Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 46: 050 (Catching Bugs)


"Master Tingyi, please."

"Take care, Mr. Bai."

"Send it to His Majesty King Yama."

The masters of metaphysics waited until they finished speaking before they slowly straightened up.

I felt as if I had finally gotten rid of the guy I couldn't afford to offend.

The bodies of Jing Tinghua and Taoist Qu Yi were taken away for cremation by professionals, and as for diplomatic representation, it was all handled by Bai Yuhuai.

Jing Jiujiu was still leaning in Bai Yuhuai's arms, and when it was time to get on the car, it was Bai Yuhuai who carried her in.

The young boy wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, he could only follow in silence towards the car.

Bai Yuhuai stretched out his hand and ruthlessly closed the door.

Young boy: “…”

Master Zhou hurriedly said from behind: "Come with us, we also want to go to Mr. Bai's place."

The young boy then followed them and turned around to get on another car.

As soon as I sat down, I heard someone knocking on the car window.

"What?" The young boy frowned.

Master Zhou reached out to open the window, and saw a little ghost crawling in.

The young boy's face darkened.

Master Zhou hurriedly said, "Hey, hey, don't move. This is Master Jing. Hey, the one next to your Mr. Bai. This is the ghost he raised! You heard it just now. You can't just do it..."

The young boy had no choice but to hold down the action.

After the little devil came in, he swaggered around and finally sat down at the feet of the young boy. And with this beginning, soon, one after another, they followed and came in through the window.

The young boy was so angry that his eyebrows almost flew off.

These little brats! They don't know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is!

Master Zhou had just witnessed such a terrifying scene, and he thought he had seen a bit of the world. He suppressed his trembling and said with a smile: "Oh, these little ghosts are quite sensible. They know that the young master is in a bad mood at the moment, so they didn't squeeze over to disturb him..."

The young boy snorted inwardly.

How can a bunch of little ghosts understand human nature

At this time, another little devil climbed onto his legs and sat down.

The young boy pulled the badge on its neck and said in surprise, "The Guiyun Sect badge is actually hanging on its neck!"

Master Zhou came closer to take a look: "... Oh, she has a name, Yuanyuan."

The young boy had a cold look on his face and picked up the kid upside down.

Master Zhou: "Hey, hey, don't do that. You are so ungentlemanly. Can't you tell that this kid is a little girl?"

Little boy:

The young boy froze there, then slowly loosened his grip and let the kid go.

The kid here was being very arrogant, but Jing Jiujiu on the other side still had her eyes closed and didn't move.

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes, gently placed one hand on the back of Jing Jiujiu's neck, pressed him into his arms, and then stopped moving.

When the photo of the two of them was secretly taken and posted all over the Internet, Xu Sanyu almost died on the spot.

"What should I do, Brother Xu?"

"Brother Bai's phone is still unreachable..."

In fact, the two of them were photographed on the day of Tao He's roadshow, but the news was only circulated in a small circle and was immediately suppressed by Bai Yuhuai's public relations team.

As a result, today, Bai Yuhuai didn’t even bring Xu Sanyu with him, and the photos suddenly appeared...

Xu Sanyu gave up struggling: "Forget it."

Sooner or later, there will be such a day...

Maybe one day, the child is born. No. Xu Sanyu patted his confused face and said seriously: "Brother Bai didn't answer the phone. In the photo, he was holding the young master in the car. I guess something happened... Don't disturb him."

Xu Sanyu said, took a breath, and said in a deep voice: "Let's be prepared for Brother Bai to publicly retire..."

The car arrived at Bai Yuhuai's villa.

Bai Yuhuai got out of the car holding Jing Jiujiu and walked in.

Just as the people behind him were about to follow, there was another "bang" sound, blocking them all outside.

Master Tingyi: "Amitabha. Please wait a moment."

The two of them, a bald man, and a group of little ghosts, just waited outside the door.

Bai Yuhuai knew that Jing Jiujiu needed to "sleep", so he put the boy into bed. But the next second, Jing Jiujiu opened her eyes by herself.

"Is everything Jing Tinghua said true?"

Bai Yuhuai opened his mouth.

But before he could answer, Jing Jiujiu spoke again. There was no emotion on his face, and even his tone was slow: "Some of what he said is true. When I was a child, he was very good to me."

