Head-droppingly Cute

Chapter 85: Extra 6 Clams


Extra 6

When did he become the number one person in the world

he does not know.

Maybe it's because the memory is too old... Even if the gods know everything, after thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of years, those memories that have not been used for a long time will become blurred.

People in the world call every day of their lives "life."

Their lives are filled with crying, laughing, the aroma of various foods, the cold of winter, the heat of summer, fatigue and pain...

He couldn't feel any of this.

His "life"... is nothing but endless mountains covered with snow all year round.

After a thousand years, he finally felt bored. So he waved his hand and the snow on the mountain melted overnight. He waved his hand again and the mountain was covered with flowers.

If there are not enough flowers, create more trees.

The flowers, plants and trees here are all imbued with his spiritual energy and have become one with the mountain. He can change them with just a thought.

When there were more flowers, plants and trees, spiritual beasts began to appear.

Birds chirped and bears and tigers galloped.

But he still felt that the mountain was lifeless.

So he casually made three long ladders, one leading to the eastern sky, one leading to the western sky, and one leading to Mount Gushan.

The long ladder leading to the eastern sky is built on Mount Qishan.

The long ladder leading to the Western Heaven is located on Kunlun.

As for Mount Guye... just drop it anywhere you want.

No one would dare to climb up this path...

Another ten thousand years passed.

More and more people climbed the ladder to heaven step by step and became immortals. They learned from the older gods that the ladder was built by him, so they would come to Mount Gushan to pay homage to him every once in a while.

They began to call him "Immortal Lord".

He watched them kneel before him with awe and admiration on their faces, but he still felt bored.

This still doesn’t count as “life”.

A few more years.

Aura collapse.

The gods came to him in a panic, but he sat there, high above them. He should be ruthless and indifferent. But aren't most gods recorded in ancient books like this

He only gave them a little glance.

Watching them coming and going, doing the same kneeling movements.



He swallowed the second half of the word.

Something was sucking his breath!

Not only that, that thing can even control Mount Guye unconsciously.

He slowly walked down the platform and picked up the thing carefully. At that time, he had never thought that this action would change his future.

The little paper figure is not even as big as a palm, and is so fragile and delicate.

The little paper man would order him around in a domineering manner.

But he didn't want to see the little paper man sad.

He smelled his own scent from the little paper man, and he knew that their scents would blend together at some point in the future.

Gradually, more and more gods came to him for help.

The spiritual energy collapsed even more severely.

He calmly deduced the future and glimpsed Jiujiu from the future. The little paper man pointed at the big vat with difficulty, jumped up and down at him, and said, I am your Jiujiu. That scene is still in his mind.

… So this is what the little paper man looks like.

He stared at the scene in the simulation and couldn't help but pick up the pen to draw it. He didn't use divine power to copy it, but drew it slowly, stroke by stroke. It was as if his fingertips gently stroked the little paper man, from head to toe...

He couldn't help but imagine it in his mind.

How did he gradually imbue the little paper figure with his own scent? What would it be like for him and the little paper figure to practice dual cultivation together? Would the little paper figure blame him for hurting it? …

He had clearly gotten rid of the bad air long ago.

But why did his desire increase instead of decrease, weighing firmly in his heart

He didn't find the answer.

He and the little paper man walked down Mount Gushan and returned to Yunmen.

They lived a truly "living" life here.

In order to meet the little paper man again thousands of years later.

Also for the little paper man thousands of years later, to be able to travel back here again.

He wanted to send the little paper man away.

Thousands of years later, when he in the past sees the little paper man again, he will definitely still be happy, right

He thought later.

Is this bound to happen


Because no matter when, he will always be attracted by wine.

He likes Jiujiu's appearance, Jiujiu's personality, and everything about Jiujiu.

He will definitely meet Jiujiu.

He will fall in love with wine.

He would turn Jiujiu from a ghost into a god, even if he had to feed him all his flesh and blood.

No matter what time it is, he wants wine.

