Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 76


Zhuo Wu's journey was indeed quite far.

For several days, he was not seen returning to Mount Gushe. It is often said that one day in heaven is one year on earth. Jing Jiujiu thought about it and wondered how many years it would take if it were in the human world...

The god servants on the mountain were still respectful to him. They would carefully carry him out for a stroll every day and then bring him back.

But this still couldn't stop Jing Jiujiu from feeling bored.

Jing Jiujiu went into the hut to take a look—

Hanba was still trapped there, the golden ropes tied to his body had almost sunk deep into his skin because of his struggle, and a few drops of blood mixed with gold flowed out, falling on the jade floor, leaving burn holes all over the floor.

Jing Jiujiu: “…”

Ah, so.

Because of the drought demon, this Guye Mountain has become so desolate that it is almost unbearable to look at! It is even meaningless to stroll around!

Jing Jiujiu turned and turned and finally went to the next room. She lay down on the large bed. The paper figurine was so small that it was almost invisible.

But even so, the divine servants still had to light incense respectfully, draw the curtain for Jing Jiujiu, and then slowly retreat.

Jing Jiujiu closed her eyes out of boredom.

In the pitch darkness, the screen soon switched out, and then I continued to follow Zhuo Wu from a God's perspective.

If the first person whose soul was crushed by Zhuowu was just an ordinary immortal, then the people killed by Zhuowu afterwards became more and more advanced.

In addition to Mount Guye, this world also has two other fairy mountains, two fairy islands, and a sea that nurtures countless dragon gods...

Zhuo Wu "visited" them one by one.

After he extracted the consciousness of the owner of the fairy island, the water near the island was dyed red with blood. Then a fire broke out on the water, illuminating half of the sky.

Zhuo Wu slowly wiped the blood off his fingertips, his white clothes spotless, and rushed to the next place.

When he stepped out of the fairy island, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked straight into the void.

It was as if he was looking at Jing Jiujiu, his eyes were cold and fierce.

Jing Jiujiu was stunned for a second unconsciously.

Perhaps Master Tingyi had caught a glimpse of such a description of the scene from the divine skeleton, which is why he felt afraid

Zhuo Wu entered the divine palace from the fairy island.

Then go down from the divine court to the underworld.

The underworld is a group of dead things.

When they saw Zhuo Wu, they began to tremble instinctively.

Zhuo Wu glanced around one by one, frowned, and walked slowly through the black water, as if he had become the only bright color in the underworld.

When he left the underworld, he raised his eyes again and stared into the void.

Jing Jiujiu didn't know how powerful he would become after becoming a god, especially for someone like Zhuo Wu, who was no match for almost all gods...

Would he really realize that Jing Jiujiu was looking at him from another perspective

A few more days passed.

Almost every day when Jing Jiujiu closed her eyes, she would see all kinds of spectacular sights, and in one go she had seen almost all three realms.

"My Lord." The voice of the god's servant suddenly sounded outside the temple. They were terrified and full of awe.

Only then did Jing Jiujiu sit up from the bed.

Zhuo Wu... is back

Zhuo Wu walked slowly into the hall, bent down and picked up the Jingjiujiu, and asked, "Can you smell anything?"

Jing Jiujiu understood this and shook his head.

He just felt that Zhuo Wu smelled good... This was not surprising, probably because he had inhaled Bai Yuhuai's energy and blood, and now he had also inhaled Bai Yuhuai from a thousand years ago. That was why he felt that Zhuo Wu smelled good.

Zhuo Wu's indifferent face seemed to relax a little.

He picked up the Jingjiujiu and went into another hall.

The desk in the hall had been set up, with pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it. A divine servant came in with his head lowered, knelt beside Zhuo Wu, and ground ink for him.

Zhuo Wu put the Jingjiujiu on the table, then started to pick up his brush and paint.

First the facial features, then the hair, and then the clothes... Jing Jiujiu was very small, so of course his perspective was narrower. At first, he lay on the edge of the painting, staring at it intently for a long time, but couldn't make out what the painting was about, until later, Zhuo Wu put down his brush and picked him up.

"Look." Zhuo Wu said.

Jing Jiujiu lay between his fingers and looked down with difficulty. She first saw the stunned look of the divine servant. The divine servant asked in a low voice, "... Immortal Lord, is this the new god?"

At this time, Jing Jiujiu finally recognized it from the painting.

This painting is of... him.

It's him in the future.

When did Zhuo Wu deduce it? !

Has Zhuo Wu seen his future self from the deduction

Jing Jiujiu turned her head in surprise and looked at Zhuo Wu.

But what surprised him even more was that… uh, he was still dressed relatively neatly in this painting.

Zhuo Wu lowered his head and said slowly, "It's amazing, isn't it? I saw him in the deduction. He has great luck and seems to be the most attentive creation of the God of Creation. After the gods and Buddhas in the sky fall, he will become the first new god in a thousand years."

Jing Jiujiu didn't quite understand what was said, but the divine servant did, and looked at the painting with a look of longing.

"What's even more amazing is that I tried to explore his past and future, but found nothing. Only a few pictures appeared in front of my eyes. ... They are very similar to you. I guess that maybe in the future, he and I will have intersections."

"or… "

Zhuo Wu swallowed back the unfinished words.

Or maybe you are him

Zhuo Wu rolled up the scroll, stood up holding Jing Jiujiu, and walked out.

