Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 17: Chen Yong's episode


Chen Yong is just one of my names.

I have more names than I can count, but this one will undoubtedly be my favorite.

For no particular reason, just because Wuyun remembered it.

The encounter between me and Wu Yun is not something worth remembering.

At that time, not long after I inherited the family, I was forced to go to the battlefield, and I was extremely unwilling in my heart. My family doesn't give me much shelter, and I'm not the first in line of succession. The reason why I was kicked out of the shelves was because the heirs in front of me died because of the fight for the right of succession.

My family is very old, large and decayed.

It originated from World War I, and was quickly established on the blood and corpses of countless people. At its peak, it was even able to control the economies of several countries. Although it declined later, it was only because of the joint attack of many countries, but it was not eliminated.

It goes deep into the dark world, controls a huge arms empire, has many opponents, and many alliances. But it has a rather cruel rule for the successors of the family, that is, they must survive on the battlefield.

It is impossible for a weak patriarch to control such a huge arms empire. Rather than letting a weak and incompetent person come to power, it is better to delegate power directly and wait for a new heir to appear.

This kind of regulation is very strict, but for the young me, it was quite a temptation.

In fact, it was precisely because my father refused to let go of the power in his hand at an old age, and instead watched my older brothers kill each other because of this, that I picked up this loophole.

I still remember that when my father was dying, he was still unwilling to hold the family badge tightly.

Obviously a cowardly old man who is so incompetent and burdens me with so many things.

A damned person who violated the family rules and was finally punished by the family rules.

Once my father died, there was no more oppression on my head.

The world seems to be at my hand, as long as I stretch out my hand, I can easily touch it. As long as I pass the test of the Patriarch, it will be fine.

Of course I passed.

The teachers in charge of teaching me are almost all full of praise for me. They believe that I will be the person who can best carry forward the family in this generation.

But I started to feel bored.

After passing the trial and inheriting the position of Patriarch, I no longer need to go to battle to negotiate deals in person, but I became obsessed with the smell of blood on the battlefield.

I am tired of all this bustling, and I don't like to see those faces painted by countless powders in the cocktail party.

I am a man with a sickness in my heart, and I discovered that a long time ago.

If I keep a pet, I can't allow it to do anything I don't like. If I buy something, I don't like it when someone carries the same thing.

Those men and women, no matter whether they are noble or cold and arrogant or gentle and pleasant, do not interest me much. Or to put it another way, even if I am interested in them, this interest can only last for a short time, and even I myself don't know when a move or a word from them will make me abandon them.

Therefore, many people say that I am capricious and difficult to guess.

I admit it myself.

I thought, something must have broken in my brain after staying in the dark world for too long.

A psychiatrist may be able to cure me of this problem, but I don't want to.

Everyone in the world has their own way of life, and I don't think my shortcoming will bring me much trouble.

The only downside is that I'm a little world-weary.

I don't think there is anything wrong with this, but all the old men in the family are worried that the blood will be cut off with me.

But what's wrong with that

It would be a good thing for the world if this bloodline passed down through the corpses of countless people could be cut off.

When I met Wu Yun, it happened to be the time when I was most disgusted with the world.

That year happened to be one of the most violent years when the oil war broke out.

That's a big business.

Almost all the countries that participated in the war ordered arms from the family. No matter which country wins, my family can reap the benefits.

Such a big business, I naturally want to experience it myself.

It was only after I came to the battlefield that I realized that people in this country looked extra crazy, maybe because of weird religious beliefs, or maybe because of some other ethnic characteristics.

They seem to be keen on various experiments, and they also hope that the gods will show mercy and let them destroy these enemies in one fell swoop.

The dark cloud is what I picked up near a laboratory.

At that time, I picked him up because of his beautiful eyes, and because my psychiatrist suggested that I keep a pet. He said that if I go on like this, I might lead my family to the point of no return.

What the doctor said is so serious, I can't take it lightly.

Dark clouds are just so good at appearing.

Pets die easily, and so do children.

But this kind of child who survived the battlefield should thrive like a weed.

You can choose whatever name you like.

When I left with a dark cloud in my arms, it happened to be cloudy, so I used this name. If it was raining at that time, maybe he would call it heavy rain.

The name doesn't matter, I don't care, and neither does Wuyun.

