Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 2


"The handover of that batch of goods has finally been completed. Really, those police officers from the United Nations seem to have gone crazy and grabbed us like crazy."

At the port, a middle-aged man with a diamond-encrusted lighter lit a cigarette for himself, and the subordinates who followed him also showed smiles on their faces.

"Everyone has worked hard recently, and some of the new products that have arrived recently are available for you to play with." The middle-aged man said generously, "There are men and women of all skin colors, and there are also various professions. I guarantee that you will have fun. Have fun, we're leaving here tomorrow."

After all, compared with this single business, the profits that this batch of human trafficking can bring are just a drop in the bucket, and it's no big deal to use it to reward your subordinates.

This is heaven.

In the outside world, no matter how you play, you have to be careful to avoid killing people, but it's different here, if you die, you die, and the laws outside can't sanction here at all.

Similarly, their batch of goods was closely watched outside, but as long as they made a stop in the city of Sasim, the police would not dare to come over.

These people are also well-known villains outside, but even if they are fully armed to transfer goods here, they still lost more than a dozen brothers in just a few days. After all, they were too arrogant and ignored the boss' warning. Now that the matter is over, the nerves of the remaining brothers are already extremely tense. If they can't vent their anger here, something bad will definitely happen when they go back.

"Brother, after you go back this time, you will be able to be promoted to be a senior cadre." The younger brother next to you complimented repeatedly, "The position has been vacant since the leader of the last hall died. This job is definitely yours."

"Haha, you're really good at talking, I can let you choose first tonight." The middle-aged man also laughed heartily.

Yes, why did he come to this ghostly place? Isn't it because he wants to be famous? In this kind of super gangster that has been passed down for many years, it is almost impossible to rise to the top. Recently newly developed drugs are quick to take effect, highly addictive, and the technical cost is still low, which is more expensive than gold outside. But because of this, he was targeted by the police including the United Nations, and several dens were destroyed at once. In panic, they came up with the idea of transiting from Sasim City.

The lost brothers can also be recruited from here. The people here are born with cancer, and if they can be subdued well, they can become a great help to themselves.

"Let's go, let's go relax first." The middle-aged man had already seen his bright future, and he stretched out his hand, and these subordinates automatically surrounded him and walked forward.

There is no way, in this place, one always has to spare one's life.

There were people opening the way at the front, back, left and right, and everyone was holding a gun in their hands. Naturally, no one would be foolish enough to provoke such a combination walking on the street.

The middle-aged man looked at the dilapidated street and missed the outside world.

Although it is free here, even basic communication is a problem. I don't know why so many people gather here

There are really many more bad people in the world who can't survive than he imagined.

Pedestrians on the street didn't particularly avoid this group of people, but stared at them one by one.

Many people even whispered, "The clothes on them are of good material." "The guns are also good." "The skin is tender and there are no scars on their bodies. They can be sold for a good price."

It's just that due to the large number of people on the other side, they whispered on their lips, but they didn't want to just rush up to seek death.

The middle-aged man found that the encirclement circle formed by his subordinates was getting smaller unconsciously.

This is also normal.

The aura of outsiders on them is too strong, as long as they are alone, they will immediately become the target of attack. Some of the brothers who died before were killed while going to the toilet or shopping.

It is not safe for two people to form a team, and more than five people must act together!

The middle-aged man already had some regrets in his heart.

Fucking nervous breakdown, he should have been waiting at the port and making dozens of calls to get those guys to come and pick them up. Although it is a bit troublesome to play dead people outside, it is better than here!

But as the boss of these people, if he backtracks, he won't have to continue messing around in the future.

"You don't have eyes!" Under this kind of mental pressure, one of his subordinates broke out completely after being hit by a pedestrian, and took out his pistol and directly pressed it on the other's forehead.

"Sorry." The pedestrian who was hit raised his head and apologized calmly.

The subordinate was stunned.

"Chinese?" His subordinates are also Chinese, but they were still a little surprised when they saw this person.

This person was completely different from the Sasim City people he remembered.

