Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 78


Jing Jiujiu stared at the little paper figurine in his palm in a daze, and said in a stunned voice: "Why..." It is also here

But when the words came to Jing Jiujiu's lips, he already had a vague answer in his heart without having to finish.

Bai Yuhuai is turbid and nothing.

Just as Tingyi guessed, he did not reincarnate, but only temporarily sealed his memory. So what was in Zhuo Wu's hand was also in Bai Yuhuai's hand.

Jing Jiujiu's eyes moved and met Bai Yuhuai's gaze.

Bai Yuhuai was still looking at him steadily, his eyes like a deep pool, seeming to carry many emotions, yet restrained, like the sea swallowing up the waves under the cover of night.

Jing Jiujiu felt a swelling in her chest, as if it was a little bitter and a little sweet, and she was also a little shocked that she couldn't pull herself back from the mirror.

He licked his lower lip gently and whispered, "Didn't you enter the six realms of reincarnation?"

"Did you see it?"


Bai Yuhuai whispered: "The six realms of reincarnation have collapsed."

"…Did you collapse it?"

A crack appeared on Bai Yuhuai's indifferent expression. His tall figure stood in front of Jing Jiujiu, but he looked a bit embarrassed. He responded in a low voice: "... Yeah."

Half of it collapsed, and the other half was torn apart by hands.

Jing Jiujiu: "That's why you carved a new reincarnation diagram."

Bai Yuhuai's indifferent and cold expression suddenly relaxed, and he responded, "Yeah."

He was always worried that Jiujiu would be afraid of him and dislike him. So he could scold Zhuo Wu together with Jiujiu, saying that he was not a good person. If Jiujiu liked him, he was Zhuo Wu. If Jiujiu didn't like him, he was not Zhuo Wu.

"How did you..." Jing Jiujiu started to speak, but suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Master Tingyi. Master Tingyi was still standing there motionless, like a sculpture. So Jing Jiujiu stopped talking and asked, "Master Tingyi, what happened?"

Bai Yuhuai then turned his gaze over and said calmly, "He has also entered his past."

No one knows what Master Tingyi's past was like. But Jing Jiujiu saw his eyelids trembling, and his peaceful face gradually turned ferocious...

"It's not a wonderful past." Bai Yuhuai said lightly, raising his hand and slapping Master Tingyi on the back. Master Tingyi trembled and fell to the ground.

Jing Jiujiu reached out to help, but failed.

Master Tingyi's forehead hit the jade step and immediately bled. The blood was absorbed by the jade, and then a layer of light fluorescence floated on the surface. The fluorescence fell on his forehead and smoothed out his wound.

Master Tingyi staggered to his feet, with a look of shock still on his face.

He turned around and saw Bai Yuhuai first. His heart trembled. Then he saw Jing Jiujiu. Master Tingyi let out a long sigh and called out softly, "My friend, am I still dreaming?"

Jing Jiujiu raised her hand and pulled out a strand of his beard.

Master Tingyi: "Oh, I see. He is gone."

Ting Yi then looked at Bai Yuhuai again, and said with a complicated expression: "Thank you, Mr. Bai."

Jing Jiujiu is not familiar with metaphysics, so the only one who can pull out his soul consciousness is Bai Yuhuai.

"The mirror of the past is worthy of its reputation." Ting Yi glanced at the mirror and took two steps back unconsciously. This thing "attacked" indiscriminately. Whoever it reflected would be brought into the past.

Ting Yi said with a gloomy face: "My past... At that time, I accompanied my master all day long, catching ghosts and chanting scriptures in the village... There was a ghost that was particularly difficult to deal with. I just saw him in the mirror again, and I almost died at his hands." At this point, Ting Yi couldn't help but ask: "Did you also have difficult things in your past?"

Bai Yuhuai's expression darkened slightly.

Was he a difficult person for Jiujiu a thousand years ago

Jing Jiujiu: "Oh, nothing. I just saw Bai Yuhuai from a thousand years ago."

