Heart Protection

Chapter 100


Tian Yao broke out of the wind wall with Yan Hui wrapped around the dragon's body, and fell to the ground in embarrassment. In the next moment, Yan Hui only heard a loud noise behind them. She looked back and saw that Qing Guang's wind wall had completely dissipated, and Qing Guang The real man clutched his chest in the air, his face pale as if he was seriously injured.

And Ling Xiao…

But has disappeared.

When Qingguang Zhenren turned his head, but seeing Yanhui and Tian Yao still there, he immediately looked sharp and sneered: "Ling Xiao thought that if he fought me to the death, he would be able to save you..." Come to a magic power.

When he turned his head, he saw that the army of demon clan came with a flag. There was already a thick layer of demonic energy in the distance.

Tian Yao's eyes condensed, and he tried his last strength. In an instant, he disappeared into the army of the demon clan, and the aura of his body was immediately covered by the strong demonic energy around him.

Qingguang was already seriously injured, he immediately narrowed his eyes, no longer trembling, and Bai Guang left the place as soon as he turned around.

On that day and night, the news of the battle between the fairy and the demons was well known to the world—the strongest barrier in the cultivating world behind the triple mountain was broken by the demon dragon Tianyao, and the army of the demon clan advanced for more than ten miles in the Central Plains. The real Qingguang was seriously injured, and the real Suying and Lingxiao disappeared in the chaos of the war.

The cultivators in the Central Plains were shocked.

The demon clan people were ecstatic, and countless demon clan people automatically requested Tian Yao and Yan Hui for rewards. For a while, the names of the two of them were shouted extremely loudly in the demon clan.

However, the two of them stayed behind closed doors after returning from the Central Plains.

Yan Hui was sitting in the house on a dry day, and the scene of Ling Xiao turning his sword away every moment reappeared in her mind. His words never regretted accepting her as a disciple, and it was like a spell that couldn't get rid of her.

She still doesn't know what happened after she left Chenxing Mountain, or what happened twenty years ago... Because even at the last moment, Ling Xiao didn't reveal the meaning of the matter at all.

But she knew that she seemed to have been thinking wrong about Ling Xiao...

Within a few days, Zhu Lijuer brought news that the demon clan had brought back a snake demon that had been washed with marrow in the Central Plains. The snake demon said that he had important information to report to the princes, and also named him by name. He mentioned that he wanted to see Tian Yao and Yan Hui.

A basilisk with washed marrow

After Yan Hui heard the news, he finally washed up and walked out of the small room.

After seeing the snake demon, Yan Hui was stunned: "It's you."

It's the snake demon who likes Master Qiyun... The last time Yanhui saw this snake demon, she had just been expelled from the Chenxing Mountains, and it was because of him that she met Tian Yao. In a blink of an eye, time seems to have not passed long, but what I experienced during this period is really unclear and inexhaustible...

When the snake demon saw Yanhui, his expression was calm and calm. He only nodded to Yanhui, and then to Tian Yao behind her: "I'm talking about Chenxingshan."

The prince on the seat frowned: "You are a snake demon, wash the marrow and cultivate immortals, and now you have come to tell this king about Chenxingshan with a whole body of immortal energy? Let me tell you first, why does this king believe you?"

The snake demon looked at Yan Hui in silence. After a long while, it was Tian Yao who was behind Yan Hui and said, "This person is an old acquaintance, let's hear what he said."

There was silence in the hall, and the snake demon said: "Tongluo Mountain and the two of you have to say goodbye. I washed the marrow in the Central Plains, entered the Immortal Dao, and then sneaked into the Chenxing Mountain and became a disciple of the outer sect. After that, I was promoted by the immortals of Chenxing Mountain. After entering the twenty-eighth peaks, I became an inner disciple."

In just a few words, it is not difficult to imagine that his twists and turns and difficulties during this period may not be less than Yanhui's journey.

"I found out the cause of Qiyun Zhenren's death." As soon as the snake demon said this, all the demons in the hall became a little restless, because apart from Tian Yao and Yan Hui, no one was sure that Qiyun Zhenren was dead. The snake demon ignored the others and only looked at Yan and replied, "Qiyun did die at the hands of Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao was not the culprit." There was a cold light in his eyes, "It's Qingguang."

"A few months ago, Su Ying gave Qing Guang a nine-tailed fox demon inner pill."

The demons were in an uproar, and the prince's eyes sank. Needless to say, everyone knew who the nine-tailed fox neidan belonged to—Princess Yunxi.

Su Ying is really... she didn't waste the youkai that fell into her hands...

"After Qingguang got the inner pill, Chenxingshan held a conference of immortals, and many immortals were present, but the real purpose of the banquet was to clear the dissidents for Qingguang. At that time, Qingguang wanted to launch it again. Battle of Fairies."

"Why?" Yan Hui couldn't understand, "Fifty years of peace was hard-won, why did he destroy it with his own hands?"

The snake demon looked indifferent: "Think about your minds of Chen Xingshan, and how your master taught his disciples. If you want peace between the fairy and the demon, would you say that the demon is evil?"

Yan turned back to her heart. Over the years, the way Master Chen Xingshan taught his apprentices, as well as the attitude of Xianmen disciples towards monsters, appeared in her mind. She followed the words of the snake monsters and thought carefully. This is to educate the disciples of immortality. Isn't this... a signal that you are always ready to fight...