Later, he imagined countless times in his mind how he and Jiujiu should hug each other intimately. He also recalled Jiujiu's face and his "life" with the little paper man Jiujiu over and over again.

In this way, you can get enough sweetness from it time and time again.

Until he felt that such sweetness was enough to support him through thousands of years of long waiting and suffering, and to become a person without any origin or basis like duckweed.

Then he tore open the reincarnation, sealed his memory, and slept in the mountains for a thousand years. After waking up, he followed his notes, broke through the clouds and stepped into the world.

He wore a bracelet that contained all his powers.

He also ordered everyone in Guiyun Sect to make identical bracelets.

But there is one thing that is different.

He would always feel two words from the inside of the bracelet. These two words were repeated, but they seemed to be written in ancient characters. After losing his memory, he searched for a long time but could not find the meaning of the two words.

That must be something important.

The feeling of losing memory and not knowing where he came from was extremely unbearable. Especially with his personality, how could he allow his memory to be incomplete

He grew crueler day by day.

The wheel of time rumbles forward.

He became more and more involved in the secular world, and he chose a career for himself, with the main job being an actor and the secondary job being a Taoist priest. But this was too boring.

Until his agent took a notice for him without his permission.

this day.

There was a light rain falling from the sky as he slowly walked into the Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Oranges rolled all over the floor in the castle.

It's very clean here.

He could tell at first glance that there was a ghost living here. The broom had traces of having been used recently. … But why would a ghost clean his home so carefully? Was it just to welcome them

He turned away indifferently.

Quietly pinched his fingertips.

… This little kid is so silly and cute.

He bent down to pick up an orange, and soon saw the little ghost who lived here.

The little ghost doesn't look like a ghost.

He is like a beautiful work of art.

The little devil is afraid of ghosts.

After watching a horror movie, she would scream and throw herself into his arms, and she would insist on getting into his quilt and would ask him, "Is the orange delicious?"

The little ghost also asked him: "What's your name?"

He had no choice but to say: "Bai Yuhuai."

So the little ghost also said, "My name is Jing Jiujiu."


It seems that there is a hint of tipsy aroma in the name.

Later... Bai Yuhuai stroked the inside of the bracelet. The two words engraved on it were - Wine.

It's his wine.


Bai Yuhuai had a long sleep.

I vaguely dreamed of him holding the little paper man Jiujiu in his palm. The little paper man cried out, "Don't pull my legs."

Bai Yuhuai was awakened by cuteness.

Bai Yuhuai opened his eyes, but there was no sign of another person beside him. He frowned, put on his pajamas, and slowly went downstairs. He heard Jiujiu pointing at the little robot and saying, "You are so shameless. You have already reached the maximum level and stored enough energy, but you still don't go back to your home!"

The little robot hung its head and said nothing.

But it feels so good to be trash.

I want to be Jiujiu's little waste for the rest of my life, even returning home in glory is not a good thing. I love Jiujiu, Jiujiu loves me... Ugh.

Bai Yuhuai picked up the useless little robot with one hand and threw it aside.

The little robot could only squat there and dared not move.

Jiujiu fell into Bai Yuhuai's arms and said in a very imposing manner: "I want to watch a horror movie! You accompany me!" As he said that, he held a strawberry in his mouth and fed it to Bai Yuhuai, and also rubbed a little bit of the cream on the pastry into Bai Yuhuai's mouth.

"Okay." Bai Yuhuai licked his lips and responded.

Just like the indulgent promise he had made to Jiujiu countless times thousands of years ago and thousands of years later.

When the horror BGM sounded on TV.

Bai Yuhuai raised his hand to cover Jiujiu's eyes and kissed his earlobe: "Jiujiu, are you still afraid of this?"

Jiujiu licked his lips and whispered, "A little bit."

He grabbed Bai Yuhuai's sleeve tightly and trembled slightly.

I don’t know if it’s fear or something else.

Jiujiu: "Because I don't want to cry while biting the quilt tonight."

"What about something else?"


End of article

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