Hear to Heart

Chapter 54: Hate and Abandon (2)


The sky was overcast, unusually dim and gray. For the whole afternoon, the rain seemed to be hesitating for a long time but still unwilling to fall. It seemed that music was always indispensable in such gloomy and low moments. The warmth was in listening to sens's aphrodite. WwW, QunabEN, coM

Aprodite, also translated as Aphrodite, is the daughter of Zeus and Dione in Roman mythology. She is in charge of human love and marriage. She is also the goddess Venus, who is famous for her beauty.

Wen Nuan didn't know how many discs she had listened to in the past few days. Because of it, she was reminded of the ancient ideal kingdom, the disappeared Atlantis. Milan Kundera once said:

"Beauty disappeared long ago, having slid beneath a tumultuous noise - the noise of words, like the legendary island of Atlantis that sank to the bottom of the Atlantic. The only things that remain are the words, and with each passing year their meaning loses more and more clarity and simplicity."

Ever since she left that year, she began to get tired of talking. She once didn't say a word for half a year. Over the years, the only thing she liked was music. In her quiet world, music was her only eternal and best companion.

It finally started to rain outside the long floor-to-ceiling windows, hitting the leaves and walls of the building in a continuous, low, continuous stream. I don't know why I felt so depressed, perhaps because of the rain, or perhaps because of this sad, low-pitched song.

Aphrodite, the beautiful Venus, has given all the love, hatred and emotions to the people in the world, but in the end she may not be able to find a perfect ending for herself in the heaven of God.

Bored, she used the remote control in her hand to turn the CD player that could play eight discs in a row to another one. This time, a mysterious Nordic girl was singing, "Should It Matter."

It's nothing.

What I will do and have done,

As deep as my heart,

You are the only one who remains constant.

I heard you say,

But I think you don't know.

I hope I can be your most loyal.

should it matter, at this moment it seemed to sing out her regret for half her life. For a moment she wanted to pick up the phone and call Zhan Nanxian... But in the end she was too scared to put down the phone that she had been holding in her hand all day, and closed her eyes helplessly at the air.

Bo Yixin was right about one thing, she was indeed cowardly.

Her love and courage had long since turned to ashes after so many years, leaving only a tiny ember of hope that had yet to give up completely. Even if she fanned it alight, it might not necessarily move Zhan Nanxian's hard-as-iron heart. But if she failed, it would surely backfire on her for the rest of her life.

Therefore, she was very cowardly and never dared to take the truly crucial step.

But Bo Yixin had made it clear to her that Zhan Nanxian hated her retreat, and his strong self-esteem would not allow him to express anything to her again. If she chose to leave again or remain silent, everything would most likely be settled.

She was not sure whether her love for him could overcome the fear deep in her heart, so she never wanted to go back to that long, dark period of self-healing. However, this was not the most important thing. What really made her anxious was that she didn't know whether his remaining feelings for her were really enough for him to completely let go of the past.