Heart Protection

Chapter 61


Today, Tian Yao and Yan Hui are going to meet the great ruler together.

When Zhuli came to pick them up, Yanhui didn't want to go. After dawdling in the house for a long time, Zhuli couldn't bear it any longer and looked at Yan at the door and replied, "If you don't go, it will be too late. How can you make the lord wait?"

Yan Hui had a bitter look on his face.

Seeing this, Tian Yao next to him said, "There's nothing to be afraid of."

Yan Hui pouted: "You are a monster, of course you don't think there is anything to be afraid of. Are you afraid that you are going to see the real Qingguang of our Chenxing Mountain? When you look back and see that something happened to the great ruler, there will be no monsters of this family. who protects me."

When Zhu Li heard the words, he rubbed his neck up like he had been stabbed in the spine: "I..."

"I will protect you."

Tian Yao cut off the conversation. Said this indifferently, as if to say that the weather is fine today. A calm tone, but with a bit of heartwarming power.

Zhuli was stunned by this snatch. After watching Tianyao for a long time, she suddenly heard Yanhui clearing her throat and muttering, "Just your three-legged kung fu..." But she finally stepped out of the yard.

Tian Yao lowered his eyes and watched Yan Hui approaching awkwardly from the corner of his eye. His brows were soft, but his tone was indifferent and serious: "The king may know the whereabouts of that thing in Sanzhong Mountain."

What Tian Yao said naturally refers to his dragon tendons.

When Yan Hui heard this, his expression immediately became solemn: "Yes, he is the person most likely to know about this Qingqiu country." What happened at the border of Qingqiu can escape everyone's eyes, but it is impossible to escape. Over the eyes and ears of the great country lord. The formation that seals the Tianyao dragon tendons will not be a small formation, and the Qingqiu King will not be ignorant.

Tian Yao glanced at Yan back: "Let's go."

Yan nodded back and walked away with one leg.

It wasn't until he got to the bottom of the mountain where the big country lord was, Yan Hui suddenly came back to his senses, Tian Yao wanted to get the dragon tendon and asked the big country lord to get news. Does that have a relationship with her

First, she never promised to help him, and secondly, she didn't have any agreement with him. Why does she now feel that she has a heavy responsibility when she hears that he is in trouble. !

What a habit it is!

Yanhui spurned himself in his heart, and at this moment, a cool breeze came from the top of the mountain and slowly blew past Yanhui's ears. many.

Such a clean breath...

Yan back stunned. Compared with the Central Plains, the southwestern part of the land where the monsters are entrenched is much more miasmatic. Where is such a clean breeze blowing...

Yanhui followed the direction of the wind and looked up. On the top of the mountain, there was a long cliff sticking out. At the end of the cliff, a tree stood quietly by himself.

"That is… "

Yan Hui's question just started, and all the demon clan next to him bowed down and saluted respectfully in that direction, including Zhu Li, all of them looked humble and solemn.

It turned out that it was the ruler of Qingqiu, the most powerful nine-tailed fox demon in the world.

A monster can cultivate the aura on his body so pure and pure, in addition to his own efforts, talent may also be indispensable. In the thousand years of the demon race, only such a person has cultivated such a Taoism...

Thinking of this, Yan Hui inadvertently glanced at the faces of the people around him.

The expression on Tian Yao's face did not fluctuate, as if he was not surprised by such a breath.

If Tian Yao hadn't suffered such a catastrophe 20 years ago, what would he look like now? The breath on his body is probably so pure, the wind blowing around him will probably make people's hearts clean. The power of, after all, he was once so close to ascension...

Yan Hui looked at his profile forgot too much, and his eyes were so hot that Tian Yao couldn't ignore it, so Tian Yao also turned his eyes, and her figure was reflected in his deep black pupils.

He doesn't speak, as he did yesterday when he was drunk.

The silent look at each other made Yan Hui feel a little more embarrassed. Her heart thumped and jumped again, just like when she was hugged by Tian Yao yesterday, and the jump made Yan Hui feel inexplicably scary.

"What if I met you twenty years ago?"

The question of Tian Yao appeared in her mind at an inopportune time. When Yan returned, she could only look away from Tian Yao's face in embarrassment: "Ahem..." She coughed a few times unnaturally. I can't stop roaring in my heart:

Motherfucker... Could it be that Hu Meixiang is back from the ashes

This is not right! Very wrong!

