Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 4


There is not much difference between A Street at night and during the day, or in other words, the night is more lively than the day.

Many people are still sleeping during the day, but at night it will become a carnival that never sleeps. Many attractive men and women will come out, or hook up with people they like, or work to make money, and some other people who work secretly will also sneak out to hunt.

For those who live here, the night is the home, and the sense of security is more than that of the day.

For example, among the thirteen streets, there are several places that are absolutely safe, or in other words, those who dare to make trouble in this place will not be able to see the sun the next day.

Even in this unfettered free paradise, there are always several types of forces standing at the top, existences that people dare not provoke.

Just like the bar now.

This is not only the largest information circulation place, but also a gathering place for the sale of various medicines and guns. Also, the top and most beautiful fresh men and women will appear here. If you like it, the price is negotiable. And those who want to cheat, or want to prostitute and rob for free, will be honest here.

Of course Sunny knows this place too.

He managed to get rid of those wild dogs because they would not go near crowded places. It's just that the process of getting rid of it in the middle is quite sad, and sunny day doesn't want to mention it anymore.

Sunny used to be here.

He was bought by the poisonous snake here, and he knew that if he wanted to live well here, he had to choose a good buyer for himself.

Wu Yun and the man behind Wu Yun could kill even poisonous snakes, so in Thirteen Streets, there were only three people left who could be his protectors.

Bartenders, doctors, and priests.

No one knows their names, who they are or what their age is, only that no one dares to mess with them.

The recruitment of doctors and priests is very strict, and people like him will definitely not be taken in, so there is only one place he can choose.

Qing Tian secretly estimated his own value. Although he is not very good at fighting, he is very good at remembering people. As long as he has seen someone once, he will never forget. His ability is definitely more useful to the bartender than his body and face.

Although it is more difficult to stay here to earn a living, as long as there are a few cuts on the face, it will be much safer.

Although Qingtian knows that he is beautiful, he can easily find someone to take care of him by virtue of his appearance. But if it is for survival, he can destroy his face without hesitation and become a useful person.

Here, everything about feelings and looks is fake, only interests are real. As long as he can show his useful side, he can survive!


Sunny Tian didn't throw the piece of iron, but hid it in his sleeve, and could take it for self-protection when necessary.

The clothes he was wearing belonged to a previous man who wanted to attack him.

That person thought he was easy to deal with at a young age, but as soon as he relaxed, he was killed by Qing Tian, and his clothes were stripped off by Qing Tian.

That person didn't die, but Qing Tian had cut seven or eight cuts on his body, the smell of blood was stronger than his, and those wild dogs chasing him would change their targets.

Sunny day pulled down his hat, took advantage of the darkness to hide himself, and took advantage of the crowd to sneak into the bar.

He needs to find the bartender and show his value.

But as long as the dark cloud doesn't come after us, everything will be in time.

Although the bar was not big, it was packed to the brim, and even the street outside the bar was full of people reveling.

Sunny is thin and thin, but managed to get close to the bar behind various gaps.

There were several people in bartender clothes at the bar, but none of them were the ones Sunny had seen before, they were just pure waiters.

"One more bottle of wine, damn it, you have mixed too much water." A big man couldn't help cursing, "It didn't taste like the last time I drank it."

"There aren't many drinks in stock recently." A small bartender said casually, "We are also following orders, you don't have to buy them."

"Come on, buddy. If you drink here, at least drink more water. If you buy wine outside, you don't know what's in it!"

"A man bought wine yesterday, but the wine seemed to be mixed with mercury. Now he can't talk."

"It must have been done by Viper's men."

"Once the poisonous snake dies, those mad dogs will attack indiscriminately. Damn, why didn't those addicts die sooner?"

As we all know, poisonous snakes use drugs to control their subordinates, so that they can fully control their bodies and minds. The controlled people are not only the most powerful weapons, but also the deadliest lunatics. But now that the poisonous snake is dead, those people have no stable source of medicine, and they all drag everyone to die together like crazy.

They hide poison in various commodities, making it difficult to detect. After the poisonous snake died, victims appeared in different streets almost every day.

