Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 8


Wu Yun didn't take the stall owner's words to heart at all. After eating the noodles, he wandered around again, and got a pot of cactus from the owner of the flower shop, a lemon from the vegetable seller, and a small stall beside him. The bottle that was sent without water is said to be authentic Erguotou.

Those who can open a shop here may not be strong enough to fight, but they are still better informed than ordinary people.

To be precise, almost everyone who has lived in this Sasim city for more than five years knows what dark clouds are like for this city. If those newcomers know a little bit about winking, they should know that a beautiful Chinese man wandering aimlessly in the street with a deceitful face and nothing wrong with him is already an "abnormal" in itself.

Opening the door on a sunny day, the first thing I saw was not Wu Yun's signature handsome face, but the pot of cactus in his hand and the pile of things he was carrying.


Sunshine wanted to say something, but suddenly found that there seemed to be nothing to say.

Where should he start complaining

"You take this." Wu Yun put the pot of cactus in Qing Tian's hand, and said solemnly, "In a crisis, it can be used as a weapon."

— so that's why you came back with a potted cactus

Qing Tian didn't know how to deal with this pot of cactus, which was no bigger than his palm.

What kind of weapon can this be used for

Probably seeing the doubt on Qing Tian's face, Wu Yun kindly explained, "Its thorns are very useful to force a confession..."

"Don't talk about it, I don't want to know." Sunny Sky stopped Wu Yun's thought of continuing. After listening to it, he would definitely have a nightmare, so it's better not to listen.

It is rare for Wu Yun to feel a little regretful.

There are no major problems in other aspects of Qingtian, except that she doesn't pay much attention to "study".

After putting everything down, Sunny Sky would ask Wu Yun if he heard anything outside as usual.

Wu Yun's instant memory ability is very good, and basically he will not forget what he heard today. But when I wake up tomorrow, I will basically forget it completely, and I will not be remembered until I need it.

Therefore, every time after the dark cloud came back, Qing Tian would ask him about some things, to see if he could find any clues.

Sunny and Dark Cloud's "living by feeling" is different. They follow a "cautious" style, and like to know all the news they can get within a limited range.

Wu Yun briefly talked about what he had seen and heard, and by the way, he talked about the things at the ramen stall and the Lanzhou ramen, which would taste better, and finally brought the news that he was offered a reward.

"That's all." Wu Yun was sure that he didn't miss anything.

"Wait, you said at the end that you were offered a reward." Qing Tian didn't miss it, "What's going on here?"

"One hundred and seventy million." Wu Yun blinked, "And the information fee starts at one million, do you need to say it again?"

There should be no need to repeat such a simple number.

"Wait, wait." Qing Tian rubbed his head, "Is the price unit of the number you mentioned in Korean won?"

"International rewards are all in U.S. dollars."

One hundred and seventy million!


Sunshine felt that she might have a hearing problem.

This... such a high price

Just this man in front of me

Sunny seems to be unbelievable.

When he was sold back then, what was the price? Is it like three thousand dollars or five thousand dollars? Forgot, but it must have been a pretty high price for his parents who sold him.

"No wonder, no wonder so many outsiders have come to the city recently?" Qing Tian felt as if she understood everything. People outside thought that Wu Yun had obtained the formula of the poisonous snake, and now they probably regarded Wu Yun as the target, so the price soared all the way.

After all, if the formula of "Goddess" can be reproduced, it will be a big shock to the drug industry in the whole world. By then, the profit will be more than 100 million? A hundred million is nothing more than a fraction.


Qing Tian instinctively knew that this matter could not be settled so easily, two fists were hard to beat four hands, not to mention that the gangs related to Viper were not easy to deal with.

If Wu Yun wants to live a good life, there is no safer place than this Sasim city, and he has to live here with Wu Yun, at least until the limelight passes. Otherwise, once you go out, you will definitely encounter various ambushes.

Sunny Tian had already started to think about how to escape, and when she turned her head, she saw Wu Yun unconcernedly unpacking today's "food box", reaching for the chocolate.

"You are not allowed to eat." Sunny Tian closed the box, "The doctor said that you can't eat sweets anymore, otherwise you will have to prepare your teeth."

Wu Yun's hand stopped immediately, not daring to move again.

Although the bartender and the priest were both more powerful than the doctor, but whoever Wu Yun feared the most among the three would undoubtedly be the doctor.

Doctor, it's very scary.

"Wu Yun, don't you have any feelings about your bounty?" Qing Tian felt that he couldn't be the only one who felt a sense of crisis, "You are worth more than a poisonous snake now, you know!"

It is necessary for Wu Yun, who has no concept of money, to understand his current situation.

"There are many people who are worth more than poisonous snakes here." Wu Yun silently picked up the electric toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste, "I can't even rank among the top five."

"Huh?" Qing Tian was really startled, "What do you mean?"

"The reward amount of the wine priest, I remember it is 230 million." Wu Yun poured himself a glass of water first, "The bartender's price should be 300 million, and the doctor's price is the highest, but the doctor's reward is more than one. If you add it up, it should be more than 100 million." Break five billion."

500 million

"What did the doctor do? How could the price be so ridiculously high?" Qing Tian couldn't help being curious, it was too scary.

"The doctor seems to be wanted by thirty-nine countries at the same time, and some consortium families are also secretly increasing the number. I don't know the specific reason, but before the doctor settled on A Street, it seems that the doctor likes to do research in the hands of different consortiums to get research funding He said that the funding of the projects he studied all started at one billion yuan, and he researched various things.”

"Later, what happened later?"

