Hear to Heart

Chapter 46: Overnight, News (2)


A slight sense of loss accompanied her all the way back home. On the way, she was vaguely looking forward to it, hoping that the phone would ring suddenly, hoping that his car would suddenly appear beside her... She had to admit in frustration that his methods were indeed superb, and the back and forth had already made her heart confused. WwW, QunabEN, coM

After washing up, she watched TV out of boredom. Four men were being interviewed on the music channel. They were a world-famous Irish music group with global album sales of more than 34 million copies.

Many years ago, on the windowsill in Zhan Nanxian's room where she could enjoy the view from afar, every holiday morning and evening, in her inexplicable joy, it was these boys who had moved her countless times with their music. Even after one of them went solo, she was still fascinated by him.

The atmosphere on the screen was lively. The four handsome guys dancing with joy were all football fans. When asked who played football best among them, several people pointed to the one on the right, followed by the best forward and the best defender, and the one on the left was the best bench player.

She thought of Zhan Nanxian again while laughing uncontrollably.

There are always some people and some songs that are deposited in the deepest memories of youth.

Just the slightest touch will bring out the old bitter feelings. Listening to the familiar melody of unbreakable again after many years is like the past blowing gently in your ears, reminding you that on that day in the past, it was this person and this song that accompanied you when you were lonely and helpless after separation.

The shining stars in their eyes once looked just like the person she most desired to see in her heart during those 2,500 days and nights.

Now time has left traces of age on the faces of the four men. The singing rails are still there, but their faces have changed. A trace of fatness can be seen, and their handsomeness is no longer there. They are no longer the boys they used to be, just like her, who has long crossed over several lifetimes of youth.

Looking back after going through thousands of mountains and rivers, I only feel that the world is changing every day.

She was staring at the TV in a daze when she suddenly heard a knock on the door and jumped up from the sofa.

Staring at the door, ecstasy and fear were closely intertwined. She hoped so much that he would finally come after she had waited for almost half her life, but she was also so panicked, afraid that after she had spent half her life to calm down, he would come back again.

With her palms slightly sweaty, she timidly asked through the door, "Who?"

"Who do you want?"

She was almost in tears, and she leaned her forehead weakly against the door panel. After a long time, she was able to turn the handle to let the person in.

"Are you opening the door, or your heart?" The graceful lip line was raised and then covered. She was wrapped in a vortex of sweat and masculine scent. Zhan Nanxian whispered between her tongue and teeth, "Don't make me wait forever next time."

The deepest sigh in my heart flashed through my drowsy consciousness, and I could never go back.

He let her go and took a deep breath.

His clothes were completely wet under her palms. She asked, "Have you ever exercised?"

"Guests in the VIP seats can compete with the players after the game. I competed with Federer." Zhan Nanxian took out his phone, dialed a number and threw it to her, "Tell them to send me some clothes." He took off his sports shirt with both hands and walked straight to her bathroom.

"Hey, you... hello? Wait a minute." She ran after him, "What do you mean by some of your clothes?"