Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 62


Bai Yuhuai finally painted two paintings.

Jing Jiujiu felt very bored at first, but slowly, he crouched down. He looked quietly in the direction of Bai Yuhuai, and suddenly he wanted to draw a picture for Bai Yuhuai.

This thought came unexpectedly and inexplicably.

It's like an instinct to keep beautiful things.

Is it because of this thought that Bai Yuhuai drew the picture for me

Is this called tacit understanding

Countless thoughts popped up in Jing Jiujiu's mind, and she felt a little bit of happiness and peace.

"The painting is done." Bai Yuhuai said in a low voice.

Jing Jiujiu then slowly stood up. He leaned closer to look at the painting and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you cold?"

Jing Jiujiu hugged his neck from behind, and like she did many times when she rode on him, she slowly moved along the man's straight back, pressed against him, hugged him whole, and then rested her chin on his shoulder and held on.

This way you can easily look at the paintings.

Even though he knew that Jing Jiujiu would not slide down at all, the boy already had rich experience in "riding" him.

Bai Yuhuai still grabbed Jing Jiujiu's waist with his backhand.

He asked back: "Do you think I'm cold?"

Jing Jiujiu pressed her face against his back.

“It’s not cold, it’s hot… Really, really hot.”

His blood is cold, but Bai Yuhuai's blood is hot.

Not only hot.

It seems that he makes me feel hotter and hotter. It's really strange, so strange that it makes me feel happy.

Thinking of this, Jing Jiujiu completely lay on Bai Yuhuai's back and refused to get down.

His eyes slowly fell on the painting—

On the left is Jing Jiujiu, dressed neatly in a shirt and a blazer, sitting on the sofa with her long legs bent.

The light came in through the old glass with colorful window paper on it behind him, and fell on his body, creating a colorful and magnificent light.

"I was clearly lying on the bed just now..." Jing Jiujiu said.

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai paused, "But I can imagine you sitting on the sofa."

There was not a single mistake.

It was as if the image of him sitting down had already been engraved firmly in his mind.

Jing Jiujiu smacked his lips. Although his sense of taste was dull, he still inexplicably felt that his mouth seemed a little sweet.

Jing Jiujiu turned her gaze away.

And on the right... The painting on the right is probably the kind that would not pass the review in Jinjiang—

He leaned lazily on the bed. There was no light around him and the window behind him was tightly closed. There was only an old lamp above his head, which cast a little dim light, like a layer of gauze draped over his body.

The furnishings everywhere were old and cold, exuding a shabby and decayed air that made one's heart tremble.

Only the boy in the center of the painting is lively and bright, which in turn gives this gloomy and dusky scene a bit of brightness...

The painting itself is a dead object.

But the painting conveys human emotions, so from that moment on, the painting comes alive.

This is the most important lesson Jing Jiujiu learned when she started learning to paint as a child.

Jing Jiujiu was stunned.

Is this how he is in Bai Yuhuai's heart

"I like this painting." Jing Jiujiu said softly and bit Bai Yuhuai's ear.

Bai Yuhuai put the painting away and covered it.

Then he pulled Jing Jiujiu off his back, held her in his arms, and bit Jing Jiujiu's mouth.

Jing Jiujiu raised her hand and touched her lips, and asked softly, "Why do you want to draw two pictures?"

Bai Yuhuai pointed to the painting on the left and said, "Hang it up. Not just this one. All the paintings you had in Sleeping Beauty Castle must be hung up."

Jing Jiujiu nestled in his arms in a daze: "Where is it hanging?"

"Where do you like?"

"I used to like castles very much, but now... I don't like them anymore." Jing Jiujiu thought for a moment and said, "I like your house."

"Then hang there."

Jing Jiujiu kicked her legs: "Ah... Then everyone can see my paintings hanging in your house as soon as they enter the door?"


At this time, the quarrel coming from the building had gradually turned into screams.