Although those people were beaten to death as soon as they got sick, this kind of dilapidated body is worthless. It is a waste of bullets, which is really annoying.

Qingtian knew that Viper used medicine to control his subordinates, but Viper would not do that to pets like them. Because once contaminated with medicine, no matter how beautiful the pet's body is, it will become ugly. The poisonous snake will only use medicine when dealing with newcomers with strong personalities.

Therefore, Sunny has always been very good.

"Venomous snakes are really useless, just die. As a result, things have not been handed over. Recently, several ships have been missing."

"Jen Ren passed away. Although the poisonous snake is dead, isn't the Golden Lion planning to take over? It will be safe when this wave passes. Now if you want to drink, you can come here. If you mix too much water, it's still wine. It's better than Terribly strong."

"Speaking of which, who killed the poisonous snake?"

"I don't know, probably some bounty hunter."

"The poisonous snake's head has soared to 100 million US dollars. Who doesn't want it? He also has a big heart, but he wants to go out, and he even recruited five gangs in one breath. Isn't this courting death?"

"The doctor offered a high price to buy 'Goddess', saying that it was for research."

"The church on the priest's side is the one that makes the most money. The gunpowder magazine under Viper's men has been taken over by them. If you want to buy any weapon, go there quickly. There is no price increase and no purchase limit!"

"Doesn't Viper still have a petting zoo? Good guy, it's full of beautiful men and women, and they seem to have been separated now."

"There are also some that are sold at a high price, and the bar also charges a few, but can you afford it?"

"I don't buy it if I can afford it. Who knows what perverted hobby that poisonous snake guy has, I don't dare to touch it."

"Tsk, starve the cowardly to death if you starve to death the bold, you don't dare to be as much as someone dares."

Once the poisonous snake died, the news he had tried so hard to hide before soon became known to the public, and now is the time for everyone to be happy. Wait for another week or so, and the poisonous snake will disappear completely, and will never be mentioned in their mouths again.

No matter how glorious and powerful he was, as long as he died, no one would miss him and remember him, this is such a place.

Sunshine shrank her head involuntarily.

He had already been sold out once, and he didn't want to be sold out again.

Qingtian only has a few hundred dollars from the robbery, which is only enough to afford a glass of wine here. But he didn't dare not to buy. People who don't buy things can't stay here. He wants to use this glass of wine to wait for the real bartender to come.

After an hour, the bartender still didn't come.

Qing Tian was observing these people on the field boredly, and suddenly found that someone's expression was not quite right.

It was a prostitute with makeup on and only wearing underwear. She had a good figure and her hair was combed high. A lot of dollars had been stuffed into her underwear, and someone's hands were constantly moving around her body.

The prostitute's eyes were a little hazy, she looked like she was drunk, she leaned on a man's shoulder, and the man's hand had already reached into her pants.

It's not this that makes Qing Tian care, but the way this woman twitches is not right, it seems a little too excited.


When Viper trained a girl back then, he used a junior "goddess", and that girl's demeanor was very similar to this woman!

Sunny day realizes that her time has come.

He immediately grabbed the hand of a young bartender who was mixing drinks, and quickly explained his findings in a low voice.

The little bartender looked at the sunny sky suspiciously, picked up the radio and went to find the security guards.

Qing Tian sat there to accept his surveillance, and had no intention of leaving.

"Sir, we need to check the lady next to you." The security guards were equipped with professional weapons, each of them was tall and burly, and almost all of them were people who had retreated from the battlefield.

As soon as the security guards appeared, the man enjoying the woman's body immediately stopped moving.

"Ma'am, please come out with us." The security guard looked at the woman who was clearly out of state, and his hand had already touched the gun.

"Hehe, hehe." The woman laughed with confusion in her eyes, as if she couldn't understand what the security guard said at all, but her whole body lay on the security guard.


The security guard lowered his head, saw what was in her hair clearly, and wanted to tear her apart, but the woman seemed to wake up suddenly, hugging the security guard tightly with all four limbs, clearly wanting to die together.

"There's a bomb!"