Yan looked back at the cliff, and it happened that everyone had finished their salutes. She hurriedly found a topic to break the strange silence: "Then what... your great lord, why are you standing there now? To meet him on that cliff?"

"The king is not there now." After everyone finished their salutes, Zhu Li led the way forward again, and said as he walked, "Every morning, when the sun rises, the king will stand on the cliff. I miss the lady of the country, my grandmother."

Yan replied with an "ah".

Speaking of the wife of the Lord of Qingqiu, that is another good topic that can be talked about all afternoon in Chenxing Mountain.

This legendary ferocious and frightening lord of the nine-tailed fox has lived for many years, but he has only married one lady, who gave birth to seven sons, two daughters, and the most The amazing thing is that this lady of the country is just an ordinary mortal.

It stands to reason that after the blood of the monster is combined with the mortal, the demon power in the blood will be weakened. But King Qingqiu was an exception. Perhaps his power was strong enough to break the rules. None of his nine children was as good as the other nine-tailed foxes, but compared to him, his children were indeed not as good as many.

But this did not affect the Qingqiu King's deep love for his wife. However, as long as they are mortals, they are bound to be troubled by birth, old age, sickness and death. Decades are just a snap for monsters, but they are enough to take away the youth, appearance and even life of an ordinary mortal woman.

King Qingqiu thought of many ways to extend his wife's life, but in the end, time was like a knife, and one knife at a time was carved on the mortal woman until she stopped breathing.

In the version that Yan Hui heard, it also included that the Qingqiu King tried to eat human flesh, drink human blood, stew babies and other appalling methods in order to prolong his wife's life, but in the end he never left that person's life. When Chen Xingshan's disciples mentioned this matter, they always used a relieved tone to joke that a demon full of heinous sins and evils deserves to be alone and grow old in this life.

In fact, after walking down the mountain, Yan Hui thought back to what Chen Xingshan said when he commented on the Qingqiu King, and it was probably very suitable to use it on Su Ying.

Yan Hui glanced back at the top of the cliff, and the King of Qingqiu was still standing quietly under the tree: "Is the wife of the king buried on the cliff?" Yan Hui was a little curious.

"The royal grandmother did not leave a body behind."

Yan Hui was taken aback: "Why?"

"I was still young at that time, and I don't remember much about it. I only heard a simple sentence or two from my father. At that time, the emperor's grandmother was old and had difficulty moving. She knew that her life was not long. On the last day, she She drank the poison to restore her body and limbs to the same as when she was young, and then wore her wedding dress and veil, and danced the last dance for the king on the cliff. When the sun rose, she was in the country. In front of the Lord, she jumped off the cliff, her body was torn apart by the poison, and turned into snowflakes with the sunlight."

"My family lives in the southwest, the weather is hot and it never snows, but in those days, the snow fell on the mountains for ten days and ten nights. There was a piece of plain between the heaven and the earth. It was like paying homage to the lady."

Zhu Li was silent for a moment, and seemed to have some emotion in his heart, "Since then, the king has been waiting on the cliff every night for the dawn to rise, and he stayed until the end of the hour before leaving to show his memory."

Yan Hui did not know that there was such a poignant story about the Qingqiu King.

But on second thought it was right. How can these things spread to the Central Plains? In the Central Plains Xianmen, the rumors about these demon clans are extremely bad, and probably the same is true for the demon clan to the people of the Xiuxian sect. Therefore, when Zhu Li was in Xinsu Peak's cage, he was so alert to Yan Hui who came to rescue the fox demon.

"The person killed by that Guanghanmen Suying this time was my little aunt."

Zhu Lishuang's voice changed, and the words were chilly, "The madam is the last daughter born to the lord of the country, and her temperament and appearance are most similar to that of the lord's wife. Before the little aunt went to the Central Plains, she said that she would bring me a gift back, but I never thought about it. ..." He gritted his teeth and didn't finish his sentence, but full of hatred overflowed.

Yan Hui was silent, and glanced at Tian Yao, only to see that Tian Yao was also expressionless, and the emotions in his eyes were difficult to discern.

Follow the path under the mountain to the top of the mountain. There are giant trees growing on the top of the mountain. The monsters of Qingqiu country connected the entire mountaintop with these giant trees to make a palace. There are suspension bridges between the trees. There are also footpaths passing through below, and rooms are also built under the earth and stones.

