Heaven’s Greatest Plan

Chapter 53


When Lin Zhinan rushed over, all three of them fell asleep in the living room. The room smelled of alcohol, she first opened the windows to ventilate, and then woke everyone up one by one.

After sleeping for a while, they almost woke up from the wine, all three of them felt like they were hungover, and Xia Yuan didn't know why he felt the pain of his throat being slashed.

Shen Juanyi looked at the half-broken light stick in his hand, threw it into the trash can and called his assistant. Both of them called their assistants to pick them up. When Xia Yuan walked to the door, he turned his head and said apologetically, "Sister, why don't we help you clean up the living room before leaving?"

Zhao Yu sat on the sofa holding a cup of hot water and waved his hands with a headache: "Hurry up, you two."

Shen Juan smiled and waved at her: "Brother will come to drink with you next time."

What responded to him was the pillow thrown by Zhao Yu.

Although he woke up from the wine, his head was still dizzy. Lin Zhinan watched anxiously as the two put on their hats and masks and entered the elevator before going back. The assistants of the two were already waiting in the garage. Xia Yuan pressed the first floor, turned his head and looked at Shen Juanyi who was looking at the wall mirror trimming his bangs, pouted and asked, "Brother Juanyi, did you really like my sister when you were young?" Do you know me?"

He seemed to remember the two of them arguing for a long time when they were young when they were drunk.

Shen Juan flicked his bangs: "That's right."

Xia Yuan: "Then why have I never heard my sister say it? Don't you make it up?"

Shen Juan turned his head and knocked on the brim of his hat: "Do you know how many years she has called me my brother? Show me some respect, little brat! And don't run to your sister's house, don't you know the difference between men and women?"

Xia Yuan was not convinced: "Brother called you a few times, did you really think she was your sister? It's so lenient!"

Shen Juanyi clapped his hands and said confidently: "Yes, she is my sister, I don't care what it is and let you guys go for it?"

Xia Yuan was furious: "You used to call Wei Chi a pig, and now you call me and Mr. Ji! I'm going to hang you online!"

Shen Juan smiled and spread his hands: "I didn't scold you, you said it yourself."

The elevator door opened with a ding, Shen Juan waved his hand backwards, and walked away amid Xia Yuan's angry expression.

After so many days of "carnival inside the house", Lin Zhinan was finally not worried about Zhao Yu's abnormality. After "The Cage" was finished, Zhao Yu has been on vacation. Now that the vacation is over, the itinerary is starting to be arranged again.

It’s the time when the annual music festival and commercial performances are frequent again. Last year, Zhao Yu didn’t go to the music festival much to save Jiang Yu’s variety show. The beauties have been crying for a year. This year, they can finally make up for it, and once again enjoy the stage addiction .

Originally thought that after the filming of "Nine Heavens" and "The Cage", Zhao Yu's focus would shift to film and television. The itinerary is full of commercial performances, but the fans are very happy.

As Zhao Yu said before, she prefers the stage to acting, and as long as she can still dance, she will never give up the stage.

This summer has been spent on the singing and dancing stage. After autumn, "Jiu Xiao", which dominated the two David TV ratings champions, was shortlisted for the Golden TV Awards. There were discussions on the Internet about who would win this year's Golden TV Best Actor and Golden Movie Queen.

"Nine Heavens" belongs to the public audience, and the aftermath is still hot. Not only the actors, but also its script, color scheme, background music, director and screenwriter are all excellent. Some netizens predict that "Nine Heavens" will probably sweep the Golden TV Awards this time and win a prize grand slam.

However, in this kind of awards ceremony, the best actor and best actress are never awarded to the same work. The actor of "Jiuxiao" is the actor Ji Shucheng, and he is also the leading actor. He has a high possibility of winning the award , and Zhao Yu, as the heroine, is probably hanging.

Although netizens have long guessed, but when the day of the award ceremony really came, the poppies still tightened their hearts.

On the red carpet of the Golden TV Awards, the male and female protagonists usually walk together, but because the cp of Zhao Yu and Ji Shucheng has been speculated on the Internet, Zhao Yu asked the organizer to walk the red carpet alone in order to avoid suspicion.

Just in front of Shen Juanyi to play.

He was also shortlisted for the Golden TV Awards this time because of a modern drama that aired this year, but he was most likely to accompany him. After all, it is not easy for a traffic star to win the Best Actor once.

The two cars were leaning side by side. Zhao Yu was flipping through her mobile phone when she heard the car window lowered and called her in a smiling voice: "Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu—"

The heroine of the same work was sitting next to Shen Junyi. Zhao Yu looked up, greeted the heroine with a smile, and then looked at him: "Why?"

Shen Juanyi wore a white suit and combed his hair like a dog. He looked like a handsome nobleman, and he still had the same virtue when he opened his mouth: "Aren't you cold in so little?"

