Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 13


"I just hurt my hand, and it's not that I can't walk. If you let me down, I can do it myself." Sunny Tian quickly regained her senses, struggling to get out of the dark cloud's arms.

Although it is not wrong for him to enjoy Wu Yun's embrace very much, but he is fifteen years old, if he is still hugged by Wu Yun like this, he will always be just a child in Wu Yun's heart.

But he will grow up soon.

One day, Wu Yun will realize that he is quite a reliable man.

"I'll take you to the doctor first." Just as Wu Yun was saying this, he suddenly lowered Qing Tian's head and threw himself forward.

The bullet grazed Wu Yun's cheek, leaving a faint scar.

"Dark cloud, your face..."

"I remember I didn't keep my hands back just now." Wu Yun put Sunny Sky down, and turned to look at the wild python who didn't know when to get up.

With the gun in his hand, he seemed in disbelief why Wu Yun was able to dodge his bullets at such a close distance.

"I'll shoot if you come over again." Mang Python realized that he might have made a big mistake, the man in front of him was more powerful than he imagined.

He was just bluffing.

In fact, Mang Python was knocked down by Wu Yun just now, and he was very reluctant to stand up. The shot just now was his only chance.

But was dodged.

A pistol with a silencer installed will be dodged

What a joke, it's not a movie!

However, the dark cloud was right in front of his eyes, dodging his attack.

Such a person would be unbelievable if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"If you can shoot, go ahead and try." Wu Yun grabbed Mana Python's hand, "I know, you can't."

Wu Yun grabbed Mana Python's gun and was about to shoot, but was stopped by Sunny Sky who stood up.

"Wu Yun, I still don't know how he found you. He should know a lot of information. Can you not kill him yet?" Qing Tian asked earnestly while holding Wu Yun's wrist.

"He won't say it." Wu Yun frowned slightly, he had seen a lot of people like Mang Python, typical paranoia, he didn't know how happy he would do things that hurt others. It is better to kill him directly than to expect some news from him.

"I have a way to make him speak." Sunny Sky looked at the scar on Wu Yun's face, a little haze appeared in his eyes, "Can you knock him out first and drag him back?"

"Okay." Wu Yun glanced at Qing Tian, "If you don't have any toys, you can take them back and use them as a training partner."

No, I don't need a sparring partner.

Could it be that in Wu Yun's eyes, he is just for "play"

Sure enough, I was a child in Wu Yun's heart.

Thinking of this, Qing Tian felt that there was no need to refute, and it was better to let Wu Yun think so. It won't be too late to say anything else until he gets the news out of the python's mouth.

Wu Yun stunned the mang python, and dragged him back directly by holding his leg, passing by the doctor's site in the middle, and setting his bones for Qing Tian by the way.

In addition, under Qingtian's strong request, he healed the wound on Zhizhi's face that was nothing at all.

Sunshine also behaved strangely, obviously his injuries were serious, but he strongly demanded to heal the injuries on his face first, and the doctor also seemed to agree, which made Wu Yun very incomprehensible. Could it be that there is something wrong with the perception of sunny days

Fortunately, after this incident, Sunny Tian took the initiative to ask for more exercise courses, which surprised Wu Yun a little bit.

Wu Yun also felt that he was a little spoiled by the sunny day before, otherwise he wouldn't have been caught so easily.

At night, Qingtian quietly walked into the warehouse where the python was locked.

Manna Python was still a little panicked at first, but when he saw that the person who came was sunny, the panic on his face immediately turned into calmness.

"Why, is your master willing to let you come over?" Mang Python was very disdainful of Qing Tian.

"Let's talk." Qing Tian looked at him calmly, "Where did you get the news about Wu Yun, and who do you want to contact? How much power is left of the poisonous snake? Since you came to arrest me with the cobra, gang Things should be left behind."

"Pfft, why should I tell you?" Mana Python laughed loudly, "Even if you kill me now, the gang members will avenge me. Neither you nor that man named Wu Yun can escape!"