He turned around and went to the hut. Hanba was still inside. Without thinking, Jing Jiujiu got into Zhuo Wu's sleeve. Zhuo Wu stroked him gently: "So you don't like Hanba?"

Jing Jiujiu: “Hmm?”

Zhuo Wu: "If I had known this earlier."

He looked at the Hanba and said, "Then throw it into the netherworld."

The underworld is desolate enough anyway.

Zhuo Wu raised his hand and waved his sleeves, and Hanba disappeared from the house.

He then whispered, as if he was asking Jing Jiujiu, or as if he was talking to himself: "So what do you like?"

After getting rid of the drought demon, they lived in the hut again.

Jing Jiujiu fell asleep in Zhuowu's hair.

When he got up the next day, Zhuo Wu asked the divine servant to grind ink as he wanted to paint again.

But after the ink is refined, he will let the divine servant withdraw today.

He picked up the brush and started with the facial features, then the hair...

Jing Jiujiu:

Where are my clothes

How come there are fewer clothes as I paint

Zhuo Wu painted for several days in a row until the last painting, which was exactly the one Jing Jiujiu saw at the young man's bedside - he was standing by the black lake, his face was peaceful and beautiful, and his body was wrapped in clouds and mist, replacing his clothes.

Jing Jiujiu:

It is indeed turbid and without any painting!

He also saw with his own eyes the erotic picture that Zhuo Wu painted of himself, oh no.

Jing Jiujiu even felt her ears were a little red.

But you can’t see anything from the paper man’s ears.

Zhuo Wu rolled up the painting as usual and hid it in the box. With a wave of his hand, the box disappeared.

He did not continue painting, but lowered his head and said to Jing Jiujiu: "We are going to a place."

Jing Jiujiu understood this sentence.

In fact, according to reason, every time he closed his eyes, he would see the scene of Zhuo Wu "killing the gods", and he should be afraid of Zhuo Wu. But he just couldn't be afraid...

Probably because... he is always Bai Yuhuai.

Zhuo Wu took Jing Jiujiu away from Guye Mountain.

They entered the human world.

Zhuo Wu could not travel tens of thousands of miles in a day, so he carried some Jing wine and walked easily from one hill to another, and finally chose a mountain.

There is a group of people on the mountain. They worship the statue of Confucius, meditate, read books, and feel the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. They are a group of mortals who want to become immortals. At the end of each day, they will ask each other, how much spiritual energy did you absorb today? Do you feel like you are about to float? Are you going to become an immortal

A bit silly.

When Zhuo Wu and Jing Jiujiu passed by, they tried to recruit Zhuo Wu into their gang.

"Come and cultivate together to become immortals and obtain the great way!"

"There are so many hardships in this world, the only way is to become an immortal and save the world!"

They speak with sincerity.

If Jing Jiujiu's voice hadn't been so soft, he would have been unable to resist telling them that after becoming an immortal, one would no longer care about the sufferings of the human world, because once one becomes an immortal, one must draw a line between oneself and this corrupt world, and from then on be pure-hearted, indifferent and ruthless!

But Zhuo Wu stopped, looked at them for a few seconds, and asked calmly, "What sect are you from?"

The mortals looked at each other and scratched their heads, "No, there is no sect. Oh... I've heard that there are sects in various places that are connected to the sky. They own spiritual mines and hold jade slips of immortal cultivation techniques. They can all fly in the clouds and are the most likely to climb the ladder to heaven and ascend to heaven... Are you talking about this kind of sect?"

It took a long time.

They are not even as good as other small sects. They have nothing and their cultivation of immortality depends entirely on self-brainwashing.

Zhuo Wu didn't show any contempt on his face. He still looked indifferent and said calmly: "Then you can join my sect."

Zhuowu certainly doesn't have a sect.

He has an extraordinary status in this world. Thousands of gods and Buddhas must bow down to him, and countless immortals who have attained enlightenment must perform the ritual of kneeling three times and kowtow nine times to him.

He doesn't need to open a sect.

After hearing this, the mortals were very happy. They did not doubt that Zhuo Wu was bragging at all and asked hurriedly, "Then, what is the name of our sect?"

Zhuo Wu lowered his eyes and glanced at the little paper figure hidden in his sleeve.

Mount Guye is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round; even its appearance, which it does not want to be seen by the world, is hidden behind the clouds and mist.

If you ever return to your world, when will you return to the clouds

Zhuo Wu narrowed his eyes and said casually: "...It's called Guiyun Sect."

Afterwards, Zhuo Wu gave them jade slips, talismans, and magic stones, and with a wave of his sleeve, a palace fell from the air, and he established a sect on the mountain.

Jing Jiujiu raised her head with difficulty, unable to recognize the ancient characters.

But he recognized the symbol.

On the plaque on the door was printed the symbol of Guiyunmen.

… It turned out that at this time, Zhuo Wucai had become the founder of Guiyun Sect. Why did he accept such a group of people as his disciples

At this time, this group of mortals were already dumbfounded. They were shocked that Zhuo Wu could create miracles with ease, so they all knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and shouted "Greetings, Master" three times.

Zhuo Wu lowered his eyes and said calmly, "I want you to write down the sect rules and pass them on to future generations. Maybe a hundred years later, maybe a thousand years later, my reincarnation will come to the sect. Seeing it in Guiyun Sect is like seeing me."

When the day comes when all the stars fall, the divine court collapses, and no gods remain in the world, he will die as well.

But he suddenly didn't want to die anymore.