Hear to Heart

Chapter 4: Creation, meeting (3)


I got up early on a warm Saturday morning and prepared several delicious side dishes.

Every Saturday at noon, unless she was out, her sister Wenrou would definitely come.

Because their grandfather named their father Wenrou, her father also continued this casual and somewhat casual tradition - the eldest daughter was named Wenrou and the youngest daughter was named Wennuan.

Although the name is a bit unusual, it doesn't have much impact on the warmth.

Wenrou was treated relatively worse. For many years, when all the boys and men around her started to cheer her on and deliberately pinched their voices to call her "Wen-Rou" in a shrill and long voice, she, who had never been a gentle person, was always so annoyed that she wanted to kill someone.

"I've had enough of this torture!" Wenrou shouted while lying on the sofa, "If I give birth to a son in the future, I will definitely name him Thermometer!"

Wen Nuan laughed. Miss Wen had had enough of this kind of torture, so she was unwilling to accept it. She wanted to put the blame on her descendants like her father did, "What if it's a daughter?"

"Then call it a hot spring!" Wenrou said confidently.

"Fortunately, it's not Wencun." She handed over the peeled apple in her hand.

She raised her beautiful eyes gently and said, "It's so far away, how can I get it?"

It's obvious that I can get it by just leaning forward, but I'm so hopelessly lazy.

Wen Nuan stood up, walked over and stuffed the apple directly into her mouth, "Why didn't Dad call you a greenhouse flower?"

"Bah! You're still calling me lukewarm."

Wen Nuan smiled and went back to her room to change clothes.

Although it was Saturday, she still wanted to go back to the company. Yang Ying had already left and Zhan Nanxian had also returned. She would be on the job alone next Monday, so it would be better for her to be well prepared, in case her boss asked her questions at the regular meeting on Monday and she didn't know anything.

Wenrou looked at her lavender coat and knee-length skirt and couldn't help rolling her eyes. "Your monthly salary is not enough to buy a few sets of this kind of clothes, why are you still doing it?"

Wen Nuan put on pearl-colored shoes with half-inch heels, rolled up her long hair, and fixed it with a light jade hairpin that could be hidden in her hair. "What else can I do if I don't go and stay at home?"

"Wuhan." The gentle eyes were pitiful, like a puppy that was abandoned and had no dinner.

"Honey, this trick is only suitable for use on your boyfriend."

Wenrou raised her eyebrows, "One day I will pry Zhan Nanxian out from under Bo Yixin's skirt and kick him out!"

"Wow!" Wen Nuan couldn't help but marvel at her ambition, "I'll wait and see, remember don't let me down." After saying that, she smiled, closed the door and left.

Their mother passed away when they were young, and their father also passed away ten years ago. Wenrou sold the old house and bought two apartments, each for the two sisters to live in. Together with the inheritance left by their father, it was just enough for them to have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives. And because there were only two sisters in the world, they were particularly friendly to each other.

Wenrou works as an investment manager in a large securities company. Her job is very exciting and she has achieved great results. Many people in the industry know Wenrou, and Wenrou is sincerely happy for her.

As for herself, she had always been unremarkable, but she did not expect to be transferred to the 66th floor as an exception. Recently, no less than five companies have wanted to poach her, and it seems that she has become famous in the workplace all of a sudden. Of course, she does not rule out the possibility that some of these companies may be more interested in the Qianyu case that she was involved in.