Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 6


Jing Jiujiu silently turned off Tom and Jerry: "I'm going to sleep."

He turned around and tried to get under the quilt, but found that there was no quilt in his bedroom.

Bai Yuhuai's quilts were all brought by others.

Bai Yuhuai responded, "Then go to sleep." Then he stood up with the food tray.

Jing Jiujiu slid down from the bed again and followed behind Bai Yuhuai. Bai Yuhuai did not say anything else, nor did he ask him what he was going to do. He just acquiesced to the boy following him back to the room.

After seeing the quilt, Jing Jiujiu crawled into it again, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

But how can a ghost truly sleep

Bai Yuhuai was sitting not far away and could clearly see Jing Jiujiu's gently trembling eyelashes.

But he stubbornly didn't open his eyes.

Perhaps it was in this way that he was struggling to digest Bai Yuhuai's words.

Jing Jiujiu's sleep was particularly long.

The MCs finally regained a night of peace and had a good sleep, which prevented them from dying suddenly at the program recording site.

When she woke up the next morning, Kong Xiangqi stared at the ceiling and said, "Why do I feel like the chandelier in my room has changed its shape?"

"You think too much." Yu Shaoguang regained his energy, rolled up his sleeves, and revealed his muscles underneath. "Will the ghost help you change the style of the chandelier? Are they afraid that you don't like the crystal chandelier?"

Kong Xiangqi thought about it and stopped talking.

Ji Meng came out with the cleaned bowl and asked, "Why hasn't Brother Bai come down yet?"

"Yeah. It's getting a little late today. Who's going to knock on Brother Bai's door?"

The third day at Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Bai Yuhuai sat on the sofa, slowly flipping through the script in his hands.

Jing Jiujiu had just gotten up from the bed, her expression was still a little dazed, and she hadn’t even buttoned her suit.

Bai Yuhuai put down the script in his hand, was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Would you like to have breakfast?"

Jing Jiujiu's thoughts were suddenly pulled back. He shook his head slowly and said, "Well, I might have to go on a long journey."

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

What kind of journey would that ghost take

Jing Jiujiu continued to make up a story very seriously: "It will probably take about five to six days, seven to eight days."

Bai Yuhuai had no choice but to respond: "Yeah."

Jing Jiujiu didn't move after she finished speaking.

Bai Yuhuai was also a bit tricky. He had never comforted a human being, let alone a ghost

Seeing that it was getting late, Bai Yuhuai put on the microphone and went downstairs.

Jing Jiujiu lay by the window and looked at the scenery outside. He had been looking at the scenery outside the window for so many days that he could predict which day would snow and which day would fall.

He wants to go out.

The thought flashed through Jing Jiujiu's mind and became more and more firm.

Since his death, few people have come to see him.

He had no tomb, so every six months, only the old housekeeper of the Jing family would come to the castle, clean it, and place flowers and wine on the tomb, which was considered to be sweeping his grave.

Before Jing Jiujiu died, he had never drunk alcohol. He was reluctant to drink it because he was a ghost. He couldn't taste the alcohol even if he drank it. So he hid in the bedroom.

This is a rare happiness that Jing Jiujiu experiences living alone in the ancient castle.

He can stare at wines of different shapes and colors, and imagine what the wine tastes like...

Jing Jiujiu turned her head and looked towards the direction of the castle gate.

… Could the person who put the fish tank there be the old housekeeper

Apart from him, Jing Jiujiu seldom saw anyone. Occasionally, only two or three unfamiliar high school and college students came, and they all came to explore.

Jing Jiujiu sat here and couldn't think of a solution. Well, I'll just have to wait until I get out. When I get out, I'll know who put the fish tank there and why.

I can still see my father, my childhood friends, and many, many other things. …

Jing Jiujiu jumped down from the windowsill, and her body gradually became transparent until it was completely invisible to the naked eye.

Bai Yuhuai soon discovered that Jing Jiujiu was missing.

Are you really going away

No, it's unlikely. According to what Kong Xiangqi said, Jing Jiujiu is likely to become a ground-bound spirit after his death. He can't leave this castle.

The biggest possibility is that he is hiding.

Are you afraid and hiding

Bai Yuhuai frowned imperceptibly, and Lao Cao called him, "Brother Bai, come over and take a look, what is this?"

Bai Yuhuai responded and walked over.

