Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 1: small town


Qingshan Town was originally an ordinary town located halfway up the mountain. It was rarely visited by outsiders, but now it became a hot topic because of Qi Guo's examination.

"Next, Fenghua County candidate, Xia Fan." The invigilator read out while holding the list.

Xia Fan, whose name was called, walked out of the team and handed over his wooden sword and package.

Immediately, two assistants took the package, unwrapped it, and carefully looked at the items inside.

"Clothes, two sets, legal."

"Medicine bag, one bag, compliant."

"Raise paper, a stack, comply with regulations."

"Qianyin..." When he found the money bag, one person shook it in his hand and couldn't help showing a surprised look, "It's less than five taels."

A few chuckles suddenly came from behind Xia Fan. Although the voice was muffled, he could still vaguely hear words like pauper and country bumpkin.

"As long as it doesn't exceed the limit, it's compliant with the regulations." The invigilator didn't react at all, as if he had seen many similar scenes. "Press your fingerprint here and cross the bridge."

Xia Fan did as he was told and crossed the small suspension bridge connecting the inside and outside of the town.

At this time, he truly entered the "examination room."

And those candidates at the front were already running all over the street.

It seemed that they had the same idea as him, Xia Fan secretly thought that when he came to a strange place, the first thing he had to do was to get familiar with the conditions here in order to prepare for the next assessment.

Half an hour later, after visiting the town, he finally had a general understanding of the "examination room".

The town was much smaller than he thought. Rather than a town, it would be more appropriate to call it a village.

It is located in a remote place, backed by mountains and isolated by rift valleys. The only access to the outside world is a suspension bridge made of hemp ropes and wooden boards.

The surrounding vegetation is lush and green, with big trees as far as the eye can see, and you can smell the fragrance of moist earth while walking on the road. In another era, this isolated residence would undoubtedly have been a stunning sight in the eyes of some people, and there would be no problem with it being a tourist attraction close to nature. However, at this moment, isolation means poverty and backwardness.

Four criss-crossing dirt roads roughly divide the town into a tic-tac-toe. There are less than thirty houses, most of which are bungalows with thatched roofs, and some even show signs of being abandoned for many years. Apparently, its size is shrinking over the years.

The center of the tic-tac-toe is a little more like a town. There are at least two-story blue brick houses along the road, as well as a hotel and a teahouse.

And this place has naturally become the most lively area in Qingshan Town.

"Brother, excuse me," someone suddenly tapped Xia Fan on the shoulder, "Are you from Fenghua County too?"

Xia Fan turned around and saw a fat man about his age looking at him with a smile on his face, and even some hope in his eyes.

"That's right, I didn't know you were..."

"Hi, fellow fellow." The other party seemed to be relieved, "My name is Wei Wushuang. I was two or three people behind you in the queue. I happened to hear the examiner's question."

"I see."

Seeing Xia Fan raise his eyebrows, Wei Wushuang quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't think there is anything wrong with only bringing half a bag of money. After all, not everyone is a disciple of everyone, it's just those disciples of the sect who have high arrogance and like to look down on others. To be honest, , I hate them too."

"By the way, how about we go in and have a drink and talk?" He glanced at the teahouse, "I'll treat you to this meal."

Is this considered acquaintance or showing courtesy for nothing? Thinking that nothing happened anyway, Xia Fan agreed. He was also a little curious about what the other party's plan was.

Sitting down at an empty table on the second floor, Wei Wushuang skillfully ordered a pot of green tea, and also added a plate of boiled peanuts and a plate of raw cut pig ears. It was obvious that he was also a frequent restaurant visitor.

It seems quite ordinary, but Xia Fan knows that this is by no means the normal life of ordinary people. Those who can go to restaurants in this era usually have some spare money at home.

At least he never did.

This can be considered as experiencing life from another perspective.

"You're welcome," Wei Wushuang made a gesture of invitation, "If you want to eat anything else, just tell me."

"That's enough." Xia Fan poured himself a cup of tea, "Money is limited, so it's best to use it sparingly. I don't know how long this exam will last."

"That's right." Speaking of the exam, Wei Wushuang's expression became obviously depressed, "I heard that although the admission rate for the scholar's examination is not low, there are differences between the pros and cons. If you are rated as inferior, it is better not to be selected. After all, It's a hard-working job. But... Hey, you and I both come from small households, so how can we compare with those high-ranking disciples from aristocratic families?"

Every time he heard about the Shi Kao, Xia Fan always had an indescribable feeling in his heart. Although he had long accepted that this was reality, he still could not ignore the strangeness caused by the collision of two common senses.

Yes, in this world, various visions that were originally active in ghost stories and legends have become a common phenomenon; they definitely do not exist in a certain mountain col, tomb or remote wasteland, but actually affect people. All aspects of life. In order to deal with these evil events, each dynasty set up a privy council and selected relevant talents to protect one side's safety.

