Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 3


His name is probably Chen Yong.

The reason why I say roughly is because Wu Yun himself doesn't know his details.

Although he taught Wu Yun many things and lived together for many years, people in this kind of place almost never mentioned the past.

Because men are bounty hunters, they need to change their identities frequently.

The name Chen Yong was used when he took on the next mission.

Wu Yun heard this once, so he took it as the man's name.

This "LOVE" is a "gift" left by Chen Yong when he suddenly disappeared three years ago.

Chen Yong gave him various gifts, regardless of time and place, and there was no pattern. Sometimes it's books, sometimes it's food, sometimes it's guns and ammunition. As far as people are concerned, this mixed-race boy is not the first one. Wu Yun remembered that he had seen a girl more than once before, but the girl was given to him as a "gift" within a few days.

"Don't you like her? If you like her, I'll give it to you." Chen Yong said so, pushing the girl up.

The girl's skin was very soft, and he had forgotten what she looked like.

"Her hair color looks a lot like yours."


It seems to be very warm.

Wu Yun expressed his feelings bluntly, and then Chen Yong grabbed the girl from his bed, and Wu Yun was crushed on the bed instead.

It's crushing.

He could clearly hear Chen Yong's breathing and heartbeat.

"Do you want to do something like that with me?" Wu Yun remembered asking himself.

"If you hate it, you can push me away, I can't beat you anymore."

"it's OK."

I don't like it either.

But the second half of the words were not spoken, because Chen Yong kissed him directly.

Then let's not talk about it.

After that, things seemed to be in order.

That summer was very hot.

It was also very hot that day.

Wu Yun didn't remember whether it was because the temperature outside was too high or because Chen Yong's body temperature was too hot, or maybe because it was the first time he had such a straightforward contact with physical desires, the stimulation was a bit big and he forgot.

After that, their relationship has increased from a simple "teaching and being taught".

When Chen Yong picked up Wu Yun, he said that he would not support useless people, so Wu Yun had to help him to pay off his debts after he learned how to survive.

When Wu Yun helped kill ninety-five people, Chen Yong disappeared, leaving only "LOVE".

To be honest, Wu Yun did not understand this book.

Almost all of them are prose poems, and the descriptions are very illusory.

Wu Yun can understand other books, whether it is language or tools, Wu Yun can remember and understand after reading it once. Only this kind of pure text, which neither taught him anything nor explained why, he didn't understand at all.

After watching it for three years, I still can't understand what the "love" written on it is.

The more he couldn't understand, the more Wu Yun wanted to understand.

No one has ever told him to learn to love to survive here, but he has heard this word more than once from other people's mouths.

If according to the book "love is selfless dedication", then what Chen Yong asks for from him is paid; if love is long-term companionship, Chen Yong and him have not been together all the time; There is no such thing.

Therefore, the relationship between Chen Yong and him is not love, but pure exchange of interests.

Wu Yun once again looked at the mixed-race boy as a "gift", expressing a very clear meaning.

The boy was dumbfounded.

In order to survive beside the poisonous snake, he naturally said sweet words like "love" more than once.

Is this enough

Isn't it very simple

"Of course." The boy replied without hesitation, "Of course I love you, master. I am yours now, who else can I love if I don't love you?"

Wu Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and closed the book, "Since you love me, you can stay here."

He is laughing.

The young man smiled when he saw Wu Yun, knowing that his life could be saved.

what the hell

He is an accidental and deceitful person.

The rope on the boy's body was untied, and Wu Yun pulled out one of his own clothes to put on him, and pushed out his own food and water along the way.


Milk, bread, chocolate, and even a variety of fresh fruits.

The boy is not ignorant. He knows that the most popular food in this place is all kinds of stored canned food. "Fresh" is rare.

But he is no ordinary fool.

Here, nothing can be taken for granted.

If you think that you are special because others treat you a little better, you will die soon, just like those children that the poisonous snake once liked.

The boy is not Viper's favorite collectible, nor is he the one he hates the most, but he is the one who has lived the longest by his side.

He is much better than many adults when it comes to observing words and demeanor.

"No, the master will eat first." The boy obediently unwrapped a piece of chocolate and handed it to Wu Yun, "I will eat it after the master finishes eating."

"Wu Yun." Wu Yun took the chocolate, "My name."

The young man froze for a moment, and immediately understood that the other party might not want to hear the title "Master", so he nodded immediately to indicate that he understood.

"By the way, Lord... Wu Yun, I don't have a name yet." The young man's words were purely deceiving, of course he has a name.

But if you change the owner, of course you need to change the name.

The right to name is also a kind of surrender in this place.

The boy took the initiative to say this, just to express that he would be Wu Yun's property.

He needs to please this young man in every way.

self-esteem? temper? Chastity concept

Nobody alive here has that kind of thing.

The simplest law is the law of the jungle, the weak submit to the strong, it couldn't be simpler.

