Heaven’s Greatest Plan

Chapter 47


After returning to Beijing to rest for a while, Zhao Yu continued to devote himself to his busy schedule.

In the past few years, the domestic entertainment industry has developed better and better, and countless idol idols have emerged one after another. With the maturity of the domestic idol model, the fan circle culture has also taken shape.

But no matter how many newcomers emerge in endlessly, the three top players standing in the circle are mountains that they cannot climb.

But at their height, the previous positioning is definitely no longer usable. Huo Xi was the first to walk out of the road of transformation. He has already passed his 29th birthday this year. Not long ago, after filming a modern criminal investigation drama, he announced that he would go abroad for further studies.

Learning retreat is the most obvious signal of transformation in the circle.

This past half a year, he completely gave up the domestic traffic market and resources, and Zhao Yu admired his courage. As soon as Horch left, the resources belonging to the three top streams were naturally divided among the remaining two people.

Zhao Yu was busy, and Shen Junyi was even busier.

After all, only he and Huo Xi are the same type of artists. Huo Xi is not around, so many resources are devoted to him. Recently, he is so busy that he often laments that his biggest worry is being too popular.

After the beginning of summer, Beijing is hot and dry, and the sun scorched the ground until it was scorched and hot.

Tomorrow, he was going to attend a new product launch conference for an endorsement, and under the supervision of his assistant, he put on the mask and went to bed early. After finally getting a little drowsy, he was woken up by the frantically vibrating mobile phone.

Bi Zhou called.

As soon as he got connected, he yelled: "Didn't I tell you to keep you away from that Sheng Qiao! What's wrong with you! You still go out to eat supper with people in the middle of the night, and you don't know if you are photographed!"

Shen Juanyi rolled over from the bed and sat up: "Is it on the trending search?"

Bi Zhou was furious: "It's all exploded! The marketing account said that you have obtained a certificate from her!"

Shen Juanyi covered his forehead and sighed with a headache, "Contact Sheng Qiao to make an official statement."

Bi Zhou was not angry: "He posted it early, I wish I could break up with you immediately! But someone has to believe it, tell me about you, you are really... hey!"

Shen Juan turned sideways to turn on the bedside lamp, and pinched the bridge of his nose: "What a big deal. Aren't we going to a press conference tomorrow? I'll just spread the rumor myself during the media interview."

Bi Zhou muttered a few words and asked again: "I said, what's the situation with you and Sheng Qiao? Don't you know that she is a fan of Huo Xi? This woman rubbed on you after Huo Xi?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Shen Juan paused, and his tone sank: "I took the initiative to contact her, and she didn't even have my phone number. I was in a bad mood when my grandma passed away. Only when she was filming in Hangzhou did I find her out for dinner. meal."

Bi Zhou has always been very vigilant about his contacts with female celebrities, so it is not easy to say anything more after hearing what he said, so he hung up the phone after explaining a few words to refute the rumors at tomorrow's press conference.

Both parties were quick to refute the rumors, and after one night, the heat has dropped a lot. The next day, Shen Juanyi attended the press conference according to the event flow, and went to the media area for an interview.

Sure enough, the reporters all asked about yesterday's scandal, and Shen Juanyi explained the whole story in a few words. The righteous master personally refuted the rumors, with a generous attitude and a calm expression, making it impossible for people to misunderstand.

Sure enough, once the video was released, the rumors were completely terminated.

When Shen Juanyi left the press conference and got into the car, Bi Zhou also asked someone to find out the person who broke the news.

Is following his illegitimate life.

After the car crashed into the river that year, he never expressed his resistance to illegitimate birth in public. He didn't mention this to anyone, as if nothing happened, but since then he has acquiesced in the illegitimate student's stalking and harassment of him.

Bi Zhou persuaded him many times on this matter, and he had heard what he should and should not listen to, but it took more time to pass the test in his heart.

Bi Zhou closed the car door, turned to look at the sleeping man with the brim of his hat on his face, recalled what he said at the press conference today, and pushed his arm worriedly.

"I said, is it really what you said? Didn't you fall in love?"

Shen Juanyi's voice was lazy: "I'm in love with a ghost, she doesn't like me."

Bi Zhou felt that this was wrong: "What about you? Do you like her?"

Shen Juanyi put his arm on the back of his head, tilted his head and smiled at him: "Is it important?" Bi Zhou was stunned, he sat up straight and stretched, and patted him on the shoulder as if reassuring: "Don't worry, I know my position, no This kind of thing will affect the future."

He has done a good job these years, and Bi Zhou has always been at ease.

But seeing his artist like this, he felt uncomfortable, and complained: "Then Sheng Qiao is a fan of Huo Xi, and I don't know what you like about her."

Shen Juanyi folded his hands and leaned back, pressed the brim of his hat, and said with a lazy smile: "It's not that I like her, but it's very relaxing to be with her. Xiao Qiao lives quite transparently, and there are not so many random people in the circle." Thoughts. When getting along with people, don’t you just want to be comfortable.”

Bi Zhou sighed: "It's good that you understand in your heart. Huo Xi has transformed now, you have no acting skills like others, and you still have to walk on the road of idols for a few years, so don't lose the chain."

Shen Juan waved his fingers.

Summer is the time when there are many commercial performances.

Most of Huo Xi's performances were accepted by Shen Junyi, because Zhao Yu's music schedule abroad has never stopped, flying both domestically and abroad, and he is very busy.

She asked Lin Zhinan to push back all the invitations to film and television variety shows in recent months, and planned to concentrate on the stage. Unexpectedly, in the middle of the month, something went wrong with Jiang Yu's variety show.

