Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 131: Queen Qingyue is actually releasing a new album!


Shi Qinglan completely collapsed on the bed.

The ink-colored hair was casually draped on the pillow, covering half of her pink face, messy yet charming.

She was furious, "Bo Yucheng, you bastard..."

The man leaned forward slightly and gently plucked her hair with his long white fingers. He also greedily pecked the girl's face.

Shi Qinglan's pink fist hit him directly...

But he didn't have any strength and was held by the man.

Bo Yucheng's big palm wrapped around her little pink fist, and his crimson lips curled slightly, "Do you still want to eat the chocolate mousse?"

"Eat." Shi Qinglan lazily raised his eyelids.

She weakly stretched out her hand and pointed at the fork, "Feed me."

As she said that, she narrowed her sleepy eyes, and there was a hint of warning in her eyes, as if if Bo Yucheng didn't plan to feed him with a fork, she would crucify him to death.

"Okay." Bo Yucheng chuckled dumbly.

Mingcheng High School.

Time flies by, the first and second molds are over, and it is already May and midsummer in the blink of an eye.

This is the final month of the college entrance examination, and the atmosphere in the entire senior high school department is tense, and everyone is tensed.

"Finally he is going to be liberated!"

Jiang Zhi finished brushing the set of papers in his hand, suddenly threw the pen on the desk, and then stretched out wickedly.

At the same time, Lan Chu was in a daze with his white cheeks squinting, his clear eyes hazy, as if he was distracted...

Jiang Zhi waved his hand in front of her eyes.

Lan Chu didn't pay attention, he simply stood up and leaned close to her and growled in her ear, "Hey-"

"Ah!" Lan Chu was so frightened that he was stunned.

Seeing the flat face in front of her, she threw the paper on the table at the boy's face, "What are you doing? You scared me to death!"

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Zhi curled his lower lip.

Lan Chu's pink lips pursed slightly, "Queen Qingyue will release a new album today! She is actually going to release a new album!"

She learned about it when she checked Weibo in the morning.

The queen of the international music scene has released a new album after more than a year. This incident has almost caused a sensation in the entire music world, and the fans are also crazy about it. The popularity on Weibo even exploded!

Qingyue debuted three years ago. Although they rarely hold concerts and have only a few albums, every song is a classic.

Three years ago, she won the Best Newcomer Award at the International Music Festival for her song "Sanskrit" composed by an anonymous songwriter. She became famous overnight in the international music scene and attracted countless fans!

Since then, she has won the Best Female Singer, Popular Female Singer of the Year and even the Golden Melody Award every year, never leaving others behind...

Although the songwriter is just starting out, his professional abilities are among the best in the world. Due to his choice to remain anonymous and low-key, fans simply call him Fanyin Dad.

"Just send it, buy it and that's it." Jiang Zhi has never been star-chasing, and he can't get the points of a star-chasing girl.

Lan Chu stared at her angrily, his white and tender cheeks slightly bulging like a puffer fish, "How can it be so easy to snatch!"

She lay softly on the desk, "I would rather not get married in exchange for a new album from Goddess Qingyue... We can start grabbing it tonight! I will hold my phone and stare at it when I get home!"

"You couldn't get married in the first place." Jiang Zhi complained ruthlessly.

Lan Chu glared at him angrily!

Hearing the conversation between the two, Shi Qinglan, who was lazily leaning on his seat, squinted his eyes for a moment, seemingly thoughtful, and began to count the remaining items of the albums in his hands...

Queen Qingyue’s new album lives up to expectations!

Cut in seconds!

All the fans were on the verge of crying. When they went to school the next day, even Lan Chu slumped down on the table, her pink lips pouting, "I didn't get it..."

(End of chapter)