Thinking about it later, maybe things like names really foreshadow something.

Maybe meeting me means that there will be no more sun in the dark cloud's life.

Wu Yun is a strange child.

He will eat anything you give him, but he won't say a word to you.

He can watch the ants move all day long.

I struggled a lot to get him to talk.

I never thought I'd be so interested in a little kid, maybe because no matter how much I teased him, he was just the same.

Very different from anyone I've ever met before.

When Wuyun was a little bigger, I checked Wuyun's information and understood why Wuyun didn't feel pain.

The details of Wu Yun's mother are unknown, but his father seems to be an extreme terrorist. Wu Yun was sent to be a test product when he was still in the mother body, and his "no pain" was also produced by the laboratory. Because if it is possible to artificially create soldiers who will not suffer and are not afraid of death, it will be very beneficial to the war.

But children who don't feel pain don't live long.

Because they don't know what is dangerous and what is touchable.

In order for Wu Yun to live well, I spent a lot of money to remodel the room inside and out, and I also invited the world's top experts to teach Wu Yun various things.

As for the killing skills, I taught Wu Yun hand in hand when Wu Yun followed me around in various battlefields.

I am a very impatient person, and I only teach Wu Yun once.

There were even times when I would throw him a book and he would retell it to me the next day.

At this time, I realized that perhaps Wu Yun was not an ordinary child.

I asked the research institute under my command to give Wu Yun a full-body examination.

The results of the inspection were astonishing.

Wu Yun's physical fitness and brain development are much better than ordinary people.

This is no longer just the result of experiments.

It is a gift from God.

During those days, the researchers under him almost all ran after Wu Yun. They really wanted to know what went wrong with Wu Yun, and how it could create such a wonderful and balanced situation.

Unfortunately, nothing was researched.

"Sir, Wu Yunhui is a unique existence in this world." The people under him said so.

I take it for granted.

Wu Yun is really a wonderful child.

Unknowingly, my eyes will chase him, what he likes and dislikes, even if his face is expressionless, I can tell what he is thinking.

Wuyun is really easy to understand.

The first time Wuyun asked me, he wanted to live in Sasim City.

He likes it here.

Because Sasim City can accommodate any heterogeneity, it has both the atmosphere of the battlefield and ordinary life.

For Wu Yun, this place seemed to exist for him.

But it is impossible for me to stay with Wu Yun so willfully and live here for a long time. But Wu Yun has never asked me anything, and it is difficult for me to refuse him.

When Wu Yun was fifteen, I was kidnapped.

I once felt that there was nothing wrong with just dying like this, but when I thought of Wu Yun still living in this world, I became unwilling to die.

Father and the others covet Wu Yun so much, once I die, can Wu Yun still live so freely


When Wu Yun came to rescue me single-handedly, I realized my unusual affection for Wu Yun.

I suddenly realized why I have not included Wu Yun in my family tree, why have I not cultivated Wu Yun to become my successor

Because in my subconscious mind, I don't want Wu Yun and me to become such a close family relationship.

What I want is another kind.

It's really shameful to shoot at the children I raised since I was a child.

But I was not a good person.

"Her hair resembles yours..."

It's not that I didn't give Wu Yun a chance. I also wanted him to be with girls and live an ordinary life. With my power, even if he is different from ordinary people, I can still make him happy for the rest of his life.

But Wu Yun didn't seize this opportunity.

His eyes are looking at me.

For the first time, I knew that there were still things in this world that I cared about.

It is dark clouds.

Only with him by my side, I will never feel world-weary.

The easy days could have passed like this.

I can stay with Wuyun in this Sasim city.

Everything changes in one morning.

I woke up earlier than the dark clouds, and I planned to get up and make him breakfast.

But when I got up, I saw a white hair appeared on the pillow, and the end of the hair was still slightly golden.

This is my hair.

I ran to the mirror and found that the corners of my eyes had wrinkles, my body was no longer as strong as when I was young, and my eyes were no longer as good as when I was young.

I'm old.

I realized this all too clearly.

That's right, the child who looked at me ignorantly in my arms back then is now an adult.

I finally woke up from this dream.

I feel scared, but also happy.

I'm glad I discovered it before it was too late, before I woke up one day and looked in the mirror, only to find a strange and boring old man in the mirror.

This is the look I hate the most.