Therefore, he never thought that his death might have been a premeditated plan.

"Maybe he really was in love with my dad, maybe he loved me sincerely..." Jing Jiujiu paused and said softly: "But, if a person tells too many lies, when he opens his mouth again, no one will believe him anymore."

The corners of his eyes turned red, and a line of bloody tears flowed down.

It should have been a horrifying scene, but in Bai Yuhuai's eyes, it was heartbreaking, and he felt as if his heart had suddenly fallen into a bottomless abyss.

He quickly knelt on the edge of the bed, with one hand on Jing Jiujiu's head. He bowed his head and whispered, "I didn't lie to you, I just didn't tell you before... I'm telling you now. I'm from Guiyun Sect. Do you remember there was a hot search before? Those who wear the same style of bracelets on their hands are all from Guiyun Sect."

Jing Jiujiu was stunned for a second: "...Huh?"

Two bloody tears stretched out the word "embarrassing" on his face.

Pathetic and funny.

But why would Bai Yuhuai find it funny at this moment

He raised his hand and stroked the corner of Jing Jiujiu's eyes, and whispered: "Although I am young in the sect, I have a high seniority. It is because I was born with golden light, so they regard me as the reincarnation of the first sect master."

Jing Jiujiu replied blankly: "Hmm... I heard him call you 'Grandmaster'."

Bai Yuhuai nodded and emphasized again: "I'm not that old."

Jing Jiujiu:

Jing Jiujiu: “Oh.”

In fact, even if Bai Yuhuai was five or six hundred years old, he would not think Bai Yuhuai was old.

He looks handsome and young, that's enough.

Bai Yuhuai was relieved when he saw that he did not show any disdain, and then he said calmly: "Guiyun Sect can't control my raising ghosts."

Jing Jiujiu: “Yeah.”

Bai Yuhuai pursed his lips and then asked, "Do you think Mr. Yu Ran's disappearance was not an accident?"

Jing Jiujiu: "In fact, my family never gave up looking for Dad until I died. Because his disappearance was so strange. Suddenly one day, this person seemed to be completely erased from your life. All traces of his life no longer exist. Only the memory in each of our minds can prove that he once existed.

"We called the police and checked the surveillance, but it was useless. Jing Tinghua said at the time that he would invite a Taoist priest to come to the house to take a look... So when I came out of the castle, the first person I suspected was him. I thought he was the one who did something to cause my father to disappear."

Speaking of this, a trace of confusion appeared on Jing Jiujiu's face.

"Then Guiyun Sect will come to look for it from now on." Bai Yuhuai said.

Jing Jiujiu shook her head and said, "I've thought of a way."

Probably because they were talking about what to do next, Jing Jiujiu slowly regained some spirit. He pushed Bai Yuhuai, got out of Bai Yuhuai's arms and sat down.

He lay on the edge of the bed, bent over, and took out the small robot from his backpack.

The little robot finally saw him and quickly soothed him in a cold mechanical voice: "Master, don't be sad."

Bai Yuhuai frowned: "What on earth is this?"

Jing Jiujiu held up the little robot: "It's an alien creature. It said so itself."

The little robot replied in a serious tone, "Yes."

Jing Jiujiu immediately asked it: "Why did you bind me in the first place?"

The light on the little robot's head flickered, and it asked back, "Are the humans around you trustworthy?"

If it remembered correctly, wasn't this the first human that the host wanted to intimidate

Jing Jiujiu tilted her head and asked, "Do you think he's powerful?"

The little robot hesitated for a moment.

The host has successfully intimidated countless creatures, but has not been able to successfully intimidate this man.

The little robot said: "Very impressive."

These words came from the mouth of the little robot, but to Bai Yuhuai's ears, it sounded as if Jing Jiujiu was praising him.

Bai Yuhuai pursed his lips and looked at the little robot, which he found much more pleasing to the eye.

"Yes." Jing Jiujiu nodded and said, "So I have taken refuge with him now. Do you think he is trustworthy?"

The little robot's light flickered, and it finally uttered two words: "Believe."

It says, “Because I trust you, I trust him.”

The little robot paused for a moment, then spoke: "The reason I bound you in the first place was because I used my remaining energy to detect that within this range, your desire to do something was the strongest."

