Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 10


"So many people are dispatched just to catch one person? Really, I don't know how much I can get." A man complained to his companions while sorting out the weapons he bought.

"Don't talk about it, we spent 300,000 yuan just to buy weapons this time. If we can't make money back, we can only drink the northwest wind." The companion on the side urged, "There is a weight limit for ships in this poor place, and the freight costs It’s scary expensive, I think it’s just to let us buy weapons from them.”

"Damn, it's true that cheap products don't have good products."

"What's wrong?"

"Damn it, a third of these weapons are scrap and reloaded."

"Huh? Will that affect the use?"

"That's impossible. Although it is a heavy equipment, it basically meets the standards."

"As long as it can be used." The companion was very relieved, "We will have to rely on you when the time comes..."

Before he finished speaking, a blood hole appeared on the man's forehead, and he fell straight down, making a heavy sound.

"Sniper?!" The man who adjusted the weapon muttered to himself, quickly pulled the chair beside him to block it, rolled his body on the spot, and tried to escape through the door.


The entire room suddenly ignited an explosive fire, instantly breaking the tranquility of the hotel.

The man only remembered when he was being blown away that there seemed to be a bomb in the weapon he bought...

"Well, two of them have been resolved." Wu Yun held the gun to aim with one hand, and skillfully removed the shell casings with the other hand.

Once the hotel exploded, people living in the hotel would instinctively run outside.

In other words, they will become moving targets at the door.

"How can there be snipers here? There are no buildings around here!"

"No, yes, isn't there a building over there?"

"Are you kidding, that building is almost 600 meters away from here!"

And in order not to attract attention, they almost didn't turn on strong lights, and even if they turned on the lights, they closed the curtains.

"You can't run to the door, let's go through the back door."

A few seasoned bounty hunters realized after a few steps that the front door is not a good way to go, it is better to run from the back door with a shield.

Going to the front door can only court death.

Of course, there are also some people who climbed directly from the window with ropes.

bang bang bang—

People at the front door took out tables and chairs to block them, and stepped forward step by step, while those who escaped from other exits ran as fast as possible to the building that was the only sniper point.

"Act separately, the opponent is a rare top sniper, be careful."


These hunters were more or less provoked to fight.

A pair of fifty, the opponent still has the guts to provoke first? Whether it was the timing of the sniping, or the sniping in front of the door that guessed their escape route, this courage and courage were enough to show that the other party was definitely not as contemptuous as his looks.

"You go over there."

The two men with guns nodded slightly, one kicked open the door, and the other ambushed from behind.

There are only automatically installed sniper rifles on the roof.

"Oops, I was deceived." The person who kicked the door tightened, "There is an automatic sniper here, and the other party may have already gone down from the building."

"The elevators and exits downstairs are blocked by us."

"There are traces of ropes and hooks here." A man pointed to the wall, "He ran away from here."


The other party guessed that they would come to ambush, so they left early? In order to make them believe that he is still here, did he set up an automatic sniper plan to avoid them with the time difference

Damn, aren't they being played around!

Night is the easiest time to ambush.

Wu Yun was dressed in a black body armor, moving through the streets like a shadow.

No matter how silenced the weapon is, there will still be vibrations, which is nothing to experienced bounty hunters.

So from this moment on, it is the battlefield of cold weapons.

Compared with these outsiders, even with his eyes closed, Wu Yun can know how to navigate the nearby streets, and also knows how to navigate the building to avoid the most people.

This is the advantage of the locals.

Ambush and being ambushed does not mean that whichever side has more people will definitely win.

"Woo woo woo..."

One hand covered the man's mouth, and the other neatly cut his throat.


Wu Yun looked down at the man on the ground, took a step and then turned around, knelt down and shaved off the beard on his face with a knife.

"I seem to have seen you on a wanted notice."

Although the beard has grown and the eyes have changed, the bones cannot deceive people.

The man on the ground was like a dead fish, his neck was beating reflexively.

"Scott Marcus, the reward is $500,000."

Sure enough, most of the bounty hunters are ex-wanted criminals

According to Wu Yun's previous practice, even if this person is worth five million, he may not touch him again, but Qing Tian seems to keep saying things like "there is no money at home", "I have to go to the bar without cash, so annoying".

... Let's take it back.

Wu Yun looked around for a while, dragged the man to a corner, put a garbage bag on his head, folded his body and tied it with a rope, and piled it up with the garbage as a disguise.

Well, that's about it.

After dealing with these people, cut off their heads and give them to Sunshine.

With so much money, Qingtian should be happy and love him even more.

"Johnson, Johnson, have you noticed that there seem to be fewer and fewer people on our side?" A person couldn't help but said, "Really, I saw a few occasionally before, why are there none now?"

It's just that big here.

"Say, what are you talking about, don't panic, we'll be back to back, and nothing will happen." Johnson began to feel drummed when his companion said this.

Yes, why are there fewer and fewer people

There are only two alleys near the hotel. There are at least 30 people who came out of the hotel. How come no one can be seen now

People, where have they gone

Having said that, isn't there a garbage dump not far away? Why are there so many garbage dumps nearby

"Johnson, you're shaking."

"Bastard, you're trembling even when you speak!"


Johnson fired without hesitation.

"No, I misread it, it's clothes." Johnson wiped off his sweat, "It was a false alarm."

"Johnson, where did you get the clothes here?"

No one.

Johnson froze for a moment.

The next moment, he only felt that his legs seemed to be hit by something, and he fell to his knees involuntarily.




The companion behind also wailed and fell to the ground.

