Heart Protection

Chapter 111: Extra Story Long Love (Part 1)


The memory stopped at the moment when the earth closed to bury her and Huan Xiaoyan.

She protected Huan Xiaoyan with the remaining power of the Lingzhu, and then her world fell into darkness.

Yanhui didn't know how long she had been drifting in the darkness. She was unaware and had no memory of that time. Only when she opened her eyes did the world come alive again, and she knew she was alive again.

When she uttered the first syllable in the air, she saw her little arm waving in the air, which was the arm of a special baby, and also saw the midwife holding her, and then she heard the chaos in the room, The midwife was shouting, "Bleeding! Bleeding! Madam is bleeding."

Someone rushed in from outside, most of them were women, and a man shouted in panic, "My lady!"

And Yanhui only felt that all around was so psychedelic.

Suddenly, his chest became hot, and a picture appeared in Yanhui's mind. The King of Qingqiu stood tall on the cliff with the breeze blowing his sleeves. It was on the cliff behind the Qingqiu Palace. The eyes of the King of Qingqiu seemed to be thousands of miles away. Looking over, looking through her pupils: "Did you succeed..."

His voice seemed to ring in Yanhui's ear: "This is the thank you gift from the demon clan to you and Tian Yao."

The figure of the King of Qingqiu glowed slightly on the cliff, and at the same time, the temperature of Yanhui's chest was very hot. When the Lord of Qingqiu turned into a golden light and went away with the wind, Yan Hui suddenly understood.

This is the Qingqiu King's last strength to keep the memory of her previous life.

The midwife who hugged Yan Hui turned to look at her, and shouted in surprise, "This little child's heart is glowing with gold! This is a child prodigy!"

Someone immediately looked over and said in agreement, "It's a child prodigy! A child prodigy!"

Yan Hui returned to the world amid such chaos, with another identity and body.

Not long after she was born, news came from the rivers and lakes that the Nine-Tailed Fox King of the Monster Race was gone, but the news was too far away from the people in the small village, and no one cared much.

In this life, Yanhui's biological mother died when she was born, and her biological father became a widower. Since then, her birthday has become her mother's death anniversary. Every year on this day, Yan Hui always puts her hand on her father's shoulder and pats it as a sign of comfort. After all, they also brought her into this world in this life. 's benefactor.

A few years later, when she still patted her father's shoulder and sighed like this, her father would beat her: "The little boy learns what the old man sighs all day long, go back and feed me the chickens."

Yan Hui glanced at her mouth, if she was alive in her last life, she might be a year or two older than him.

In fact, from the very beginning, Yanhui always wanted to run away to find Tian Yao, but when she was a baby, she had soft arms and legs, so she couldn't run out. She was a little older and could walk on her own. Manage strictly.

Yanhui started practicing Taoism when she found out that her body could concentrate and practice Qi. She didn't have a deep memory of "Yao Fu", so she still practiced the fairy method of Chenxingshan. The progress of the practice is faster than that of ordinary people, but Compared to the previous body with Tianyao Neidan, this progress was nothing.

When he was seven or eight years old, he was able to run and jump, and Yanhui began to pack up to run on his own.

But that one day, she walked a long way, but she was still caught up by her father who chased and ran. His father grabbed her and slapped her with his hand. Before she got angry, she saw the farmer man yell at her with red eyes: "Where are you going! You are the only thought your mother left me! You ran out alone! What should I do if something goes wrong! You Let me do what!"

Yan turned back and thought, she had memories of her previous life, and she wanted to find Tian Yao, but her "father" didn't know that he really raised her as his daughter.

So Yanhui stayed, planning to wait until she was fourteen or five, and then she would go out to marry, and then ran away from the marriage on the way. Unexpectedly, before she could get married, her "father" died.

Yan Hui had no worries from now on, carried the package, got up and headed for the demon clan.

She has inquired about the people passing by in the village over the years.

Fifteen years ago, after the war in front of Chenxing Mountain, the world was in chaos, and the real Qingguang was executed by Tianyao. Soon after, the ruler of Qingqiu was also an immortal, and the world was in chaos. Then the prince of Qingqiu succeeded to the throne, and the cultivators chose a few The well-respected elder talked with the Qingqiu King, and agreed that within a hundred years, they would not fight too much, and they would no longer use the triple mountain as the boundary.

And Tianyao, became the divine dragon enshrined by the demon clan. He did not inherit the throne of the demon clan, but received a higher respect than the king. one person.

