Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 55


Just as the young man said, when a ray of light flashed across the words on the sign, Guiyunmen knew it immediately.

Why does Guiyunmen have such a high status in the metaphysical circle

If we interpret the masters of metaphysics as those who have read Feng Shui metaphysics thoroughly and know how to read faces, consecrate things, resolve disasters and catch ghosts.

Then Guiyunmen is more like an existence that can communicate with gods.

Guiyun Sect is far superior to them!

This brand is a little gadget from Guiyun Sect.

But the message it conveys is not small.

Bai Fu sat cross-legged in the room for half an hour, trying to find the so-called spiritual energy that his uncle mentioned.

As a result, the spiritual energy was not found, but the people below rushed in anxiously.

"There's a sign in our sect that's moving. It seems like someone in our sect is in danger..."

When Bai Fu heard this, he immediately stood up and went to where the sign was placed.

Why should his subordinates report it to him

The main reason is that although Bai Fu is young, he is a direct disciple of Guiyun Sect.

All the uncles, uncles, and wives above him... don't care about anything.

The old masters happily assigned the chores to their younger disciples, so Bai Fu developed an appearance of being mature beyond his years.

Bai Fu stepped out of the door, still missing the Grand Master's wife a little bit in his heart.

Since that day, after he and his uncles and aunts had explained it to each other... they all stayed indoors. Alas, in the end, they didn't say whether they would visit the Grand Master's wife in the future...

"Look, here it is."

Bai Fu looked up when he heard the sound, and saw a huge sign with countless dots on it. These dots were connected together like a star network.

But the star network is gray, with only one dot flashing on it.

Bai Fu took a closer look, his face changed slightly: "The sign corresponding to this point was originally taken away by the master. Quick, go and inform the uncle master and the others..."


The old guys who were originally in seclusion all gathered together and started a discussion about whether the master was in danger outside and what kind of powerful thing could put the master in danger...

Bai Fu sat on the steps outside the door and sighed quietly: "... I have been thinking about it for so many years, but I still don't understand spiritual energy. I don't know where I learned the bureaucratic habits. Meetings take three hours..."

Bai Fu despised.

The other end.

The Chaos were completely obedient to Jing Jiujiu and Bai Yuhuai.

Jing Jiujiu turned around and said to Bai Yuhuai, "Let's go home."

Little robot:

Little robot: "Wait, the task is not completed yet."

Jing Jiujiu nodded: "Yes, but I found my dad."

The little robot opened its mouth and then drooped it dejectedly. Uh, its head was stiff and couldn't droop.

That's right... I've already received the reward, so what's the point of completing it

It's just...

Jing Jiujiu couldn't help but mutter, "Why is it one-half?"

"What?" Bai Yuhuai asked.

The task of finding the divine site is halfway completed, just like suddenly stopping in the middle of a sentence.

Jing Jiujiu looked at the towering palace in front of her and couldn't figure out where the other half of the divine site should be.

Forget it, let’s go home first.

Jing Jiujiu doesn't like this place very much.

Yu Ran came over and asked in a low voice: "Are you ready to go back?"

Jing Jiujiu nodded and said, "The body has been rebuilt, Master Zhou's son has been found, and his father has also been found." When she said this, the light in Jing Jiujiu's eyes brightened slightly.

Yu Ran's expression softened instantly.

Jing Jiujiu suddenly remembered something when she said this: "Oh, but there is one more thing... Master Zhou's daughter-in-law and granddaughter also died at the hands of the evil god. Bai Yuhuai and I speculated that someone, perhaps the ancestor of Taoist Qu Yi, deliberately released a lot of evil god statues into the market... We don't know how many people have suffered this fate."

Yu Ran's face turned cold for a moment, but then he became gentle again: "Zizi, do you want to find them one by one?"

"… Let's find it. Otherwise, how many people will end up like me, like Master Zhou, with their families torn apart?"

"You are such a kind kid." Yu Ran pursed his lips.

He can now touch Jing Jiujiu, and everything else is out of his consideration.

Yu Ran whispered, "I'll let Chaos take you and me home together, okay?"

go home together.

Jing Jiujiu pursed her lips and responded softly: "Yeah."

The little robot sitting in the backpack was very anxious.

Just leave like that

Jing Jiujiu turned her head and glanced into the distance in the chaotic world.

There, one could vaguely glimpse many twisted and struggling ghosts... They were all characters like Master Zhou's son.

Jing Jiujiu felt a little regretful: "There is no way to get rid of these ghosts, but that river... can it be spit out directly? If it is spit out, will the underworld be able to recover?"

"It's not that easy." Bai Yuhuai whispered, "It's not a river in the Yang world. If it's spit out, Yin Qi will overflow, the river water will flow backwards, and the sun and moon will also turn upside down..."

Jing Jiujiu had to give up the idea.

Yu Ran silently scanned their looks, and saw that no matter what weird words Jing Jiujiu said, Bai Yuhuai would respond in a low voice and tell him the story carefully... The unhappiness in his heart was reduced a bit.

Such a huge chaos cannot be moved easily.

It grows here, almost merging with the mountains and forests. It has not changed its shape for a long time, and its belly is filled with land and palaces... It has become a small world.

So Jing Jiujiu chose Hun Dun who had captured them.

The chaos took them in its stomach and carried them away from the endless mountains and forests.

How could it have imagined that

How come we have to return the people we have captured? No, we have to transport them even further...

This way we go to Beijing City.

A group of old men and women over there finally finished their meeting and went down the mountain.

In Bai Yuhuai's villa.

"Have you found them all?"


"Then retreat."

"Wait a minute." Someone laughed, "This is where the people from Guiyun Sect live."

"so what?"

