Heaven’s Greatest Plan

Chapter 55


Zhao Yu had no doubt that this dog did it on purpose. If she firmly disagrees, the dog will be more than sure, so forget it, it makes me feel like I want to touch your waist on purpose.

Obviously many years have passed, but at this moment, the waist swept by his gaze seems to feel the hot temperature when his palm touched it back then.

The music director agrees, "I think it's okay. There is a gimmick, and the title of "by" by the two top streamers after many years can attract many people."

Shen Juan raised his eyebrows coaxingly.

Zhao Yu tugged at the hem of his clothes, hugged his waist with his fingers and turned around, "It's up to you."

After the small meeting, the three tracks were finalized. Shen Junyi performed the lo part of his new single released this year, the collaboration part was "by", and the dance part of Zhao Yuxin's new album was a neutral power style. "ko"

Shen Juanyi only took four days off from the crew, and the rehearsal time was extremely tight. Zhao Yu asked the band to withdraw first, and in the next few days, they will rehearse the cooperation part with Shen Junyi.

As soon as the band left, the huge rehearsal room seemed a little empty. The mirror on the wall reflects the brilliant spring sun outside the window, making the whole room warm and bright.

Shen Junyi's lo stage does not need to be rehearsed, but "by" needs some adaptations, and it can't be danced again as it is. The re-dancing of old songs still needs to add some new ideas to be attractive.

The two used to argue because of disagreements about the adaptation, but now after so many years of growth, they have stronger abilities and more ideas, and the disputes have become less.

It probably means that when the strong reach the peak, every move and style can be mastered.

Shen Juanyi found out the video from that year with his mobile phone and played it again. Even from the current point of view, there are not many flaws in this cooperation back then. Sitting cross-legged next to him, Zhao Yu looked at the stage that made her heart beat back then, and there was no fluctuation in her heart.

Even critically pointed out a few places that need to be adjusted.

Shen Junyi's choreography skills have improved over the years, and he doesn't need a choreographer at all. After watching the video, he stood up enthusiastically and reached out to Zhao Yu, "Try it first to find out how you feel."

Zhao Yu glanced at him, raised his hand and hit the palm of his hand, and got up by himself.

After many years, I hugged my waist again.

Zhao Yu, who was calm while watching the video, still jumped in shock the moment he got close to his body. Shen Juanyi didn't seem to notice it, and stepped on the beat to pull her into his arms, and naturally stroked her waist with his palm.

Originally, there would be a pause here, looking up and looking at each other affectionately.

As a result, when Zhao Yu raised his head, his head hit his chin.

Shen Juanyi put one arm around her waist and covered his chin in pain with the other, his gaze cast doubt on her feet, "Did you grow taller from the mat?!"

Zhao Yu slapped his paw away angrily, took two steps back and rubbed his head, "Did you pad your chin?!"

Shen Juan said, "It's disrespectful to Empress Nuwa just to make a move on my exquisitely crafted face!"

Zhao Yu "I've been the endorser of Chunsu for as long as I've drank as much milk. Growing taller is the minimum respect for the endorser!"

The two stared at each other for a long time, and finally Shen Juan waved his hand in discouragement, "Alright, let's treat it as if you have grown taller, and change this action in a while."

He grinned and rubbed his chin, looked at his hands again, and muttered softly when he turned around, "It seems to feel better than before—"

Zhao Yu was so angry that he put his hands on his hips, "Shen! Juan! Yi!"

The big golden retriever yelled as he ran towards the stereo, "Why are you doing what? I can't even praise you! I'll go back and do it all over again."

The mirror on the wall reflected the appearance of him crouching in front of the speakers, chirping and curling his lips. Zhao Yu stood behind and looked at him really annoyed and funny.

Although there were no flaws in the previous adaptation, in order to keep improving, the new version of "by" needs to be adjusted a lot. The two of them kept rehearsing the adaptation throughout the afternoon.

The dinner was brought by the assistant, and Zhao Yu still ate salad as usual. Although Shen Juanyi also eats less calories in order to keep fit, it is still much richer than Zhao Yu's salad.

