Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 5


Bai Yuhuai stood in front of the door for a few seconds.

Jing Jiujiu looked at him and asked, "Is there anyone outside the door?"


Jing Jiujiu was nervous at first, but soon realized that I was the ghost and they were afraid of me!

So he sat more firmly and more confidently in bed.

Bai Yuhuai didn't want others to see ghosts. It would easily cause trouble, and once it got out of control, he would kill the boy.

"Wait a moment." Bai Yuhuai said, opened the door with his backhand and walked out.

"Everyone is very tired today. You two should go back first. We can talk about it later if there is anything." Bai Yuhuai frowned slightly, looking tired.

Of course, he didn't get the trophy for nothing.

He doesn't need to express too much emotion to make people feel that he is like a taut bow, cold, sharp and tired, and needs to relax and rest.

Of course Lao Cao and the other two didn't dare to disturb them again, and could only return disappointed.

"Is there some evil creature threatening Emperor Bai Ying?" Lao Cao thought about it and still felt uneasy, "Should we go and ask a magician?"

Ji Meng was silent for a moment, and said: "Actually there is another possibility."


"The person who was having a private meeting with Brother Bai was neither from the program team nor a guest MC. She was someone else from outside."

Old Cao was immediately enlightened by him and murmured, "How skillful must this person be? The little star who tried to impress the actor Bai on the red carpet last time was soon eliminated in the Nantianmen."

After hearing the second half of the sentence, Ji Meng's heart sank, but he didn't say anything more.

While Bai Yuhuai was talking outside the door, Jing Jiujiu was so bored that she closed her eyes in the room and had all the chandeliers on the second floor swapped. The round ones were replaced with square ones, the big ones were replaced with small ones, the brass ones were replaced with crystal ones...

Bai Yuhuai pushed the door open again, and Jing Jiujiu opened her eyes quickly.

A lamp on the second floor was not replaced in time and it fell to the ground and broke into pieces, scaring Lao Cao and another person who were passing by.

"It's really been in disrepair for a long time..." Lao Cao patted his chest and comforted himself.

"Are you going to bed?" asked Jing Jiujiu from upstairs.

Bai Yuhuai nodded, but walked to the sofa and lay down.

Jing Jiujiu was not disappointed either. She also lay down and burrowed deeper into the quilt, muttering softly, "I seem to hear someone saying that my house is in disrepair..."

How could Jing Jiujiu tolerate such groundless accusations

He closed his eyes and started repairing the house.

"Sister Yun, did you hear any sound?" Kong Xiangqi asked in a trembling voice.

In order to avoid the situation last night, Kong Xiangqi and Yun Xin slept in the same room. Yun Xin turned over with difficulty on the other side of the bed: "There is... like, a knocking sound?"

"Boom boom boom"

"Bang, bang, bang"

Whether light or heavy, it seemed as if the castle came alive.

There is nothing more terrifying than seeing a ghost in broad daylight. The two of them didn't even dare to stand up to confirm whether the noises were deliberately made by the production crew. They just tried to close their eyes tightly, thinking that there was someone beside them, and they felt much more relieved.

The male MCs on the other side were not much better.

Yu Shaoguang had dark circles under his eyes and sighed, "Why do I feel like we won't be here for 18 days and we have to give in and go home... Wasn't the program group's routine quite regular in the past? Why is there no distinction between day and night this time?"

Lao Cao also had a gloomy face: "Why don't we just not sleep tomorrow and fight to the end... just to see if the production team has done something?"

As soon as Lao Cao finished speaking, the sound of knocking gongs rang out outside their window.

It sounded like there were knocks, or like something was rapping at the door.

The less we know what the sounds are, the more our brains will make endless associations...

"No, how about I go out and take a look."

"The more terrifying the noise, the more likely it is that the program team has buried clues to the decryption."

Lao Cao sat up suddenly and walked out.

Bai Yuhuai, who was lying on the sofa, also fully felt the sound of the Yin energy running around in the room and flying up and down.

No one would dare to play like this under his nose.