Throwing things, scolding, and banging the wall were all densely intertwined, accompanied by the sound of a kitchen knife chopping on a chopping board.

Bai Yuhuai frowned imperceptibly.

Such noises are too disturbing to love conversations.

Jing Jiujiu didn't feel much. He grabbed Bai Yuhuai's sleeve, touched his wrist, and asked in a low voice: "Then everyone will know that Bai Yuhuai is mine?"


A terrible family was broken up.

But it seems like a new family has been established.

Hanging up the portrait is of great significance to Jing Jiujiu and Yu Ran.

It's like a family portrait.

It seems to be a proof of happiness and stability.

Jing Jiujiu wants to live a good life.

He doesn't want to be a ghost anymore.

He hooked his arm around Bai Yuhuai's neck, raised his upper body, leaned close to Bai Yuhuai's ear, and said in a low, cheesy voice: "Brother Bai, I..."

At this moment, a loud "bang" outside the building interrupted Jing Jiujiu's voice.

But the "dong" sound did not stop. On the contrary, it became more frequent. "dong", "dong", "dong", it sounded like beating a drum, or like a watermelon smashing on an iron plate.

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

Jing Jiujiu: “…”

They got dressed, got up and went out.

There was no strange sight inside or outside the corridor, but the sound did not stop.

Bai Yuhuai raised his hand, and the door of Room 202 was knocked.

"There seems to be no movement?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai frowned, "I've already reminded Xu Sanyu."

"Are you scared?" Jing Jiujiu said, and pushed the door gently, and the door opened.

They found Xu Sanyu in the bedroom.

Xu Sanyu's face was tightly wrinkled, and there were wet marks on both sides of the pillow, as if... he had cried

"Brother Xu? Xu Sanyu?" Jing Jiujiu called in a low voice.

Xu Sanyu opened his eyelids dazedly and asked in a daze: "Is this true or false?"

Jing Jiujiu raised her hand and tugged at her cheek: "...Really."

Xu Sanyu: "Then can you cut off your head for me to see? If it doesn't cut off, it must be fake!"

Jing Jiujiu:

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

Xu Sanyu thought to himself that I was very smart.

I remember that you are not a person.

"Xu Sanyu." Bai Yuhuai spoke.

The boss's voice was engraved in his mind, no, it was engraved in his DNA. Xu Sanyu shuddered and stood up from his seat: "I believe it, I believe it! It's true!"

"I listened to you and hid under the quilt. It was too scary. The noises around me were really too scary. Where are Director Gong and the others? Didn't they react at all?"

Xu Sanyu was too nervous and couldn't stop talking once he started. "I was so scared that I cried, but I didn't dare to reach out to wipe my face. I just remembered what you said, I had to wrap myself tightly in the quilt and close my eyes, and I couldn't open them... As a result, those noises became even louder. One after another, they got louder and louder. I didn't understand, I wasn't even angry, why were they angry? In the end, I was tired of closing my eyes, and I was so scared that I... fell asleep."

Bai Yuhuai: “…”

It turned out that he was asleep, not fainted from fright.

Jing Jiujiu tore off a piece of paper from the side and handed it over.

Xu Sanyu took it in his hand and said quickly: "Thank you, young master!"

He asked: "What's that sound now? Hey, this guy has a bad temper?" Now Xu Sanyu had a backer and was confident, so he became more aggressive in his words.

Bai Yuhuai said calmly, "The sound of jumping off a building."

Xu Sanyu shuddered and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

Jing Jiujiu also jumped and got on Bai Yuhuai's back.

Almost half a minute passed before Xu Sanyu slowly came back to his senses and asked in a trembling voice: "How many people jumped off the building with all these noises?"

"Collective suicide, or a ghost repeating its own death process in a cycle." Bai Yuhuai said calmly.

Xu Sanyu was so frightened that he almost ran away from home.

"What should we do now?" "What the hell is going on? Many people have died here? What the hell is Director Gong doing?"

