any influence on him

Ding Hanbing stood up and went to find the little paper man for him to use.

Jing Jiujiu shook her head: "No..."

He touched his teeth, touched his tongue, and then touched his lips that were soft and red like petals...

Jing Jiujiu: "I feel like my throat hurts a bit..."

Jing Jiujiu frowned and pondered for a few seconds, then turned pale with shock and looked at Bai Yuhuai: "Did I absorb your Yang energy?"

Ding Hanbing and Yin Mo were equally shocked.

What the hell did Bai Yuhuai just do

They are in the tent...

Before they could get a result, Jian Suifan on the other end suddenly screamed.

Everyone turned their heads and saw the red figure bending down and coming in through the factory gate.

Everyone was stunned, and this time they didn't even have time to bite the puppet.

Yan Mo stood near where they camped and knocked on a broken door nearby.

Jing Jiujiu: "...quite polite."

The polite Yan Mo picked up a Jian Suifan and asked politely again: "He... is the offering? Can I... eat it?"

Jian Suifan: "Ahhh, there really is a ghost!"

Jing Jiujiu pointed at the old man outside the window who was kowtowing all over the mountain and whose eyes were bulging out of his head in fear: "He can eat it. But before he eats it, you have to ask him for me, does he know who made these puppets and paper figures?"

Jian Suifan:

Oh, you are sick. This is a ghost. Why are you still negotiating with him