Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 72


From demonic consciousness, to divine consciousness, and then to the three souls and six spirits.

Bai Yuhuai crushed them slowly one by one.

Every time he crushed one, it was like peeling off the skin and pulling out the tendons, crushing the body inch by inch, as if the bones and flesh were fused into one. The tragic screams had drowned out all other sounds.

But slowly, even the screams stopped.

When he was left with only a soul and a spirit, he could not hear or make any sound, and lost consciousness. He desperately shouted, "Leave the turbidity!" and "My name"... But only his damaged soul was left struggling hopelessly in Bai Yuhuai's hands.

The young man's subordinates had not received a response from their superiors for a long time, so they finally came over at this time.

They first looked at Jing Jiujiu, bowed and saluted politely.

But when they turned their eyes and looked at the man from Guiyun Sect, their hearts trembled unconsciously, and they felt an indescribable fear.

"I don't know what happened just now. There was a very strong force that suddenly flattened the entire mountain. We all had to bend down and lie on the ground. That's why we fell behind for a long time..."

"What is Mr. Bai holding in his hand?"

"Where is the Immortal Lord?"

The "Immortal Lord" they refer to is the young man.

Well, the old middle school student is sick.

Bai Yuhuai then slowly turned his head, his eyes were cold and dark like a deep pool.

They shuddered unconsciously and were about to speak again.

Bai Yuhuai said calmly: "Here."

They looked up in a daze, and then everyone's eyes widened suddenly. That struggling soul... That, that is... The thought just popped into their minds.

Assistant Zeng suddenly heard screams one after another. The screams went over the mountains, penetrated the fog, and went straight into his ears.

Assistant Zeng was frightened out of his wits.

What exactly happened here

On the distant mountains, countless golden lights lit up.

He had to crouch lower, but even so, he felt the surge of energy and blood, as if something in his body was about to collapse and be pulled out.

"who are you?"


At this time, on the top of the mountain, countless people knelt on the ground, including those masters of metaphysics who assisted the tyrant. Their eyes were slightly dull, as if they had just realized how powerful the Guiyun Sect was.

Bai Yuhuai did not answer them, but asked calmly: "Has anyone else seen the painting hanging up?"

Even if they were pigs, they would realize that they couldn't respond.

"We dare not look directly at the gods, so until now, we have not taken a close look at them." They spoke haltingly, but their eyes were focused on the balls of golden light in Bai Yuhuai's hands.

That’s all… spiritual consciousness.

Their spiritual consciousness resides in the heads located in their chests.

So Bai Yuhuai withdrew his spiritual consciousness from it.

The person whose soul is sucked away will naturally die, and his death will be extremely tragic.

How can they not be afraid

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai responded lightly and turned around.

Jing Jiujiu then saw clearly that the bracelet on his wrist was gone. But he didn't seem to feel anything. Jing Jiujiu smacked his lips... He even felt a little comfortable, as if some air was drilling into his body. He took a light breath, and it was as if he was breathing with the forest.

At this time, Bai Yuhuai put his hand on the big rock.

The stones exploded with a loud bang.


"Hide quickly!"

The people behind him shouted in panic, followed by a few cries of pain.

However, those broken stones that could have hurt people fell lightly when they reached Jing Jiujiu.

Jing Jiujiu was not surprised. He looked behind the big rock.

It was an extremely wide hole.

At the entrance of the cave, a man was lying there. He had a bald head and a long, white beard that was tangled with mud. He was hanging there, and a large box was placed crookedly at his feet.

"Master Tingyi?"

Jing Jiujiu's voice immediately called him, and Ting Yi struggled to sit up, looking embarrassed, with bloodshot eyes. When he raised his eyes, he didn't see Jing Jiujiu, but saw Bai Yuhuai first.

Ting stepped back instinctively, then straightened his face and whispered, "Little friend, give me a hand."

Jing Jiujiu stepped forward and held Tingyi's arm.

Tingyi stood up with difficulty, looked outside, and asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

Jing Jiujiu whispered: "They are the ones who created the evil god and attempted to create another false god..."

When the people outside heard these words, they painfully discovered that their gods had turned against them long ago and did not take them seriously at all.

Jing Jiujiu said: "Now it's all solved, isn't it great?"

Ever since she found out that the young man and Zhuo Wu had completely different plans, Jing Jiujiu's tone became much more cheerful.

So easy

So fast

Two thoughts quickly swirled through Ting Yi's mind, and then he couldn't help but look at Bai Yuhuai. Bai Yuhuai stood there without saying a word, but Ting Yi vaguely recognized what he was holding: "...Soul? Or consciousness?"

"Spiritual consciousness." Bai Yuhuai said calmly, turning his head to look at Jing Jiujiu, "Want to eat?"

Jing Jiujiu:


Others: !!!

Is he the devil

Can this thing be fed directly to others? So much... so much spiritual consciousness...

Jing Jiujiu still remembered that he had indigestion after eating all the spiritual consciousness left in the evil god in one go. At that time, he didn't know that there were still countless divine corpses.

Jing Jiujiu asked in a low voice: "If the divine remains are still there and the divine consciousness is put back, can they still be resurrected?"

Bai Yuhuai: "Yes, I can."

Ting Yi couldn't help but interrupt, "That was Zhuo Wu's plan from the beginning. By separating the body, soul, and consciousness, the spirit is dead, and they can escape the fate of being completely annihilated from this world. They can wait until several years later, and then recycle the consciousness, soul, and body, and recast the spirit."

