Hear to Heart

Chapter 62: Lesion, end (3)


Ten days passed before Wen Nuan realized that she had experienced a thrilling illness.

She was in a coma and had a low fever since she was admitted to the hospital. The fever did not go down even after she was given intravenous medicine all night. She did not open her eyes for three consecutive days and only kept making vague mumblings. Wenrou was scared half to death. She almost forced her uncle, chief physician Zhou Shiwei, who was a family friend and had watched her and her two sisters grow up, to stay by her warm bed for 24 hours.

It was not until the fourth day that Wen Nuan could barely recognize people.

On the fifth day, she was a little more awake, but still unable to get up. She felt that there was no normal part of her body. Her tonsils, throat, upper respiratory tract and bronchi were all swollen and painful. She even had difficulty swallowing saliva. Her vocal cords were completely voiceless. She didn't want anything and could only nod or shake her head.

When the fever subsided, it turned into a cold. She had tears and runny nose, which made her head ache and stuffy. Large red rashes appeared on her body. Because she had not eaten anything except medicine and water for many days, her stomach had become neurotic. It hurt if she didn't eat, and she vomited if she ate. She was completely unable to eat and could only survive by intravenous drips. As a result, the backs of her hands were covered with purple needle marks.

She was so weak that even the action of raising her hand to wipe the sweat off her face looked like a slow motion shot on TV, which was done second by second, with extreme effort and slowness, while she gasped for breath.

Unable to leave the bed, his movements were limited to lying down or sitting up slightly against the bed board. He could not lie down for more than ten minutes before having to lie down again because he could not support himself mentally. His consciousness was intermittently chaotic, as if his soul had already left his body and ascended to heaven, leaving only a shell that refused to decay, making his last struggle in the world.

On the seventh day, I suddenly woke up from a dream in the middle of the night.

She saw a ray of white light coming from the crack in the door into the room, and a figure flickered on the light. She thought she was dazzled, so she closed her eyes and opened them again. Sure enough, she saw nothing. She closed and opened them again, still nothing, and fell into a deep sleep in a daze.

When she woke up again, it was already early morning. She saw Wenrou, who had not slept for several days, lying on the edge of her bed. Her face was pale, her hair was messy, and her clothes were obviously wrinkled. All the past events flooded into Wenrou's heart like a tide. She stared at Wenrou's sleeping face in exhaustion, and at that moment Wenrou completely let go of the past.

On the eighth day, her stomach was churning and she vomited until her intestines turned upside down, but all she came out was a mouthful of bitter water. Strangely, after vomiting, her stomach actually calmed down and she felt more energetic. She could even eat one-fifth of a bowl of porridge at noon and in the evening.

The same scene repeated itself the next day. Her stomach was upset and she vomited. After vomiting, she paradoxically became more energetic and could barely eat - she could only eat a few spoonfuls of liquid food at each meal.

The night was still restless. It was a long night and I woke up from my dream coughing every two hours. I would cough and fall asleep one after another.

It was a hazy early morning. When she turned over, her eyes suddenly opened and an illusion condensed again. She seemed to see a figure standing at her feet covered with a sheet, with a tall, translucent body and dim eyes. She thought it was impossible. After blinking again, she didn't know whether the illusion disappeared or she fell asleep again. When she woke up early the next morning, she felt that it was just a dream.

She still couldn't eat as usual, but she felt much better. After dinner, Wenrou pushed her out for a walk in a wheelchair. The body she was familiar with before seemed like a stranger after she recovered from a serious illness. When she saw the flowers, plants, people and trees again, she felt as if she were in another world.