Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 61


After Jing Jiujiu performed two segments, she couldn't help but start discussing the script with Bai Yuhuai.

"This evil ghost... why doesn't he feel powerful?" Not even as powerful as him.

Bai Yuhuai raised his hand and turned to page 79. He ran his finger over a line of words and said calmly, "Isn't this quite impressive?"

Jing Jiujiu looked down and saw:

Chang Yue was pressed tightly on the bed, a hoarse, dying sound came from his throat, and a pair of white hands gradually appeared from his neck.

The evil ghost rode on him, making no effort to hide its viciousness and evil.

He vaguely felt a vague pleasure between life and death.

There was also a faint sound coming from upstairs, "da da da", as if there was a woman walking back and forth in high heels...

Jing Jiujiu thought this was weird and scary.

But the thought of riding on Bai Yuhuai seemed a bit inappropriate.

Jing Jiujiu reflected on herself.

He had wanted to ride Bai Yuhuai many times before.

It can be seen that he is not a very serious ghost.

"Or you can read this paragraph." Bai Yuhuai said again.

Jing Jiujiu looked down and said:

It got on Chang Yue's body.

It looked at itself in the mirror curiously, then raised its hand and gently traced its eyebrows, nose bridge, Adam's apple... It took off its shirt and trousers, and stood in front of the mirror, stroking the body quietly.

The moonlight cast two long shadows behind the body, the shadows intertwined, and the ten fingers seemed to be clasped together.

Jing Jiujiu was filled with question marks.

If this isn’t a pervert, then what is it

The person who wrote the script doesn't seem like a horror novelist, but rather a horror erotic novelist.

Jing Jiujiu asked quietly, "How are you going to shoot this scene?"

Soon, Jing Jiujiu found out.

Bai Yuhuai asked him in a low voice: "Do you want to try what it feels like to be on my body?"

Jing Jiujiu put her hand on his shoulder in a daze. This was the first time that Jing Jiujiu possessed someone else since she became a ghost.

In fact, nothing can get on Bai Yuhuai's body, except Jing Jiujiu.

He had tasted Bai Yuhuai's blood, and the "qi" between them had already merged with each other. Jing Jiujiu just tried it lightly and became one with Bai Yuhuai.

That feeling is particularly wonderful.

Jing Jiujiu tried to raise her hand, so Bai Yuhuai also raised his hand.

He held his face, and Bai Yuhuai also held his face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Jing Jiujiu quickly felt that this action was quite strange, so she quickly put her hand down.

At this time, the sound of Director Gong coughing was heard outside the camera, and the man behind him took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

Director Gong uttered a hoarse voice, as if pulling a broken bellows: "Is it too difficult for Mr. Bai?"

Jing Jiujiu: “No.”

I can't embarrass Bai Yuhuai.

Jing Jiujiu then gently traced Bai Yuhuai's eyebrows and nose bridge as written in the script... This feeling was very strange and wonderful.

In Bai Yuhuai's chest, his heart was beating powerfully and somewhat quickly.

Jing Jiujiu then felt as if her heartbeat quickened, her breathing held slightly, and all the pores on her body opened up. An indescribable feeling spread from her feet to the top of her head...

It's different from the weirdness in the script.

Jing Jiujiu's hand gently stroked Bai Yuhuai's neck and felt that her blood and Bai Yuhuai's blood seemed to be boiling together.

It was a more intimate and restless feeling.

Is this what it feels like to be in love

It actually only took half a minute.

Jing Jiujiu was slightly distracted.

Bai Yuhuai quickly took control of his body again.

Director Gong started coughing violently off camera. He raised his hand and waved, and the man next to him shouted for him: "Okay, cut! This part is really good!"

Everyone at the scene felt a little cold and shrugged unconsciously.

The staff member shivered, brought some warm water and asked, "Brother Bai, would you like some to warm yourself up?"

After all, Bai Yuhuai was only wearing thin trousers on his lower body and his shirt had been taken off.

Bai Yuhuai slowly raised his eyelids and said calmly, "Thank you, but it's okay."

At that moment, the staff was stunned and felt a little afraid to look him in the face.

"Teacher Bai, please go back and have a rest and warm up first. We will start filming the second group's scenes..." the man next to Director Gong spoke for him.

Bai Yuhuai did not refuse. He responded calmly, buttoned up his clothes slowly, and turned to walk downstairs.

The location where they took the photos was on the third floor of an old residential building.

The room that Bai Yuhuai and his friends had chosen was on the second floor.

When Xu Sanyu saw him coming downstairs, he hurriedly followed him.

"Are you not cold? It's too cold today." Xu Sanyu shivered and said, "I feel cold all over my bones."

Bai Yuhuai said calmly: "Then go back to your room first, wrap yourself tightly in the quilt, don't make any noise, close your eyes, and you will be warm soon."

Xu Sanyu responded blankly, turned around and went back to his room, wrapping himself tightly in the quilt.

When Bai Yuhuai entered the room, Jing Jiujiu slowly struggled out of his body, and laid on Bai Yuhuai's back, whispering in her throat as if praising or acting coquettishly, "Bai Yuhuai, your abdominal muscles are so beautiful..."

There's clearly no blood on it.

But when you touch it, it feels hot.

Jing Jiujiu was interrupted when she reached this point.

Bai Yuhuai grabbed him off his back, held him in his arms and kissed him.

This was different from every kiss before.