I'm used to seeing all kinds of weird people here, and there are very few people with a slightly flat head and straight face. Most of them have various scars on their faces or their facial features are missing something. The people who appeared in front of them would be high-class goods in their goods, but they just ran out on the street

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged man saw his subordinates stop, came out of the encirclement, and smiled when he saw Wu Yun's face, "It turned out that I met a beauty. You are lucky. If you like it, just take it away."

"You are Uemura Shino." Wu Yun looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said affirmatively, "This year is forty years old."

Wu Yun sighed, "I finally found you."

Uemura Shino's face changed drastically, and he ordered decisively, "Kill him!"

He has never revealed his name here. It is definitely not a kind person for this compatriot to be able to say his name and age in one breath.

bang bang bang.

Uemura's subordinates fired instantly without any hesitation. None of the people who could be sent here were fuel-efficient, and they could shoot without hesitation even when facing women and children.

However, the speed of the dark cloud is faster.

It was as if he had eyes all over his body, and avoided most of the bullets through various inconceivable angles, except for one shot on his arm.

Wu Yun didn't even frown, as if he wasn't the one who was injured, instead, he took advantage of the moment when the opponent hit him and he was relieved, he slid up to Uemura Shino, and pulled him to his front.

There was a sound of bullets piercing flesh from Uemura's body.

He almost didn't even have time to say his last words, with an unbelievable look on his face, he was treated as a human shield and died.



Wu Yun grabbed the collar of the corpse with his injured left hand, took out a gun from the corpse with his right hand, and fired without any pause.

five minutes later.

Wu Yun threw Shangcun's body aside, without looking at the rest of the bodies, and said calmly, "The fifth one is finished."

He turned his head and looked at his bleeding hand, feeling a little annoyed.

I have to see a doctor, otherwise there is no way to turn the book.

Something on the ground was shining.

Wu Yun lowered his head and picked up the glowing lighter.

This, the doctor should accept it.

"It's already bandaged." The doctor wiped his hands. "Just now I received a few more intact corpses here. The clothes are all the same. You must have killed them. Since it is your trophy, why don't you take it?"

Wu Yun looked at his tightly wrapped arm, feeling a little displeased, "I'm injured, I have no strength."

"No wonder." The doctor laughed twice, "You killed the cadres of a big gang. It's rare for you to keep killing people these days. Someone entrusted you?"


"Then you have to be careful." The doctor stared at Wu Yun a few times, "Your lighter is quite valuable, and the previous debt can be canceled for you. But these people you killed recently seem to have something to do with the 'Goddess' Relationships, these are vipers' business."

"It doesn't matter." Wu Yun was indifferent to these things, "I've killed five people."

After killing him, it's none of his business.

"I've analyzed the ingredients of 'Goddess'. It's very pure. It's a new drug with the latest technology. Viper is planning to use it to turn around. He can't stay on Street A and wants to go out. You should have killed the last few days. They are all cadres of the gangs that Viper came into contact with. They all died at your hands, and Viper will not let you go easily. But if you consider staying here for my experiment, I can keep you too." The doctor proposed a quite tempting people's suggestion.

In this paradise, there are some people who cannot be messed with.

Like the bartender, like the doctor, like the priest.

The bartender is the biggest information dealer here, the doctor has a large number of life-saving medicines, and the priest is responsible for more than half of the city's arms circulation.

Although Viper is one of the few bigwigs on Street A, he won't confront the doctor head-on.

On Street A, everyone knows that poisonous snakes do all kinds of evil. At the beginning, they sold their wives and children to make money. They have harmed many people over the years, and they have connections with many gangs outside.

Viper's information is one of the top secrets in the world, as long as he leaves this city, there will be countless policemen waiting to arrest him.

He has been hiding here for more than ten years, and he could have continued to hide, but he doesn't seem to plan to stay here anymore, so he developed the 'Goddess', and at the same time contacted several famous gangsters, hoping to get asylum and leave here.

As a result, the envoys sent by these gangs were all killed.


There are too many enemies of Viper, and it is not impossible for there to be a few people who are willing to pay a high price to shatter Viper's hopes.

It's just that there are not many people who can buy Wu Yun to be the killer. There are not many people in all the thirteen streets.