Wu Yun rarely frowned.

He doesn't name people.

"Apple, milk, chocolate." Wu Yun pointed to these three things, "Do you want to choose one as your name?"

— No, being so perfunctory will not achieve the effect I want at all!

The young man felt that this beautiful man named Wu Yun seemed to be a bit out of his mind.

Could it be that he is unattractive

Or is it that Wu Yun doesn't like a kid with his body type? Maybe he liked the look of the man who killed the viper

That may take a few more years, and it will require a lot, a lot of food.

If it grows too fast and too strong, it will be killed.

So the teenager has always been restrained in eating.

He is actually fourteen years old, but he only looks eleven or twelve years old.

"What Wu Yun likes is what I like." The young man showed his most innocent smile, "Can I be called... sunny day?"


What's the reaction

The other party didn't answer, and the young man could only say the sweet words he had prepared, "Dark clouds and sunny days, they match very well. I love you, Wu Yun, so I will call you by this name, okay?"


Still no response.

That's how Sunshine's name was decided.

Although this room is small and shabby, everything is complete, and it can even be said that it is a bit too complete.

Qing Tian didn't know what Wu Yun's job was, but he guessed that the other party might be the same person as him.

After all, the things here are not easy to get, and he did hear the affair between Wu Yun and that man. But it may also be because the man is about to break up, so the man sent him here; it may also be that this Wu Yun has some special hobbies, and the man sent him here to help share the burden.

No matter what it is, night is a battlefield, and you must be fully prepared.

As soon as it got dark, Wu Yun stopped reading and turned off the lights to go to bed.

Some people have already said that you can love him, so today you don't need to read books anymore.

It wasn't until the room was completely dark that Qing realized something was wrong.

It seemed that after the little things he said in the morning, Wu Yun never spoke to him again, nor did he do anything to him, as if he was a pure stranger.

Now there is no quilt sheet for him.

What does it mean

Sunny Tian thought about it for a while, and felt that this should mean that he should take the initiative.

If he didn't do anything, Wu Yun might think he was useless tomorrow and sell him off!

Qing Tian stripped herself naked, looked down at herself, made sure her body was still pretty, and then walked towards Wu Yun's bed.

Suddenly, there was a whirlwind.

There was a violent impact on the back, and the neck was strangled to death, and he could hardly breathe.


He only had time to say a word, and he didn't know if he was heard by the other party.

The dark cloud's eyes are more terrifying than this night.

She looked at him coldly and mechanically.

It was even scarier than the disgusted eyes of the poisonous snake after killing those companions.


Am I going to die so soon too

Not reconciled.

Not reconciled!

He didn't even leave this ghostly place to see the outside world... How could he just die like this...

The tension in the neck quickly disappeared.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough."

"I, what's wrong with me?" Qingtian was entangled in great fear, not understanding why he had encountered such a thing

It seemed like a blink of an eye from when he approached to when he was pinched just now.

He couldn't react so fast.

"Get up and run." Wu Yun mercilessly pulled Qing Tian up, grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, "Eat!"

Weak and small.

How did such a person survive until now

Wu Yun didn't understand at all.

Sunny Tian almost choked to death, but was dragged out of the room by Wuyun who was ignorant, and even gave him only one piece of clothing.

Outside the dark cloud room is a huge garbage dump, and there will be no one except those wild dogs this night.

Anyone who lives on A Street knows that this dump should never be near this dump after night!


Because people who approach here at night, without exception, will not appear again during the day.

"Wow woof woof—"

Qing Tian's arm was suddenly cut open by the dark cloud, and blood flowed out.

The wound wasn't deep, it just looked a little scary.


Sunny day threw a sharpened piece of iron.

"Run around here ten laps."


"Wu Yun, I'm sorry, I dare not approach you again, I..." Qing Tian prepared a lot of things to say. He can use his tears and his body to apologize.

Didn't Wu Yun want him to love him

He is doing it seriously.

He thought the viper's mind was twisted enough.

But is this man named Wu Yun human, and what is he thinking? !

"They're coming." Wu Yun pointed out, "Aren't you going to run?"

It was a wild dog attracted by the bloody smell on Qingtian's body.

The wild dogs living near the A Street Garbage Plant all eat people and corpses, and they are one of the "cleaners" here.

Those corpses that have been removed of all available organs are sometimes thrown here, and these wild dogs almost grow up using these foods. No matter how greedy people are, they would rather eat their compatriots than play with these wild dogs.

Sunny Sky's eyes accidentally met one of the wild dogs.

Well, it was scary.


Sunny Tian picked up the piece of iron thrown by Wu Yun, stretched his legs and ran out.

He can't stay with this man any longer! ! !

What loves him? go to hell!

He would rather go to the street and find someone who looks okay to depend on to survive than stay by this man's side.

This man named Wu Yun must be sick.

If he stayed by his side, he would definitely not survive three days.