Hear to Heart

Chapter 81: Way out, exit (3)


Wen Nuan sat quietly in the waiting hall until everyone had left their seats and boarded the plane, until the announcement urging her to hurry up and board the plane was played countless times, until the delayed plane finally flew away, she still sat blankly in the deserted waiting hall.

She had no idea how long she had been sitting there when the phone in her pocket began to buzz.

I stand under the stars of Bressanone,

And the stars were shining on Bréle on the other side of the sky.

Please let go gently, because I have to go far away.

Although the train will take me away, my heart will never leave you.

Watching the white clouds passing by, the sunset and the moon rising,

I leave the stars behind, let them light up your sky.

She stared at the flashing name of Zhan Nanxian on the screen in her hand. She didn't know how many times it had rung or flashed. She only knew that every time the ringtone disappeared after the song was finished, it would flash again and again in the next second.

She hung up the phone gently and got up to leave.

She returned along the way she came and walked out of the customs checkpoint. She went to the ticket window and bought a ticket for the fastest departing flight. Then she walked step by step to check in again and went through the same customs checkpoint where he had seen her off before. When she passed through the security gate, the necklace in her hand sounded the alarm again. The security officer looked at her in surprise, picked up the inspection camera and scanned it as a routine matter before letting her go.

She walked through the long corridor, found the boarding gate, queued up, checked her ticket, entered the boarding channel, and even found a seat in the cabin and sat down, but she still had no idea where she was going.

The phone kept ringing, over and over again.

Finally, she pressed the call button with trembling hands and slowly put the phone to her ear.

"President Zhan, don't you want me to let you go?" she said, and the tears that had stopped for who knows how long began to flow silently again, one drop after another, splashing the stone pendant in her hand.

"I'm sorry." His voice was slightly hoarse.

The grievances suddenly flooded her mind and she couldn't stop sobbing.

"For so many years, why didn't you give me a way out? For so many nights, when I closed my eyes alone in the dark, I prayed to God to let me forget you when I woke up the next morning. As long as I forgot you, my heart would no longer hurt. Have you ever experienced the feeling of missing someone so much that it hurts? Have you ever experienced the feeling of tears flowing from boiling hot to ice cold? Have you ever experienced the feeling of missing someone so much that you can't control it, but you don't recognize them when you meet? Have you ever experienced the feeling of watching your beloved go out with other women?"

There was a dead silence over there.

"Have you ever tried loving someone but felt that you shouldn't be happy? Have you ever hated someone but felt like you were poisoned, unable to leave and had to stay where you were and endure endless pain? Have you ever tried the extreme fear of seeing your most beloved person standing in the church with another woman? Do you know what I was thinking at the time? I told myself that if you really married her, I would grab Yang Wenzhong's gun and commit suicide. Since you want to torture me like this, I will die. Are you satisfied with my death?"

Before she finished crying, a figure appeared at the cabin door with red eyes.