The doctor is very curious about this.

"No need." Wu Yun touched his hand, and after making sure there was no problem, he was about to get up and leave, "I'm going back."

"Then I won't send it away." The doctor waved his hand, a little regretful, "People who don't feel pain generally don't live long. It's rare to see someone here who lived to such an age. It would be a pity if he died."

Wu Yun returned home and sat on the bed in a daze for a long time.

Ah, it seems that I haven't eaten yet.

Wu Yun took out a box of apples from under the bed.

This is his "reward".

After eating two apples, Wu Yun was no longer hungry, so Wu Yun yawned and got ready to go to bed.

Let's read the book tomorrow.

I'm a little tired today.

Thinking of this, Wu Yun closed his eyes in a daze.

In the middle of sleeping, Wu Yun was woken up.

To be precise, it should be awakened by the person on the body.

"I said, you can't go to bed without washing your hands after eating."

The person who worked on him in the dark said so, the speed under him didn't slow down at all, it was still colliding violently.

To be honest, Wu Yun didn't think this kind of boring piston movement was so interesting.

It might be interesting at first, but gradually it will become boring, even worse than eating a piece of chocolate.

"Forgot." Wu Yun knew who the other party was without looking.

Although the other party disappeared for three years inexplicably, I knew he was back when I saw the apples he put and the note he left before.

His master, his adoptive father, and also his bed partner.

Wu Yun thought about using the word "lover" to replace their relationship, but after thinking about it, it seemed that she couldn't use it.

Lovers stay together because they have feelings, but they are just taking what they need and purely venting their loneliness.

It's like he won't ask the other party after he leaves, and the other party won't say anything more about what he does.

"You are more powerful than three years ago." The person on the body stopped moving, touched Wu Yun's face with both hands, affectionately, "You are a natural killer, I knew that only you can kill in the shortest time Get rid of these five people. I am no longer your opponent in the fifth year of teaching you to shoot and kill, and I should not be your opponent now."

Wu Yun didn't answer, and let the other party talk and do things on their own.

Fortunately, the other party didn't think about Wu Yun's reaction.

This has always been the case.

Wu Yun can't see others in his eyes, and what he thinks is not from the same world as what he thinks.

People who lose their sense of pain are difficult to be understood by the outside world.

Because such people are often short-lived, it is almost too late to communicate with them.

But here is Sassim, a paradise, and occasionally there will be miracles that the outside world will not see.

Here, dark clouds can survive.

The man in the dark laughed.

Even if Wu Yun wouldn't react, wouldn't let out moving groans, and his skin was covered with scars, he could still make people's blood spurt.

Fifteen years have passed since picking up the dark cloud.

In fifteen years, Wu Yun's heart has hardly grown up.

Pure and cruel, one wonders if his blood is cold.

Wu Yun felt that the other party was really long-winded, so he simply closed his eyes.

Don't both men and women like to say these boring things in bed? It seems to be like this. When I went to ambush before, it seemed that the subject of the mission also said a lot to his bed partner.

"You still won't guard against me, Wu Yun." The man in the dark bowed his head and kissed Wu Yun's forehead, "I'm so happy."

"One hundred." Wu Yun finally spoke, "You said that I would help you kill a hundred people, and we'll get rid of them. This is the last five."

"... That's right, the two are settled." The man in the dark paused, "Do you want to consider staying with me?"

"No." Wu Yun responded indifferently.


"Because you're lying." Wu Yun said unceremoniously, "You want to use me to lure the poisonous snake out, I know."

You've been doing things like this for a long time.

Because of the existence of the "goddess", the head of the poisonous snake has reached an unimaginable amount on the black market.

The poisonous snake will only monopolize the technology of the "Goddess", and once he dies, the "Goddess" will disappear completely. Therefore, all drug sellers, including the countries that grow drug raw materials, and even the international police, will be willing to continue to increase the price on the black market, so that the poisonous snake will die completely.

And men are bounty hunters who specialize in this kind of business.

Once the envoys of these five gangs die, Viper will definitely come out again to contact those gangs.

Poisonous snakes are especially good at hiding, and the only way to catch him is now.