Jiang Yu is currently recording a slow comprehensive travel series called "The World Is So Big". As the name suggests, it is to let guests travel to various countries and check in places of interest.

It was recorded well, but within two days of recording, one of the guests had a conflict with the program group, and then he lost his temper and stopped recording.

This guest is a wealthy daughter with a strong family and many fans. After the recording was stopped, a wave of program groups was blackmailed with rhythm. Jiang Yu wanted to find other artists to save the scene. Can live and have no time.

So I searched and searched, and found my niece.

If my uncle is in trouble, how can I not help, no matter how busy I am, I have to spare time.

So Zhao Yu asked Lin Zhinan to readjust the itinerary, and then flew over to save the scene.

The program has been recorded to the second period, and the location is in Arles, France. Zhao Yu arrived in the morning. At this time, the other guests hadn't come to the previous recording location. Jiang Yu arranged for a staff member to pick her up, and took Zhao Yu to the train station after lunch.

The staff explained: "They don't know that the new guest is you. You can hide for a while. If they don't find you in ten minutes, they will be punished."

The railway station in Arles still maintains the original appearance of the natural ecology, with mottled rails, lush green plants, and the platform is shrouded in sunlight, like a scene in an anime.

It was also the first time for Zhao Yu to come here, and he looked around with interest, "What punishment?"

The staff knew her relationship with Director Jiang, and she was here to save the scene with such a big coffee position, so they didn't dare to make things difficult, and said honestly: "They will deduct their group expenses."

Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows and glanced at him: "Isn't it my money that was deducted?"

staff member:"… … "

She put the peaked cap on her head, winked and smiled at the staff: "Okay, I know, I will hide it."

The staff turned their heads three times and left very worried.

Before the train arrived, Zhao Yu strolled around. Speaking of which, she has appeared in so many variety shows in the past few years, but this is the first time she has participated in a slow variety show about travel.

Look at how comfortable it is, the sun is warm, the leaves are fragrant in the breeze, the climate is pleasant and the environment is comfortable, walking around and taking pictures, not only relaxes the body and mind, but also makes money. I should tell Lin Zhinan when I go back , Give her more variety shows like this.

An old lady with silver hair and a floral cloak walked up the platform, holding a basket in her hand, walking tremblingly up the steps. At this moment, this scene is like a real French oil painting.

The old man's legs and feet were inconvenient, and it was very difficult for him to climb the steps. Zhao Yu stepped over in two or three steps and held the old woman's arm.

She doesn't know French, so she just smiled and said in English: "Let me help you."

The old grandma didn't know if she understood, she nodded cheerfully at her, and after going up the steps, she took out a bright orange from the basket and handed it to her.

Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled, took the orange and said, "Thanks."

The old lady also smiled and waved her hand, then slowly turned and left step by step.

There was the sound of a train whistle not far ahead, Zhao Yu looked at the time and guessed that the guest's car had arrived. She looked around, walked to the platform and squatted down.

It doesn't matter whether she hides or not, she just wants to eat an orange.

The train stopped, and the number of people on the platform gradually increased. After Zhao Yu peeled the orange, he put a piece in his mouth. The juice splashes, hiss, min is sweet!

The staff watched from behind the distant pillars, silently biting their handkerchiefs.

I asked you to find a place to hide, but you ended up squatting on the edge of the platform eating oranges, afraid that no one would find you!

However, there were many people on the platform, and although she didn't hide, it was not easy to be found, not to mention that the other party didn't even know whether the new guest was male or female.

Zhao Yu ate oranges very peacefully, until he put the last piece of orange into his mouth, and finally heard a polite female voice next to him: "Excuse me, are you our new companion?"

Zhao Yu turned around while biting the orange, and smiled: "You guys are too slow, I've eaten all the oranges."

The girl in front of her also smiled and reached out to her: "Hi, I'm Sheng Qiao."

Zhao Yu stood up, stuffed the orange peel into his pocket, and held her hand with a smile: "I know, Huo Xi's wife is a fan."

Sheng Qiao covered her face in annoyance.

After saying hello, other guests gathered one after another.

In addition to Zhao Yu and Sheng Qiao, there are four other guests this time, namely sketch actor Qi Lian, singing and dancing idol Li Yao, TVB goddess of immortality Liang Qiuyu, and little idol Hu Ruiwen who has just debuted.

Everyone didn't expect that the new guest would be Zhao Yu. They were both surprised and overjoyed. After all, her top three positions were there. With her, the popularity and highlights of the show would increase a lot. And he has a good personality, and he doesn't worry about the things that happened before he stopped recording.

Hu Ruiwen happened to be a fan of Zhao Yu, and when he saw her, he was so excited that he screamed: "Ah, it's my idol!"

Zhao Yu also didn't understand why he always attracted some children's fans, such as Xia Yuan and Hu Ruiwen.

Hu Ruiwen is younger than Xia Yuan, he has just debuted, and he couldn't hide his excitement when he saw idols, and he might be a little shy after shouting, blushing and shy away from coming over.

Zhao Yu put his arms around his neck with a smile, took out his mobile phone and took a group photo with the little fans: "Smile one, one two three, eggplant."

Before she came, the five guests had already filmed one episode, and the female star who stopped acting made everyone unhappy, so it was very important for her to join at this time.

The atmosphere was dominated by her, and she was enthusiastic and outgoing. After greeting her with a smile, the atmosphere was not awkward at all. Everyone quickly huddled together and continued the recording of the new episode.