Bai Yuhuai couldn't bear it any longer and sat up suddenly.

"Are you awake?" Jing Jiujiu stretched her head to stare at him, and asked very considerately, "Have you had enough sleep?"

The chaotic evil energy stopped briefly, and the iron hammer, which had lost control, hit the ground heavily with a "bang" at the moment Lao Cao opened the door. Lao Cao was so frightened that he turned around and flew onto Yu Shaoguang.

"Fuck! Was this really done by the production team?"

“Why is the style different from before?”

Lao Cao felt like crying but had no tears.

Bai Yuhuai was listening to the noisy noise downstairs while seeing Jing Jiujiu's extremely serious face in front of him.

Never mind... He probably doesn't even know what he's doing.

Bai Yuhuai moved his lips: "... Well, I woke up suddenly." Bai Yuhuai lay down again.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Jing Jiujiu asked.

Bai Yuhuai responded perfunctorily: "Yeah."

Being with him, the ghost is actually more likely to have nightmares.

"Are you scared now?" Jing Jiujiu's voice rang in his ears the next moment.

Bai Yuhuai turned his head and saw Jing Jiujiu squatting beside the sofa.

The boy asked so earnestly that Bai Yuhuai couldn't help but doubt whether he was trying to scare him on purpose, or maybe the boy simply forgot that he was a ghost and teleported over here.

Bai Yuhuai considered it for a moment and said, "A little bit at a time."

A little bit of fear is still fear!

It turns out this person can also be afraid!

Jing Jiujiu seemed to have found an ally, and suddenly felt that she was not so embarrassed anymore.

"Then you continue to sleep. I'll watch you and you won't be afraid." Jing Jiujiu said.

All the boy's words seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, and he spoke them slowly and gently.

Maybe he really didn't realize that he was a ghost, and he actually comforted him instead.

The boy still looked like the well-mannered young master from a wealthy family when he died.

Bai Yuhuai closed his eyes thinking about this and decided not to expose him for causing the evil spirit to run rampant throughout the room.

Jing Jiujiu lay on the edge of the sofa and stared at the man's face more seriously.

There is certainly nothing more chilling than falling asleep with a ghost staring at you!

He will definitely have an even more horrible nightmare soon!

That's great!

The clock quickly pointed to four o'clock in the afternoon.

In order to gather enough editing materials, the MCs, who had a restless nap, had to get up.

Bai Yuhuai also opened his eyes.

Jing Jiujiu was a little disappointed.

He didn't look like he was having a nightmare at all...

Bai Yuhuai didn't expect that this little ghost was so serious. He said he would watch him sleep, and he watched him until he woke up.

At this moment, the boy was still looking at him eagerly.

Bai Yuhuai hesitated for a moment, then raised his eyes and said to Jing Jiujiu, "I slept very well."

No nightmares.

He doesn't have nightmares at all.

The boy should be able to rest assured.

Jing Jiujiu: “…Oh.”

Is it so shameful to be a ghost

Not only did he not have a nightmare, he slept even better!


Try to scare him by entering his dream next time!

Jing Jiujiu sharpened her pointed little fangs, then turned around and walked away unhappily.

Bai Yuhuai quickly washed up and went downstairs.

On the previous day, the actor Bai, who seemed a bit cold and unsociable, suddenly took the lead that afternoon. The others only had a vague feeling of this, but no one found it strange. The previous day, perhaps, they were just too unfamiliar. It was already good that the actor Bai could lower himself to get along with them.

Bai Yuhuai led them to find many clues placed by the program team.

Several MCs finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least the program progress was not delayed.

"Hey, this symbol... Have we seen it in the basement before?" Kong Xiangqi asked in confusion.

Lao Cao took a closer look and said, "Now that you mention it, I think I saw it on the other wall as well."


"It's where we found the code box. It looks like a laundry room. I see a small elevator with a laundry basket inside."

"Is there a fish tank underneath?" Yu Shaoguang laughed.

The atmosphere became much more relaxed at this time.

"Probably not." Kong Xiangqi said, pushing open the table under the symbol.