Yan looked back at the sky, and felt a lot in his heart for a while. Tian Yao had recovered his previous strength, but after all, he couldn't resist the burial of a person's traces by the reincarnation of the heavens. The King of Qingqiu disappeared as soon as she opened her eyes, thinking that she had time to tell Tian Yao about her whereabouts in the future, so she had to find it by herself.

Tian Yao is so dazzling, he stands at the top of the world, and is always better to find than her who is submerged in the crowd.

However, Yan Hui, who thought so, was stunned that he did not find the opportunity to approach Tian Yao...

Yan recalled that she stepped into Qingqiu to find Zhuli, but she had already cultivated immortality in her body. Although Sanchong Mountain is no longer the boundary of immortals and demons, Qingqiu is a barren land of spiritual energy. There are very few, she has had a difficult journey along the way, and there are monsters everywhere who want to murder her. Now she hasn't cultivated too much immortality, and fortunately she has returned to the Central Plains for self-protection.

She went to Qijuetang again, knowing that Feng Qianshuo was still in power, she instinctively wanted to use Feng Qianshuo's power to tell Tianyao that she had returned, but when she told the shopkeeper at Qijuetang that her name was Yanyan Going back, when he wanted to see Feng Qianshuo, the shopkeeper frowned and waved his hand: "This is the first time this month! Are you bothered!"

Yan Hui froze for a moment: "What?"

"The story of Miss Yan and Young Master Tianyao has spread throughout the rivers and lakes. I don't know how many monsters and immortals pretend to be Miss Yan every day every month. It's been fifteen years. Can you change a new pattern?"

Yan Hui, who hadn't been out of the mountain village in the past fifteen years, didn't know that the girls outside could actually play like this!

She choked her throat as if she was choked: "I..."

Before the words were finished, the shopkeeper kicked her out: "You girls, go and live your own life in a down-to-earth way. Those who are high are not the ones that ordinary people like you can climb."

Standing at the door of Qijuetang, Yan Hui couldn't help laughing and crying.

Yes, Tian Yao has become a person who is too high for her to touch.

In the past, when Yanhui and Tianyao met in his most despairing time, Tongluo Mountain in the backcountry had grown up together and got too close together, so Yanhui had never felt that there would be a separation between her and Tianyao. How far away, until now...

Obviously living in the same world, but there seems to be a more terrifying barrier than the most powerful enchantment in the world, which separates them.

Yan Hui finally realized how difficult it is for the humble to touch the superior.

"If the shopkeeper doesn't believe it and knows all of Tian Yao's preferences before, you just need to let me see Feng Qianshuo, he..."

The shopkeeper waved his hand: "It's alright, it's alright, there is no hope for studying "Tian Yao Biography" and "Yan Hui Shu" 10,000 times."

Yan Huideng had an expression of being robbed of money. Yan Huizhuan and Tian Yaoshu were all messed up... While stunned, the hawker shouted, "New book, new book is here."

Yan turned around and saw two books, "Tian Yao Biography" and "Yan Hui Shu", written by Huan Xiaoyan, in a prominent position on the stall.

Yan Hui: "…"

For a while, Yanhui suddenly felt that if she hadn't rescued Huan Xiaoyan at the last moment of the year and let her be squeezed to death, she would probably have saved a lot of trouble now...

With a sigh, Yan Hui was so worried that he couldn't help when he saw another girl with red eyes followed the servants in the Qijue Hall. There were many people coming and going at the door of the Qijue Hall, and there were a lot of people who came to buy news. , Yan Hui didn't pay attention to their pair, but the girl's words suddenly jumped into Yan Hui's ears: "The news says that the formation can only be broken by the flames of the demon dragon, there is no other way!"

The word "Demon Dragon" made Yanhui's ears stand up and immediately followed.

The attendant beside the girl was silent, and the girl gritted her teeth and said, "Dad has been to the lord many times, but although the lord knows where the demon dragon is, the demon dragon doesn't care about the world at all, he won't help We are busy! But Qijuetang also said that only the demon dragon can break through the formation, there is really no other way. Shanglu... can't save it."

The attendant only closed his head and said, "Hope Young Master... Don't be too sad."

The nine-tailed fox prince of the year is the current state lord. This girl is called the young master, and her father is still someone who can talk to the state lord, so she should have a high status.

"Shang Lu can save the young master. Even if he died in the formation, his subordinates believe that he must be willing..."

Before the words were finished, Yanhui jumped into the middle of the two: "Are you going to ask Tianyao for help?"

The attendant's eyes froze, and he immediately put his hand on the scabbard beside him, only to hear a "ding", the sword had left the scabbard slightly, but the girl next to him reached out to stop him. The girl looked at Yanhui up and down for a while, her eyes being thoughtful: "So what?"

