Heaven’s Greatest Plan

Chapter 7


After school starts, there will be military training. Before that, Zhao Yu will take part in the company's promotion assessment.

The assessment lasted for three days, and Zhao Yu was arranged for the afternoon of the last day. The students in the elementary class had already finished their exams, and the results hadn't come out yet. When Lin Zhinan came downstairs to pick her up, his face was visibly nervous.

Zhao Yu comforted her: "Didn't you say that you performed well, this time there must be no problem!"

Lin Zhinan sighed, and asked her again: "How are you preparing?"

Zhao Yu gave her an OK gesture.

Because he has always been the object of the teacher's praise, as soon as Zhao Yu entered, the examiners couldn't help but straighten their bodies, showing a little expectation.

Zhao Yu was not nervous at first, but being stared at like this, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, comforting himself in his heart, can this be compared to the art test? Don't be afraid! hold on!

The assessment is divided into two parts, one is basic skills, and the other is singing and dancing performances.

Zhao Yu quickly passed the basic skills test, and when it came to the singing and dancing test, she took a deep breath and nodded to the sound engineer after a long time.

When the music started, the examiner below raised his eyebrows, and one of them tilted his head to communicate: "Is this Shen Junyi's song?"

"Yes, "So busy". This song is quite difficult. She actually chose this song. It seems that she is very sure of her own ability."

"So busy" is Shen Junyi's single released in the first half of the year, and it is still at the top of the music chart. Whether it is dance or vocal, it is not easy. The dance part is very masculine, and it is not suitable for girls to dance.

Zhao Yu practiced for a long time.

During the period, the teacher suggested that she change the song. It is still too difficult for her to dance this song with her current strength.

But this is the song that Shen Junyi won the best single this year.

She wants to use his award-winning song to accompany her upward.

Every movement, every dance step, she has practiced so well that it has become a muscle memory. She made a few adaptations, but still kept the essence of the song. When the male power is displayed by the female, it is more sexy and sassy.

When the music stopped, Zhao Yu finally dared to take a big breath.

The examiner whispered a few words, looked up and commented: "The breath is still not stable, the vocal needs to be strengthened."

Zhao Yu suddenly held his breath.

The examiner said with a smile, "However, if you can dance this song completely without a single mistake, you are already very good."

Only then did Zhao Yu heave a long sigh of relief, and asked expectantly, "Did I pass?"

The examiner was amused by her childishness: "You will know tomorrow."

When I went out, several students from the elementary class were waiting outside, and when they saw her coming out, they all surrounded her: "How is it? Did you make any mistakes?"

Zhao Yu felt aggrieved: "The chorus part is a bit floating, and the breath is not steady."

Everyone comforted them, and then sighed and said, "You shouldn't have chosen Shen Junyi's song, it's too difficult. But his song is indeed very expressive, and it's more eye-catching. It depends on how the examiner judges."

Several people were walking and discussing, when a sneer came from the side: "Some people just want to fly after learning how to walk, so they dare to dance "So busy"."

Zhao Yu glanced at Feng You and was about to speak, but Lin Zhinan helped her out first: "What? You are the only one who can dance Shen Juanyi's dance? You bought the exclusive copyright with Shen Juanyi?"

Only then did Zhao Yu know that Feng You had also selected Shen Junyi's song for the assessment.

The girl next to her whispered: "She is too domineering, and just because she likes Shen Juanyi, she can't understand that others also choose his songs."

Zhao Yu: "?"

She asked, "What?"

The girl pursed her lips: "She is Shen Juanyi's fan."

Zhao Yu: "..."

She gave Feng You a hard look.

…Suddenly felt that she was not so annoying anymore.

The friends around me are all Huo Xi's fans, but the opposing camp is Barley. This world is too magical!

After the assessment was over, Zhao Yu was going back to school to prepare for the next half month of military training. Lin Zhinan promised to send her a message as soon as the assessment results came out tomorrow.

It was already dark when we arrived at the dormitory. Zhao Yu bought supper and went home. As soon as he went in, he saw three roommates screaming and watching Horch's video, so he didn't want to give them supper.

Declining the invitation of his roommates to watch the video together, Zhao Yu sat on the bed wearing earphones and secretly checked Shen Junyi's related news.

Lin Yi sent her a WeChat message: Yuyu, next Friday my brother will have an endorsement store event, do you want to go together! No need to grab tickets! Let's go squat early!

Zhao Yu sent a crying emoji: I will be in military training next week.

Lin Yi said: Oh yes, I almost forgot that you are a freshman, hahaha, then go on, remember to put on more sunscreen, I will shoot a live video for you.

The two chatted for a few words, Zhao Yu glanced at the roommate who burst into nympho screams from time to time, and couldn't help asking Lin Yi: Yiyi, is that Huo Xi very popular recently? I think his stats are almost catching up with us.

Lin Yi replied with three exclamation marks in seconds, and then said: He is Xuhuo! We don't bother to look down on him! Yuyu, remember, the most important thing in chasing stars is to focus on yourself!

Starchaser Xiaobai Zhao Yu: Okay! I remember!

Early the next morning, the military training officially began.

You can't bring your mobile phone with you during training. Zhao Yu was a little out of control all morning, and he didn't rush back to the dormitory until lunch time to check the assessment results sent by Lin Zhinan.

There have been several messages on WeChat:

— Lin Zhinan: Ah, we all passed the assessment! ! !

— Lin Zhinan: Feng Youzhong has never been promoted, we are now in the same class as her, I don't know whether to be happy or irritable...

—Lin Zhinan: You broke her two-month record! Everyone is talking about you now! Feng You's face stinks, it's a pity you can't see it hahahahaha

— Lin Zhinan: Well, they are all fans of Shen Junyi, why is there such a big difference

Zhao Yu's nerves, which had been tense all morning, finally relaxed, and he happily replied with an emoji.