Then she paused.

Yu Shaoguang: “Fuck!”

Yu Shaoguang: “There really is a fish tank!”

"This is weird... weird." Kong Xiangqi swallowed hard.

Ji Meng looked at Bai Yuhuai for help: "How about Brother Bai take a look? We really can't think of any clues that the production team could leave on it."

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes and said calmly: "I don't know either."

"Why don't we go back to the laundry room and see if there is a fish tank there as well?" Kong Xiangqi suggested.

Bai Yuhuai didn't say anything.

He had seen it a long time ago.

He led them to find clues, not because he had much interest in the decryption part designed by the program team. He just wanted to find the fish tank.

In the main building of the castle, in the underground floors of the four corners, where light cannot reach, there is a fish tank, and above the fish tanks are painted the same symbols.

This confirms Bai Yuhuai's guess.

Several MCs searched again, but still found nothing.

They didn't dare move the fish tank easily.

Bai Yuhuai didn't want them to touch these things, so he said lightly: "I don't know how long it has been placed in a dark place. It is very likely to be contaminated with bacteria."

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and no longer wanted to touch it.

Soon it was night again.

Bai Yuhuai went upstairs alone with the food. Everyone guessed that he might be reading the script again, so no one disturbed him.

It’s better to skip the ghost story telling session tonight to avoid being more scared at night!

Bai Yuhuai went up to the third floor and opened the door.

The room was empty.

Bai Yuhuai frowned slightly, closed his eyes, and then opened them again. This ensured that he could see things that were not easily visible.

… No.

The room was still empty.

The boy left

Bai Yuhuai turned around and knocked on Jing Jiujiu's bedroom door. After knocking three times, he immediately pushed it open.

I saw Jing Jiujiu sitting on his bed, watching "Tom and Jerry".

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

But on second thought, he was still young when he died, so it's normal for him to feel bored.

It is hard to imagine how he managed to stay in this castle for years without electricity...

Jing Jiujiu heard the sound of the door opening, but ignored Bai Yuhuai.

It was Bai Yuhuai who took the initiative to walk up to him and asked, "Would you like to have dinner?"

He still treats me as a human being.

Jing Jiujiu turned her head, glanced at the plate in his hand, and shook her head.

Bai Yuhuai was not polite and sat down on the sofa opposite. While slowly enjoying his dinner, he asked calmly, "Did you know that there are Feng Shui fish in the basement of this castle?"

"Feng Shui fish?" Jing Jiujiu's attention was drawn to it, and she asked in confusion, "What is that?"

He really didn't know.

The fork in Bai Yuhuai's hand paused.

"These fish are raised in places where they cannot see the sun from a young age. They are fed raw meat, not fish feed. Then they are slowly fed with raw meat and then carrion. The more tragic the death, the better. This is the only way to raise a natural Yin body."

Jing Jiujiu got goosebumps after hearing this.

It's so disgusting.

His whole face was scrunched up.

Who keeps something this disgusting in his castle

His house is so dirty!

Bai Yuhuai looked at his expression and saw that he was not frightened, so he continued, "Water represents wealth. Water with fish is living water, which symbolizes the endless flow of wealth. Therefore, since ancient times, there has been a custom of hanging fish and water paintings at home, or placing fish tanks under the patio. But without the guidance of a Feng Shui master, it only serves a symbolic purpose."

"And this Feng Shui fish is carefully designed."

"It's just that it's not placed in your own home, but in the home of your enemy."

"It will constantly drain the fortune of the owner of the house. Once the fortune is drained, it will drain the negative energy. The cycle continues. If you are generous, you can even bring prosperity to an entire family."

This thing is not just ordinary evil.

Jing Jiujiu was stunned.

Bai Yuhuai took a look. The boy's face was pale, and he looked even more frail. … How could someone use such a sinister thing on such a beautiful, fragile, and unbearable boy

Bai Yuhuai paused, then put down the fork in his hand.

When the boy comes to his senses, he will probably be so scared that he will throw himself into his arms again.