"Only in this way will you actively cooperate with me to complete the task." said the little robot.

Jing Jiujiu changed her sitting position and said, "Well, that is to say, you detect my will first, and then the task system issues tasks according to my will... After the task is finally completed, I will fulfill my will, and you will gain energy from it."


"I have left the castle, and I think I should make a new wish."

"Huh?" The little robot was stunned.

Jing Jiujiu closed her eyes: "Now, have you detected it?"

The little robot stopped talking. The electricity on its face flickered and became chaotic. Finally, the little robot made a mechanical sound: "Do you want to find Mr. Yu Ran?"

A slight smile appeared on Jing Jiujiu's face.

The system can indeed detect it!

Jing Jiujiu: “Yes.”

The system quickly worked out the task flow.

The voice of the little robot sounded again: "Next, you have to complete six intimidation tasks and find the lost site of the god, then you can find Mr. Yu Ran."

Jing Jiujiu pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes and eyebrows sparkling: "Well, how many items have been completed now?"

The little robot paused and said, "You are very efficient. You have now completed progress four. I have also absorbed enough powerful energy from it. In half a month, you will see an upgraded me."

Jing Jiujiu nodded: "Yeah!"

It really is useful!

If no one in the world knows where Dad is, then the system must know! As long as you provide it with your wishes, it can set tasks for you, allowing you to achieve your goals and also achieve itself.

It is something from outer space, it does not belong here, and its power is far beyond this world!

What is a puzzle to others is just a cold procedure to it!

Jing Jiujiu turned her head and looked at Bai Yuhuai: "...Okay, I'm going to take a nap and then go find the lost site of the god!"

Bai Yuhuai moved his lower lip, and couldn't help but marvel at the boy's mind: "Jiujiu... is very smart."

Jing Jiujiu: "Yeah, I think so too!"

After saying that, he snuggled back into bed and continued to slowly digest those negative emotions.

Bai Yuhuai didn't move. He just sat there, watching him close his eyes quietly.

Even though they all knew that ghosts would not fall asleep.

But the tranquility of this moment is still moving.

Master Zhou downstairs pushed the door carefully, only to find that the door had been opened without him noticing.

Only then were they able to enter.

After a while, Xu Sanyu also arrived.

Everyone looked at each other, sat down on the sofa, and waited quietly for Bai Yuhuai to come downstairs.

On the other side, in the Jing Building.

A person dressed as a secretary made another call, but the other end received a busy tone.

"Secretary Liu, you haven't left yet?" Someone outside greeted him.

Secretary Liu forced a smile: "Well, it's just a small matter."

Secretary Liu quickly took out two file bags from the cabinet, took them with him, called the lawyer, and rushed to the bank before the sun completely set.

"Yeah, that's right, just stop with these cards."

"Our lawyers will contact you for the follow-up handover."


Secretary Liu walked out and stood in the afterglow of the setting sun, feeling dazed for a moment.

It's over, it's all over...

It was not until the next day that they waited for Bai Yuhuai to come downstairs.

Master Zhou asked eagerly, "Where is the young master?"

Bai Yuhuai pulled his pocket, revealing a wilted little paper man with his head drooping and his thin claws swaying in the wind.

Master Zhou:

Master Zhou carefully shook hands with Jing Jiujiu: "How did the young master become like this..."

Master Tingyi said: "That is his temporary body. When living in it, you can save the consumption of strength and soul."

Master Zhou: “Oh oh oh.”

Anyway, I didn’t understand a word, so I’ll just say “oh” first and that’s it.

The young boy looked at him with a complicated expression but didn't say much.

The bun on his head is gone.

Maybe I'm not very good at tying the knot, so after getting up, I just let it hang loose.

Xu Sanyu was listening nearby and had a lot of questions in his mind.

What what what? You told me this is Jingjiujiu

Xu Sanyu stood up, rubbed his hands and said, "Brother Bai, have you seen the trending searches?"

Bai Yuhuai: "My phone is broken."

Xu Sanyu:

Xu Sanyu slapped his thigh and said, "If I had known this earlier, I would have called the young master!"

"Just tell me, what's the matter?"

Xu Sanyu immediately offered his mobile phone.

