Heaven’s Greatest Plan

Chapter 39


The viaduct was suddenly filled with the sound of brakes and horns. Countless cars stopped, and passers-by who witnessed the accident got out of their cars and rushed to the bridge. Some called 119, some called 120, and some took videos with their mobile phones.

But there was no trace of the car on the surface of the river, and the river swallowed everything in an instant.

Both Zhao Yu and Lin Zhinan were stunned.

The driver's hand holding the steering wheel was trembling, and he was thinking about overtaking the last moment. If they really passed ahead, or if the Jinbei had an accident on the way to overtake, maybe they would also be affected, and I was afraid after thinking about it.

There was silence in the car.

Zhao Yu saw that Shen Junyi's car also stopped, and the door was pushed open abruptly. He leaned halfway out, and was immediately dragged back by his assistant.

After a while of quarreling, the car door closed again, and there was no more movement.

There was a lot of noise coming and going on the bridge, but no one noticed that he was there, and no one knew what the car that fell into the river had anything to do with him.

The siren sounded from far to near, and ambulances and fire engines quickly drove up to the bridge. The traffic police commanded the parked vehicles to leave, and the bridge gradually restored traffic order.

The black Mercedes in front didn't move, and neither did Zhao Yu's car.

After a while, a traffic policeman came and knocked on the window: "Let's go, let's go, don't look, you can't park here, let the safe passage out, let's go."

The driver looked back at Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu's voice was a little hoarse: "Let's go."

The car started slowly, and Zhao Yu saw a traffic policeman standing beside Shen Juanyi's car, probably saying the same thing, so that car also silently merged into the traffic flow.

It wasn't until she got off the elevated highway that Lin Zhinan finally managed to squeeze out a voice: "It's terrible..." She turned her head to look at Zhao Yu, the paleness on her face hadn't faded yet: "What's going on? The car broke down or the driver question?"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "I don't know."

Lin Zhinan was at a loss for a while: "Shen Juanyi... Shen Juanyi, he... this accident..."

Zhao Yu looked serious, looked at her and said calmly: "Don't mention this matter to anyone, let alone let him know that we are also on the scene." She looked at the driver ahead: "Brother Yang."

The driver immediately nodded and assured: "No, no, Xiaoyu, don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with us. I have driven artists for so many years, and I know what to say and what not to say, don't worry! I'm very strict!"

Lin Zhinan sighed, and said in a low voice: "He should be under a lot of psychological pressure. In fact, it's not his fault. You can't go crazy just because he scolded you a few times. It's probably an accident..."

Zhao Yu didn't speak, and looked down at his phone. The news of the car falling into the river has already been trending. Everyone is praying for safety and guessing why the car lost control. The search and rescue team has already salvaged it from the river.

But in fact, everyone knows that there is basically no possibility of survival in such an accident.

Zhao Yu quit Weibo and opened WeChat, clicked into Shen Junyi's dialog box, hesitated for a long time on the Jiugong grid, and finally sent a message: Say happy birthday to Grandma Shen for me.

There was no reply from him until boarding the plane.

When she arrived at the airport, she noticed that she didn't see Shen Juanyi's car, so she didn't know where he went.

After boarding the plane, the stewardess brought a rich and exquisite breakfast and said to her enthusiastically: "I like you very much. You are more beautiful in real life than on TV."

Zhao Yu cheered up and smiled back at her.

Lin Zhinan was also listless, neither of them had any appetite. After the stewardess took away the tableware, they leaned together and listened to nursery rhymes for a while. Lin Zhinan couldn't help but leaned on her shoulder and said, "I think Shen Junyi is so pitiful. After being harassed for so long, this is the first time I stand up and fight back. I hope he doesn't feel guilty, it really has nothing to do with him, actually... "

Zhao Yu closed his eyes, and the scene of the car falling off the bridge frequently flashed in his mind.

he will.

He must feel guilty about it, even full of guilt.

That's who he is.

