Heaven’s Greatest Plan

Chapter 35


Of course, Shen Junyi was not the only one who had the idea of forming an alliance. On the way to the ghost vine secret room, Zhao Yu received invitations to form an alliance from Xia Yuan and Zheng Wanyi respectively.

The two would not give in to the other, and finally had to form an alliance of three people.

The Ghost Vine Secret Room is a very famous secret room in Chongqing. It covers an area as large as half an amusement park. There are many secret rooms with different themes. The props are realistic and interlocking, giving players an immersive experience. It has been well received.

The program group used this place as a recording venue this time, and put the guests into different rooms. Every time a level is unlocked, the guests can randomly get some props and supplies.

The guests were released separately, and there was no means of communication, the three of them seemed to be lonely.

The structure of the secret room is intricate, the room is connected to the long corridor, and there are corners and dark passages layer upon layer. It is terrifying and silent, and no one knows who is where.

The walls of Zhao Yu's room were covered with red blood stains. There were various tools on the shelves that looked like they were used to kill and dismember corpses. A dark red light above his head flickered from time to time. The atmosphere was terrifying.

However, she was only worried about whether she was going to be locked up here until the end of the recording.

Bloodstains and dismembered corpses are not scary, what is scary is that as a scumbag with insufficient IQ, she will be offline logically, it would be too shameful if she didn't leave this room after the entire recording.

Fortunately, the program team did not embarrass the guests in the first level, and the clues were obvious. Zhao Yudong fumbled around, and after half an hour, he finally opened the first combination lock on a calendar with the numbers circled in red on each page.

Walking out of the door, there is a dark corridor outside. There was a backpack at the door, and Zhao Yu opened it to look, and there was a nameplate inside that said "Stage Dry Ice Effect".

It seems that this is her reward for this level.

Putting on his backpack, Zhao Yu continued to set off, looking left, right, and fumbling here and there, looking not afraid at all.

The director team was very disappointed when they saw the pictures sent back from the shooting: "Why is she so calm? Her scene is the scariest among the few guests."

The staff reminded in a low voice: "Zhao Yu used to have the nickname Zhao Bold in Korean circles."

Director group: "..."


When the ambient atmosphere does not scare the player, the matter of customs clearance will become extremely simple.

When Zhao Yu was squatting at the end of the corridor to study the password of the iron gate, a female ghost in red suddenly rushed up from the dark passage behind the iron gate. The two were separated by an iron gate. the iron gate.

Zhao Yu was taken aback by this, and hid for a while, but that was all. After realizing it, he asked the female ghost who was secretly rubbing his head in a funny way: "Are you all right? Are you not injured?"

Female ghost: "... I'm fine, I'm sorry."

Then Zhao Yu continued to study the password.

The female ghost squatted opposite her and looked at her, her long bloody hair was spread all over the floor, and the picture was very strange. Ten minutes later, Zhao Yu still hadn't found any clues, so he raised his head and pinched the back of his neck, which was a little sore, and asked the female ghost who was squatting on his knees, "Aren't you going to scare others?"

Female ghost: "... my work area is here."

Zhao Yu smiled at her, "Then can you tell me the password of this door?"

Even though the light was dim at this time, when she smiled, it seemed that the whole picture became brighter, and the gleaming charm couldn't be resisted. The female ghost stared at her blankly for a few seconds, and blurted out: "729134!"

Zhao Yu gave her a wink: "Thanks."

Director team: "???"

Can it still be like this? ?

After successfully opening the iron gate, Zhao Yu got another prop. The female ghost leaned against the wall to make way. Get your autograph."

With a pale face covered in blood, the female ghost showed a glowing expression of surprise: "Really?! Anyone can do it?!"

Zhao Yu nodded: "Yes."

Female ghost: "I like Horch! Is it okay?!"

Zhao Yu paused for a moment: "Huo Xi..." In the nervous and expectant expression of the female ghost, he laughed: "I don't know him, but I will ask someone to help, don't worry."

The female ghost was very pleasantly surprised: "Thank you!" She pointed to the front with great enthusiasm: "Go ahead and turn left at the second intersection, there is a house wrapped in spider webs, and there are the most props in it!"

Zhao Yu: "Okay."

Director group: "?"

This direction is very confusing.

Zhao Yu went all the way to the outside of the cobweb room without hindrance, and it was really covered with cobwebs, and there were very realistic simulated spiders in the nets, as if there were real spiders crawling around.

There is a huge black-red spider in the center of the spider web. Its bulging abdomen droops slightly. It is estimated that it has a ventilation system. It bulges and retracts, and it looks like it is really breathing.

Zhao Yu looked around, and directly reached out to touch the big spider's belly amidst the stunned expressions of all the directors.

As soon as the fingers touched the prickly hairs, the simulated spider immediately "lived", a red light flashed in its eyes, and the eight spider legs also moved, making a terrifying hissing sound.

For ordinary people, they must be scared away at this time.

As a result, Zhao Yu remained indifferent, and pulled the big spider out of the layers of spider webs. He squeezed its bulging belly, and then took out the key to open the door.

The director team was stunned, watching her open the door with the key, and got a room full of rich props.

The director asked incredulously: "Is she really nothing to be afraid of?"

The handyman girl who recommended Zhao Yu before in the group spoke in time: "There are still some!"

The director was overjoyed, turned around and asked, "What?"

Miscellaneous girl: "She's afraid of being confused!"

Director: "..."

Then it is more difficult to realize this in the program.

There were too many props in the room, and Zhao Yu didn't take all of them. After all, the backpack was almost too big to fit, so he only picked out the parts he needed. In this way, she has enough stage materials and some props to protect herself from being robbed. Then she just needs to find a comfortable room and wait.

