Hear to Heart

Chapter 39: Dahua, affectionate (4)


The audio-visual room was specially customized by FM Acoustic, which placed the disc on the best medium - air, using suspension technology. The air-floating LP turntable allows the turntable to reproduce the most natural sound without any interference from vibration and resistance. All the subtlest tones in the original sound waveform are faithfully released.

But even such a shocking auditory effect cannot soothe the anxiety in Warm's heart.

She turned up the volume of the record player a few degrees, and Sissel's "Should It Matter" resounded throughout the vast space, completely covering up the dialogue on the screen more than ten meters away. She looked up, having no idea what the unknown movie was about. She just habitually picked up the remote control and randomly selected a button to open it.

When everything crosses the line, it becomes unacceptable, and the same is true for sound. The originally beautiful music turned into harsh noise in the discordant mixture with the movie dialogue. She was frustrated and irritated, so she simply turned off both.

In fact, it is not the music that makes people upset, but themselves.

Her mood, which had been silent for many years, had not been so turbulent for a long time, so long that she could not remember the last time she felt upset. A corner of her heart had aged and lost all feeling many years ago. She only hoped that her world would remain an eternally silent dead water during the hundred years of her old age, and that there would never be a ripple in her life again.

The depression she felt these past few nights came so suddenly that she found it hard to resist.

Leave the audio-visual room, go downstairs, walk outside, and stroll under the endless night sky.

She could not calm her mind as usual, so she had to try to tell herself, warmth, please don't be moved, don't lose control, don't be confused, don't let it turn into real longing again, and don't have any longings for the present or the future.

Please don't gamble. A heart that is only half scarred is left and I really can't afford it anymore.

She sat down on the ground and pulled the grass around her legs one by one.

Once, she tried very hard to gain weight, but her arms are still the same as before, still thin and thin, not as thick as a teenager's. She used to think that hard work could achieve a lot, but later she finally understood that many times hard work is just futile.

The thin mist on the tips of the grass wet her fingers. She chose to let go and got up to go back.

Since when did she learn that people should not be obsessed, and since when did she choose to give up everything, including her beloved songs... and her most beloved people.

Once upon a time, whether she was awake or asleep, there was a song that she loved so much that she would play it over and over again for a full 24 hours. The first thing she would do when she got up every day was to turn on the record player and let it play, because it belonged only to her and him. She had completely exhausted her attachment and emotion for it during those years. After letting it go, she never fell in love with any other song again.

After that, she, who used to be single-minded, turned to chasing after CDs that kept pouring out. However, her memories were like ruins that collapsed after a prosperous era, and she felt devastated whenever she thought of them.

Time passed year after year, and in the end, no matter how hard she tried to recall it, all she could find was a little bit of the incomplete shadow that sank to the bottom of the music... the scene of them hugging and kissing that was so familiar to her soul.

Finally, I couldn't control myself and thought about the past.