Even if he is no longer the clear and bright Xia Feng-like young man in her memory, even if he hides his heart full of worries by pretending to be a fool, but his kindness and gentleness are still the same as before.

His eyes have never changed, bright and clean, brighter than the stars on a summer night.

For such a person, no matter what the cause of the accident was, he would eventually take the blame on himself, and then he would not tell anyone and digest it silently.

She couldn't even comfort him, because he certainly didn't want anyone else to know about it.

When the plane landed, the search and rescue team had already salvaged the car that fell into the river. There was only the driver's body in the car. According to the dash cam of the car next to Jinbei at that time, it could be seen that there were two people in the back of the car, and the body was still being salvaged.

Professionals inspected the scrapped car on the spot and preliminarily concluded that the brakes failed.

Zhao Yu got into the company's car, and when he opened WeChat, he saw the message that Shen Junyi finally replied: "Okay!" /smile

Zhao Yu shook his fingers, looked at his favorite facial expression, but finally said nothing.

She was going to attend a new endorsement press conference in the afternoon. After arriving at the company, Han Shuang was busy and smiling all over her face. The hotly searched social news in the morning did not have any impact on the busy working parties.

There are so many surprises in this world, apart from a sigh, there is nothing more to give.

Han Shuang noticed that she was not in a good condition, and thought it was because she was too tired to get up early and fly. When she was doing makeup and hair, she specially found a masseur to come over to relax her. The bosses will be there, you have to cheer me up!"

Zhao Yu took a deep breath, forced those images out of his mind, and nodded.

The next step is to be busy without touching the ground.

The framework for the production of my first solo album after returning to China has come out. Not only have I collected some high-quality songs, but I have also started cooperation with several famous songwriters. Commercial performances, variety shows, commercials, she is running at top speed on her way to the top.

A few days later, during lunch time, Zhao Yu went to the storage room of the recording studio and called Grandma Shen.

The old man has poor hearing, so he rang for a long time before picking up, laughing and shouting: "Xiao Yu."

Zhao Yu also smiled: "Grandma, happy birthday."

The old man's voice on the phone was very happy: "Lee, let's steam buns, Xiaoyu, are you coming?"

Zhao Yu smiled and said, "I'm too busy with work to come here, grandma, take care of yourself, by the way, did you buy a cake?"

Grandma Shen said: "I bought it, Junyi bought a big cake with two layers! This kid, what a waste of money, and I don't like to eat these."

he's returned home.

Zhao Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Juanyi's bluffing voice came from the side: "Grandma, how come there are green onions in this pot of stuffing! Then what else should I eat!"

Grandma Shen turned her head and said, "Your pot is in the refrigerator. Xiao Luo has put it in the refrigerator for you for fear of getting confused. Don't be so nonsense, I'm answering Xiao Yu's call."

The smiling guy came over, and his voice became clear: "Hey, Zhao Yu? Are you coming to eat steamed stuffed buns? I specially invited Master Huang to come and chop stuffing at home."

Zhao Yu's throat choked up.

After a while, he replied with a smile, "I'm too busy to come, so you can eat more yourself."

He said, "Okay."

Grandma Shen chatted with Zhao Yu for a few more words before hanging up, and walked slowly back to the dining table, making buns with the nanny while recalling: "I haven't seen Xiao Yu for many years."

Shen Juanyi was taking out his stuffed stuffed buns without green onions from the refrigerator, "She's too busy, she's more popular than me now, didn't you see her drinking milk on TV yesterday."

Grandma Shen pushed her presbyopic glasses and said with a smile, "I didn't even recognize her, she's a big girl." She thought of something, then turned her head and told her: "You entered the industry earlier than Xiao Yu, so you should take care of her more at work, the little girl can't make a living. Easy, anyway, people have called you brother for so many years."

Shen Juanyi picked up a piece of rolled dough, and muttered: "She doesn't yell now. It's fierce to show her teeth and claws."

