Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 65


The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment.

Xu Sanyu almost sang a song "I shouldn't be here, I should be under the car", when he finally heard Jing Jiujiu's voice in front of him.

The boy's voice was slightly confused, and there was a hint of resentment and grievance. He asked softly, "So I have to blame you?"

Jing Jiujiu seldom complains about others directly.

It seems that the hatred is not obvious.

So his love was never obvious.

“…Yes.” Bai Yuhuai squeezed out a word with difficulty. He held Jing Jiujiu’s hand tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged slightly.

Xu Sanyu didn't know what went wrong in the conversation just now, and was scratching his head anxiously.

But he wasn't that tough.

When Xu Sanyu raised his eyes, he saw the bracelet on Bai Yuhuai's wrist spinning a few more times. Bai Yuhuai looked the same, but Xu Sanyu felt as if he could hear the howling of some ghost in his ears, as if it was on fire.

Bai Yuhuai like this made him feel even more scared.

However, Bai Yuhuai soon relaxed his grip and whispered, "Go tell Director Gong that I'll be back with the crew tomorrow."

Xu Sanyu responded in a daze, then he felt a little relieved, and then he hurried upstairs to find Director Gong.

Bai Yuhuai pursed his lips.

He didn't know how Jiujiu would react to this. Angry? Unhappy? Unable to accept it

No matter how much he hated the evil god of the ancient castle, he could not change the fact that it was once a foul air separated from his body.

Jiujiu's thoughts are always beyond people's expectations... Bai Yuhuai can't fully understand them.

This was a moment Bai Yuhuai had never experienced before.

There are few things in this world that can stump him. Whether he is a master or an actor, no matter what he does, he seems to be born to do it. So outside the camera, he is always calm and indifferent, without any extra words or expressions.

Only for Jingjiujiu.

An inexplicable feeling of mania and depression lingered in Bai Yuhuai's mind.

As a result, I developed a hint of hatred towards my former self.

Jing Jiujiu didn't say anything for a long time.

Bai Yuhuai couldn't hold it in any longer and said in a hoarse voice: "... Let's go back first? You and me."

Jing Jiujiu: “… Yeah.”

He paused and whispered, "Take Xu Sanyu with you."

Bai Yuhuai frowned. He really didn't want to add another light bulb and cause more trouble to the already complicated situation.

Jing Jiujiu: "... He might be scared."

He and Bai Yuhuai left.

Apart from Xu Sanyu, there are really no decent people left here.

Well, although he and Bai Yuhuai are not serious people.

Hearing that he still had the energy to worry about Xu Sanyu, Bai Yuhuai responded softly, "Yeah." After responding, he felt that his usual way of answering was a bit too concise.

Will alcohol

Bai Yuhuai is not a pessimist.

But at this moment, it was as if the running program was infected with a virus, and all kinds of thoughts were spreading uncontrollably in my mind.

His eyelids twitched.

It even seemed that one day, Jing Jiujiu was really fed up with his indifferent attitude, so she turned around and sweetly called others "brother".

The thought of this simply became uncontrollable.

When Xu Sanyu came back, he found that Bai Yuhuai's face had become even colder and gloomier. It was not an exaggeration to say that he looked extremely confused.

"Bai, Bai brother?"

"Young Master?"

Xu Sanyu was really panicked now.

Wasn't it indescribable the day before? I saw it all! The strawberry that was sucked out of Brother Bai's neck was so big!

Now... who is going to pull out the hanging ruthless

"Drive." Bai Yuhuai said.

Xu Sanyu went there quickly.

When Xu Sanyu drove the car over, it was Bai Yuhuai who sat in the driver's seat.

"You've been very tired these past two days, let me do it." Xu Sanyu was a little worried.

Bai Yuhuai fastened his seat belt and said, "If you drive, you won't be able to get out even after three days."

Xu Sanyu was stunned.

Jing Jiujiu whispered, "Look out the window."

Xu Sanyu quickly turned his head to look out the window.

But the hot air from his mouth and nose sprayed on the window first, and the glass became blurry and unclear. Xu Sanyu had no choice but to reach out and wipe the glass.

As the glass became clearer, half a bloody face came up and fell into Xu Sanyu's sight.