The more he thought about this idea, the more terrified Yan Hui felt.

Actually... Qingguang Zhenren didn't want 50 years of peace, but only wanted 50 years of rest and preparation for war...

"As one of the helmsmen of the Three Great Immortal Sects, Qiyun did not agree with Qingguang's approach. At that time, Qingguang had already retreated and used the Nine-Tailed Fox Nei Dan to practice the exercises. Ling Xiao came forward to discuss the matter with Qiyun, In the end, Qi Yun and Ling Xiao quarreled. Su Ying immediately wanted to get rid of Qi Yun to avoid future troubles. In the end, Ling Xiao and Su Ying teamed up to hurt Qi Yun. Ling Xiao cast a spell on Qi Yun to make him forget the past and become a fool. Man, this made Su Ying spare Qi Yun's life." The snake demon paused, "But it didn't work out, but in the end we reminded Qi Yun of the past, which caused the spell to happen..."

All the demons in the hall were a little dizzy, but Yan Hui was very clear. Qing Guang was the mastermind behind the scenes. Xiao chose to let the clouds go.

Yan Hui stayed for a long time: "These things... how did you know... "

"However, a few days ago, Master Chen Xingshan, who accepted me into the inner door, died on the battlefield. Before he died, he told me about these things. At that time, he was drunk and resting behind the rocks, and accidentally bumped into Ling Xiao Suying and Qiyun Renren. Su Ying wanted to kill him at the right time, and it was Ling Xiao who saved his life. He didn’t want to share these things with outsiders in this life, but he always felt that he owed Qi Yun and his morality in his heart.”

No matter what Yanhui looked like, the snake demon continued: "If you don't believe me, you can compare what happened next after the banquet in Chenxing Mountain. After that, a large number of fox demons were hunted and killed in the Central Plains. Blood, alchemy for the use of dignitaries."

Yan Hui had personally experienced this incident, and she understood the cause and effect better than anyone else.

"After capturing the fox demons, the cultivators dissected the inner alchemy of the fox demons and transported them all to Chenxing Mountain, but after reaching Chenxing Mountain, no one knew where the inner alchemy went. That is because the inner alchemy has evolved into Qingguang. The exercises will help him improve and reach a higher level."

"However, the battle between the immortals and demons broke out ahead of time. Qingguang's cultivation is at a critical juncture, and he cannot go out of the retreat. He needs to use a large number of monsters to help. So Su Ying led a raid on the demon clan guarded by Sanzhong Mountain and dissected its inner alchemy."


Every piece, every pile, can be matched...

"However, not long ago, for some unknown reason, after Ling Xiao returned from outside, he suddenly raided Qingguang in the retreat, causing Qingguang to be forced to leave the retreat before he succeeded."

She knew that Yanhui knew why Ling Xiao did this suddenly.

Because before that, she was kidnapped by Su Ying. After Ling Xiao rescued her from Su Ying, he asked her to take refuge in the immortal island overseas... He wanted her... Keep his inner core, he knew that Qingguang wanted her inner core Dan, so he let her run away, let her hide. but she…

refused to go.

So Ling Xiao went, he went to raid his master, went to fight Qingguang to the death, in order to protect the stubborn and stubborn her who didn't know anything in the distance.

When Ling Xiao asked her to go to the overseas immortal island, Yanhui also asked Ling Xiao - "Do you still care about your apprentice, Zhenren?"

Does he care

he cares.

Even in the end, he put everything aside and didn't explain, but only said one sentence, and never regretted accepting her as a disciple.

Even though she had vaguely liked him, adored him, embarrassed him, embarrassed him, did so many things that made him sad, and said some hurtful things.

But he never regretted accepting her as a disciple.

Yan Hui was a little untenable for a while, only relying on Tian Yao behind him to support her silently, and then he supported her.

What else did the snake demon say next, Yan Hui could no longer hear a word, and there was a buzzing sound in her ears, but she was helped back to her room by Tian Yao, and she never looked at Tian Yao before closing the door. .

She could feel that Tian Yao's eyes were always on her face, worried and silent, but she couldn't order her mouth to say to Tian Yao, "It's okay, I'm fine, don't worry."

She was so absent-minded that she couldn't control her body, movements or even expressions.

He walked straight into the room, stunned, and slammed into the bookshelf in front of him. The bookshelf swayed, and the whole body fell back to Yan Yan, and he held the entire bookshelf with one hand and made it return to its original position. The books and the decorative vases all fell down.

"Thunderbolt pong!" There was a shattering and messy sound.

Yan Hui lowered his head subconsciously, but saw a letter slowly drifting down on the messy book. The letter was written with the big three words "Yan Hui Kai", and below it, the cinnabar model was used to drop a small letter. two words-


Feng Qianshuo…

Yan Hui Chao's mind suddenly broke into a scene. On the same day, she made an agreement with Feng Qianshuo that she would help Feng Qianshuo take Xiange away, and after the matter was completed, she asked Feng Qianshuo to take all Ling Xiao's plans and plans away. tell her.

Feng Qianshuo agreed.


Is this the letter he sent? This letter is Ling Xiao's... all

Yanhui pursed the corner of his lips and knelt down almost impatiently, not caring whether his knees slammed on the broken porcelain below, pierced through the flesh, and bleeding out.

Tian Yao's heart froze, and he stretched out his hand to pick Yanhui up, but seeing Yanhui looking at the letter, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, and her face became pale, inch by inch...