Bai Yuhuai gently stroked his neck and back back and forth, and the itchy and numb feeling quickly spread throughout his new body.

Precisely because he has not had the same perception as a normal person for many years, once he has some perception, he becomes more sensitive.

Jing Jiujiu leaned on Bai Yuhuai's shoulder, breathing slightly with excitement and agitation... Oh no, he seemed not to be breathing.

Bai Yuhuai pushed him against the door panel, held his waist, lifted his legs, and invaded.

The warmth emanating from the man no longer made people feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, Jing Jiujiu couldn't help but want to wrap herself around him tighter and feel the wet warmth more closely.

Jing Jiujiu's eyes were bright. She bit Bai Yuhuai's ear and held back the strange sound in her throat.

In the other room, the atmosphere was quite different.

Xu Sanyu closed his eyes tightly, but above his head he heard "tap tap tap", the sound of footsteps like high heels hitting the ground.

At first, he thought it was just the crew filming upstairs.

But the sound of footsteps, back and forth, only circled above his head.

Thinking back to what Jing Jiujiu had told him the day before, that he had been touched by a ghost, Xu Sanyu felt like all the pores in his body were about to explode.

Fortunately, he still remembered Bai Yuhuai's words, wrapped himself tightly in the quilt, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

In the small space, apart from the sound of footsteps, the only sound was Xu Sanyu's heartbeat.

About half an hour later, the footsteps stopped, and instead more sounds flooded into Xu Sanyu's ears.

The door opened and the window was pushed open.

The gas stove was turned on, oil was poured into the pan, sizzling, and the spatula was stir-frying.

Someone was talking in a low voice, and there seemed to be laughter mixed in with the background sound of a TV...

A scene full of life was instantly constructed in Xu Sanyu's mind.

But this only made him feel more horrified.

It was as if... as if the whole building suddenly came alive.

In room 202.

Jing Jiujiu began to shed bloody tears again. He hugged Bai Yuhuai's neck tightly and suddenly said in a daze: "... Today seems to be my birthday."

Bai Yuhuai responded: "Yeah, I know."

He whispered, "I'm twenty-five."

Bai Yuhuai kissed his eyelids and corrected him: "No, it's nineteen."

It was as if he had never died and had never celebrated his nineteenth birthday alone in the castle.

Jing Jiujiu cried and then smiled. He bit Bai Yuhuai's shoulder, licked it, and said, "Bai Yuhuai, I feel my butt is a little hot..."

Bai Yuhuai bit his lips, blocking the rest of his words.

Jing Jiujiu bit him and said, "Hmm... I think... there seems to be some movement upstairs? Is it a ghost? I also saw Xu Sanyu with... evil energy the other day..."

Bai Yuhuai's indifferent eyes and brows were tinged with a hint of emotion.

He didn't care: "Don't worry about it."

When he said don't worry about it, he really didn't pay any attention to what was going on around him.

It was two hours later before Jing Jiujiu had time to open her mouth again.

He touched his smooth belly and said, "I feel a little hot inside, too."

Bai Yuhuai: "Let me touch it."

Jing Jiujiu let him touch her, and whispered, "The noise upstairs is so scary." He paused, and then said, "But it's so exciting."

Bai Yuhuai: "Yeah." He stroked the top of Jing Jiujiu's head gently: "Wait for me a moment."

He stood up, still wearing only thin trousers, with a few traces of semen still on his upper body that Jing Jiujiu had sucked out with great effort.

He just calmly pushed the door open and went upstairs.

The third floor, which should have been bustling with activity, was now completely silent without any sound from the crew. Even the noisy sounds of cooking and people's voices had disappeared.

Bai Yuhuai opened the door of Room 503 without looking around.

There is an easel in the living room of Room 503, next to it is a bucket of painting supplies and a paint palette on a small table.

Bai Yuhuai swept into the bucket in one breath, carried the bucket in one hand, picked up the easel with the other hand easily, and turned around to walk downstairs.

He had already checked every room here the day before.

Room 503 was quiet, there were no ghosts or people.

But it seemed as if there was a pair of eyes secretly watching from behind.

The door slammed shut with a bang, suddenly blocking Bai Yuhuai's way.

Bai Yuhuai's expression didn't change at all. He said calmly, "You have to think clearly, do you want to live longer by being smart, or die faster by being stupid?"

The door then slowly opened again.

Those eyes watched Bai Yuhuai go away with fear and resentment.

Bai Yuhuai returned to Room 203.

He set up the easel, put new drawing paper on it, and then took water to mix the colors.

Jing Jiujiu slowly sat up and asked in a daze: "What are you doing?"

Bai Yuhuai: "Drawing."

“Who do you draw?”


Leave a portrait every birthday.

This year it was Bai Yuhuai who came to paint.

Jing Jiujiu suddenly felt her butt, belly, and eyes were hot.

He lay down, stretched his neck towards Bai Yuhuai, thought for a while, and came up with a bold suggestion: "Why not draw a nude?"

Bai Yuhuai:

You are worthy of it.

After a few seconds, the corners of Bai Yuhuai's mouth softened and slightly raised, and he responded: "Okay."

The atmosphere in Room 203 was suddenly peaceful and beautiful like spring.

In Room 202, Xu Sanyu clutched the corner of the quilt tightly. Woohoo, this is really scary. Damn, I can't hold it in anymore! I feel like I might die!