Lao Cao held a brass key in his hand, which looked very old. He said in a daze, "Could this be the key to pass us this time? So soon? It hasn't even been 18 days yet."

Bai Yuhuai took a quick glance and said, "Probably not."

Ji Meng asked in a low voice: "Is it the key to the secondary building next door? When I came here, I noticed the door over there, and it looked very consistent with the style of this key."

"Then let's go and take a look? It's not safe to sleep in the auxiliary building, but it should be okay to explore the route during the day, right? There are so many of us together." Yu Shaoguang interrupted.

Ji Meng was not mistaken. Half an hour later, everyone successfully stood in the secondary building.

But here comes the problem…

"It seems there are no cameras installed here?" Kong Xiangqi looked confused.

"Have we gone beyond the scope of the program team's plan?" Lao Cao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Then let's go back... It seems that this key is probably useless."

Bai Yuhuai: "Not necessarily."

"Yeah, maybe they are just trying to confuse the enemy."

"Okay, we all have cameras on us anyway."

This would be quite a show effect, everyone thought almost unanimously.

But this place looks much older and more dilapidated than the main building next door. Every time you step on the floor, you can leave a footprint, accompanied by the rustling of dead branches and the creaking of the floor.

There is no electricity here, so everyone can only use flashlights to light the way forward.

The hall was empty, without even any furniture, so it was obvious that there were no clues.

"Let's go upstairs and take a look." Yu Shaoguang suggested and walked ahead.

When I reached the second floor, there was still a door.

"Wow, it's tied with iron chains! What's going on? Is there a tiger or a lion locked up in there?" Yu Shaoguang smacked his lips.

The iron chain was as thick as an arm, with a lock underneath, and runes painted on the lock.

"This show is quite complete! They didn't even let this go, they also had to draw talismans on it, but this one isn't scary, the fish tank is scarier..."

"Should we go find the key?"

"No need." Bai Yuhuai bent down and grabbed the lock. In the dim light, before anyone could see clearly how he moved, the lock opened with a crisp sound.

Ordinary keys can't open this thing.

There is a spell of entrapment drawn on this lock.

Ji Meng immediately asked with a smile: "Brother Bai, did you learn how to pick locks when you were filming "Stealing the Sky"?"

Bai Yuhuai played a thief in that play.

"Did Xiaoji secretly take extra classes without telling us?"

"Xiao Ji, tell me the truth, are you a fan of Brother Bai?"

The other MCs were joking around, while Bai Yuhuai pushed open the door and shone the flashlight in his hand. Once the light came on, the scene inside was presented to everyone.

The furniture that was supposed to be downstairs was now crowded and piled up on the second floor.

The entire partition wall on the second floor was demolished, and no bedrooms were separated, making it look like a huge storage yard.

There were no ghosts, and there was no eerie background music playing in the room like in horror movies. But everyone instinctively frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

It's like having my obsessive compulsive disorder triggered.

Kong Xiangqi touched the door and paused: "There is an oil lamp, you can light it."

Bai Yuhuai followed up with a voice: "Go to the four corners. There should be a lamp in each corner. Light them all."

The others were secretly wondering how Brother Bai knew this. But they didn't waste any time and just fumbled for the oil lamp and lit it. Kong Xiangqi couldn't help but complain, "This is quite strange. Why don't they install an electric light here?"

For there is no light.

Bai Yuhuai said in his heart.

Those oil lamps were specially made.

At this time, the lights came on one by one.

The whole space was suddenly illuminated with great brightness. Kong Xiangqi exclaimed, "Look!" She then added hastily, "Painting!"

Everyone looked around and found that there were many oil paintings on the walls and floors of the room.

The paintings are all of the same person.

There are his appearances when he was young, and there are his appearances when he was a teenager. The beautiful boy grew up little by little in the painting. The oil painting has delicate brushstrokes and rich colors, and each one is magnificent and moving.

Everyone was stunned instinctively, shocked by the overwhelming beauty.

"He is Jing Jiujiu..." Kong Xiangqi murmured.

It is much more vivid and beautiful than the photo in Kong Xiangqi’s cell phone.

Bai Yuhuai chose the most recent one.

What a coincidence.

A line of small words on it reads "Painted on October 21, 2013, Jiujiu's birthday."