The security guard yelled, and the companions on the side had already shot the woman. One of the security guards stepped forward and quickly removed the woman's jaw, opened her mouth, and hid the switch in her teeth. And miniature bombs ripped out.

This woman was cruel enough to herself, pulled out several teeth, and buried switches and explosives in her gums.

My teeth are rotten, and I can't even speak.

Her face has been completely deformed, which is why she needs to use heavy makeup to hide herself.

I'm afraid there are explosives hidden in other parts of her body, and she relies entirely on drugs to suppress the pain. Once she explodes, everyone present will be implicated.

"It should be one of the secret weapons hidden by the poisonous snakes. Once the poisonous snakes die, they have no source of drugs, and they all come out."

"Tear her apart and send it to the doctor for research."

"If she is still sober, let her name her accomplices by any means."

The matter on the field was quickly dealt with cleanly, and the people drinking here also discussed it, but didn't take it to heart at all.

It's a common thing.

Sunny was brought to the bartender by the security guards.

Finally saw it!

The bartender was a man in his thirties. He could be called handsome. He looked a bit like a mixed race of Caucasian and yellow. However, some said that he was a Russian. He was unusually tall, almost two meters tall.

Such an appearance, as long as it is seen once, it will not be forgotten.

Sunny Tian told her all about her background and plans in a very sensible manner, and also directly revealed her appearance.

"If you agree, I can destroy my face right now, and I won't cause you any trouble." Qing Tian put the iron plate on his face without any wavering.

"Oh?" The bartender looked at him with some interest, "Although you are all collections of poisonous snakes, you seem to be different from others. Don't you want a more relaxed and simple life? If you want to go out, I can give you You find a good client."

Qing Tian had a momentary heartbeat, but he quickly gave up the idea.

No, sell it but not call it out.

"I am willing to work under your hand." Sunny Tian said firmly.

"Although I want you very much, you are indeed useful." The bartender looked at the sunny day a few more times, a little bit reluctantly, "But unfortunately, I can't accept you, and the doctor and the priest won't accept you either."

"What?" Qing Tian didn't seem to believe his words, "Can I ask why?"

"Because Wu Yun is our ace killer." The bartender leaned back on the chair, resting his chin with one hand, and turned his head slightly to give him a cigarette. "The money for Wu Yun's murder is with us. We need to give him Provide stable food, clothing, housing and transportation, and he will accept our commission when he is free. Since you are the person he likes, we will not accept you."

"After all, people like you can be found, but a killing machine like Wu Yun is rare." The bartender added.

Compared with unknown benefits, Wu Yun's trump card, which can handle various difficult tasks for them, is more useful.

Sunny's face was a little stiff.

"I think it's better for you to go back." The bartender looked at him with a smile.

"I will die if I go back, he won't let me go if I run away." Qing Tian gritted his teeth.

"This has nothing to do with me, you send him back." The bartender stood up and waved to the security guard to take Qing Tian away.

"I remember everyone the poisonous snake has seen!" When Qing Tian was caught by the security guards, he didn't care about many people and shouted directly, "If you stay with me, I will tell you, including a secret base that the poisonous snake took me to. Remember too."

The bartender stopped and looked at Qing Tian with a slightly different look, "Little devil, how do you know his secret base?"

"Although I was blindfolded, I really remember it." Qingtian knew there was something going on, so he didn't dare to hide it anymore, "I can take you there, but you have to agree to my conditions. Do you want a doctor or a doctor?" Does the priest know the news?"

"Little devil, are you threatening me?"

Sunny was picked up by security.

He was held at the throat by a gun.

"It's not a threat." Qingtian clenched his hands tightly, resisting the urge to struggle, "I'm just making a deal with you. I wrote the location on a piece of cloth and stuffed it into the wild dog's belly. Then The wild dog is wounded and will be attacked soon, and the secret will be revealed at that time. You can't stop the secret from being revealed by killing me or imprisoning me."

After Qing Tian knew that he had told this secret, his greatest value disappeared, and it was very likely that the other party would kill him after he found the place.

But he has no other choice now.

He can only gamble now.

The bartender's face finally changed a little, and the security guard next to him also looked at this brat in surprise.