Zhao Yu was sitting cross-legged on her exclusive swivel chair, holding a lunch box and eating salad while watching the rehearsal video just recorded, when a chicken leg suddenly flew into her bowl from the opposite side.

The salad dressing was smashed and splashed everywhere, Zhao Yu was so angry that he glared fiercely and was about to curse, when he saw Shen Juanyi making a gesture of shooting from the air with his chopsticks hand, and said shyly, "Hit, three points!"

Are these men sick? ! !

Zhao Yu glared at him, "Do you believe I'll kill you with a chicken leg?"

Shen Juanyi sat back lazily, stuffed a piece of boiled chicken breast into his mouth, and his cheeks bulged, "If you smash it, you won't have anything to eat."

Zhao Yu "I wouldn't eat this!"

He glanced at the green salad in her bowl, "You still have to practice for so long at night, how can you just eat that? I took off the skin on the chicken drumsticks, there is no calorie."

Zhao Yu looked down, the chicken legs were really smooth, only the white and tender chicken inside was exposed, dipped in a little low-fat salad dressing, it looked quite delicious.

She snorted, reached out and swipe the next video on the horizontally placed phone, and after eating two bites of salad, she picked up the skinless chicken leg and took a bite.

The happiness of eating meat is indescribable.

After eating a chicken leg, Zhao Yu felt satisfied, and then remembered the extra calories and began to regret. As soon as he finished eating, he urged Shen Juanyi, "It's time for rehearsal! Hurry up and consume the calories you ate just now."

Shen Juanyi lazily slumped on the chair and took out his mobile phone, "Isn't it afraid of your stomach drooping if you jump right after eating? Don't panic, let's talk about it after playing the game."

They had a small group of three with Xia Yuan, which was specially used to hack. As soon as the game link was posted, Xia Yuan responded immediately. Zhao Yu also entered the game, but he didn't dare to sit down and stood upright against the corner of the wall.

Xia Yuan asked warmly, "Brother Junyi, have you returned to Beijing?"

Shen Juan said, "Yes, we are already rehearsing."

Xia Yuan expressed some regret that Zhao Yu chose Shen Junyi instead of himself, and then asked, "Then which song are you collaborating on this time?"

Shen Juan didn't know what he thought of, and curled the corner of his lips listlessly, ""by"."

Sure enough, Xia Yuan's shocked voice came out of the receiver, "Huh? Danced to "by" again?" The latter sentence was shortened, full of endless sourness, "Isn't it possible to touch the waist again——"

Didn't he just say that Xiao Yu's waist is easy to touch

This dog has actually memorized it for so many years, touching it again and again and deliberately showing off to him, Yuanyuan is so mad!

Zhao Yusong let go of his sore back, "If you two talk about crystals again, you will be gone!"

After playing two games, I had enough rest, and the sky outside the window had already darkened. The two continued to rehearse until eleven o'clock in the evening, and finally got the new movements of "by" in order.

But the highlight is the adaptation of the next song "ko".

After all, this is a girl's dance. A girl who dances a boy's dance is called sexy power, and a boy who doesn't know how to dance a girl is a mother. What's more, it had to be re-arranged into a pas de deux. The two were taken home by their assistants, and returned to the rehearsal room early the next morning to start a new busy day.

There are only two days left in Shen Juanyi's vacation, and there will be three rehearsals in the future. For the remaining two days, the two of them didn't dare to rest much, so they just stayed in the rehearsal room.

Shen Juanyi had read on the Internet before that someone said that Zhao Yu's stage queen was made by spelling out, and that she was desperate to practice dancing.

For so many years, the two have been kings in their own fields, and it was the first time he felt Zhao Yu's struggle by himself. It can't be said to be hard work, it is the continuous energy and enthusiasm given to her by dance, which supports her to dance over and over again.

She also gets tired and feels exhausted, but she always seems to be so full of energy, and when she dances, her eyes are full of love.

Shen Juanyi remembered that she was actually quite lazy when she was a child. I didn't write my homework, I didn't practice my handwriting, and when I was about to return to Sichuan, I came to him crying and holding my schoolbag.