"Oh, Bai from a thousand years ago... A thousand years ago?! You saw Zhuo Wu? How could it be? How could there be Zhuo Wu in your past?"

Jing Jiujiu tried to stroke it with difficulty, but found that she was not doing it smoothly.

"What about Mr. Bai? In Mr. Bai's past..."

Bai Yuhuai's eyebrows softened a little, and he whispered: "Of course, there is also wine in my past."

"But how could this happen?" Ting Yi was stunned.

Bai Yuhuai then continued, "For the rest of the people and gods in this world, a timeline is a straight line that moves forward. They cannot go back to the past, nor can they enter the future."

"That's right! So even if my soul consciousness enters the mirror and sees the ghost attacking my past self, I can't intervene." Ting Yi responded. If it weren't so, wouldn't the world be in chaos

"But for me, this timeline is made up of countless black dots, and I can enter any of them at will."

Ting Yi was shocked when he heard the voice. After a few seconds, he couldn't help but sigh, "Mr. Bai is awesome!" And how awesome Zhuo Wu was back then was something Ting Yi couldn't imagine.

"Jiujiu and I..." Bai Yuhuai paused for a moment, "After practicing dual cultivation, he possessed my energy and blood, and even my divine power. He is equivalent to half of my body, and has the ability to enter and exit these points at will. He entered my past, and because of his appearance, my past also became his past. In each other's memories, there is an extra person."

Ting Yi was incredulous when he heard this.

"That is to say... you, like Mr. Bai, can enter a certain node and change that period of history..."

He murmured, "Zhuo Wu was a thousand years ago, and Mr. Bai was a thousand years later, so... who met my friend first, Zhuo Wu or Mr. Bai?"

This seems to be a paradox.

"No matter who goes first, today's result is destined to happen." Bai Yuhuai said lightly.

Ting Yi was stunned: "Why?"

Because the attraction of wine to him will never change.

He will definitely like wine.

When Ting saw that Bai Yuhuai didn't answer, he didn't ask any more questions.

"One more thing... Mr. Bai did not enter the reincarnation cycle. Am I right in guessing that?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuhuai responded.

Ting Yi was shocked and asked, "Then why did Mr. Bai want to kill the gods?"

Jing Jiujiu had a say in this regard. He slowly said, "In the mirror, I saw countless immortals kneeling in front of Bai Yuhuai, begging him to save them..."

Ting Yi sighed softly.

My friend doesn't lie, so this must be true! It turns out that even gods would be so anxious when faced with life and death!

If they ask for something first...

After that, Mr. Bai’s actions were a natural progression.

"Why would they ask Mr. Bai for help?" Ting Yi asked and immediately thought of the answer.

Zhuo Wu has a heavenly power that no other gods possess. When a god falls, the gods all come to him and ask him to save their lives. This can only mean that Zhuo Wu's status is too transcendent, far above the ancient gods!

… Is he the God of Creation

Ting Yi was shocked.

if it is like this.

All things in the world came into being because of him.

Even if Zhuo Wu really wanted to take their lives, it seems... it seems that he wouldn't be able to make any mistakes

Tingyi clasped his hands together and bowed, saying, "I now understand everything. Thank you Mr. Bai for clearing up my doubts. Thank you Mr. Bai for tolerating my previous doubts and precautions."

It turns out that only Mr. Bai can do such a taboo thing as killing gods, and only he dares to do it.

Everything is clear now.

If the spiritual energy is exhausted, the temple collapses, and there is no one in the world who believes in gods anymore, then the way these gods die is to completely disappear from this world.

So, Mr. Bai took the first step.

He killed their bodies and their souls.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao determined that they were dead, and that there was no more death, so they naturally passed on. But their consciousness and bodies were still there, and they only needed to wait for the spiritual energy to revive in the future, and when the time was right, they would be able to be resurrected again.