Jing Jiujiu hugged Bai Yuhuai's neck tightly. He was no longer afraid. He smacked his lips and said, "Actually, many people here don't look like living people. They have a strong aura of death..."

Bai Yuhuai corrected, "He is a person who is close to death." "Director Gong is also one of them."

Xu Sanyu recalled the appearance of Director Gong.

It really looks like he will die soon.

"That... that's not a ghost, so why is this building haunted?" Xu Sanyu shuddered as he spoke.

Bai Yuhuai stroked Jing Jiujiu's wrist and said nonchalantly, "Do you know why the value of haunted houses has dropped so much? Places where people have died are different after all."

"I understand..." Xu Sanyu jumped up from the bed in surprise.

No, no, it's more than just a bed.

Even the sound of the floor beneath his feet made him feel uneasy.

"Did Director Gong move the haunted house here?" Xu Sanyu wanted to cry but had no tears.

Jing Jiujiu: "So cool?"

Xu Sanyu:

Is this 6

This is terrible, my little master!

"He has been planning to build this place for a while. Maybe he copied haunted houses from all over the country and put them here. To make it more realistic, there may be old objects from those haunted houses inside. Old objects will retain negative energy and souls. So the things that happened in the haunted houses will be repeated here. In 1994, there was a case of collective suicide by residents of a demolished building in Qingzhou. ... This may be the ruins."

Xu Sanyu covered his ears and held his head, almost shouting, "Stop chanting, Master, stop chanting."

"Director Gong is too... too scary. Isn't he afraid of something happening?"

"The person is dying, the obsession is too deep."

Jing Jiujiu: "Isn't this film and television city just a large haunted house?"

Xu Sanyu:

Is this called a haunted house

This is a murder scene!

Jing Jiujiu: "The people living here are dying, and the landscaping here is like a haunted house 2.0. ... The yin energy here must be very heavy."

"This place is like a natural signpost. Ghosts will continue to come here following the scent." Bai Yuhuai replied.

Xu Sanyu wished he could roll his eyes and faint on the spot.

Jing Jiujiu: "If we use this place as the underworld, Yan Mo will definitely be very happy."

Bai Yuhuai was a little sour: "... Yeah."

"We have to shoot the movie well, and then buy the film studio from Director Gong."

Film well

Well, there are still many segments that have not been filmed.

Bai Yuhuai's lips curled up again: "Well... The premise is that after the ghosts increase in number, Director Gong will not die."

"Will Director Gong... die?" Xu Sanyu asked in surprise.

"Yin energy attracts ghosts. But if you were the original owner of the haunted house, would you like to see countless ghosts coming and occupying your home?" Bai Yuhuai asked calmly.

"No... I don't want to." "So, the owner of the haunted house will be angry and hate Director Gong."

As soon as they finished speaking, they heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

The creaking sound makes my teeth ache.

Bai Yuhuai walked out carrying Jing Jiujiu on his back.

Xu Sanyu followed in fear.

I saw that the door of Room 203 was wide open.

There were faint bloody marks left on the ground.

The thing slowly walked into Room 203 and finally stopped in front of the easel.

"Ghost ghost ghost!" Xu Sanyu trembled and said.

The thing seemed to stop and turn its head. Actually, Xu Sanyu couldn't see it, but he felt that it turned its head.

It glanced at Xu Sanyu and turned its head back.

The canvas covering the drawing board made a rustling sound. One corner was lifted up.

Xu Sanyu asked in a trembling voice: "What is it doing?"

"Lift the canvas." Bai Yuhuai stepped into the door and his expression suddenly turned cold.

Xu Sanyu asked hurriedly, "Why is there an extra painting? Is that the owner's painting?"

Bai Yuhuai: "Jiujiu's painting, I painted it."

When he finished speaking, Bai Yuhuai had already taken two steps at a time and put one hand on the canvas.

Xu Sanyu:

The fear in Xu Sanyu's heart suddenly subsided, and he stared at the invisible ghost.

Oh no, you're done.