Zhao Yu gave him a knowing look.

He leaned on the car window with his arms, poked out half of his head and looked around: "You are the only one walking the red carpet?"

Zhao Yu smiled: "Is it not possible?"

Shen Juanyi said: "It's okay, but it looks a little deserted." He paused, and asked with a smile: "G, why don't you go with us?"

Zhao Yu saw that the heroine next to him turned blue.

This person has the ability to break people's mentality anytime, anywhere.

Zhao Yu rolled up the car window halfway: "No, I like Dumei."

When it was her turn to enter the arena, the assistant opened the car door for her. When Zhao Yu got out of the car with her skirt in hand, she heard her calling from behind: "Zhao Yu——"

She turned around speechlessly: "What are you doing?"

Shen Juanyi grinned happily: "Come on and win the prize."

Zhao Yu: "You tell the organizing committee about this."

She really wanted to win an award, so the organizing committee had to award it to her.

Lin Zhinan asked someone to inquire for a while, and the feedback there was that Ji Shucheng was basically selected as the best actor. "Nine Heavens" is so popular, Ji Shucheng has an extraordinary performance as the leading actor in it, there is no reason not to win prizes.

Although Zhao Yu's role in it is also very brilliant, and it is still ranked first among the audience's favorite characters, but there are not many roles in it. On the one hand, on the other hand, it is really unreasonable to award the award to her instead of Ji Shucheng.

So she was mentally prepared before she came, and it was just a formality.

The autumn wind was rustling, and fans and the media were on both sides of the red carpet. Zhao Yu waved and laughed all the way holding up the hem of her skirt, and the temperature finally warmed up after entering the arena.

Although they didn't walk the red carpet together, her seat was still arranged with Ji Shucheng. The teacher in charge had already come in, and after she sat down, she turned around and said with a smile, "Good evening."

Zhao Yu rubbed his arms and teased with a smile: "Mr. Ji, congratulations in advance for winning the award."

Ji Shucheng looked at her helplessly, "There are still suspense."

Zhao Yu: "Believe in your own strength!"

Ji Shucheng seemed to be used to her energetic encouragement all the time, shook his head and smiled, "Okay."

Artists entered the arena one after another, and at 7:00 pm, the awards ceremony officially began.

In addition to the audience at the scene, there are also many netizens watching the live broadcast in front of the screen. As one of the four major awards in China, the Golden Video Award has always been high in gold content and attention.

The Best Chinese TV Drama Award was announced first. When the word "Jiuxiao" sounded, neither the scene nor the netizens were surprised at all, but felt that it should be so! If the best TV drama is not awarded to "Nine Heavens", it is a shady scene!

After the announcement, the camera showed the lead actor, director and producer of "Nine Heavens". Zhao Yu and Ji Shucheng were laughing and applauding, and the director accepted the award as a representative of the TV series.

After saying a few official acceptance speeches to thank the audience for their hard work, the director was about to leave the stage holding the trophy. The host quickly stopped him: "Don't you want to say a few more words?"

Director: "Don't worry, it will come up later."

host:"… "

The scene couldn't help laughing, and the netizens who watched the live broadcast burst into laughter.

Tell the truth!

No one thinks that the director is talking big. The results of "Nine Heavens" are there, and there are really few works shortlisted in the same period that can compete with it.

Sure enough, in the awards announced next, "Nine Heavens" once again won the Best Screenplay Award, Best Photography Award, and Best Music Award. As predicted by netizens, "Nine Heavens" almost swept the Golden Television Awards.

The final highlight is Best Actor and Best Actress.

Although Zhao Yu said that he was mentally prepared and came here with the mentality of going through the motions, but when it came to the moment of awarding, he was still a little nervous and looking forward to it.

She has blossomed everywhere in the music circle, but the film and television circle has always lacked a solid award record, which is inevitably a bit regrettable.

Ji Shucheng next to her seemed to feel her nervousness, and he tilted his head and comforted in a low voice: "Be normal."

Zhao Yu let out a breath, smiled and nodded.

The best actor was announced first, and the five shortlisted male artists appeared on the big screen, including Shen Juanyi. He was very relaxed, while the others sat upright and kept smiling, and he even waved to the camera with a smile on his face.

Zhao Yu's nervous mood relaxed a lot the moment he saw him.

While relaxing, he cursed Goubi in his heart.

After a period of pretentious suspense by the host, Ji Shucheng's name finally rang out in the venue. With the award this time, he is a veritable actor of the three materials.

Zhao Yu applauded and congratulated from the bottom of his heart, and the strings in his heart were completely loosened.

Now that the male lead won the award, there really is nothing wrong with her as the heroine.

Do the math, "Jiu Xiao" won so many awards this time, and she is also credited. At least she didn't hold back other big productions like those black fans said.