Bai Yuhuai paused after taking a glance.

Jing Jiujiu finally regained some energy and climbed up Bai Yuhuai's clothes, climbed onto his shoulders, and finally settled on his wrist.

Xu Sanyu: Fuck!

Fuck fuck fuck!

Xu Sanyu: "Brother Bai, the paper man can move..."

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

Bai Yuhuai stared at the screen of his phone, which showed a photo of him covering Jing Jiujiu's eyes, and a photo of him hugging Jing Jiujiu...

The shot was pretty good, even the lighting was just right.

In this huge world, it seemed as if there were only him and Jing Jiujiu left.

Bai Yuhuai moved his fingers and instinctively saved the photo, then he remembered that this was Xu Sanyu's phone.

"Send me a new phone." Bai Yuhuai returned the phone.

Xu Sanyu:

Is that it

“What should I do next… ? Make it public or…” Xu Sanyu’s heart was in his throat, wondering whether his career would end young or last long, the decision would be made here.

Bai Yuhuai sighed softly.

He wanted to make it public, but the fact was that Jing Jiujiu's love for him was not deep enough and they were far from being in a relationship.

Bai Yuhuai said calmly: "Just say... it's a child at home."

Xu Sanyu: "Just... just like that?"

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

The real kid from Guiyun Sect pouted, turned around, and let the little ghost take a bite of him.

Bai Yuhuai then turned his gaze away and asked, "Bai Fu, what are you doing here?"

The young boy Bai Fu bowed first, then said: "I received a letter from Taoist Qu Yi, and my uncle ordered me to go down the mountain to gain experience."

Xu Sanyu was confused again when he saw this scene.

What, does the kid still need some experience

Bai Fu paused, and then said, "My uncle also asked me to find my great master and pass a letter to him."

After saying that, Bai Fu took out a letter from his chest and handed it over.

Bai Yuhuai reached out and took it.

Seeing that he had no say, Xu Sanyu walked aside in a daze and contacted the public relations team.

Bai Yuhuai's brows gradually frowned, but soon smoothed out again.

"So many people are missing... How come no one in the circle has ever mentioned this?"

Bai Fu said: "They are all people of metaphysics who have no sect or organization to belong to. Most of them don't even have many relatives or friends. If they disappear, they disappear."

Although he is young, he speaks like an adult.

After hearing this, Jing Jiujiu jumped up, kicked Bai Yuhuai in the face, and pounced on Bai Fu's soft and scattered hair.

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

Bai Fu: Oh!

It dares to kick Master in the face!

Jing Jiujiu asked loudly: "Did it disappear without a trace?"

Bai Fu whispered, "Yes."

Jing Jiujiu suddenly crawled out from the paper mannequin.

Xu Sanyu: “…”

Thank you I'm about to faint.

Jing Jiujiu: "Isn't it similar to the way my father disappeared?"

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

Bai Fu said: "Master suspects that Chaos ate them."

Jing Jiujiu:

Jing Jiujiu suddenly remembered something: "Ah... Did we forget about Lin Zhi in the hotel in the mining town?"

The little robot in the backpack:

Why did I feel relieved and touched when I thought that I was not the only one left behind by the host

"How big of a chaos would it be to be able to devour so many people?" Bai Yuhuai said calmly as he folded the letter in his hand.

Xu Sanyu was fiddling with his phone on the other end. He paused, looked up and said, "Brother Bai, your scandal is not a big deal for now..." "It was just trending on the Internet, saying that the CEO of Jing Corporation died suddenly."

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai responded.

Xu Sanyu: "? Why aren't you surprised at all?"

Xu Sanyu: "No, that's still Jiujiu's father, right...?" As he said that, he quickly looked at Jing Jiujiu.

Bai Yuhuai said calmly: "We dealt with his body yesterday."

Xu Sanyu:!

Xu Sanyu: "No wonder you didn't show up yesterday..."

Jing Jiujiu interrupted, "Won't the stock price fall if the news of his death is released so quickly?"

Normally, shouldn't you cover it up first

Xu Sanyu was stunned and said, "This... I don't know."

He is not proficient in these things.

On the other side, Boss Jing fell in the bathroom, and his fat body broke the glass door of the bathroom. The fragments were scattered all over the floor and embedded all over his body.