"Oh, I'm blind. I can't see anything." Xu Sanyu closed his eyes tightly.

Jing Jiujiu was also shocked by the ugliness.

He frowned, and wanted to rush into Bai Yuhuai's arms, but stopped and simply closed his eyes.

However, Xu Sanyu did not know how to use this technique. He just stared blankly at all the horrific scenes that could be seen through the glass.

Countless ghosts were walking towards the film and television city, shoulder to shoulder.

As fanatical as a pilgrimage, without knowing fatigue or pain.

Where had Xu Sanyu ever seen such a scene

He clung to the car window, his body trembling. He almost didn't dare to look anymore, but people are so strange, the more scared they are, the more they can't help but stare and look carefully.

Xu Sanyu took out a cigarette and a lighter with trembling hands, but he suddenly turned around and looked at Jing Jiujiu in the back row.

The young master was still sitting there, with a noble temperament.

Xu Sanyu had no choice but to put the cigarette back.

As soon as he finished this action, Xu Sanyu raised his head again and was almost shocked.

A thick fog gradually rose in the film and television city, and soon enveloped all the buildings.

"Bai, Brother Bai! There is no road ahead!" Xu Sanyu shouted.

Upon hearing the sound, Jing Jiujiu opened her eyes quickly.

But Bai Yuhuai's face did not show any emotion. He just turned his head quickly and said to Jing Jiujiu, "Don't be afraid." He paused and even added, "Jiujiu, don't be afraid."

Then he stepped on the accelerator even harder.

The car sped away like an arrow.

When Xu Sanyu came to his senses, the film and television city was already behind him. He looked back and murmured, "It looks a bit scary, as if the sun can't shine in..."

Jing Jiujiu also looked back.

The ghosts that were rushing in continuously suddenly stopped and looked towards the car as if they had realized something. But most of them had lost their intelligence and consciousness. At this moment, they were like a large gathering of idiots. The ones behind followed the lead of the one in front...

They turned their heads back and forth, hesitating again and again.

In the end, only a few ghosts followed.

Jing Jiujiu murmured, "If ghosts are so stupid and orderly, then the underworld would be so easy to build..."

When the car arrived at Bai Yuhuai's villa, Master Tingyi was already outside to greet them. When the ghosts saw him, they were so scared that they ran away before the master could even open his mouth to chant.

Master Tingyi looked at Bai Yuhuai and thought that it was better to bring them back together. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Why did you come back with some ghosts?"

Master Tingyi had seen how powerful Bai Yuhuai was, so he couldn't help but feel strange.

The Guiyun Sect's people followed him out and whispered, "The master wore a bracelet to stop the power in his body, so those ghosts naturally can't smell it..."

Bai Yuhuai spoke up, interrupting the Guiyun Sect member and saying, "Because of the wine."

Master Tingyi was stunned: "Those ghosts think you are the king they are worshipping?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai's face couldn't help but darken again when he said this, "They will instinctively crave and yearn for the scent of Jiujiu."

Ting opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Bai Yuhuai asked in a deep voice, "Where is the evil god statue?"

Not to mention Ting Yi, the people of Guiyun Sect rarely saw Bai Yuhuai showing such emotion, and they couldn't help but hurriedly said, "Grandmaster, it's still in the formation, please."

They stepped through the door.

Now Jing Jiujiu saw the appearance of the evil god of the ancient castle up close and personal, and they looked exactly the same.

If it could take human form.

Standing next to Bai Yuhuai, it’s probably really hard to tell them apart.

The evil god had no body, so it could only make a dull sound: "You finally saw it." Its eyeballs turned, emitting red light: "Bai Yuhuai, the master of Guiyun Sect, Zhuo Wu... I am you, and you are me. You can't refine me. They can't refine me either."

Bai Yuhuai approached slowly.

Perhaps the eyes of the evil god statue were too small, or perhaps it was placed too low, so it did not see the indifference on Bai Yuhuai's face.

Maybe it saw it, but Bai Yuhuai always had this attitude, so in its eyes, there was no difference...

The evil god's eyes rolled.

It even glanced at the fake Four-Faced Buddha statue with pride.

This thing cannot escape the fate of being refined.

But it is the embodiment of turbidity and nothingness.