"Not really. I just want to say that if I can take a few things from Guiyun Sect, wouldn't it be worth it?"

The Taoist priest said coldly: "I have already checked it out. There are very few metaphysical items here. Except for the sign on the little ghost's neck, nothing belongs to Guiyun Sect."

The young man held the little ghost Yuanyuan in one hand and sneered, "This Mr. Bai really values the ghost he raises... I heard that it is Jing Tinghua's son. He used it to worship the evil god in his early years."

Someone behind him also responded, "I've seen the photo." He smiled softly, with a hint of something else in his voice, "It's pretty good."

"Does the evil god like beautiful people?" someone asked curiously.

The Taoist priest whispered, "A person has many kinds of luck. Beauty is his luck, intelligence is also his luck, wealth, health and so on are all his luck... The son of the Jing family is equivalent to taking the best luck in the world. Do you think the evil god likes such tributes?"

The young man replied: "I like them all."

They chatted briefly, opened the door, and prepared to walk out in a swagger.

But at this moment, there was a slight "click" sound.

"what sound?"


“Who’s filming us?!”

They instinctively shrank back.

"Have you forgotten that Bai Yuhuai is a celebrity? He might just be a paparazzi... It doesn't matter, let's go!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they heard the sound of a police siren coming closer and closer.

“…” Their scalps tingled and they turned around at the same time, hiding in the villa without thinking.

They are afraid of being associated with the police.

Police officers inherit the upright and righteous spirit between heaven and earth.

Ordinary insidious means cannot hurt them.

If they were to run into them head-on, they might even have to go to jail. After all, none of them had clean records.

They hurriedly found the basement of the villa, hid inside, and drew several talismans and placed them at the door.

However, they didn't expect that there were already many paparazzi who were keeping an eye on Bai Yuhuai's movements. As soon as the police car arrived, countless media rushed over.

Even started live streaming online.

"Mr. Bai is going out on his honeymoon, right?"

"Is there a thief here?"

"May I ask who called the police?"

A group of people hid in the basement, listening to the noise outside becoming increasingly lively.

"Are you sick? Why are there so many people? How can we run?"

"Kill them all?"

"You're crazy! If you kill them all, the country will target you! Do you really think you've become a god now? Once the bullet hits you, you'll die!"

"Is this a fucking celebrity? Are there so many people around celebrities?"

They never thought that such a meticulous deployment would be ruined by the paparazzi!

"Don't worry, they will leave naturally if they can't find anyone." The Taoist priest said in a deep voice.

They waited until the next day.

When the sky just brightened, a group of people wearing white, fairy-like clothes like those in ancient costume dramas came to Bai Yuhuai's villa.

The reporters, who had originally felt bored, suddenly perked up again.

"Hey, who are you?"

"They are all old men and women, practicing Tai Chi?"

"Why are you practicing Tai Chi in front of someone's door... What the hell?!"

They opened their mouths wide and watched as the group of elderly people, dressed in uniform, seemed to step on something light and floated over the wall so easily.

The elderly people all looked solemn and took out papers and wood from their pockets.

To them, that door was meaningless.

They walked steadily into the door, and the murderous aura around them became increasingly strong.



Did you see a ghost

The old men and women stopped in front of the basement door, leaned over and knocked on the door easily, destroying the rune.

"Give us back our master!" they shouted.

The person inside was so startled that he fell down.

The door slowly opened, and people inside and outside finally met.

When the people from Guiyun Sect looked over, they saw little ghosts all over the ground!

How insidious!

He was carrying several statues of gods on his back. Could they have been stolen

It’s really infuriating!

The people inside were suddenly frightened.

Guiyun Sect... All the old guys from Guiyun Sect are here!

Isn't it just a little ghost

"Bai Yuhuai... Bai Yuhuai is not here!" Someone couldn't resist such power and whispered in defense.

"Nonsense!" Grandmaster shook his sleeves and said angrily.

"If you don't believe me, ask this little devil! It was raised by Bai Yuhuai!"

The master looked over angrily.

Yuanyuan took the opportunity to bite the young man again, and screamed in her throat: "Get... out! Don't touch... my mother's things!"

The old men and women were all stunned.

"This... Master has become a mother?"

"What? You even had a baby with a ghost?"

"Junior sister, please don't faint yet! Be patient!"

The reporter was scratching his ears and cheeks outside, unable to hear anything. At this moment, he saw a huge dark cloud that was big enough to cover the sky and the sun suddenly fly over.

Bai Yuhuai sat in the mouth of chaos and glanced down: "… Something happened at home."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Yuhuai jumped straight up.

The corners of his coat were blown by the wind, like a swift and sharp eagle spreading its wings.

Not to mention the reporters who didn't react, even Jing Jiujiu opened her mouth slightly in astonishment and instinctively clenched her fingers.

Bai Yuhuai landed steadily, without even looking at the chaos around him, and stepped into the gate in three or two steps.

There's something about the alcohol in it.

Bai Yuhuai's eyes were grim.

And those little devils.

It was all built up little by little with alcohol.

In the chaos, Jing Jiujiu clenched her fingers tightly.

And at this moment, a buzzing sound rang in his head.

The host's new wish has been detected, and a new task is being generated...

Mission 1: Rebuilding the Underworld

Mission 2: Rebuilding the Sacred Site

Mission Reward: Obtain the Body of a God

Jing Jiujiu:

What do I need this thing for

The system voice seemed to know what he was thinking. It spoke out the vulgar flavor of a middle-aged man in a cold tone: It won't hurt no matter how many times you do it.

Jing Jiujiu:

Was this the wish that was on my mind when I saw Bai Yuhuai jumping down just now? ?

Jing Jiujiu was stunned by herself.