He staggered and struggled and crawled out of the bathroom.

His wife heard the noise and hurried over to support him, while using her other hand she started dialing the emergency number.

Boss Jing was shaking like a sieve: "Jing Tinghua is dead, he must be dead, so the curse began to fall on me... I didn't expect that we couldn't escape even if we hid here... Ah ah!"

Soon an ambulance arrived and carried Boss Jing into the car. When asked if Boss Jing's wife was willing to go, the woman waved her hands in fear: "No, I won't go..."

She didn't dare go out!

The paramedic muttered something strange but took the person away anyway.

As a result, there was another minor car accident on the road. A small van hit them, just in time for Boss Jing to fall out of the hospital bed. His head hit the wall of the car, and his face was immediately covered with blood.

The look of fear on Boss Jing's face became even more intense, and he even forgot to cry out in pain.

After entering the hospital, Boss Jing quickly handed a card to the nurse: "Quick, transfer me to the best ICU and find the best doctor for me..."

The nurse nodded and took it, but after a while, she came back and said, "Mr. Jing, your card can't be used to pay."

"Impossible, impossible, try something else..."

After the nurse tried all of them, she asked again, "Do you have a medical insurance card? Or I can transfer you to a public hospital. Is that okay?"

Boss Jing felt severe pain all over his body. He could only murmur, "Impossible... No! No, it's possible! Jing Tinghua is such a selfish person! He won't even leave the money to us after his death... He wants to destroy everything! He wants us to die! He won't even give us a chance to turn things around..."

"He's crazy!"

“Ahh…” Boss Jing wailed, fell off the bed, rolled a few times on the ground, and slowly became silent.

The nurse screamed in fear and ran out in a hurry: "Someone come..."

The death of Boss Jing was too distorted, his eyeballs bulged out, his hands and feet seemed to be twisted by an invisible force, and his body was covered in blood, just like a live pig that was tied up and placed on the altar in ancient times...

Jing Tinghua didn't want to go down this path, so he would rather be killed or commit suicide.

He was arrogant, domineering and selfish. He had managed to get through the first half of his life with great difficulty. How could he allow himself to die in such a undignified way

Even though Boss Jing knew that he would die such a miserable death, he couldn't bring himself to commit suicide.

There was a knock on the door of Bai Yuhuai's villa.

"Who?" Bai Yuhuai asked coldly.

A slightly trembling voice came from outside the door: "I am... Mr. Jing's secretary."

Bai Yuhuai's eyes moved: "Open the door."

Master Zhou went over and opened the door.

Secretary Liu walked in with a folder. He raised his head timidly and looked at the evil spirit who had been dead for seven years, the young master of the Jing family.

At this time, Jing Jiujiu was still taking the statue out.

First was the statue of Yan Mo, still placed in front of the offering incense.

Then there is the evil god of the castle.

Secretary Liu shuddered when he saw this.

Finally, there is the Four-Faced Evil God.

Liu Mi's chest tightened, and he intuitively felt that the young man was so beautiful that he was evil and overwhelming.

He was sweating all over, but he still whispered: "... You will be the only heir to Mr. Jing's estate."

Jing Tinghua is a selfish and narrow-minded person.

The current Mrs. Jing and Jing Long only lived with him for a few years.

So he didn't leave them a penny, and his cruelty was written into his bones.

Secretary Liu said in a trembling voice: "Here are some handover documents. Your household registration seems to have been restored, and your death status has been changed. To outsiders, you are a living person. ... Mr. Jing said that if he died, it must be the time when you became particularly powerful. You are a fierce ghost, and you have already died, and you are no longer troubled by the evil god's curse. All the assets of the Jing family are in your hands, and there will be no problems or troubles..."

If Secretary Liu had a pair of yin-yang eyes, he should be able to see at this moment that there was a spiritual consciousness trembling slightly in the four-faced evil Buddha statue held in Jing Jiujiu's hand.

The boy is so scary!

Yesterday he found a bunch of statues of gods and a bunch of people with great powers, surrounded him, and made an example of him by killing a chicken to scare the monkeys!

He would never dare to mess with the boy again!

The dignity of the gods is nothing big!

Let him go east, and he will go east! Let him go west, and he will go west!