Looking at the girl who was as bright and thorny as a wild rose in front of him at this time, he actually couldn't remember what the little sister he kept talking about looked like.

Zhao Yu turned around and curled his fingers slightly to caress his cheeks from top to bottom. One moment he was sexy and alluring, but the next moment he pushed fiercely on his face, "Don't be distracted!"

Shen Juan sat down on the ground as if playing tricks, "No more practice! I want to rest for a while! Don't assistant performers have human rights!"

Zhao Yu gave him a disgusted look, but he didn't force him to get up. He took a bottle of water and threw it to him, and sat down against the wall to rest.

Shen Juanyi drank two sips of water, took out his phone and muttered, "I didn't participate in the team competition tonight, do you know how much I sacrificed because of you?!"

Zhao Yu didn't bother to pay attention to him, squinting at the dark sky outside the window.

The team competition was over, and Shen Juan looked at their undefeated record with regret, and after receiving a few rewards, he opened a match to enjoy himself.

Just as he was pushing to the opponent's high ground, his left shoulder suddenly felt heavy.

Shen Juanyi was so frightened that his skills were exhausted. He turned his head and saw that Zhao Yu, who was leaning against the wall and fell asleep from exhaustion, slowly slid down, his head just resting on his shoulder.

The room was quiet, except for the sound effects of the game from his mobile phone.

She wore a high ponytail, and the broken hair on her forehead was wet with sweat and fell down, slanting across the bridge of her nose, casting a few inches of shadow.

In such a moment of stupefaction, his character was caught and killed by the opponent's assassin. Shen Juan muttered a few words, but he didn't dare to move his hands casually like before, and moved his body carefully, sitting up with his back straighter, so that she could lean on more stably.

Twenty seconds later, the character was revived. He carefully manipulated little Luban to walk forward. It seemed that he was affected by his master's state of mind. Little Luban's walking posture seemed to be less arrogant than before.

The assassin on the opposite side seemed to find that Lu Ban was the worst in the team, and kept chasing him to kill him.

Shen Juanyi kept staring at the small map to prevent being caught again, but the weight of his shoulders and her warm breath sweeping over his neck made him unable to concentrate at all. After being caught dead by the assassin squatting in the grass again, Shen Juanyi Silence went crazy for a while, and simply quit the game directly.

Zhao Yu was still asleep.

She was really tired, because it was her own concert, and she put in a lot more effort and energy than him. Shen Juanyi turned his head slowly, and being so close, the girl's deodorant after exercising on her body entangled some unknown perfume straight into his nostrils.

It was warm, different from her usual fierce temperament, and it smelled very comfortable and cozy.

Shen Juanyi looked at it for a long time, blinked her eyes, held her breath, and slowly, slowly, raised her hand to poke her thick eyelashes lightly.

is soft.

Xia Yuan's message popped up on WeChat, "This round is over, pull me!"

Shen Juan replied with one hand, "Still in the rehearsal room, don't fight."

Xia Yuan, "Haven't you gone back yet? Where's my sister?"

Shen Juan said, "Fall asleep."

Xia Yuan, "How do you sleep in the rehearsal room? The floor is very cold!"

Shen Juanyi tilted his head and glanced at the head on his shoulders, grinned silently, then took out his mobile phone and clicked on the camera, gestured with his left hand to Zhao Yu's face, grinning to reveal a row of big white teeth, and pressed the selfie button.

――Shen Junyi [picture] just sleep like this

Xia Yuan sent a row of exclamation points over, "Ah, Xiao Yu is so cute and wants to rua!!!"

——Shen Junyi is dead, I can't even play the game

—— Xia Yuan? ? ? ? ? You really do not know the blessings in the blessing! ! ! With such a cute little Yu sleeping on your shoulder, you just want to play games? ? ? You don't have any other ideas? ?

——Shen Juanyi, what can I think about her? Do you have thoughts about your sister

——Xia Yuan, I have no idea about my sister, but I also don’t want to touch her waist

——Shen Juanyi

——Xia Yuan reflect on it carefully, why do you want to touch your sister's waist