"Are you really not going to tell me?" Sunny Tian asked him again, "Is the news about the goddess' formula so important?"

"The molecular structure of the goddess has not been determined so far. Its price has risen sharply with the death of the poisonous snake. A sample of it has now been sold at sky-high prices in the outside world. The addiction rate is the highest found so far. As long as Once you taste it, no one can quit it. No one will be unclear about what it represents. You ask me if it is important? Ha, at least it is more important than anything you know!"

After the poisonous snake died, the formula disappeared without a trace.

However, according to the previous investigation, it is impossible for the poisonous snake to ignore such an important formula, and it should always be with it.

Chen Yong's existence was also known by many people, but he never participated in the drug business, and his subordinates did not have corresponding channels and channels, and there was no sign of him obtaining the formula in the investigation.

Then the poisonous snake is dead, and the person who can get the goddess formula can only be Wu Yun.

With all the wrong options removed, the only option left is, of course, the correct answer.

"So that's how it is." Qing Tian chuckled, "It's no wonder you keep on coming, one wave after another, so the goddess is really so important? The poisonous snake's death is really unjust."

"If you feel scared, let me go now, maybe I will show you a clear way."

"You don't need to worry about that." Qing Tian stretched out her good hand, "You just said that no one can get rid of the 'Goddess', I have some doubts."

The python was stunned for a moment, and saw Qing Tian put his hand into his mouth, and then pulled out the innermost tooth.

This is an almost real denture.

Qing Tian put the tooth on the ground, picked up a stone, and threw it directly at the tooth.

There is a drop-shaped blue crystal hidden in the tooth.

The python's eyes widened involuntarily, and even his breathing stopped for a moment.

He realized what the blue crystal was.

"I originally thought it was because of Chen Yong, that's why you came to trouble me and Wu Yun again and again. The goddess is just your excuse. It turns out that my thinking is too complicated. What you want has always been It's just the recipe."

Sunny Sky bent down and picked up the blue crystal.

"When I made it, I didn't know what it was, and the poisonous snake would never talk about these so-called common sense with us playthings."

What plaything

No, they were both subjects and participants in the poisonous drug.

Sunny's name is Angel.

Angel, is also often considered a goddess.

The source of the goddess is the name of the creator.

It is for this reason that the poisonous snake will bring these playthings with him, and no one will suspect them.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it now." Qing Tian took out a cup filled with water, and directly put the crystal in it.

The water in the glass gradually changed color a little.

But the blue crystals didn't seem to decrease much.

"Don't look at it as a small grain, but it's actually very durable. It's compressed by a special method." Qing Tian took the glass of water and walked towards the mana python, "I stole it because I wanted to If you really can't live in this place, you can just swallow it and commit suicide, at least you can have a sweet dream before you die."

Mana Python's calm expression finally changed.

He realized what this effeminate-looking boy was trying to do.

The python struggled violently, "I won't drink this kind of ghost!"

"You have no choice." Qing Tian poured it down directly.

"You told me that no one can get rid of it. Then, I will wait for you to ask me to tell me all the news you know... Does this method look familiar? That's how poisonous snakes used to deal with disobedient people. people."

Qing Tian smiled and looked at the python who was trying to vomit out the potion he drank, as if he didn't do these things.

"I just want to have a good life with Wuyun."

"As long as you don't show up, the goddess will disappear from this world forever."

But no.

Survival in this place is not so easy.

If I want to stay with Wu Yun all the time, I must at least gain a certain amount of strength.

Enough to protect yourself!

Let him live with Wu Yun forever.

"It doesn't matter that you broke my hand, I don't hate you, but you made Wu Yun's face bleed." Qing Tian squatted down, watching the effect of the medicine, the python that had already started to lose consciousness, with a little smile in his eyes. Mercy, "I will definitely not let anyone hurt the dark clouds in front of me."

Python is also good.

Vipers are also good.

Chen Yong is also good.

No matter who came, no matter what they wanted to do, he would not be afraid.

The dark clouds will be mine.