Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 7


"As long as you send the weapons to us, the money will not be burned to you. When the war is over, the benefits will be even greater."

These few people in the Middle East were not stingy with writing bad checks, trying to get away with this substandard deposit.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." The priest was not moved at all, "I never do business on credit. The deposit you gave did not match what was agreed before, so naturally this batch of goods cannot be sold to you."

"you this… "

One of the young Middle Easterners burst into flames almost instantly, and swooped towards the priest's position like a wild beast.

Several bodyguards beside the priest also reacted immediately and stood in front of the priest, and the hidden weapons on their bodies were also revealed.

The reactions of these Middle Easterners were quite tacit. When the companion jumped up to attract everyone's attention, the unobtrusive speed was so fast that he was the first person to approach the priest.

"Don't move." The thin Middle Eastern man took out a pocket-sized pistol, "You tell your men to let go of my companion."

The priest's two bodyguards had already suppressed the few people who had attracted their attention just now.

"I don't remember selling the gun in your hand to the Middle East. It is small and easy to carry in your arms, so it is very suitable for those ladies. The war zone still pays more attention to practicality and mobility, It seems that I am not the only arms dealer you have seen." The priest did not rush, and did not intend to cooperate at all.

"Hurry up and deliver the goods to the designated point, or I will kill you."

"No." The priest resolutely refused, "Sir, this is not the first time I have met people like you. There are always some people who think that as long as they control me, they can control my business."

"Looks like you really want to die—"

Before the words were finished, a blood hole appeared between the eyebrows of the Middle Eastern man holding the gun, and the expression on his face was a little dazed, as if he didn't quite understand what happened.

He had fallen and dropped his pistol.

The few Middle Easterners who were controlled by the bodyguards could hardly believe it.

what happened

"Such a good product can't be thrown on the ground casually." The priest straightened his collar, picked up the gun that fell on the ground, smiled at the Middle Eastern businessmen, and fired a few shots casually.

"People on the battlefield always think that they can break all the rules." The priest's face was cold, "But I am a businessman, even if I know that the customer is likely to break his promise, I still want to come out. What do you think, Mr. Earl. "

"Wu Yun's marksmanship is still as good, and Mr. Father's courage is still the same." Chen Yong couldn't help applauding, "No matter how many times I watch it, this kind of marksmanship is amazing."

In order to prevent snipers, there are almost no other buildings near the church where the priest lives. The nearest building is also separated by a small river, which is about three or four hundred meters away, and the vision is not very clear.

Under such circumstances, both the person who sniped and the person who ordered the sniper undoubtedly had extremely high confidence in themselves. Because if one fails, no one will know who died.

Those who can be called sharpshooters are almost never practiced later. Although there are quite a few good gunners who have been trained, they are still a few heads short when facing those who are naturally good at guns.

Wu Yun is such a person.

When teaching him how to shoot, Chen Yong actually didn't have much hope. It's just because Wu Yun has a thin body and is of Asian descent, so he is naturally inferior to other races in terms of physique. Learning to shoot can at least make up for the lack of physical.

But Wu Yun missed the target when he shot for the first time, and then hit the target with the gun.

Whether it is a moving target or shooting when it is windy or rainy, dark clouds rarely miss the target.

When Chen Yong asked how he determined the path of the bullet, Wu Yun's answer was intriguing - because I think it will hit.

He is born with the ability to use guns flexibly, excellent dynamic vision, excellent jumping ability, very sensitive perception of danger, perfect instant memory and excellent language sense.

Chen Yong suspected that what he rescued was not a child, but a born war monster.

This kid has all the abilities that are enough to make him a top athlete and mercenary in the world. If he was born in an ordinary family instead of appearing on the battlefield, his name might resound in another form throughout the world.

Unfortunately, God is not so fair.

In addition to giving him extremely excellent physical abilities, he also deprived Wu Yun of his pain-sensing and empathic abilities.

The world that dark clouds can see is completely different from the world seen by ordinary people.

Chen Yong also walked through some peaceful and comfortable places with the dark clouds. Because of his work, he took the dark clouds around the world almost every day, but the dark clouds had no interest. Once asked to stay.

He instinctively knew that only this place was the right place for him to survive.

Chen Yong and Wu Yun have lived together in this Sasimli for ten years.

When Wu Yun was fourteen years old, Chen Yong had nothing to teach him, and he was no longer Wu Yun's opponent.

Chen Yong had never thought about taking action against a child he picked up who was old enough to be his own son.

He does not lack beauties, nor does he lack bed partners, but only Wu Yun is different.

Wu Yun is different from all the people in this world, unique and amazing.

He will not hide his emotions, nor will he care about the concepts and ethics of the world.

It's not that he doesn't understand, he just doesn't want to follow.

In order to survive, people in the world will force themselves to learn to adapt to various rules and do things they don't want to do, but Wu Yun will not.

He is free from heart to body.

So Wu Yun could live like a fish in water in this place, even if the priest and the bartender knew that Wu Yun was a mobile arsenal, they never thought of restraining him.

"That's right, Wu Yun is the best bodyguard." The priest also laughed, "With him here, you don't have to worry about these ants. Do you want to see him? If you want to see him, I'll ask him to come here. "

"He should have already left." Chen Yong smiled and rejected the priest's kindness, "After Wu Yun is sure that there is nothing here that can continue to threaten you, he will leave."

The bodyguard next to the priest received the reply and hurried forward to say something.

"Although you have been away for three years, you are still very clear." The priest nodded slightly, "Yes, the dark cloud has gone."