After the best actress was announced, the awards ceremony came to an end.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about the new best actor and actress. Many people also mentioned that "Nine Heavens" almost swept the Golden TV Awards this time. It seems that the entire crew won the award, only the leading actress did not.

It sounds pitiful.

When I left the venue and went to the media area for an interview, the journalists involved in the incident also asked about this topic.

Zhao Yu lifted the hem of his skirt and looked at the camera with a smile, and replied four words: "You are honored."

The interview didn't take long, others didn't know, Lin Zhinan didn't know yet, she didn't look like anything, but she was actually regretful. As her friend and manager, she knew how strong Zhao Yu was.

After Zhao Yu finished answering the question, he hurried up to block the reporters: "That's the end of today's interview, thank you everyone."

Sure enough, as soon as he left the interview area and went back to the lounge, Zhao Yu sighed sadly.

Lin Zhinan comforted: "It's okay! We didn't expect to win an award based on this. Isn't "The Cage" airing soon? This is your highlight. We will no longer accept scripts for the male lead as supporting roles." It's time for the heroine to step up! It's time to give him a grand slam!"

Zhao Yumo was silent: "Don't accept the script for now."

Lin Zhinan turned pale with shock: "The blow is so big?!"

Zhao Yu: "No, next year's concert I want to hold ahead of schedule." She clenched her fists and cheered: "The confidence lost here must be regained on the stage!"

The stage seems to be a place where she recharges her batteries, and it will always give her endless energy.

Lin Zhinan calculated the itinerary: "Alright, then I will arrange it tomorrow. You haven't toured for a long time, and you can do one next year."

Zhao Yu: "Yes!"

There was a dinner after the awards ceremony, Zhao Yu didn't really want to go, but in case the media said she was lost and sad, she cheered up and went.

As soon as he passed through the corridor, he saw Shen Juanyi in a white suit standing at the corner holding two glasses of red wine. When he saw her, he raised his glass to her with a smile.

Zhao Yu walked over: "What are you doing here?"

Shen Juan handed one of the cups to her: "Wait for you, let's go in together."

Zhao Yu glanced at him with disgust: "Why should I go in with you? Mutual aid and comfort for the unsuccessful?"

Shen Juanyi stuffed the red wine glass into her hand: "I don't think I won't win the election, I didn't pay attention to this award at all!"

Zhao Yu found it funny to see him holding his head up triumphantly.

Shen Juan pulled her arm: "Let's go, let's go in, walk around and come out after a cutscene. I asked Xia Yuan and Wei Chi to have a barbecue, do you want to go?"

Zhao Yu answered honestly as he followed him in, "I don't really want to go, I'm tired, and I want to go home and sleep."

Shen Juan sized her eyes up: "It's not like you."

Zhao Yu snorted, "It sounds like you know me better."

Shen Juan said confidently: "Of course I know you, I know much better than those old men in the organizing committee! If they knew you like me, they would definitely choose you as the best actress. Tsk, old man, he has no vision."

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhao Yu finally realized why he came here: "Are you here to comfort me?"

Shen Juan said, "Isn't it obvious?"

Zhao Yu: "...it can be said to be very obvious."

Shen Junyi pushed open the glass door, and the smell that belonged to the dinner party came over his face, and Zhao Yu frowned subconsciously.

He saw her expression through the glass, paused his hands, turned his head and asked, "You don't want to go in?"

Zhao Yu said: "I don't really think about it, but if I don't go, the reporter will definitely write scribbles again. I have already thought about the title. Zhao Yu was not selected as the actress, refused to participate in the dinner party, and got drunk at the barbecue stall in the middle of the night."

Shen Juanyi looked at her inexplicably, took the red wine glass in her hand and put it on the table beside her, then pulled the glass door over and pushed her: "Let's go, let's not go!"

Zhao Yu was pushed a few meters away by him: "What are you doing?"

Shen Juan said, "Get drunk."

Wei Chi and Xia Yuan are already at the scheduled barbecue restaurant, in case there was another incident of getting drunk at Zhao Yu's house last time, this time each of them only ordered a bottle of wine, and the rest were drinks.

Zhao Yu looked at the three noisy people, and the last bit of loss in his heart disappeared.

What's the big deal, her career line is still long. Can't get it now, can't you get it later? As long as she doesn't give up, time will give her everything she wants.

When he left the barbecue shop, the night wind was blowing coldly into his neck.

Wrapped in a coat, Zhao Yu looked at Shen Juanyi who was teaching Xia Yuan his unique stage experience for a while, and suddenly called him, "Shen Juanyi."

He turned around: "Huh?"

Zhao Yu said, "Do you want to be a guest at my concert next year?"

Shen Juanyi didn't seem to expect that she would ask this suddenly, she raised her eyebrows in surprise, and grinned after reacting: "Okay." He asked, "How much are you going to pay me for my appearance?"