Heaven’s Greatest Plan

Chapter 8


It wasn't until Shen Juanyi and his party completely disappeared at the door that Zhao Yu looked away and sighed sadly, "Let's go back."

Lin Zhinan stared at her for a long time, then took out his autograph and handed it over: "Take it!"

Zhao Yu saw the handsome signature on it, and was silent for a while. She is familiar with his handwriting, after all, his previous summer vacation life was written by him.

This signature should have been designed by someone, but the strokes still reveal his habit.

Zhao Yu said sadly: "No more, you can keep it."

Lin Zhinan: "???" She looked at her in disbelief for a while, "Are you a fake fan?"

Zhao Yu: "..."

Lin Zhinan glanced at the signature, and stuffed it back into his pocket: "I'll keep it, I'll keep it, I think Shen Juanyi is pretty good." She put her hands together: "So handsome, with a good figure! I really want to touch it Oh his abs!"

Zhao Yu: "... Return the signature to me!"

Lin Zhinan made a face at her, smiled and ran away.

When they returned to the training room, everyone was still discussing the arrival of Shen Junyi. Even if they were not his fans, they were all impressed by his appearance and figure. With such a good personality, many girls are clamoring to become fans.

Because Feng You got the signature of the group photo, the smile on his face never faded, and he was in a good mood to share his works and daily life with his companions who are not familiar with Shen Junyi.

- "Of course that scandal is false! He often shares those goldfish with his fans, and each fish has a name! But in the end, he still didn't feed them. Last month he held a funeral for the goldfish."

——"His character is actually stupid. Didn't he participate in a variety show when he first debuted, and then two female guests in it tied him up to stir up scandals and sent a lot of announcements. Usually, the company issued a statement to refute the rumors, and the result of the interview When the reporter asked about this incident, he directly said it was fake, because no one is worthy of him at present hahahahaha. Because this incident has really been scolded for a long time, it is really distressing and funny."

—"He really worked hard. Compared with the current stage when he first debuted, he has made great progress. At that time, fans would say to pick up the plane, you have to train hard, you know, you can't be underestimated by others! He said, I know, I know Don't rush, I'm working hard. It's really cute!"

When every star chasing girl talks about her idol, her eyes are shining.

As Feng You was talking, he suddenly found that his number one competitor, Zhao Yu, approached him at some point, listening quite seriously.

She glanced at her, "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yu: "... I'll just listen to it."

Since Lin Zhinan discovered the phone wallpaper last time, Zhao Yu changed the photos, and no one except Lin Zhinan knew that she also liked Shen Juanyi.

Feng You snorted, but he didn't drive her away, and continued to Amway Idol.

In fact, Zhao Yu hadn't had any contact with Shen Juanyi since he was in high school.

The little brother in her memory will always be a refreshing young man full of summer atmosphere on the day they first met. The short summer vacation time every year is all she spends with him.

In her presence, he has always been the friendly and enthusiastic brother next door.

But now, listening to the boy Feng You was talking about, I realized that I didn't know him well. She is only familiar with one side of him, because she is the little sister of the neighbor's family, so he always looks like that in front of her.

The more you listen, the more you understand, the farther away you find yourself from him.

Hearing the end, Zhao Yu silently got up and went to practice.

Let's train.

Walk to him early and get familiar with all his facets.

After entering the intermediate class, the training intensity is greater, and both dance and vocal training are more difficult. Day after day, boring and exhausting, seems to have no end.

Jiang Lei and Jiang Yu's expected quitting halfway has not come yet.

Although Zhao Yu cried out that she was tired every day, as long as someone said "Forget it, don't practice", she immediately jumped up again like chicken blood.

Sometimes Jiang Yu and Yang Jie met at work, and when asked about his niece's training, Yang Jie was full of praise, to the point where Jiang Yu wondered if his niece had been dropped during the training.

The weather in Beijing turned from hot to cool, and after winter, heavy snow fell.

It rarely snows in Sichuan, and even if it does, it is only a thin layer. Zhao Yu is quite excited to see the city covered by the vast snow. After the school's winter vacation, she moved back to the trainee dormitory for intensive training.

Last month, the company conducted another internal assessment, but this time neither Zhao Yu nor Lin Zhinan participated. They knew their own strengths, so there was no need to test them.

Feng You didn't participate either. The blow of the first kill was a bit big for her, and she is not 100% sure now. With her strong personality, she won't be ashamed again.

When Chinese New Year is approaching, the company also gives trainees a one-week long vacation.

Jiang Yu finished filming early this year, so he finally doesn't have to work during the Chinese New Year. He hasn't gotten together with everyone for several years. After discussing with Jiang Lei, he decided to go to Hangzhou to celebrate the New Year together this year.

Jiang Lei and Zhao Kangning left a few days early, and Zhao Yu left Beijing, but was the last one back home.

She hadn't been to Hangzhou for several years, and Hangzhou without Shen Junyi was no longer attractive to her.