Zhao Yu carried his schoolbag and walked out happily, but ran into Shen Juanyi as soon as he went out.

He also had a black bag slanted, like a bad student who skipped class. Compared with Zhao Yu's bulging backpack, which was full of props at first glance, Shen Juanyi's bag looked very shriveled.

The moment the two looked at each other, Zhao Yu ran away.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Shen Juanyi grabbed her wrist and laughed wildly: "Ha! I caught you! There are a lot of things in the bag, hand them over to me!"

Just like a bad school bully blocking the way and collecting protection fees.

Zhao Yu struggled twice but did not break free, grabbed the zipper of his backpack with one hand, took a deep breath and turned around viciously: "Let me go!"

Shen Juanyi trembled violently from her, and really let go of his hand.

Zhao Yu straightened his collar that had been torn crooked by him with a blank expression, and there was a fierce aura of "Don't mess with me" from head to toe.

Shen Juanyi took a step back, then another step, touched his face with the left, scratched his hair with the right, and stammered, "I... I have props! Forced exchange!"

He immediately took out a name tag from his trouser pocket, which said "Forcibly exchange an item with the other party", and then slapped it on Zhao Yu's shoulder, and resumed his arrogant expression: "It takes effect!"

Zhao Yu: "..."

The voice of the director's team also sounded on the broadcast in the secret room: "The mandatory exchange takes effect, please exchange props."

Shen Juan laughed wildly twice, then rubbed his little hands expectantly: "Let me see what good things are in your bag!"

Zhao Yu threw the backpack on the ground with a blank expression, and let Shen Junyi open the zipper and rummaged through it while exclaiming, and finally found her "stage dancer", put it in his bag happily, and left himself as a useless stuffed props into her bag.

He stood up with his backpack in his hand, turned the peaked cap on his head in a circle, and turned the brim to the front: "This is the fate of not forming an alliance with me."

Zhao Yu: "Oh."

She reached out and took out a prop name tag from her pocket, and put it on his shoulder expressionlessly.

Shen Juanyi was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Zhao Yumo replied emotionally: "Extortion, everything in your bag is mine from now on."

Shen Juan said: "???"

The voice of the director's team sounded again: "The robbery takes effect, please hand over all the supplies immediately."

Shen Juanyi's eyes widened bigger than a copper bell.

Zhao Yu imitated his appearance in the elevator in the morning, and also showed a sinister smile. Before he finished laughing, Shen Juanyi, who was standing face to face, suddenly rushed towards her.

Zhao Yu let out the first scream since entering the secret room.

His forward movement was too fast and violent, she had no time to hide, she just felt his whole body being pressed down, his head and back were held down by his thin and powerful arms.

Zhao Yu's whole face was pressed against his chest, screaming and scolding: "Shen Juanyi, what are you doing! If you can't afford to lose, just grab it?! I...!"

She didn't finish her sentence, because Shen Juanyi rushed too hard, the moment they hugged her, both of them lost their balance and fell to the ground.

She was held in his arms in a protective posture, and when she fell to the ground, she only rubbed against her elbow. In the next second, a large spider web covered with simulated spiders and dripping blood fell from the top of their heads, enveloping the two of them.

The smell of blood bag mixed with strong male hormones, drilled straight into her nasal cavity.

The two were bound by the spider web, and their bodies were close to each other. At this moment, the pectoral muscles that were only lightly touched by him in the previous period were tightly attached to her face, and they could almost feel the beating of his muscles.

Zhao Yu couldn't even utter a single syllable, his brain seemed to be rushing with blood, and he was dizzy and dizzy all of a sudden, his whole body was so hot that he was about to explode.

Until Shen Juanyi's disgusted voice sounded above his head: "What is this! It's so sticky! It's so disgusting." He let go of the palm holding the back of her head, and poked her head with his fingers, "Did you fall?"

Zhao Yu couldn't speak, only rapid breathing and heartbeat.

Shen Juan raised his body slightly with his arms propped on the ground, lowered his head and asked, "Are you scared?"

With the brim of the hat hanging down, the pair of eyes that are always bright are hidden in the light and shadow, there is a kind of heart-warming peace of mind.

Zhao Yu didn't answer, but struggled out of his arms in a frenzied manner, pulling the cobwebs tied around his body in a disorderly manner. The spider web had been soaked in a blood bag, and it was full of sticky red liquid, which splashed everywhere.

Shen Juanyi hurriedly stopped her: "Don't move, don't move! The more you pull, the tighter you are!"

Zhao Yu's hair was disheveled, and his voice was not as fierce as before. He took two deep breaths before speaking: "Then what should we do now?"

Shen Juan thought for a while, and slowly stood up while supporting the spider web above his head with his hands. With a height of 185, he can push away the spider web when he stands up.

Zhao Yu was finally relieved, got up and put his hands together to tear the spider web off his body. Both of them were dyed with red paint all over their bodies, and there were two simulated spiders hanging from her hair, which looked like the scene of a bloody tragedy.

Shen Juan wiped his lower lip with the back of his hand, made two pee pee, and said, "Sweet."

Zhao Yu: "..."

She gave him two wet tissues that she had picked up at the front desk before, and wiped her face and hands, then silently picked up her bag and carried it on her back, walked over and tore off the "robbing, snatching" sticker on his shoulder. ".

Shen Juanyi only wiped his face with a tissue and tilted his head: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yu lowered his head and folded the name tag back into his pocket: "Take back the props, I don't want your stuff anymore."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Shen Juan said "hey" twice, "Are you leaving now? It's not easy to meet, let's form an alliance! You won't suffer any disadvantages if you form an alliance with me!"

Zhao Yu didn't look back, and raised his hand to retie the loose ponytail.

The long hair swayed gently in the air, leaving him with a cold back: "No."