Bai Yuhuai scanned them one by one and found that each one was drawn on Jing Jiujiu's birthday.

Sometimes, if it’s a festival, I’ll draw one. But it’s not a portrait of him sitting upright. In those paintings, there are him lying lazily on a chair, squatting in the flowers, holding a mask as if he is in a masquerade...

At this time, everyone slowly came to their senses.

Ji Meng suddenly even regretted stepping into this place. He looked in the direction of Bai Yuhuai and saw that this unattainable movie star was staring at the young man's painting without blinking.

In fact, it’s not just him.

Everyone has a preference for beauty.

Others were also so shocked by these paintings that they couldn't recover for a long time.

It's just that it's inevitable that people will still have a kind of hidden... jealousy and inferiority.

"What is that?" Before everyone had time to breathe a sigh of relief, their chest suddenly felt choked.

I was so busy looking at the paintings just now that I realized the windows and ceiling were covered with black cloth, which made people feel extremely depressed.

Bai Yuhuai didn't pay any extra attention to the black cloth.

He had guessed it long ago.

Bai Yuhuai walked through the messy furniture and came to the center.

There is more debris piled up here.

Like the clothes that Jing Jiujiu had worn since she was a child, and the tableware that she had used...

Ji Meng felt a little breathless, and hurriedly took two steps back. He kicked something and it rolled away. Ji Meng was so scared that his hair stood on end and he shouted, "Ah! What is that!"

Bai Yuhuai remained expressionless and bent down to pick it up.

It was an exquisite box inlaid with gems. When he opened it... Bai Yuhuai was stunned.

"Brother Bai, what is that?" Ji Meng asked in a trembling voice.

Bai Yuhuai: "Baby teeth."


Ji Meng got goose bumps all over his body: "It's a bit disgusting... Why are all these things stored here?"

Bai Yuhuai frowned: "It's not disgust, it's love."

What? Ji Meng swallowed the words that were on the tip of his tongue. This was the first time Bai Yuhuai had corrected him so coldly, which made him wonder if his words had offended Bai Yuhuai.

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes and stared at the box, as if he saw the young man again through the box.

He said calmly: "The person who left these things properly has a lot of love for him."

Kong Xiangqi's eyes were red after hearing this: "If you put it this way, it's even more unfortunate that Master Jing died." She raised the things in her hand: "I also saw his book with his award certificates and his old Grimm's Fairy Tales over here."

Others couldn't help but sigh as well.

The more you understand a person, the more you will naturally empathize with him.

Bai Yuhuai said: "Let's go back. There are no clues here."

The others nodded and did not stay any longer, lest they feel gloomy and sad at the same time. It is unbearable to have such a huge emotional ups and downs!

Ji Meng intentionally walked with Bai Yuhuai. When they were going downstairs, he suddenly noticed a tiny flash of light in front of his eyes.

He blinked and fixed his eyes.

…It’s the jewel box!

Why did Brother Bai take this away

Ji Meng pursed his lips.

Brother Bai likes this? Even if someone dies, you still want to take their things as a memorial

Ji Meng couldn't help but think... It's good to look like this. Even if he dies, I'm afraid he doesn't know how many people are thinking about him.

Jing Jiujiu did not appear for the next few days, and everyone continued to record the variety show. But they did not have a relaxing day. Because even if there was no trace of ghosts in this castle, there was still a sense of weirdness everywhere.

It was either this rune or that spell, or some weird Feng Shui formation or Bagua plate... After a few days, they gained a lot of knowledge, but also got a lot of goose bumps of fear.

It's already the seventeenth day, and they will soon be able to get the final key and leave here.

"Have we not visited the secondary building on the left yet?" asked Lao Cao.

"Yes." Kong Xiangqi was in a daze for a moment, and said, "We can go now."

Yun Xin smiled and complimented, "Brother Bai has taught us a lot of things. Does Brother Bai like to read these books privately? We can star in another Tianshi movie someday."

Bai Yuhuai just responded absentmindedly.

The gem box was now in his hand. With this thing, he only needed to perform a small ritual to draw out the boy's ghost.

He has been missing for many days.

Even if you are hiding, it’s time to show up.

Or was there something else in the design of this castle that he had overlooked, trapping the boy in deeper darkness

Bai Yuhuai stroked the surface of the box, which was uneven because of the gemstones, and his eyes gradually turned cold. If this is the case, then set up a more powerful formation and turn this Feng Shui formation from life to death first. If the person who set up the formation senses it, he will naturally come and let him catch it.