The evil god looked at Jing Jiujiu: "You like Bai Yuhuai so much."

The first half of the sentence made Bai Yuhuai's expression look a little better.

Evil God: "Then you should like me too."

These words immediately made Bai Yuhuai's face darken again, and even became more gloomy.

Xu Sanyu: “…”

You're just dancing like crazy in a minefield!

Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Bai Feng, take Jiujiu out first."

Bai Feng is the old lady’s name.

The old lady sighed.

Jing Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, then followed Bai Feng out the door.

The evil god of the ancient castle seemed to sense something, and his tone suddenly changed: "What do you want to do?" "You want to refine me yourself? I am a part of you! I am you!" "Don't you want to ask Jing Jiujiu outside the door? Do you want him to look at this same face and be wiped out by you?"

It said a lot in one breath.

Bai Yuhuai remained unmoved and slowly took off his bracelet.

From afar, the wailing sound of the ghost reached the ears of the evil god.

“Jing Jiujiu is also a ghost... Aren’t you afraid of accidentally killing him too?” When the evil god said this, his voice completely changed due to fear, anger and panic.

"He is not a ghost, he is a god. Didn't you see them that day when those people stole the statue?" Bai Yuhuai lowered his eyes and asked calmly.

"He is only half a god... He is still half a ghost after all! You will kill him, you will kill him..." The evil god of the ancient castle muttered here in a fierce voice, and suddenly paused. Then he remembered something incredibly and said in surprise: "You gave him your □□? You... You..."

The old bachelors from Guiyun Sect were blushing as they listened outside.

Ting Yi bowed and sighed: "Amitabha."

Jing Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, curled up her fingers, and couldn't help but lean over to take a look.

He didn't feel any discomfort...

Inside the house.

The corners of Bai Yuhuai's lips curved up a little, and he responded softly, "Yeah."

But soon, the corners of his lips were pressed down again, and his expression was cold.

The more joyful you were the day before, the more disgusting it became the next day when its true colors were revealed.

"You killed my Jiujiu." Bai Yuhuai picked up the statue coldly.

Looking at the same face, I didn't feel moved or softened at all.

The evil god squeezed out a voice that sounded like gnashing teeth: "You want to kill me too? You want to kill a part of yourself? If Jing Jiujiu didn't die, how could he meet you? You will never meet in your lifetime. How do you know that this is not destined? I am just a part of fate!"

"Why don't you dare to ask Tingyi first, whether all this was planned by Zhuo Wu thousands of years ago? You can kill me, but can you kill Zhuo Wu? Can you kill yourself?"

"If anyone is to blame, it should be the Jing family's greed. People in this world are just like that! If he doesn't become a ghost, he might still become a dirty person..."

The evil god didn't finish his words.

There was a bang, like the sound of porcelain breaking.

Bai Yuhuai placed his slender fingers on the neck of the statue and, with a force, crushed it to pieces.

An extremely powerful force suddenly spread out with the villa as the center.

Ting Yi's expression changed slightly and he chanted a spell repeatedly.

Xu Sanyu looked up in horror.

The sky was enveloped in a golden light, which pressed down on people's backs and made them almost unable to breathe. Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, and screams that seemed to come from purgatory could be heard faintly in my ears.

Ting Yi murmured, "Strange, what exactly does Mr. Bai want to do?"

Through the glass window, Jing Jiujiu could only see Bai Yuhuai's tall figure, with a sharp and strong posture. Other than that... he couldn't even hear the sound clearly.

The Guiyun Sect member whispered, "Why do immortals only get rid of their turbid qi when they become saints? Because they are all from the same source. They cannot kill their own turbid qi."

“But it’s not completely impossible.”

"The blood of the master." he said.

The statue inhabiting the evil god of the castle shattered into pieces.

It turned into a gust of air and flew around, but was slowly caught by Bai Yuhuai in his hand, who tore it into pieces bit by bit and soaked it in blood.

Evil is evil after all.

It wailed, and every broken piece of its body was struggling and screaming, as if it was suffering from the pain of being torn into pieces and ground to ashes at the same time.

"You want to possess Jiujiu, huh? Are you worthy?" Bai Yuhuai's face was pale, but he was still expressionless. He looked less like a god and more like a Shura. He paused, "I really want to kill Zhuo Wu."