"You only gave him the reward for sniping, and he won't miss it after finishing it. He is such a child." A proud smile appeared on Chen Yong's face, "It's good to know that he is alive and kicking, wait and see!" I'll be back after a while."

"I heard that another blond-haired half-breed kid appeared beside Wu Yun." The priest was a little interested, "You sent it?"


"Why do you suddenly want to give him something?"

"In order for him to learn to love." Chen Yong smiled and looked at the priest, "Even if it's just a little bit, I hope that one day, the dark clouds floating in the sky can stop for a while and understand a little bit about my feelings."

Therefore, I will try all means imaginable.

This is offensive and defensive warfare.

It's also a tug of war.

Chen Yong himself didn't know what the result would be.

But he is no longer a young man, and he always tries to move forward the stagnant relationship between them while he can still move.

After Wu Yun sniped the Middle Easterner, he turned and left after making sure that the priest was no longer in danger.

Naturally, he also saw Chen Yong.

From Qing Tian's mouth, he knew that Chen Yong was back.

So he wasn't surprised.

To go home from the church, you need to cross D Street.

D Street is different from A Street. The vast majority of people living on D Street are not so good at fighting, and their lives are relatively peaceful. D Street is almost one of the most peaceful streets in Thirteenth Street, and it is also the busiest area. After receiving the "baptism" of the old people, most of the newcomers will come here to live.

There are food sellers, flower sellers, and vehicle and gun repairers here. As long as you have a skill, you can basically survive here.

As long as your eyes are not blind, if you find yourself a power and pay the protection fee obediently.

Dark clouds come to D Street a lot.

Sometimes the food served by the bartenders was not to his liking, so he would go to D Street to eat, and he never wronged himself.

There is still a lot of time to finish work today, Wu Yun feels that he may not be able to see the chocolate when he goes back, maybe it will be eaten by the sunny day, so he can eat it outside first, and he will not feel disappointed when the time comes.

Sunny first found a ramen stand and sat down.

The owner of the ramen stand used to be the second in command of the Neon Gang, and had to flee here because he failed to compete with the third in command for the position of leader. As a result, after coming to Sasim City, he found that he was no match for the people here, so he gave up the idea of making a comeback and opened a ramen stall directly.

Anyway, he is the only ramen stall here, so it doesn't matter if it tastes good or not.

Fortunately, it has been open for many years, and the craftsmanship has improved a lot.

At least Wu Yun thought it was okay after eating.

"Wu Yun is here." When the boss saw the familiar old customer, he knew that Wu Yun must have come back from work with the priest again, so he readily served Wu Yun noodles.

"Yeah." Wu Yun just sat quietly on the seat and waited for the meal, basically not saying much.

Ramen stalls are doing well.

It fills up quickly.

"Brother, can we fight for a table?"

Because Wu Yun sat at a table by himself, he naturally became the first person to join the table when it was full.

The person who asked Wu Yun's words was obviously a newcomer, one black and one white, and there was no threat.

Wu Yun nodded indifferently.

"Hank, sit down." The black man was the leader of the two, "I can finally find some decent food to eat."

"Joseph, keep your voice down." Hank looked around in panic, "Let's go back after eating."

"We hardly go out these few days, you don't have to worry too much, this place is different from Street A." Joseph was very dissatisfied with his companion's cautiousness, "If this continues, when will we leave here? Don't forget that we are here Profitable."

"I just need to wait a week to leave this place by boat." Hank didn't want to stay here anymore, but the boat ticket was hard to buy, and he could only buy it a week later, which still cost double the price!

"Don't say such things." Joseph's face was ugly, "Our level has been stuck at C level for many years. As long as we stay here for a while and collect more information, we will soon be able to raise our level and pick up more money. work."

Hank said something in a low voice, as if to express his dissatisfaction.

"Noodles are ready." The stall owner brought Wu Yun's ramen in front of him, and after putting down the bowl, he looked at the two people who were about to quarrel with a serious face, "Guests, can you stop arguing at my place? Need I sent someone to ask you two to know the rules, huh?"

Hank and Joseph were so frightened by the stall owner, they didn't dare to stay here, so they apologized and ran away.

"Tsk, anyone can be a bounty hunter these days, and this kind of thing can come to us to collect information." The stall owner felt very absurd, "But Wuyun, they are here for you, you know Is it?"

Wu Yun is trying to fight against the noodles, ziliuziliu.

"Forget it, I recently fell in love with a Chinese woman with a child. She worked part-time in a beef noodle restaurant called Lanzhou." The stall owner also quickly put aside Hank and his affairs, and turned to show off with Wu Yun .

After all, Wu Yun was the only one who would listen to his nonsense while eating noodles here.

Although Wu Yun doesn't like to talk, he is undoubtedly a good listener.

"Is it delicious?" Wu Yun drank the soup and felt full, so he looked at the stall owner curiously.

"It's delicious." The stall owner smiled, "You have to come over to eat at that time. Once you come, I will have no shortage of customers."

This is true.

There are many bodyguards and gunmen who worship the dark clouds in Sasim City. In order to be like the dark clouds, they usually eat whatever the dark clouds eat.

"Okay." Wu Yun always ate free ramen anyway, and the stall owner never charged him, so there was nothing he couldn't agree to.

"Oh, I forgot." The stall owner rubbed his chin, looked at the dark cloud and said, "You should come out less recently. The newcomers who came recently seem to want to collect information about you. I don't know how to spread it outside. , Said that you killed the poisonous snake and got the formula of the 'goddess', and now your bounty has soared to 170 million. Your personal information alone can be sold for more than one million."