Lin Zhinan replied in seconds: Yuyu is the best!

Zhao Yu: Nannan is also great! Come on and train, wait for me to come back!

Lin Zhinan: Don't slack off at school, the training intensity of the intermediate class is getting stronger, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up when you come back.

Zhao Yu: Do you think military training is easy? !

The intensity of the military training was not low. These freshmen endured devil-like torture every day. Zhao Yuquan regarded it as physical training. In addition to the previous month's training, she actually managed it quite easily.

Because she has practiced ballet and has a good figure, the instructor saw it, yo, this girl stands in a standard military posture!

Take her out as a model.

Boys looked at her, and girls looked at her too, so Zhao Yu, who had just been promoted from Shehua to Class Flower, was awarded the title of School Flower. The roommate excitedly hugged her and shook her wildly: "School belle! School belle! Yuyu is awesome!"

Zhao Yu seemed very calm about honor and disgrace: "Leave Liao in normal operation, calm down."

Roommate: "...why does it feel like Yuyu is a little narcissistic?"

Another roommate: "Be confident, remove the appearance, she is very narcissistic."

Zhao Yu: "I don't have it!"

Roommate: "Narcissism is not self-aware."

Zhao Yu: "..."

Am I really narcissistic? She was a little unconvinced.

After a day of military training, when he went to take a shower, Zhao Yu looked at himself in the mirror, touched his collarbone, touched his vest line, and finally commented pertinently: "I have a really good figure!"

Half a month of military training passed by.

Although she was wearing sunscreen, Zhao Yu was still a little tanned, but this did not affect her appearance, but her temperament became cooler because of her complexion.

After finishing the military training and returning to normal classes, Zhao Yu started to run away from the company and school. Fortunately, we have already coordinated with the school at the beginning of the term, so there will be no delay at both ends, but she will be more tired than others.

The school curriculum also includes dance training, and Zhao Yu feels that he has made up for the water in the past ten years of dancing.

The laziness I stole when I was a child is all sweat now QAQ

During English class in the classroom, Lin Zhinan called. Zhao Yu glanced at the stern English teacher on the podium, and picked up the phone.

Unexpectedly, she called again just after hanging up. Zhao Yu sneaked under the desk, covered his mouth and said in a breathy voice, "What are you doing! I'm in class!"

The voice on the other end was so high-pitched: "Come back to the company quickly! Shen Juanyi is here!"

Zhao Yu: "!!!"

The stern voice of the English teacher came from the podium: "What are the students below doing? You can go out if you don't want to attend class!"

Zhao Yu: "..."

Her English is already bad, and the final exam is probably a little low. If the class points are deducted, this subject will probably fail.

He could only grit his teeth and hang up Lin Zhinan's phone call, then sneakily sent back a message: I'll be right back after class!

Lin Zhinan: By the time you finish class, the day lily will be cold! He came to see a choreographer, and he was about to leave after the chat, so Feng You went to ask for an autographed photo! You are going to miss your idol!

Zhao Yu panicked a lot: You help me hold him back!

Lin Zhinan:? ? ? Who do you think I am? ? ? Can I hold back Shen Juan and I'm still messing around here? ?

Zhao Yu didn't reply to her message again.

Looking at the crowd outside the office, Lin Zhinan couldn't help stamping his feet.

More than an hour later, the door of the office opened from the inside, and Shen Juanyi walked out while chatting with the choreographer teacher while smiling. This was Lin Zhinan's first time seeing a real person, and he was caught off guard by the beauty attack. When he realized it, Shen Juanyi had almost walked into the elevator.

It's fine if Yu Yu can't see the real person, but you have to see the video no matter what!

Lin Zhinan quickly took out his mobile phone to take a video, but the assistant who was following Shen Juanyi found out, and immediately said, "No taking pictures!"

Lin Zhinan shook his hands and put down the phone in embarrassment.

Shen Juanyi, who was chatting with the choreographer, looked up, and smiled friendlyly at Lin Zhinan's embarrassed expression: "Do you want a group photo?"

Lin Zhinan swallowed his saliva, walked over slowly, summoned up his courage and said, "I don't want a group photo, can I have an autograph?"

Shen Juan smiled and nodded: "Okay."

He was so approachable, Lin Zhinan felt a little embarrassed.

After taking the signature, Shen Juanyi waved to her before walking into the elevator. Lin Zhinan looked at the notes flying on the paper, and at the smiling young man inside, thinking to himself: No wonder Yu Yu likes him.

Even though she didn't meet the real person, Yuyu should be happy to get an autograph!

Lin Zhinan happily put the signature back in his pocket, and was about to leave when the elevator door next to him opened with a "ding", and Zhao Yu rushed out of it profusely in sweat, and immediately asked, "Where's the person?!"

Lin Zhinan pointed to the elevator next to him and stomped: "Just get in!!! Hurry up! Let's take the stairs! We can still catch up!"

The first floor is the lobby, and the second floor is the circular staircase corridor.

When he ran to the second floor, he happened to see Shen Juanyi and his group walking towards the revolving glass door.

Lin Zhinan dragged her anxiously and wanted to run down, but Zhao Yu suddenly grabbed her.

Lin Zhinan turned his head and saw that she was panting, but her eyes were fixed on the revolving door, and whispered, "I'm not going, just take a look here."

Lin Zhinan was even more anxious than she: "We need to take a photo together!"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "No, just take a look."

Lin Zhinan hated iron but steel: "Why are you so cowardly!"

Zhao Yu looked at his back as he went away, and it took a long time before he said slowly: "Not yet."

The author has something to say:

We, Yuyu, are coming back as queens!