Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 5


There seems to be one more ship calling than usual today.

The people at the port had already started exchanging news, and they didn't simply let this "something wrong" go. People who live here will not let go of even a little trouble, so that they can deal with all kinds of emergencies at any time.

Soon, several cannons near the port aimed at the extra ship

"Looks like some bounty hunter mercenaries or something."

"I heard that the cadres of several gangs will bring some newcomers to study."

"The priest called here, it is safe, let them come here."

After confirming the identity of the other party, the muzzles of those visible and invisible guns were put down one after another.

The extra boat.

The people on board also put down their weapons and breathed a sigh of relief, "I almost shot just now, I almost thought I was in the Middle East!"

"It's not like that kind of place here." An old bounty hunter next to him threw a cigarette at him, "But we just need to abide by other people's rules and complete the task honestly. Maybe in the future we I can’t hang around anymore, so I have to live here.”

Those who work in their industry are almost all people who have no way to live a normal life. After working in this line for a long time, there will always be a lot of enemies accumulated. Under such circumstances, the only way to live a stable life is to come to Sasim City, and almost all the people in the city come here.

"Our employer has been sleeping."

"People come once a year, it's no different from going home."

The guests on the whole boat can be roughly divided into three waves. Yibo couldn't survive outside, so he used various channels to get on the ship and planned to live in Sasim City. Among these people, some are serious criminals, some are traitors targeted by gangsters, and of course many are wanted by terrorists, etc.; there is also a wave of pure bounty hunters who want to find themselves in the city of Sasim If you want to get a good reputation in the bounty hunter industry, Sasim City is also one of the necessary training venues; the last wave They are bodyguards hired like them, and they need to wait for the employer to complete the business handover before they can get the rest of the fee.

Many arms dealers like to use mercenaries or bounty hunters because they are strong and don't need to think too much. Those powerful arms dealers would also raise a mercenary regiment by themselves, but the price was too high, and it was not as fast as spending one time to hire one.

the other end.

"Personal physical strength is very limited. Even if you can fight ten against one with your bare hands, you can't defeat the eleventh. But hot weapons can make a weak person beat a strong one. Even an ordinary woman can use it to kill dozens of people. A strong man." Wu Yun seldom speaks such a long sentence, but in the process of teaching Sunny Sky recently, he has not been stingy with his own language.

"So you have to learn to identify different firearms, their reload time, their strengths and weaknesses, and learn to disassemble them in the shortest possible time. When you can use the gun as naturally as you can with your hands, it's fine. .”

As Wu Yun said, he poured out all the guns in a whole box.

MK23 offensive pistol, P7, G36 civilian version, Mini Mipara machine gun, M2 heavy machine gun...

If this box is not too small, perhaps there will be more weapons poured out here.

"This is the first batch." Wu Yun tilted his head slightly, "You must first choose the one that suits you best, and then hit ten wild dogs in the garbage dump with ten bullets, which should be able to give you a lot of money in this street. self-preservation ability."

Qing Tian's eyes widened, looking at these guns, he almost didn't know how to choose.

This... so much

"If possible, it's best to complete the first stage within three months." Wu Yun thought for a while, and added, "If you don't complete it in three months, you can only give up attacking and train you into a defensive type."

Qing Tian felt a strange sense of heaviness from Wu Yun's light and floating words, he couldn't imagine what the "defensive type" in Wu Yun's mouth was.

three months

Sunny Tian wanted to cry, he didn't even know how to use these guns.

"Can I ask, how long did it take you to learn this?" Sunny raised his head to look at the dark clouds.

One month, or two months

"I don't remember." Wu Yun blinked, "I've used it since I can remember."

"What?" Qing Tian was stunned for a moment, "What does this mean, where were you born?"

Wu Yun didn't answer.

Qingtian knew that she might have gone too far in asking, but after getting along with her for a period of time, Qingtian already had a general understanding of Wuyun's character.

From a certain point of view, there is no difference between Wu Yun and a child.

He seems to have been wiped out of emotions, he only shows his bias in some foods, and he doesn't care about anything else. Wu Yun is quite vague on the boundary between "normal" and "abnormal". Sometimes he thinks, and sometimes he stops thinking, just like his name, which makes people wonder. It seems that no matter how the wind blows, he will change. In what shape.

"Wu Yun, if you love, you must understand each other." Qing Tian said cautiously, "I don't even know what kind of person you are, how can I love you?"

Wu Yun frowned slightly, as if hesitating.

Seeing this, Qing Tian hurriedly stepped forward to hold Wu Yun's hand, "I won't tell others."

"I... I'm going to sleep." Wu Yun pulled out the hand held by Qing Tian, "You go to training, don't be lazy."

Seeing Wu Yun's refusal face, Qing Tian didn't dare to say any more.

Is Wu Yun angry

Qingtian is in a tangle, I shouldn't be so complacent, I should take my time.

Doesn't Wu Yun like to eat chocolate? Or I'll go buy him some chocolate.