Jing Jiujiu: "Then put it back."

Otherwise, if you take a bite, wouldn't it be like eating a person? Oh no, eating a god

Bai Yuhuai pinched those spiritual consciousnesses, then responded softly.

But the way Ting Yi looked at him was still filled with caution and fear.

Ting Yi whispered to Jing Jiujiu: "I entered Zhuo Wu Cave by mistake and was almost killed by the restrictions in the cave. But I also found more things." He said: "Countless divine bones... are all in the cave."

The shock he felt at that moment was indescribable.

Even if the gods died, the remaining power in their remains was enough to make people kneel down. Moreover, there were so many remains of gods gathered in one place. On each of them, there was a message engraved by Zhu Wu himself.

When Tingyi said this, he couldn't help but glance at Bai Yuhuai quietly.

Bai Yuhuai still had a calm expression.

Ting Yi lowered his eyes, feeling extremely horrified.

Jing Jiujiu uttered a soft "ah", "Do we still need to move those things out? Um... rebuild the temple?"

Ting Yi said in a deep voice: "It must be dealt with."

Jing Jiujiu: "Oh, let's go in then." "These people... Call the police and say they are misleading the public and trying to make money through cult methods. Well, spend ten years in jail."

The crowd was almost torn apart after hearing this.

You are the god!

Do you want to sue us for using feudal metaphysics to deceive people

Bai Yuhuai responded and sent a text message with one hand.

After a while, the old man and old lady from Guiyunmen arrived with the police.

Wow, my goodness! This time he is not only suspected of "cult" and fraud, but also of trespassing into a national restricted area, and he is punished for multiple crimes!

The people who came seemed to be acquainted with Bai Yuhuai, and knowing that they were going to go into the cave, they did not say anything.

When Jing Jiujiu turned around to go inside, she paused and said, "Don't forget, let Lin Zhi and Master Zhou work together to solve many murder cases of evil spirits across the country. We must settle the accounts of all the murders and whoever is responsible."

When the group heard this, they completely collapsed.

But how dare they resist

They could only turn pale and fall down one by one.

Their dream of becoming gods was shattered by a heavy blow from the laws of the country.

Jing Jiujiu and her group walked slowly into the cave. It was not dark in the cave. On the contrary, it was like the Peach Blossom Spring, as if it led to a paradise. The light all the way was bright, coming from the beads on the cave wall and the candlelight that had never been extinguished.

Go further inside.

The ground is paved with green jade and the couch is made of magical stone.

The cave was huge, majestic, and wide, with countless god bones strung together with golden threads, hanging in the air. The invisible majesty and power of the gods were so overwhelming that people could not breathe.

Even though Ting Yi had seen it once before, he couldn't help but feel horrified and even a little scared when he saw this scene again.

Ghosts are more powerful than humans.

God is more powerful than ghosts.

God is a being that is feared by the world.

But there is still one person who left countless divine remains here.

Ting Yi's throat was tightening, so he turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Bai... have you recovered your memory?" He paused, then said: "Has Mr. Bai really entered reincarnation?"

Bai Yuhuai raised his eyes, looked at him coldly, and said nothing.

Ting Yi straightened his back even more. He said, "Mr. Bai's expression did not change when he heard that there were countless divine remains in the cave. It is obvious that he knew about this a long time ago. ... Is the first divine remains that I found by accident a switch that Mr. Bai left in the world? When he saw it, he reopened the box of memory?"

"Who is standing in front of me now, Mr. Bai, or Zhuo Wu from a thousand years ago?"

Tingyi knows Bai Yuhuai.

But his knowledge of Zhuo Wu only came from rumors and the information on these divine bones... The more he knew, the more he could appreciate what a cruel person Zhuo Wu was.

It is said that the way of heaven is ruthless, but it is barely on par with turbidity.

If the memories are merged, Mr. Bai will become nothingness.

Then what should my friend do

Ting Yi couldn't help but say: "... Zhu Wu's handwriting is really frightening to an old man like me."

Bai Yuhuai's gaze slowly fell on Jing Jiujiu.

Jing Jiujiu hasn't spoken a word since she came here.

Bai Yuhuai didn't care at all what Tingyi thought of him.

The only person he cares about is Jing Jiujiu.

Jiujiu thinks zhuowu is not a good thing.

But I am Zhuowu, and Zhuowu is me.

Bai Yuhuai's eyes were deep, and a light suddenly appeared in the cave, which was so dazzling that it dazzled people's eyes. Ting Yi was distracted and looked at it: "Is this... the mirror of the past in the underworld?"

The light on the mirror rippled, slowly reflecting a figure.

At this moment, Jing Jiujiu smacked her lips and said, "... Zhuo Wu also knows how to do handicrafts?"

Bai Yuhuai was stunned.

Tingyi was also stunned.

Jing Jiujiu looked at the countless corpses: "There are so many... He wants to string each one together with silk thread, and also carve words on them... He also rushes to work, grunting and grunting, not daring to stop for a moment. It's like an old craftsman working day and night."

What's so scary about it

Tingyi: “…”

I have a picture in my mind.

It’s really… not so… scary.

In a moment.

The mirror of the past is frozen on one picture.

That was exactly the content of the painting that Zhuo Wuhua had painted earlier.

The screen shook.

A pair of hands slowly spread a painting on the table.