Heaven and Earth are Worthless

Chapter 9


Information about the dark cloud began to circulate among some bounty hunters.

"how is this possible?"

"It is impossible for such a monster to exist in the world!"

"Damn it, you were born on the battlefield and grew up in Sasim City."

Many hunters felt the difficulty of the dark cloud.

Even if the information is not complete, even if only one or two of them are disclosed, it is enough for people to know why this person can have such a high bounty.

For the bounty hunters, murderers like psychopaths are the easiest to catch, and the most troublesome are those terrorists and young soldiers on the battlefield.

Needless to say, the terrorists are all born with anti-social personalities. They will attack wherever they go. There is no bottom line at all. If they are not careful, the bounty hunters themselves will die.

And juvenile soldiers, those children who survived the battlefield, are basically at the level of murder weapons.

Children have the advantages of children. Although they are small and cannot use those large weapons, they are also flexible and can naturally reduce people's vigilance. It's not for nothing that people in battlefield areas like to raise children to be soldiers.

If this guy named Wu Yun is really this kind of young soldier who grew up in this kind of city, he is basically the most difficult type to deal with.

Some seasoned bounty hunters are ready to withdraw.

Although the bounty is high, you have to see if you can get it with your life.

Of course, the vast majority of bounty hunters still didn't intend to stop just like that, and even formed different small groups in groups of three or four, preparing to join forces to deal with Wu Yun.

No matter how powerful this person is, can he still surpass so many people

I heard that there is a little ghost beside this Wuyun

"Dark clouds." Qing Tian sensed that the situation was not good, and now there were almost all people outside who wanted to catch the dark clouds, and she would definitely become his burden.

The more Qing Tian thought about it, the more he felt that he was useless. If he could grow up and eat more, he might be able to help Wu Yun. In this situation, it is difficult to protect yourself.

No matter how you think about it, now is a critical moment. Sunny day wants to discuss the countermeasures with Wu Yun, but he sees Wu Yun reading and eating at home like a normal person, and there is no trace of panic on his face.

Dark clouds are still so pleasant.

Sunny thought so.


"Wu Yun, everyone outside is arresting you now, please, you also feel a little nervous." He can't be the only one who is nervous, making him look like a fool.

Wu Yun raised his head, and seeing Qing Tian's flustered face, he felt puzzled, "It's okay, it happens often."

"You used to be alone, you can fight or run away. But now you have me as a burden, do you know that?" Qing Tian simply said clearly, with some uneasiness in his voice, "Maybe, no, They will definitely catch me and threaten you."

At that time, Wu Yun will definitely realize that he is really a useless burden and throw him away.

Qing Tian didn't want to think things so extreme, but he realized very clearly that he might be Wu Yun's only weakness at present.

How could those people let go of their weaknesses

Qingtian's hand holding the dark cloud trembled a little, and he looked a little helpless.

It looks very pitiful.

"Be good, don't be afraid." Wu Yun put his hand on Qing Tian's hair and stroked it lightly with some stiffness.

He actually likes this kind of blond hair without variegation, but if he likes it, he likes it. Wu Yun will not do something specially just because he likes it, and the same is true for things he hates.

It's stupid to show what you like or dislike on your face.

Only when you don't change your face will people feel that you are unfathomable and incalculable.

Dark clouds are not very good at comforting people, but looking at the sunny sky seems to be in need of comfort.

It's also normal.

This is normal.

"Wu Yun, don't you feel lonely after I've been away for so long?"

"What is loneliness?"

"...Wu Yun, sometimes I hope you don't understand anything, and sometimes I hate that you don't understand anything."

I remember that when I was at Qingtian's age, Chen Yong also left for a while, but Wu Yun didn't think there was anything he couldn't get used to. The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was that there was no one around him, and he felt that the air temperature had dropped a bit.

After his answer, Chen Yong seemed a little angry.

At that time, I seemed to touch Chen Yong's hair like this, and Chen Yong stopped being angry.

Sunny's mood also stabilized.

"I, I didn't show any strange expression just now, did you know that sand got into my eyes?" Qing Tian immediately adjusted his state after realizing that he had lost his composure, but still obediently did not move his head away.

"If you are really caught by them, you can answer whatever they ask you." Wu Yun hesitated and said, "But don't tell everything all at once, speak slowly, at least until I come to rescue you."

"Huh?" Qing Tian felt something wrong with Wu Yun's words, and moved his head out of Wu Yun's hands, "Did you eat too much chocolate and lose your mind?"

Wu Yun felt a little sorry for the lost touch.

In fact, sunny hair is quite soft and comfortable.

"If I say everything, I'm afraid you will die, do you know?" No matter how ignorant you are, there must be a limit, "If I do this, won't I betray you?"

If it is placed with a poisonous snake, even if it says a word that should not be said, it can only wait for death.

It's good for Wu Yun, let him say everything.

"In order to survive, any compromise is acceptable." Wu Yun looked at Qing Tian seriously, "I promise you, at least let you live until you are eighteen years old."

