Healing Quick Transmigration: Blackened Male God, Come For a Hug

Chapter 89: The goddess of entertainment (51)


Yun Fanfan took the initiative to climb onto the bed and covered her with the quilt.

Gu Li watched her lying there obediently, her whole body looked like a packaged snack, just waiting for him to taste it.

His Adam's apple moved up and down twice, his dark eyes stared at her tightly like the deep night.

Then he asked, "Aren't you afraid of what I might do to you?"

She turned over suddenly, blinked at him, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

There is so much more he wants to do.

However, just think about it in your heart.

The other party had finally opened up to him, and he had finally deceived her.

I don't want to lose her.

So Gu Li lied and said innocently: "I won't do anything to you."

In an instant, a smile appeared on the corner of Yun Fanfan's lips, she patted the quilt and signaled him to come up.

Gu Li walked to the door and turned off the light at the door.

The whole room was shrouded in darkness. He was very familiar with the room, even if there was no light, he could walk to the bed. What's more, there was no furniture in the room, so he wouldn't trip over it at all.

He sat on the edge of the bed, lifted the quilt, and lay down.

The warmth in the quilt was her body temperature.

Gu Li also turned over and faced her.

The distance between the two was very close, and while they were breathing together, Gu Lian closed his eyes reassuringly.

This night, it was warm and comfortable.

After sleeping until midnight, Gu Li suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes, and felt that the people around him were unconsciously approaching him, and then he stretched out his arms to hug him, her face was almost touching his own, and if he moved a little further, he could taste to her sweet lips.

The night made his senses more sensitive, and Gu Li's fingers landed on her back.

After that, there was no more action.

Gu Li let out a breath slowly, seemingly regretful and relieved.

There is no heating in the room itself, and this room is not exposed to the sun all year round, so it is a bit humid, and there is only one quilt on the bed. He can get through it, but she may not.

Originally, she could sleep on a big soft bed, covered with a warm velvet quilt, everything was fine.

He just wanted to sleep with him in such a dilapidated place.

How silly.

Gu Li cautiously leaned over his face, and pressed a light kiss on her forehead.

After the kiss, he leaned against Yun Fanfan like this, with a smile on his mouth, and fell asleep together.

When Yun Fanfan woke up the next morning, he only felt a little cold.

She didn't feel it when she was sleeping last night. After all, she was hot all over at the time, so why would she feel cold? After falling asleep, she felt vaguely cold. After waking up, she still felt cold, but not very cold.

Gu Li beside her was gone, and she felt something in her arms.

When I took it out, it was something wrapped in flannelette.

It still feels warm to the touch.

Yun Fanfan was curious for a moment, so he opened the strap tied on the flannel cloth, and it turned out that it was just a glass bottle filled with hot water.

No wonder she felt hot in her bosom, but cold in her feet. It turned out to be because of this.

Did Gu Li do it for her after she woke up

Yun Fan looked at the thing and smiled, then stuffed it back into the quilt.

On the chair next to her, her clothes had been neatly folded and placed there.

Yun Fanfan quickly put on his clothes, and then walked to the bathroom.

Gu Li is not in the bathroom, has he gone out

Thinking of this, she saw the new toiletries prepared in the bathroom.