The development is changing with each passing day, and even the streets have been widened a lot.

It was the noon of the New Year's Eve when we arrived home. When Zhao Yu dragged his suitcase and walked in from the alley, the courtyard door not far from the next door opened from the inside. Grandma Shen, who hadn't seen her for many years, came out with a stove in her arms. She looked up and saw her. After looking at it for a while, I recognized it: "Is it Xiao Yu? Xiao Yu is here?"

Zhao Yu was still playing with his mobile phone. Hearing the voice, he looked up. When he saw the old woman standing at the door, she looked startled, and then walked over quickly: "Grandma Shen, it's me. Why are you so thin? okay?"

The old man held her hand and said cheerfully: "Okay, okay, I haven't seen you for many years, and you have grown into a big girl."

A nanny and a doctor came from behind, and helped the old man: "Grandma, the car is coming soon, let's go."

Grandma Shen nodded, and said to Zhao Yu: "Xiao Yu, come and play again when grandma comes back in the afternoon."

Zhao Yu nodded in agreement with a smile, and then asked the doctors and nurses, "Is grandma alright?"

The doctor said: "It's okay, just go to the hospital for a routine checkup."

The old man was several times thinner than she remembered. Zhao Yu watched them go away, and when they got home to pack their luggage, they asked Jiang Yu about Grandma Shen.

But Jiang Yu didn't spend much time at home, so he didn't know what to ask. In the end, when relatives and friends who lived nearby came to visit, Zhao Yu found out that Grandma Shen had been diagnosed with cancer two years ago.

Once the elderly are infected with cancer, they are basically terminally ill.

Fortunately, Grandma Shen is not yet at the advanced stage. After the operation, she has been undergoing treatment, and there is no sign of recurrence in the past two years.

The adults sighed while eating melon seeds: "Grandma Shen has a good life and raised a good grandson. If her grandson hadn't become a celebrity and made money, where would the hundreds of thousands of treatment expenses come from?"

Shen Juanyi's father passed away in an accident many years ago.

He was brought up by his grandma.

Zhao Yu sat on the small bench peeling oranges, feeling a little sad. She counted the time silently, the year when Grandma Shen fell ill seemed to be the year when Shen Juanyi signed a contract with Huachang.

She never understood why he would suddenly become a star.

Is it because of grandma's illness

At that time, he was only a sophomore, and graduation was nowhere in sight. After his father passed away, his mother remarried. It is said that a new family was formed and another child was born.

The only thing grandma can rely on is him.

How to make up the hundreds of thousands or even millions of treatment expenses.

At that time, he must be very anxious.

The adults chatting suddenly called her: "Yuyu, what's the matter with you? Why are your eyes so red?"

Zhao Yu raised his head at once, still holding the orange tightly in his hand, and stammered, "The orange juice splashed into my eyes."

The adults smiled and handed her the paper.

In the afternoon, when Grandma Shen returned home after the inspection, Zhao Yu heard the sound and ran to knock on the door. The doctor and nurse opened the door and saw her, smiled and said, "Grandma is talking about you."

This courtyard located in the alley is still the same as it used to be, but the furniture inside has been refurbished, and convenient facilities have been specially designed for the elderly to travel, making it very comfortable to live in.

The family hired a nanny and two nurses. Because of the Chinese New Year, there are window grilles on the windows and red lanterns hanging under the eaves, making it look very joyful.

Grandma Shen was very happy to see her, Zhao Yu talked with the old man for a while, then asked hesitantly, "Grandma, isn't brother Juanyi coming back for the New Year?"

Grandma Shen cheerfully said, "If you want to come back, you will come back. He is going to the Spring Festival Gala tonight, and he will be back in two days."

Speaking of grandson, the old man's cloudy eyes are full of pride. Zhao Yu is actually not very good at chatting with elders, and most of the time he listens silently.

I heard Grandma Shen babbling about how good her grandson is, saying that his father was a sketch performer in the art troupe back then, and his biggest wish was to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Today, the father's wish is finally realized by the son.

Like a child showing off, Grandma Shen asked the nurse to turn on the TV and tune to the channel with Shen Junyi's program: "Xiao Yu, have you watched our Junjun program? This kid is on camera, just like his dad. His dad likes it Performing on the stage, you see, our Junjun sings and dances, just like his father did back then... "

In fact, the old man can hardly see the TV screen clearly. He squinted his eyes and talked, and it was more of a distant dream.

Zhao Yu felt sad for no reason.

This is the first time for Shen Junyi to attend the Spring Festival Gala after his debut.

Zhao Yu remembered an interview show he had seen before. The host asked him what his greatest wish is now, and he smiled and said that he wanted to be on the Spring Festival Gala.

At that time, this meme was still on the hot search, and the onlookers laughed, saying that they had never seen such a real idol.

Even fans thought he was just joking around.

Actually, I really want to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

I want grandma to see him.

I want to realize the dream that my father didn't realize at the beginning.