Yanhui grinned, revealing the little tiger teeth that made her smile look arrogant: "I'll help you."

The visitor is Chi Zhao, the young master of the Red Wolf clan, who passed by the Guanghan Gate some time ago and accidentally entered a formation in the Guanghan Mountain. In order to save her, Lu Shang, a servant who grew up with her, was trapped in the into the ice and snow formation.

Chi Zhao has been looking for a way to break the formation since then, but he learned that the only way to break the formation is to use the fire of a dragon. And there is only one demon dragon in this world. It is easier said than done to ask him for help. The patriarch Nian saved his daughter's life after the servant, so he went to ask the lord for help, but the lord would not force Tianyao to save people. , because in their eyes, this may just be a trivial matter, the country lord mentions it lightly, and Tian Yao lightly refuses. The lord of the country had to refuse the request of the patriarch of the red wolf clan, and the patriarch did not dare to trouble the lord any more, and when he fell to Chi Zhao, he became a nuisance for human life, and he couldn't sleep at night.

After Yanhui knew what happened, his mind changed, and he felt that since he could talk to the king, it would be fine. As long as she can tell the lord what she is in, the lord will not care about other matters, but the lord must be concerned about the matter of "returning the wild goose".

Yan Hui knew how much Tian Yao wanted to find her.

He must be more urgent than she is, because she can see him, even if she looks up, she knows that he still exists and still lives somewhere, but Tian Yao can't see him, even if he looks very poor, I don't know if she exists, if she can live in this world like him...

However, when he first heard about Yanhui's identity, Chi Zhao still held a skeptical attitude until Yanhui bought "Yanhui Book" and "Tian Yao Biography" and picked out some small details in it. The details are true Let Chi Zhao have some confidence, she reported this to the patriarch.

The patriarch was also skeptical when he heard the words. After all, the story of Yanhui had been uploaded in Jianghu for more than ten years, and I don't know how many versions had been circulated, but he still reported these words to the lord.

The Scarlet Wolf Clan never thought that the Dragon Qi would hover over their territory soon, and fall into the hall of the Scarlet Wolf Clan with scorching aura.

When Yan Hui sensed the pressure brought by Tian Yao's dragon energy, she couldn't tell whether her heart was joy or something else, and her heart began to beat wildly, but she never thought that Chi Zhao, who was beside her at this time, was stunned. Behind her, slapped her neck.

Yan Hui only felt dizzy for a while, the breath in his body was retrograde, and when he returned to his senses, everything around him turned out to be surprisingly large. She was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Chi Zhao, only to find that her gaze was looking up from her feet.

"What are you doing!" Yan Hui shouted angrily, but he said, "Ow!"

Yan Hui: "…"

She lowered her head and saw that her hands had turned into claws, and her body was hairy... She turned her head to the side, and in the bronze mirror that fell next to her, she saw herself that had become a wolf cub.


It turned out to be revenge!

Yanhui was still in the midst of anger, and there was a commotion outside. Chi Zhao opened the curtain and stepped out. Yanhui wanted to run out, but he was hugged by the attendant behind Chi Zhao, trapping her tightly. in arms.

The attendant didn't go out, and even covered Yanhui's mouth so that she couldn't make a sound.

The voice of the patriarch of the red wolf clan came from outside: "Sir, this... This is my little daughter. She dreamed of those things in a dream."

Did she dream of those things in her dreams

How did the people of the Red Wolf Clan tell Tian Yao like this? They want Tianyao to think so? In order for Tianyao to help her save people, why did you say this? Or to use the identity of "Goose Reincarnation" to gain greater benefits...

Yanhui only felt furious for a moment. She struggled hard in the arms of the person who imprisoned her, but it didn't work. In this life, her practice time was too short, her strength was too weak, and she couldn't break free.

"Are those what you dreamed of?"

What a simple sentence, but the voice that said this appeared countless times in Yanhui's dream. If it was the last life, how could Tian Yao allow someone to imprison her so close to him, he was so familiar with her breath.

But now he doesn't know, except for the memory, there is nothing in her that is related to the previous Yanhui.

She can only miss him forever like this...

"It's me." Chi Zhao replied.

Yan Hui no longer struggled, lowered his eyes, his tail and claws drooped weakly. She thought well, but in the end she underestimated the greed of people.


Tian Yao's voice was thin and cold, like a sharp blade tore the peace outside.

The entire red wolf clan fell into a dead silence in an instant.