That way, he won't be mad at me.

Qing Tian took a pistol in his bosom, saw that Wu Yun seemed to be asleep, and sneaked out.

After getting the bartender's approval, there was an extra sign on Qingtian's neck. Although there were not many people with similar signs on the street, there were quite a few.

This is the sign the bartender prepared for his informants.

In Thirteenth Street, if there is no force, if you walk alone on the street, there is a possibility of being attacked. But if it is clear that there is a power affiliation, then everyone will consciously avoid it. People of the same force will also do what they can to help.

An informant is one of the safest professions on Thirteen Streets.

With such a layer of protection, Sunny can enter and exit here smoothly, and even get some good discounts when shopping.

Dark clouds have no money.

All his money was placed with the priest, the bartender, who provided Wu Yun with food and clothes, and the priest with his weapons. Because the doctor seldom entrusts Wu Yun, it is currently in a state of clean-up.

Sunshine earns all his money.

His soft and pretty appearance is still very useful, as long as the informant's sign is hidden, there will be unsightly attacks on him but will become his prey smoothly.

Sunny loves life like this very much.

Although Wu Yun has a strange personality, he doesn't do strange things and treats him very well. Although some training is really difficult to complete, in the final analysis it is also for his own good.

Although this kind of life is not as rich as the one he lived with the poisonous snake, it makes Qing Tian feel a kind of freedom that he has never had before.

If life could be maintained like this, he would be willing to live in this place with Wu Yun for the rest of his life without going out.

No, no, how could I think so.

Sunny Tian, who sensed her own thoughts, immediately denied the mood just now.

He still wanted to leave this ghost place.

Just... when leaving, it would be best if Wu Yun was willing to walk with him.

With a sign on her body, Qing Tian went all the way on the street to choose the chocolates she wanted to buy, but she hardly saw any ones she was satisfied with.

All are inferior products.

If you want to buy the best, I'm afraid you still have to go to the bartender.

If you go to the bartender to buy it, you won't have enough money, so why don't you find another fat sheep and slaughter it

Sunny was in a tangle.

Fortunately, someone soon helped him solve the problem.

An informant saw that sunny day was coming, and was willing to exchange information with him.

"The boat has docked. It seems that many newcomers have arrived and are looking for a place to live."

When Qing Tian heard what the other party said, his eyes lit up immediately, "You said many newcomers are here?"

"That's not it." The informant looked very proudly at the sunny day, "Brother, you are so good-looking, why not cooperate with us, and treat it as a newcomer and teach you a lesson. We don't want to kill, we just want to make money."

What the other party said was naturally "fairy dance".

This is the simplest yet most effective method.

The informant's way of life is different from that of ordinary residents. They hardly take the enemy's life by hand, and they mostly just teach a lesson.

After all, things like intelligence need to be communicated with people. As long as you don't lose your life here, everything else can be forgiven. Also because of the behavior of the informants, there are not many people who are enemies with them, and more people are willing to have a good relationship with them.

Although there are people here who are not afraid of death, but who wants to die if they can live

The sunny day is quite exciting.

Cooperating with them will undoubtedly make a lot of money, but thinking that Wu Yun is still sleeping, Sunny still reluctantly refuses. After all, it is not something that can be done in a short period of time to teach newcomers a lesson, and it will take two or three days at least. Those who can come here are not so stupid.

"That's a pity." The informant who made the suggestion was also a little frustrated, but there was nothing he could do if he didn't like it.

"Those newcomers should still have some good things in their hands. They have everything from cigarettes to wine, and we can buy them at a low price." Qing Tian said, "If it's this kind of cooperation, I'm willing to help."

"make a deal!"

Newcomers who came to Sasim City for the first time were a little surprised at how small the city was.

According to the rumors they heard, this is the city of sin, where there is absolute freedom, and almost all the big guys are closely related to this place.

But they didn't realize until they got off the boat that the place was quite small.

After going ashore, they didn't find anything special. Instead, many people came to greet them warmly in different languages.

I didn't know, I thought they were traveling.

Those who had been to Sasim City gathered together one after another, skillfully opened their way through the crowd, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, these newcomers can enjoy themselves at the port, this will be the first lesson they learn in Sasim City!"

"Haha, I don't know how many people can survive smoothly."

"Maybe tomorrow we'll see some nice new guy selling ass in a bar."

Working with several informants, Qingtian successfully dispelled the doubts of a group of newcomers and helped them find a place to live.

Of course, the price charged is naturally not low.

"Oh, no, sir. Newbies are not allowed to sell things on this street. They have to go to the big brother on the street to pay the protection fee first."

"That's not okay, you have to go by yourself."

"...I, I can go too, but the price is..."

"Sir, my son is still young, even if he is a hostage, he shouldn't be... Please, sir..."

"Okay, okay, son, wait for me."

Several informants were forced by these people to carry things to pay the protection fee, especially a big white man in the head, crying and sad, as if his son's life would not be saved if he left.

"Father, you must come back early." Sunny Tian also cried loudly.