"That's right, I've already got his head." The man kissed Wu Yun, "But you're wrong about one thing, the price of you who killed five gang leaders is now almost as high as that of a poisonous snake on the black market. Only by my side can you survive, and I can take you out of here."

"I won't leave here." Wu Yun closed his eyes and stopped talking.

As long as he doesn't talk, the man will leave when he's done.

Men have been doing it until midnight.

Wu Yun felt that the opponent's physical strength was not like an uncle at all.

How old is the other party

Even if Wu Yun has lived with him for fifteen years, he still doesn't know.

In a daze, Wu Yun realized that the man finally got off him.

"I gave you a present, open it when you wake up." The man said softly, "You will like it."

Wu Yun slept until the next afternoon before waking up.

When he woke up, his body was naked, covered with hickey marks, and there were also fingerprints on his buttocks and thighs, which were already a little blue.

But he felt no pain.

Just feel a little tired.

The man walks cleanly.

There is a lot of food in the room, including fruit, chocolate, milk, bread, and several thick books, which are enough for him to stay behind closed doors for a while.

The death of the poisonous snake will definitely trigger a change in the power of Street A, and it is a good thing not to go out.

Wu Yun lay on the bed and didn't want to move very much.

But there seemed to be some "woo woo woo" noises outside the door all the time.

It's annoying.

Wu Yun opened the door, and the creatures leaning outside the door rolled in in a hurry.

is a person.

To be precise, he was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy.

No clothes.

His mouth was stuffed with cloth, his hands and feet were bound, and he could only stare at the dark clouds with wide-eyed eyes.

There is a sign hanging on his chest, with the word "gift" clearly written on it.

Wu Yun knelt down and looked at the boy.

This young man undoubtedly looked familiar, with black hair but blue eyes, white skin, and a beautiful mixed race.

Exactly the same as men.

Is it an illegitimate child

No, men don't seem to have any interest in women and hate children.

"Wooooow." The mixed-race boy didn't understand why the other party only looked at him and didn't let him go.

Wu Yun frowned, and pulled out the cloth ball from his mouth, not intending to untie the rope for him.

"I don't need a gift." Wu Yun looked at the boy and said.

"I can do many things." The boy didn't bother to defend himself, "I can do everything, you can do whatever you want, please don't, don't drive me out."

Once he is kicked out, the end will be terrible.

The man who brought him said that he can only survive if he stays here, and he must try his best to stay with this Chinese man.

Junior is one of Viper's collectibles.

He had heard about Wu Yun and the man last night, and knew that they had a close relationship, but he didn't understand why that terrible man sent himself to this person

"The poisonous snake has killed many people, but you can survive by his side. Presumably you can also survive by the dark cloud."

After being told by that man, the boy was packed and sent here, where he listened to the corner alone all night.

The boy began to cry.

He cries beautifully, which is especially pitiful, and it is easy for people to burst out with sadistic desires.

Dark Cloud was unmoved.

The young man cried for a few minutes by himself. Seeing that Wu Yun had been looking at him indifferently, he also knew that this trick was useless, so he didn't dare to cry anymore.

"I can really do anything." The boy could only repeat this sentence, "Leave me, I'm very useful."

Wu Yun wanted to say something, and then saw the book next to the boy.

It was my own book, probably thrown here after the man went to bed yesterday.



what is love

"Are you really good at everything?" Wu Yun looked at the boy and asked.

"Really, it's what you say. I can help you kill people, and I can also help you relieve yourself." The young man finally saw a little hope, and hurriedly sold himself.

"You don't cry, you don't hurt, what are you doing alive?"

"You are a born killer."



"...no one will love you."

"I curse you—"

Many words came to Wu Yun's mind inappropriately.

He thought, he understood the meaning of "gift" in the man's mouth.

"I don't need anything." Wu Yun looked at the mixed-race boy in front of him and said slowly, "No one will love me."

Everyone stops and goes and won't be with him all the time.

Wu Yun picked up "LOVE" over there, opened the book, pointed to the sentence on the title page, looked at the young man, and said word by word, "If you are willing to love me as written in this book, I will let you stay .”