Only by cutting off his arm first can you save his life!

Only he could do such a decisive and cruel thing, and he really did it. Even though the project was huge...

The shock and fear in Tingyi's heart suddenly turned into supreme awe!

Although various classic stories often say that God is ruthless.

Whenever they mess with the chessboard of the world, countless lives will die, and they don't even blink an eye.

But how is crushing an ant the same as killing its own kind

Mr. Bai repeats his act of killing gods day after day. When the blood of his own kind flows to his feet, will he feel a moment of pain and torment

His divine intelligence has survived to this day, and he remains calm and rational. He is already so powerful that no one in this world can match him!

Tingyi sighed: "Back then, Mr. Bai could have ignored their pleas..."

"That's how it is." Bai Yuhuai said calmly, "Everything has its beginning and end. If you are obsessed with life and death, what's the point of being a god?"

Tingyi was stunned again.

What he thought was similar to what Bai Yuhuai thought.

But why then...

"Even if they expel the foul air and cut off all ties with the human world, immortals are still human and have seven emotions and six desires." Bai Yuhuai said.

they have.

He had it later.

"I saw the new god thousands of years later through deduction." Bai Yuhuai's tone remained flat, "I thought, if thousands of years later, he became a new god, but found that there was no god in the world to celebrate with him, how lonely he would be..." "In that case, if they want to live, then let them live."

Ting was stunned and realized that the "new god" Bai Yuhuai was referring to was Jing Jiujiu.

After many twists and turns, all the causes and consequences are still tied to Jing Jiujiu.

Because Bai Yuhuai liked Jing Jiujiu, Jing Jiujiu was able to enter his past and was liked by Zhuo Wushi. Because Zhuo Wushi liked Jing Jiujiu, he killed gods and created gods, evaded the way of heaven, avoided reincarnation, and waited until today to see Jing Jiujiu again.

Tingyi's PHS cell phone suddenly rang.

He took out his cell phone tremblingly, the shock in his heart still not subsided.

The people from Guiyun Sect and the police and others waiting outside the cave could not wait any longer, so they called.

Tingyi said, "I'll go out first and tell them I'm safe."

Bai Yuhuai: “Yeah.”

Jing Jiujiu blinked gently, looked at Bai Yuhuai, and asked in a low voice: "Are we going out too?"

Bai Yuhuai: "Okay."

Bai Yuhuai paused, but couldn't help but ask, "What else did Jiujiu see in the mirror?"

Jing Jiujiu knew that Bai Yuhuai probably wanted to ask, did he see Zhuo Wu kill God

Did he think I would be scared

Jing Jiujiu blinked slowly, nodded and said, "I saw it... You thousands of years ago, I kissed you, but you ignored me."

"Sitting upright, like an old-fashioned person."

He complained to Bai Yuhuai himself without any hesitation.

Bai Yuhuai's expression completely relaxed. He held Jing Jiujiu's waist and leaned over to kiss her.

Is the little paper man exactly the same as the boy in the deduction

How did they practice dual cultivation

What would it feel like when he could actually touch the little paper man’s entity

That became something that Zhuo Wu had secretly depicted in his heart countless times... The more he knew that it would take thousands of years before he could touch the real wine, the greater the temptation became.

He never sat upright.

It's just because I think about it too much that I have to be more restrained.

In his lonely life of tens of thousands of years, he had never tasted sweetness. If he had tasted it, how could he endure the pain of missing it for thousands of years

Congratulations to you and your host

Mission 1: Rebuilding the Underworld 1/1 Completed

Mission 2: Finding the God's Site 2/2 Completed

You have obtained the body of a god

When Jing Jiujiu heard the system sound in his ear, he bit Bai Yuhuai's lip and said vaguely in a low voice: "But... you are still very good to me, and you even caught the drought demon for me..." Whether in the past or in the future, Bai Yuhuai loves him seriously.

He likes Bai Yuhuai too.