I originally thought that I would have a lot of time with Wu Yun, and that I could continue to accompany him after dealing with my family affairs.

But now I find that I have wasted too much time, and this time is something that I can't make up for.

Regret is not enough to describe my mood.

From that day on, I began to care about the gap between myself and the dark clouds.

The dark clouds grew taller again.

He has become more fond of chocolate.

I have another wrinkle.

"You've been a little weird lately."

I looked so strange that even Wu Yun couldn't help asking me.

"Do you love me? Dark Cloud."

"What is love?" Wu Yun asked me so.

it is my fault.

I taught him to shoot, to kill, to survive in this evil city.

But I never taught him how to love me.

Because even I myself have always thought that I would not love.

The defect mentioned by the psychiatrist, the defect that I have never paid attention to, finally defeated me in such a way at this time.

I'm craving for the dark cloud for what he doesn't and doesn't have.

Wu Yun's expression became more and more puzzled day by day.

Am I finally turning into a paranoid and eccentric old man? Just like my father.

Before Wu Yun woke up, I put a book on his bedside, and I fled.

I'm afraid that I, like my father, will use my rotten and outdated ideas to force the dark cloud to turn his youthful color into a sunset like mine.

But I am a flawed person after all.

Although I escaped, I began to frantically stare at Wuyun's every move.

Wu Yun's money is deposited with the bartender, and all his basic necessities are provided by me.

I don't mind asking the bartender to earn me an extra dish. Instead, I am very grateful that he has been helping me take care of the dark clouds, but he is wise enough to stay away from the dark clouds.

But I also realized that just a simple separation cannot make Wu Yun fall in love with me.

Until I met Angel.

The first time I saw him, I knew the substitute I was looking for was here.

He was a younger version of me.

It's just that he doesn't have my good luck, and was never born in the same family as me, so our treatment varies from day to day.

I sent Angel to Wuyun.

I never worry that Angel won't fall in love with Wu Yun, because I know that people like me, even if they are sent over a hundred times, will fall in love with Wu Yun every time.

In this way, even if I leave him one day, Angel will turn into another me and firmly guard by Wu Yun's side.

I'm actually jealous of Angel, so much so that I don't want to call him "Sunny", and I didn't use the name "Sunny" when entering the family tree.

Because the name matches the dark cloud too well.

Angel has already had a youth that I cannot have, and it is really annoying to have such a name.

I tried to formulate dozens of plans to kill Angel silently and not let the dark clouds suspect me, and I carried it out a few times, but Angel avoided it.

After that, I stopped doing it.

Although Angel is frantically learning all the knowledge, but for now, the dark cloud is still mine.

In Wu Yun's most beautiful years, I was the only one in his days.

Even if Wu Yun grows gray in the future, the youthful years he can recall are almost all my shadow.

This alone has already made Angel jealous.


"Dean, this is the list of recent volunteers."

The nun handed me a stack of lists.

"I trust your vision." I didn't even look at the list, and handed it back to the nun.

During the years when I left the dark cloud, I missed him crazily.

But I also know that Angel will not let go of this opportunity, and to Wu Yun, Angel is also an irreplaceable existence.

It is my own fault that the dark clouds have become like this.

I used to dye my hair, but I don't keep it any longer.

It's white and gold, and it's meaningless if there's no one who likes it.

After I left Wuyun, I opened many orphanages and adopted many homeless orphans.

These orphans come from various sources. I can choose a family for them, or I can directly provide them with education. There are many choices for them.

I have no intention of using this method to reduce my sins, it is purely that my longing for the dark clouds has no place to rest and needs a sustenance.

I frequently recalled the past, and finally became an old man.

"Nun, there are many dark clouds in the sky, is it going to rain?"

"Yes, Dean."

"Can I sleep for a while?"

"Okay, I won't bother you." The nun knew that the headmaster would choose to be alone every cloudy day. Unlike ordinary people who like Baiyun, the dean has a soft spot for Wuyun.

The nun walked out with a list of volunteers.

"Having said that, there is also a person named Wu Yun in the list of volunteers this time." The nun laughed, "but this one is called Sunny Sky, who is more similar to the dean."

If new volunteers come, I think the children will be very happy.

God always bless this place.

The author has something to say: This is all over~~~~

How the follow-up story will be, let everyone think for themselves.

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