"Don't cry, cry again and kill you." While coveting this young child's beauty, these newcomers secretly warned themselves not to do too much, and wait until the child's father returns and the use value is gone. not too late.

"I, I know, I'll be obedient." Qing Tian shrinks her head, feeling pity for me.


"Fine, let's go, this group of people only have a pair of pants left."

"Tsk, you came too late, but the bar should be open now."

Rubbing his wrists on a sunny day, these people are average at tying knots and can easily untie them. If these informants were one step later, he would have done it himself.

The clothes, weapons, and goods of these newcomers were almost all looted by them. When they woke up tomorrow, they would find that even the place where they lived was a warehouse of a certain force.

They will have nothing.

It's cheap for them, and it makes people sick to think of how these people look at themselves.

Sunny got a box of cigarettes.

These cigarettes are worth a lot, enough to replace Dark Cloud with chocolate for several months.

Qing Tian was not stupid enough to actually carry a suitcase to the bar, but hid the suitcase first, and took out a few packs of cigarettes from it.

Even if Wu Yun likes to eat chocolate, he should control the amount of sweets he eats, otherwise he will be in trouble if his teeth are broken.

There are a lot of people coming to the bar today because almost all of these people have made a lot of money from the newcomers.

"Haha, I was also cheated back then, and I only had a pair of pants left."

"Damn, you're not bad. I was bought by someone for a few months and stabbed that kid's ass for a few months, but I couldn't get hard after half a year."

"It's better than being dead, but the recent rookies are really getting lower and lower in quality."

"That's right, that's right. I don't have any credit at all. I think it's great to have a gun. They are all outdated goods."

"Damn it." In a corner of the bar, a young man's face flushed, "These people are too much."

"Don't make trouble." The colleague next to him held him down. "You were just cheated out of some money. This is such a place. If the newcomer can't survive, it proves that he is not suitable for living here."

"This is simply a gathering place of mud." The young man held back and held back, "What the hell are these guys!"

"Hush, drink your wine, and we'll leave when the employer comes out later."

On a sunny day, put the prepared cigarettes on the bar.

A small bartender quickly opened a pack and took out a cigarette to identify it.

"This smoke is pretty good, very pure." The bartender sighed in admiration, "I heard that a newcomer brought a box of handmade cigarettes before, but it seems that someone bought it in advance, so it was you who did it."

"Needless to say so much, I want to change the chocolate." Sunny Tian didn't want to have a conversation with the other party.

"Chocolate, all the goods we just shipped have been delivered to you." The bartender shrugged. "Recently, what everyone likes are cigarettes and alcohol, and chocolate has to wait."

"What?" Qing Tian was stunned for a moment, "But didn't you just give away chocolates recently?"

"No, we deliver every day without interruption." The bartender confirmed.


It must have been secretly eaten by Wu Yun, and I told him to give it away once!

Sunny Tian suddenly felt angry, "Forget it, I won't change the chocolate, I will change the book."

"What magazine do you want?" The bartender showed an ambiguous smile, "There are adult magazines of all skin colors, and there are movies too."

"I don't need those, what I want is the manual for weapons, preferably..." Qing Tian was talking when he was bumped by a passerby on the back, and he was about to fall off his seat.

The position of the bar is very high. From here, you can clearly see the situation of the bar below, and the seats are also high.

Although you won't bleed if you fall from here, you may still be dizzy for a few seconds.

"Be careful."

Just when Sunny Tian thought he was going to hit it, something seemed to hit his head, and his body was lifted up by force, and his body maintained his balance again.

But before he could stand still, the cigarette in Qing Tian's arms was pulled out by one hand.

He turned his head and saw a man in a windbreaker with a hat, holding his cigarette in his hand, and just put his feet back.

Obviously, it was the man who hooked his neck just now to prevent him from falling.

"Little devil, this is your reward." The man in the windbreaker lit a cigarette for himself, smoking in a nice posture, which seemed out of place in this kind of noisy bar.

When the other party was smoking a cigarette, sunny day saw the other party's pair of brown eyes.

"you… "

The man in the windbreaker was smoking a cigarette, and took off his hat with one hand, revealing a head of beautiful blond hair, and a scar at the corner of his eye, but this scar did not damage his handsome face, but gave him a somewhat unruly temperament.

He looked about thirty-five or sixteen years old, with an obvious mixed-race look on his face, and he was an easy guy to fall in love with.

Although the dress was completely different, as long as he met someone once in a sunny day, he would never forget it.

Can't go wrong.

This person is the one who killed the poisonous snake in the first place!

"Count, you are out."

The mercenaries and bounty hunters in the corner had already surrounded the man when he appeared, looking warily at the sunny sky beside him.

"Well, let's go to the church next, the price is good." The man walked to the edge of Qingtian, put the hat on Qingtian's head with one hand, lowered his head and smiled slightly, with a hoarse voice, "I sent a Chocolate cake for Cloud, say hello for me, Mister Gift."