"The doctor came here later." Wu Yun glanced at Qing Tian in surprise, "You should be able to see it."

So in other words, it was the doctor who cheated others of their research funding, and perhaps took their research results and disappeared completely. No wonder the reward was so high. If the research results in the doctor's hands are announced, the price will probably go up even more!

Sunny day is simply powerless to complain.

Sure enough, people who can do well in this hellish place must do better outside.

"In this way, the amount of your reward is really not high..." After Wu Yun said this, Sunny Tian calmed down.

Doctors can live well, and dark clouds are definitely no problem.

"Yeah." Wu Yun nodded and began to rinse his mouth.


The electric toothbrush was working conscientiously in the mouth, and Wu Yun remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something. He seemed to have been offered a reward before, but he couldn't remember clearly.

Hmm, I can't think of it, it should be an unimportant thing.


The sound of the electric toothbrush rang again.


"It's only 170 million?" The bartender picked out his ears, and was very indifferent when he heard the reports from the informants, "Don't tell me such a small amount of money, really. If those newcomers are disobedient, you can teach them a lesson, right? We haven't been making trouble recently, so those bounty hunters think we are easy to bully?"

Such a small amount of money came to them to make a big fuss, I really don't want my life.

"Brother, this is not too small..." One of the informants felt a little aggrieved. Internationally, anyone who offers a reward of more than one million US dollars is flocking to, and the price of 100 million US dollars may not be paid out in a few years.

"That's in the outside world." The bartender took a chocolate bar in his mouth. "In our place, the bounty for catching anyone on the street is in the millions. It's not so much that the price of 170 million is high, but it's better to say that it's dark clouds." It's even more troublesome if you have the 'Goddess' formula in your hand. Well, recently, if the half-blood kid next to Wu Yun comes to buy information, remember to double the price, and then ask that kid to sign and deduct the money from Wu Yun's account."

Wu Yun has 200 million yuan in his money, and Wu Yun doesn't spend much money, which is really annoying.

Speaking of rewards, after Wu Yun killed the former godfather of the gang under their commission, he reached the top of the reward list that year under the name of a mysterious killer. Those five sets of jewelry were once looted by the godfather's grandfather from the royal family during the World War, and they are priceless treasures.

To be honest, at that time the bartender was a little bit tempted to hand over Wu Yun, but after thinking that he was also one of the clients, he had no choice but to give up the idea.

They are complicit.

That godfather shouldn't set his sights on their Sasim city, the underground world outside is enough for them to flex their muscles, and this is the world's garbage dump, a shelter for all desperate people. The United Nations has tried to destroy this place many times without success, let alone a mafia godfather

But after the poisonous snake died, it was indeed a bit too boring here.

If nothing happened, no one would buy information from them, and it would cost them a lot of money just to support these informants.

Can not be done.

In this way, you will lose money.

Even if you add water to the wine, you can't make back the lost money.

"Big brother, big brother."

Several waiters from the bar came into the room with anxious expressions on their faces.

"What's the matter?" the bartender asked lazily, "It's better to give me some interesting information, otherwise I will deduct double your wages for missing work."

"Brother don't!"

"Brother, don't learn from the priest."

"If your character design collapses, we will go to the priest."

"speak English."

"Hey, brother, that's it. Two bounty hunters came here with a box of money. I think it should be a million dollars."

"Oh?" The bartender became a little interested, "It's worth coming in."

A million dollars is not much for them, but it is a lot for bounty hunters, and it is even more rare for bounty hunters who come to them with so much money to buy information.

The point is, whose intelligence they want to buy.

"They want to buy information about Mr. Wu Yun."


The bar's eyes lit up.

This time, he knew that there was a way to get money quickly.

"There is too little information about buying Mr. Wu Yun for a million dollars, but these two bounty hunters said that they came as representatives, and they still have a lot of business to do with us, so we can only ask you, brother." .”

"We are in the business of intelligence, customers come to buy things in advance, how can we not sell?" The bar smiled and looked at several subordinates, "Of course we must satisfy the customers."

"But Mr. Wuyun..."

"Wu Yun's information can be given to them." Anyway, for those who have lived in Sasim City for more than a certain number of years, this is no longer a secret.

"Sell them directly, not only to sell, but also to tell everyone that we sold this information, understand?"

"Big... big brother..."

"I'm going to talk to the priest." The bartender took a piece of clothing for himself and muttered to himself, "They want to hunt down Wu Yun, and they must buy weapons, and they will definitely be injured. Worrying about customers. Wuyun is really useful. It can bring benefits to all three of us by itself. These bounty hunters are not weak. If you scrape a few more, you should be able to earn a lot of money... "

While talking, the bartender disappeared, and he should have gone to find the priest and doctor.

"Maybe it's just a little too boring recently."

"I think so."

"Ah, then I'll sort out Mr. Wu Yun's information and sell it."

"Wait, I'm going too, I have a lot of information to sell!"

The author has something to say: Bounty Over 100 Million Club: Number of Members? ? ? The face of the member? ? ? Member profile? ?

Doctor: Hey, these consortiums are really stingy. The amount of reward they offered me was not as high as the funds they gave.

Priest: I seem to be the lowest. Sure enough, I usually keep a low profile and be honest and trustworthy so that I won’t be hated by others.

Bartender: OJZ has no income if it doesn’t do things, and it’s easy to increase the amount when I do things.

Chen Yong: ... My dozens of identities add up to hundreds of rewards, what do you say

Wu Yun: On a sunny day, you have to work hard to get into our reward club.

Sunny: Thank you for the invitation, let’s stop.