Hear to Heart

Chapter 71: Stop and get married (3)


Wen Nuan married Zhu Linlu.

After officially registering in Las Vegas, the two went to Lisbon, Munich, Strasbourg and Iberia. There was no special significance in the choice of locations, they were just pointing at them on the map, and before they knew it, they had spent half a month playing there.

However, the more places she went, the more she remembered to say something.

As big as the world is, as deep is the black hole in your heart.

One day, when walking on the Kloveniersburgwal Avenue in Amsterdam, Zhu Linlu received a call. Wen Nuan was sitting in a comfortable open-air cafe, looking at the road being divided in the middle by water. The Kloveniers Canal was green and deep, with thin smoke and waves, and the scenery was extremely beautiful.

When I raised my eyes, I inadvertently saw a figure in white standing diagonally opposite me. In the twilight of the reeds, the person seemed to be on the other side of the water.

Even though I knew it couldn't be him, my heart was still slightly shaken.

As if sensing her gaze, the man turned around and revealed a friendly smile on his handsome Nordic face. He was indeed just a stranger passing through on the journey. At that moment she suddenly realized that no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it could not change the fact that people on both sides of the river could only look at each other across the water.

Who is at the edge of the water, and who is at the shore of the water? Even if you swim upstream, you cannot reach anyone.

After Zhu Linlu finished the call, she said, "Let's go back."

He grinned, laughing happily, "It's time to go back."

She stretched, "What are you so proud of?"

"I forgot to tell you—" He paused deliberately, "I sent your original copy of the marriage certificate to Zhan Nanxian."

She looked at him, holding up her mug and waiting for what to say next.

"There was also a letter attached. I said, the media said -" Zhu Linlu raised the corners of his mouth maliciously, smiling extremely arrogantly and meanly, "the rumor that he is not as good as me, I can be sure that it is the truth, because, you are no different from a virgin."

A mouthful of thick brown liquid sprayed onto the table. Wen Nuan hurriedly grabbed a tissue and said in a depressed tone, "It seems that not only you, but even Coffee thinks that I'm not ugly enough."

Zhu Linlu's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, "I have something to tell you. Today, all the major newspapers in Shen City have published an announcement that Zhan Nanxian and Bo Yixin's wedding will be moved up to next week, which is August 8th."

She looked calm, "Does that have anything to do with you or me?"

"I just find it funny. This tactic of his has always worked. Three years ago, he used engagement to force you back, and now he's planning on getting married."

After a moment of silence, she shook her head and said, "You are wrong this time. He will really get married." Just as they had already entered the marriage hall one step ahead of time, she believed that Zhan Nanxian would also marry Bo Yixin.

What he decides will never change.

Zhu Linlu said lazily, "It doesn't matter whether he is really like that or not. What matters is that you have been out for so long, have you calmed down?" He suddenly leaned forward, facing her face, staring into her eyes, "I just realized now, Nuannuan, that you have always been a child."

She blinked her long eyelashes and smiled charmingly, "Of course, I am eighteen every year."

He laughed, the light in his eyes reappeared, "Even Wenrou had Ling Zhiyin, you would be unhappy for several days. Zhan Nanxian, who used to obey you in everything, now refuses to give in and confronts you on everything. Didn't it almost drive you crazy?"