Yanhui looked at this intricate road, only to think that if she walked alone, she would definitely find no way back after walking through three forks.

Along the way, fox demons of various fur colors kept jumping out from the side. The fox demons looked very small, and some naughty ones would jump up in front of several people with watery black eyes and stare at Yanhui and Tianyao. . It is rare to see outsiders here.

Yanhui tilted his head to look at the little fox demon, and the little fox demon also tilted his head to look at her, and when he saw it, he wagged his tail and leaned over to Yanhui's feet, and then rubbed his head against her. Being rubbed by this fluffy little thing like this, Yan Hui's heart softened immediately: "It's acting like a baby with me!"

She turned to look at Tian Yao with bright eyes.

This head turned so suddenly, she suddenly saw the soft color flashing in Tian Yao's eyes, and her eyes were as if she was looking at the little fox just now...

But after a closer look, Tian Yao was only the same as usual, with a light expression, as if he had no interest in any of her actions, and he didn't care.

"The demon clan has a strong miasma, and it is not easy for the little fox demon to survive." Zhuli bent over and pulled the little fox demon who was hugging Yanhui's ankle away. The little fox demon was so angry that he scratched Zhuli's face. Unable to struggle, Zhu Li threw it away and threw it into the hands of the servants behind him, "The place where the king is the cleanest, so I put them all here."

The lord's palace is actually the largest nursery room of the demon clan...

The little fox demon was held by the attendant but was not well behaved, and kept sticking out his head to approach Yanhui. Yanhui glanced back: "Can I hug?"

Before Zhuli could refuse, Yanhui hugged the little fox over. Once he got into Yanhui's arms, the little guy was quiet, put his chin on Yanhui's chest, and narrowed his eyes in comfort.

Yanhui only thought it was a small animal, he just thought it was cute, but the two people watching from the side looked a little bad.

Going all the way to the root of the largest tree, the servants accompanying him naturally stopped and waited respectfully on both sides of the road. Before Zhuli opened his mouth, Tian Yao said, "It can't enter here. "As he said that, he took the little fox by the tail, only to hear the little fox scream, and was thrown out by Tian Yao far away, planted in the grass, and did not climb out for a long time.

Yan Hui was startled: "Did you fall to your death?"

Zhu Li hurriedly led her inside: "The little fox demon can't die if it falls."

Tian Yao directly pulled Yan Hui's wrist and dragged her into the gate under the roots of the tree.

Inside the door is a hall made of hollowed out tree trunks. When the geese turn their heads and look up, they can see the branches and leaves on the top. The sun shines through the branches and leaves and falls on the ground.

Yan Hui was surprised and forgot about the little fox: "How did you do it by hollowing out the heart of the tree and keeping the tree from dying?"

"The aura of the king nourishes all the vegetation here."

A big monster that protects one side.

Yanhui couldn't help but turn his head to look at Tian Yao, the valley he was guarding before was like this...

For some reason, she seemed to be more and more curious about the former Tian Yao.

Tian Yao caught Yan Hui's gaze, he didn't know what Yan Hui was thinking, he just turned his head and let go of Yan Hui's hand, his movements were a little less calm than usual.

Yan Hui also felt that his wrist was empty. Just when he was stunned, Zhu Lizhu, who was beside him, bowed to the throne in the middle of the statue: "The lord of the country."

Yan turned back and her heart tightened, but then the breeze eased her anxiety. Yanhui looked up at the man, with long white hair and a cold indifference covering his extremely beautiful appearance.

Otherwise, Xianchen even made Yan Hui think that he saw the legendary saint who had achieved the true ascension of Mahayana.

This is a big monster that can change the situation of the world with a single move.

The King of Qingqiu turned his gaze on the two of them and paused slightly at Yanhui's heart: "Demon Dragon Tianyao, I never thought you could break the seal."

He really knew about Tianyao! Yan Huixin said, dragon tendon... Maybe not only dragon tendon, but even Tian Yao's remaining heart, there is hope to know where it is.

Facing the Qingqiu King, Tian Yao is still as usual to others, looking at him with his back straight, neither humble nor arrogant: "But God's will is fulfilled."

The Qingqiu country lord pondered for a moment: "My clan is using people, you are back in the world, are you willing to be used by the demon clan?"

"I don't want to be used by anyone." Tian Yao said, "But I'm going to find someone from Immortal Sect to ask for a blood debt."