Sunny looked at the serious eyes of Wuyun, and felt a little sour and swollen in his heart.

Is there anything I can do to survive


Doesn't Wu Yun know what kind of dangerous situation he is putting himself in by doing this!

However, even if what Wu Yun said was a lie, it was enough for Qing Tian to remember it for a lifetime.

Besides, it's not a lie.

Wu Yun never tells lies.

In this kind of place, how did Wu Yun survive? And the man who sent him here, is he also sick

If it were him, he would never let anyone get close to the dark cloud.

A person like Wu Yun should be hidden, and only let himself know for the rest of his life.

"You idiot, it's pure luck that you can survive till now!"

"It should be strength." Wu Yun retorted slightly.

"Old people should not argue with children!"

Wu Yun obediently shut up.


The bounty hunters booked out the hotel near the dump.

They plan to go out at night to attack the dark clouds.

The action can be roughly divided into two parts, one part of the people to catch the dark clouds, and the other part of the people to catch the sunny day.

According to the intelligence, Wu Yun was very kind to that brat, and if he was caught, Wu Yun would definitely be afraid of him.

After catching the dark cloud, the bounty will be divided equally.

"Remember, try to catch as many alive as you can. Although this Wu Yun's bounty is very valuable, the formula of 'Goddess' in his hand is even more valuable. If we can get the formula, we will send it out."


"Don't worry, I even brought the bazooka. If it weren't for the remoteness of this place, I would like to drive a tank over here."

"At nine o'clock."


There are almost fifty bounty hunters in the hotel, and these fifty bounty hunters can be roughly divided into more than a dozen different groups. There are almost seven or eight groups among them, and some believe that they act alone.

But no matter how you say it, these fifty bounty hunters are internationally famous existences.

But in the bounty hunter business, the speed dropped significantly after being promoted to B-level, and Sasim City is a shortcut recognized by everyone.

The city of Sasim is rather delicate, but it has gathered all kinds of sinners in this world. It is not easy for the country to attack here openly, and the United Nations has limited power, so it can only increase the bounty here, so that those who have ignored The bounty hunters of the law go to eliminate these evils, and let them consume each other.

All the people in the hotel ran to the bar to have fun.

These foreign bounty hunters paid high prices, enough for them to have fun for a few days.

As for whether they can succeed, this is not their concern.

Sunny was sent to the bar counter of the bar to work as a small waiter.

There is a tunnel under the house where the dark cloud is, allowing Sunny to reach around A Street and hide in the nearest bar.

"The bartenders have sold you so much information, they owe you in the first place, they should protect me." Qingtian's mind turned quickly, "I can't be your burden."

Wu Yun had no choice but to go with him.

When the bartender saw the sunny day approaching, he felt a little headache.

"Tsk, you kid must be the one who wants to come here. Wu Yun would never think of using our power, he will only solve all problems by himself." Having said that, the bartender still gave Qing Tian a bar employee's clothes, "Just make do with it."

"You sell Wu Yun's information first." Qing Tian was not to be outdone, "I don't want to come here either, but I can't stay there and drag Wu Yun down."

"Hey, it's okay, I've encountered this kind of thing before." The bartender asked Qing Tian to bring up vegetable soup, "I remember that Wu Yun's exam questions from Chen Yong were to avoid the people in Sasim City for three days Chasing and killing, at that time Chen Yong let Wu Yun take a priceless gemstone and dangle on the street. Wu Yun is used to this kind of thing."

"Habits shouldn't be the reason for you to hurt him." Qing Tian couldn't bear it anymore, "Because he's strong enough, so it doesn't matter?"

The bartender froze for a moment, then grinned grimly.

"Little ghost, think about your identity before you speak." The bartender pinched Qing Tian's face with both hands, "Here, everyone survives like this. If you don't even have this awareness, what do you still want?" Have you been with him all the time? Let me tell you, there is a demon beside Wu Yun, which is quite cunning and heartless."

Of course I know this.

Am I not a gift from the devil to Wuyun

However, in another four years, no, in two more years, he will grow up.

Chen Yong lived in the tallest building on Street A.

From here, you can clearly see the duel on the other side of the junkyard with a telescope.

Chen Yong stretched his waist with a piece of chocolate in his mouth, lying on the bed and looking at the dark clouds through the telescope.

What will he do

it's actually really easy.

Dark clouds are more sensitive to danger perception than radar. There is really no way to explain the sixth sense.

When confronting the enemy in the city of Sasim, there is only one principle that can be used in general.

Be the first to attack!

When these bounty hunters were still limited to the time of nine o'clock, they had already lost at the starting line.

Wu Yun put on his body armor and helmet, hid some lethal small weapons everywhere in his clothes, and slipped out quietly while the night fell.

Although he felt no pain, he had to see a doctor if he was injured.

Forget it anyway.

Trouble is trouble.

"Hey, I still want to study the body structure of Wu Yun." The doctor put down the scalpel, and waved his hand to let the nurse push the person off the operating table, "I hope those bounty hunters are as sharp as their mouths." OK."