There are monsters everywhere in this place.

It's hard for a kid at this age to say such words in front of life and death.

Perhaps the most outstanding finished product of the poisonous snake is not a "goddess", but this kind of imp.

"Tsk, I'm the loser." The bartender scratched his hair, "Wu Yun, take this kid away and don't bother me again. I really hate this kind of blond-haired half-breed kid. Is he really your master's illegitimate son?"

This bad personality is exactly the same.

Sunny was stunned.

He saw Wu Yun coming in from the back door of the bar, carrying the dead body of a wild dog in his hand.

"I've already taken out the contents of its stomach." Wu Yun threw the wild dog's body on the ground, "You should return this man to me. I'd like to accept the bet, you will prepare the clothes and meals for the two of us in the future. "

"Understood." The bartender could not wait for the senior and junior to leave as soon as possible.

Seeing Wu Yun staring at him holding Qing Tian's hand, the security guard looked a little dodgy, and quickly put Qing Tian down carefully.

Sunny finally realized something was wrong.

"Little ghost, do you know? You are very lucky that all the Viper's collections will die." The bartender showed a faint smile towards Sunny, "Just like the prostitute you pointed out, we heard that the Viper is in your collection. There were a lot of things hidden on Pin, but we weren't sure which ones, so we just dealt with them all."

Sunshine realized that he had walked around the gate of hell.

"But if Wu Yun wants to protect you, there's nothing he can do." The bartender frowned, "Go away."

"Come here." Wu Yun tore up the cloth, "This location is fake."

Qing Tian couldn't believe it, "No, what I wrote is true."

"A real place, poisonous snakes won't take you there." Wu Yun looked at him calmly, "You are worthless."

"I... I..." Qing Tian took a few steps back, "You really don't want to kill me?"

"Don't kill." Wu Yun grabbed Qing Tian's hand, "Let's go."

Sunny day felt the warmth of the dark cloud's palm for the first time.


Is this actually a living person

Sunny was a little stunned.

"I guarantee that you will live until the age of eighteen." Wu Yun lowered his head and met Qing Tian's eyes, "Trust me, just follow me."

eighteen years old.

There are four more years.

Sunny day's hanging heart suddenly let go.

This man walks the talk.

Nothing reassured him more than this sentence.

"As long as you don't kill me, I will definitely love you according to what you said in these four years." Qingtian said firmly, "I will do what I say."

"Ahem." The bartender almost choked on the smoke, "Wu Yun, you like younger ones?"

"I asked you too, but you didn't agree." Wu Yun looked at the bartender, as if he was a little puzzled as to why the other party had such a reaction, "I don't love anyone, as long as someone loves me."

"...It's nothing." The bartender waved his hands in fright, "Whatever you want, I can't afford to be cute like you."

He didn't think his life was too long.

The sunny day was taken away by the dark cloud.

After their figures disappeared, several security guards dared to free their hands to wipe their cold sweat.

As soon as the dark clouds appeared, they were more nervous than anyone else.

If he explodes, they have to be prepared to stay here with their lives.

Ever since they worked for the bartender, they saw that almost all the people who had anything to do with Wu Yun, except that one, died unexpectedly. The way they died made them feel terrified.

Such a dark cloud, even a stunning beauty would not be tempting.

He is a natural killing machine, the ace killer of the Thirteenth Street, and the only one who works for the bartender doctor and the priest at the same time.

"You all bring a bottle of wine back today, so you won't be shocked." The bartender threw the cigarette from his mouth, "That kid has a very keen sense."

"Mr. Wu Yun's surroundings are even scarier than the battlefield. I can understand why he wanted to escape?" A security guard agreed, "As expected of a person who survived the poisonous snake, his intuition is very accurate."

"But a kid is a kid after all."

Wu Yun believed it when he said it so simply.

"Wu Yun's words are more credible than the guns in your hands." The bartender muttered to himself, "I understand why this brat was sent here as a gift."

Similar people are always easier to understand similar people.

I don't know what the man was thinking.

To change him, seeing someone similar to himself, he would be killed with a single shot, less disasters!