Johnson touched something protruding from his knee, gritted his teeth and pulled it out forcefully.


How could it be a nail? !

A figure slowly walked towards them in the alley.

In the dark night, most of his face was covered, as if he had melted into the darkness.

His steps were unhurried and his eyes were calm, as if he was walking in a leisurely garden.

But the saber in his hand was shining brightly.

This is definitely the most frightening light they have ever seen.

God, is this the Grim Reaper

"Please, please don't kill me, I'm never going to be a bounty hunter again."

The companion was the first to collapse and had already started yelling.

They were just pulled here to make up the numbers, and they didn't have much hope for the bounty, so they ended up dying in vain, and no one could bear it.

But at this moment, what's the use of begging for mercy

Johnson struggled to get up on his own legs and escape.

"Not a bounty hunter?"

"Yes, I won't do it again, and I won't do it in the next life." Hank seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and tremblingly took out his ID card, tearing it to pieces.

"And you?"

Reaper asked Johnson.

Johnson was stared at by him, almost unable to move, "I... I don't want to be either."

But he didn't bring his ID photo with him, what should we do

It seems like a long time has passed, and it seems that only half a minute has passed.


Johnson and the others heard such a sentence, and waited for a long time before the other party came to kill them.

"Qiang... Johnson, we survived, and the other party really didn't kill us!"

"I don't want to be a bounty hunter anymore. I'll go back and pick up trash. I won't do it."

"Help me." Johnson said to Hank who stood up against the wall, "I... I can't do it."

"Fuck, Johnson, you peed your pants hahahaha."

"The dark cloud is still the same." Chen Yong put down the binoculars, with a smile on his face, "It's almost time, I can also wait for my little prince to come over."

Chen Yong walked to the door, opened the door, and went to take a shower.

Half an hour later, Wu Yun was carrying a large box, which was still dripping with suspicious blood.

Chen Yong came out of the bathhouse, completely naked, and didn't mind his body being seen naked by the dark clouds.

His body can't be said to be ugly, it can even be said to be beautiful.

Unlike Wu Yun whose body was covered with scars, Chen Yong's body was almost flawless.

Chen Yong is a refined person.

No matter where he goes, he will wear a bulletproof vest, and even if he has a scar on his body, he will undergo surgery to remove it.

The pampered life made his skin look delicate and incommensurate with his age, but this body also contained power unimaginable to ordinary people.

At least in the first ten years when Wu Yun lived with him, Wu Yun once felt that this man was so powerful that he could not be surpassed.

But only ten years.

Ten years later, when the dark cloud grew at an unimaginable speed, the two were reversed.

"It's time for you to wash up, your body smells of blood." Chen Yong sat on the bed and looked at Wuyun meaningfully, "But my room is not free, you have to be prepared."

Wu Yun's expression remained unchanged, he nodded, put the box in the corner behind the door, then took off his clothes in twos and twos, and went straight into the bathroom.

Chen Yong knew exactly what would happen after taking a bath.

In other words, Chen Yong was waiting for this moment.

Dark clouds rarely have big swings in emotion.

But in the face of such a fight, even Wu Yun, who is as precise as a machine, will be affected by hormones and become easily agitated.

An adult man will always have physical needs.

Wu Yun after the war, his body is the most sensitive, and he can feel much more than usual.

It sounds ironic, doesn't it

Probably it is really difficult to escape the innate influence in a person's life.

Born and lived on the battlefield, his short childhood as a child almost laid the trajectory of Wu Yun's life.

Wu Yun can only survive in places like battlefields, and only after such war-like activities can he experience a little emotion that belongs to ordinary people.

It is not that the city cannot be separated from the dark clouds, but that the dark clouds cannot be separated from the city.

Wu Yun, who came out of the shower, opened his hands and was obediently hugged by Chen Yong.

A good night.

In the morning, Wu Yun opened his eyes and saw that Chen Yong was dressed and ready to leave.

He was always in such a hurry.

"What's in your box?" Chen Yong glanced at the box with disgust, "I didn't pay attention to it last night, but today I found it stinks."

"Exchange questions." Wu Yun bent slightly to stretch his body, "I also have a question to ask you."

"Deal." Chen Yong was in the right mood.

"The box is a gift for Qing Tian." Wu Yun replied without hesitation, "He wants it."

"Really?" Chen Yong forced a smile on his face, "You care about him very much."

"Because he loves me, I want to do something for him." Wu Yun looked at Chen Yong firmly, "If you love me, I can also give you a gift. Can you stay with me like him?"

Chen Yong's eyes moved slightly, with a little expectation in his eyes, "Is this the question you want to ask me?"

Wu Yun hesitated for a moment, "No."

"I'm leaving, and I won't be back until half a year later. If you have any questions, please ask." Chen Yong opened the door, "The boat is about to leave."

"Did you release the news that the 'goddess' formula is in my hands?"

"You already have the answer, don't you?" Chen Yong took out a cigarette, lit it skillfully, took a puff first, and then brought the cigarette to Wu Yun, "Either?"

Wu Yun shook his head.

"It's not just the news of the 'goddess' formula." Chen Yong leaned down and kissed Wu Yun's cheek, then put the cigarette in his mouth again, and said vaguely, "And your reward, the 170 million I was the bidder for $10,000."


"Haha, I will remember to improve a bit next time." Chen Yong waved his hand, "I will come back in half a year, goodbye."

My little prince is still ignorant and lovable.

The author has something to say: Sunny Day: No——I don't need this kind of gift! ! !