Its selection method is a public examination, and all those admitted are alchemists. Not only do they have official status, but their treatment is the same as that of ordinary officials. Therefore, over time, the Shikao has gradually become the third largest national unified examination after the science and martial arts examinations. And because the Privy Council is not among the six ministries and is under the direct control of His Majesty the Emperor, it has gained momentum in recent years. Above the martial arts exam.

Like the scientific examination, the scholar examination is also held once every three years, but the format is not divided into autumn, spring and spring. Anyone who is willing can apply for registration before the summer exam. Passing the identity review is equivalent to being admitted to the exam. qualifications. The examination usually lasts for several days, and the ranking can be determined after the end.

According to the information Xia Fan had heard before, the admission rate for the civil service examination was between half and half, which seemed to be much more relaxed than the scientific examination. However, considering the responsibilities of the alchemist, this is also reasonable. After all, the number of people taking the civil service examination is much lower than that of the scientific examination, and at the same time, the examination is held every three years. If the requirements are raised further, it will inevitably lead to a shortage of manpower in the Privy Council, which will affect the safety of various places.

It's just that the exams will always be divided into high and low. Even if the alchemist who barely passes the test has an official status, the place he will be assigned will not be much better. The problem is that no matter how poor the place is, those civil servants who take office will only live in poverty. If they slowly gain seniority, they will always have a chance to turn around. But the Privy Council is different. No one can avoid dealing with all kinds of strange phenomena. It is not surprising that someone accidentally dies in the line of duty.

With this difference, it's no wonder Wei Wushuang is worried about his ranking.

"You have to sign up and participate voluntarily for the examination. If you didn't come, you wouldn't have these worries." Xia Fan said unconcernedly. The other party is obviously not the kind of person who needs to take a chance. He always has some spare money in his pocket and can go out to restaurants on weekdays. This kind of person can live a comfortable life even if he is not an official. There is no need to take risks.

"I'm not afraid of brother's jokes. I was driven here by my father." Wei Wushuang grinned helplessly, "He said that if you do business to the end, he is just a businessman. Compared with a serious official, he is simply It's a thousand miles away! He also said that if I didn't come, I would be ashamed of my ancestors, the talent given by God, and the rice I eat. Of course, the main reason is the rice in his hand. Leather whip…”

Xia Fan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "You shouldn't be the eldest son in the family, right?"

"You also know this?" Wei Wushuang took a sip of tea dullly, "My father has three sons and two daughters, and I am the second oldest."

It seems that they are indeed biological.

But he himself was not much better - during his stay in Fenghua County, his master not only lost his money, but also lost a fortune in gambling because he wanted to recover the loss quickly, and almost lost his life. Now the master is being held by the casino, waiting for him to pass the alchemist exam and go back with his salary to redeem people. It is really embarrassing as much as it is embarrassing.

If it weren't for the fact that his master picked him up as an orphan and took care of him for more than ten years, Xia Fan would have really wanted to leave him and run away.

He shook his head, putting aside this unpleasant memory for the time being, and decided to get straight to the point, "What do you want to talk about when you invite me to tea?"

"Eh? No, it's nothing..." Wei Wushuang was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "I think since we are both from Fenghua County, we might be able to get together and take care of each other. If you have Please, I can help you."

"That's all?" Xia Fan asked calmly.

"Of course, I don't mean anything else." After being stared at for a moment, Wei Wushuang coughed twice, "Well, it would be great if we can help each other in the next taxi test. Of course, we are not violating the rules. Under such circumstances, I would never think of bribing your brother with a bowl of tea!"

"You mean... cooperation?"

"Yes, cooperation." Wei Wushuang nodded repeatedly, "I think this scholar's examination is very different from the other two major examinations. Cooperating with each other may not be considered cheating."

"Why do you see it?" Xia Fan slowly took a sip of tea.

"Take Qiu Wei, for example. When you go to the examination hall, you have to be searched before being sent in. There are partitions in the courtyard. Once you enter, you are not allowed to make any noise, let alone talk to others. In fact, even going to the toilet is not allowed. We have to be accompanied by the invigilator. But look here -" Wei Wushuang looked around the teahouse, "We are already in the examination room, but we can't help but whisper to each other, and we can even talk while eating!"

"There are also those wearing the same set of robes," he sneered at a big table in the center, "I noticed that they have been together since they lined up. They are all children of aristocratic families, and they should know some news that we don't know. If it's like Like the science examination, everyone is a competitor, so they don't have to be wary of their peers, but it seems that the situation is not like that now. I think the science examination may allow everyone to help pass the examination, and it is a group of people The advantage is greater than one person’s.”

Xia Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This guy seems a bit stupid, but his observation skills are unexpectedly good.

For a young man who has not yet reached the crown, this is already a rare thing.

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