Jing Jiujiu sat cross-legged in a locked closet, talking to the little robot through a door.

Little robot: "When will you come out?"

Jing Jiujiu said weakly, "It's almost there, it's almost there."

Little robot: "What are you doing?"

Jing Jiujiu: "Becoming ugly."

Little robot:

Jing Jiujiu scratched the closet door and tried to search for it, but it felt eerie.

In that movie, the female ghost's fingernails were all flipped up. How about I flip one too? As soon as Jing Jiujiu thought about it, he couldn't do it. It looked so painful, and he couldn't stand it himself.

"This cabinet is magical. If I stay in it for a while, I will become ugly." Jing Jiujiu said.

Little robot:

The little robot couldn't help but said, "Actually... you don't have to take it so seriously." The little robot had to say, "Your intimidation progress bar is almost finished, just a little bit left."

In fact, it also feels outrageous.

How come the progress bar can still go up on its own even when the boy is hiding in the closet

"Come out, it's just a slight scare, that's all." said the little robot.

The little robot didn't want the boy to be self-satisfied in advance and give up working, so it didn't tell him. But now, if the boy continues to prepare so seriously, the show will be over soon. You can't just wait for it to grow on its own!

"Really?" Jing Jiujiu came out of the cabinet.

The little robot was stunned.

Jing Jiujiu has indeed changed.

Not ugly.

He was still handsome, but his beauty was so beautiful that it made people's hearts tremble and feel fear.

"Then I won't talk to you anymore." Jing Jiujiu rushed downstairs in a hurry.

Downstairs, Bai Yuhuai went over all the cruel and gentle methods in his mind.

"Don't you feel a little hot?" Yun Xin panted softly and took off her coat.

Kong Xiangqi also frowned: "Yes, a little bit, it seems... it seems that even the bones hurt a little. How strange. Is it because we have been running around these two days and are too tired?"

Bai Yuhuai seemed to realize something and turned his head away.

Then I saw a ball of fire slowly floating down the stairs.

The fire was hot and bright, with a temperature so high that it was almost white flames in the middle, instantly illuminating everything Bai Yuhuai could see.

“Is there air conditioning in this castle?”

"Are you dreaming? This castle is so old, how can it still have air conditioning?"

"That's not right. Isn't it autumn? How come it seems like summer has suddenly returned?"

The person next to him said while scratching his arm.

They couldn't see the fire.

That fire should be more than just fire. Bai Yuhuai closed his eyes, then opened them again—

The young man, with flames all over his body, walked towards him along the stairs, his eyes and eyebrows becoming even more handsome.

This scene is like the phoenix rising from the fire in the ancient mythology.

Beauty is wrapped in blood and tears.

Bai Yuhuai seemed to be able to vaguely see that under the soul, there was a struggling and curled up shadow.

This is what he looked like when he died.

Bai Yuhuai's chest tightened, and a layer of gloom and coldness covered his eyes.

Jing Jiujiu, however, did not sympathize with Bai Yuhuai. He walked very carefully, afraid that he would trip over the carpet if he was not careful. That would be really embarrassing!

After all, he doesn't look like a human at all!

No matter how embarrassing it is, I can’t pretend to be human anymore.

Finally, Jing Jiujiu walked to Bai Yuhuai's side.

This time, only Bai Yuhuai should be able to see him.

Scare one person is the same as scare a group of people. Jing Jiujiu thought about it and decided to just scare Bai Yuhuai. There was no need to scare everyone. Anyway, the progress bar was almost there!

Jing Jiujiu shook her arms and bent her waist.

Bai Yuhuai did not move.

That's not right.

He should be able to see me.

Am I such a bad ghost? Even my appearance is not right.

In fact, Bai Yuhuai wanted to raise his hand and suppress the raging flames on the young man's body.

But it can't be seen by others.

Bai Yuhuai frowned secretly.

Looking at his motionless appearance like a mountain, Jing Jiujiu suddenly became anxious.

He slipped into Bai Yuhuai's arms, straddled his legs, stretched out his arms and hooked them around his neck, pressing his whole body tightly against Bai Yuhuai.

Look at me quickly!

"Bang", Bai Yuhuai broke a cup.