Grandma Shen made a gesture to hit him with a rolling pin: "Girl's face is thin, I don't know you yet, don't make fun of me."

Shen Juanyi made a grimace.

On my birthday, not many relatives and friends came. The relatives of Grandma Shen's generation are all too old to travel long distances, so they just called to greet them.

A few relatives from the uncle's generation came to the Shen family, had a meal with the old man, cut the cake, and left that day, and the small courtyard enveloped by the setting sun returned to tranquility.

In the past two years, Grandma Shen doesn't like to go out very much, she often likes to sit in the old man's chair next to the small flower garden and bask in the sun. Shen Juanyi cleaned up the house, moved a small bench to sit beside her, and told her gossip about the entertainment industry.

Made the old man laugh out loud.

She turned her head to look at her grandson sitting on the little mat. This little mat was a stool he moved everywhere since he was a child. He used to sit on it and tell her jokes when he was a few years old. Now he is in his twenties, and he still does the same.

The old man's eyes got wet when he looked at it, and sighed: "You and your father are really carved out of the same mold."

Shen Juanyi straightened his back: "Who said that? I'm obviously more handsome than him, right?"

Grandma Shen smiled and pushed his head: "The genes in my bones have also been inherited from your father, so there is no such thing as a good job."

Elderly people always like to recall the past, their face covered with lines is enveloped by the setting sun, and there is a kind of plain serenity: "When your father was a sketch actor, every time there was a new show, he would perform it first. Show me, I was amused, and this skit passed. Later, your father died, and your mother remarried, and wanted to take you away."

She held her grandson's slender hand and looked at it carefully: "You just cried and made noise, saying that you would not leave, you had to stay with grandma. Your mother had no choice but to leave by herself. The day your mother left, I did the same. Sitting in this position, watching her come in and out carrying luggage, shed tears silently, you just hold grandma's hand and promise that you will make grandma laugh every day like your father, you said you can tell jokes, tree Riding a monkey on the ground, a monkey on the ground... "

As he spoke, he laughed again, tears streaming down his face.

She had a bad life, lost her husband in her early years, and her son in her middle age, but only this grandson gave her the greatest companionship and comfort in her life.


There are the most commercial performances and music festivals in summer. At this time of the year, Job's tears are chasing activities from all over the world, screaming and cheering for idols who exude charm on stage.

But as the time gradually entered the summer, and then entered the midsummer, Shen Junyi's studio still did not officially announce any activities. Not only that, even a commercial performance that had been scheduled long ago was cancelled, and it was said that the artist was unwell.

When Yi Ren heard that her brother was sick? ! Hurry up and don't make trouble or rush, and leave messages to ask the staff to take good care of him. They are not in a hurry, and it doesn't matter if there is no activity. The body is the most important.

Lin Yi also asked Zhao Yu sideways if his brother was seriously ill and how he was doing now.

Zhao Yu knew that he hadn't left Hangzhou and had been staying with his grandma. I also understood that it was not because of illness that he postponed the itinerary for these few months and retreated silently.

But she didn't say anything, she just replied to Lin Yi to reassure her.

She believes that time can heal everything, and she also believes that he can come out of the shadows.

After that comes a busy itinerary.

When Zhao Yu saw Shen Juanyi again, it was already at the New Year's Eve party on Mango Terrace.

Mango Channel has always been known as the traffic channel, and it only invites popular idols every year. Every year, Shen Junyi and Huo Xi are among them. This year, Zhao Yu received the invitation a few months in advance.

Her popularity soared like a fault this year, even surpassing the figures of Huo Xi and Shen Juanyi when they debuted that year. The three of them almost swept all the major data charts, commercial performance stages, and popular endorsements.

In the past, if Shen Junyi couldn't be invited, everyone would invite Huo Xi. If you can't invite Huo Xi, you will go to Shen Juanyi. Anyway, with these two options, there is no comparison in terms of popularity or strength.

But now, there was one more Zhao Yu in the options.

The term "three top streamers" appeared in a media announcement for the first time.