Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 101: Alchemy and weapons


The leader was killed so quickly, and the rest also lost their fighting spirit. They either knelt down and surrendered or scattered. Those who tried to escape were caught up and knocked down by Shanhui. The ambush team of more than fifty people ran back to the county seat. No.

Xia Fan walked to Li and picked up the weapon dropped by Ueno Jiuji.

He was surprised to find that it was actually a gorgeous musket.

"What is this?" Li asked, wiping the blood on his hands.

"Hand gun, similar to a small crossbow." Xia Fan checked the firearm and confirmed his judgment - it has no magazine and runner, and it is still in a simple front-loading state. Ignition devices have appeared, and they can be fired by pulling the trigger, but only for one round. In other words, this gun can only be used in a last-ditch effort and cannot be used as a regular weapon.

He squatted down and groped for a while on the dead warrior's body, and found a small bag of lead bullets and a bag of something similar to gunpowder.

Obviously, the existence of Qi has not hindered the exploration and research of natural phenomena by people in the world, and perhaps it has accelerated it a bit.

At least he had never seen similar weapons in the hands of guards in Gaoshan County or Jinxia City.

In addition, Xia Fan also found several daggers, a bag of medicine, two talismans and a waist card. Coupled with that musket, if Ueno and Ueno really get into a long fight, I'm afraid it will be much more difficult to deal with than Xie Sui.

"Master Xia, what do you plan to do with these people?" Nai Qing, who shocked the entire audience, walked over and asked, carrying a long bloody knife.

Of the fifty or so people, more than thirty were dead in less than half a quarter of an hour. The twenty or so people alive had completely lost their will to fight, and there was only fear in their eyes.

Especially when they look at the mountain light that looks like a giant wolf.

"Have you asked about your identity?"

"Yes, they are not from Dongsheng Kingdom, but Donghai Gang thugs recruited by the Wang family. The superiors only said they wanted to kill one person, but did not tell them that they were dealing with people from the Privy Council Office."

In other words, except for the Ueno samurai who led the team, everyone else was a rabble.

Is this considered the Wang family underestimating their enemy

No, I'm afraid Wang Yi'an himself didn't understand the situation clearly - if he could immediately receive the news of the meeting between Ning Wanjun and the evil horse witch, it could only mean that there was a mole around the princess.

Perhaps he thought that a warrior who was good at battle and more than fifty thugs were enough to surround and suppress an alchemist who only knew how to shock.

From a common sense point of view, his judgment is really not wrong.

How can ordinary people imagine that the primer required for the earthquake technique has changed from a rare thing like lightning strike wood to a readily available copper wire pendant

It's just that after this failed attack, the other party should be more vigilant.

Xia Fan quickly sorted out the situation in his mind, "Tie up everyone who is still alive and hand them over to Li Xing to take back to Jinxia City tomorrow morning."

This group of people had seen Shanhui's Tengu form and could not leave it to the custody of the Fenghua County officials. If Yang Zhixian here was also connected with the Wang family, then the rumor of a new recruit in the headquarters who was harboring monsters would probably spread the next day. The streets are full of them.

Of course, he could also kill all the surrenderers to silence them completely, but he always found it difficult to say such an order to kill prisoners in order to save trouble.

Now that he is in a high position, a single thought can kill someone and even affect the people of the place. Because of this, Xia Fan feels that he should make judgments more carefully.

"Where's the dead one?"

"I will notify the government and ask them to clean up the scene."

Less than a week after taking office, the Wang family dared to send people to surround and kill the whole house. There was a high probability that this was under the instruction of the Privy Council. After all, from the surface, he belonged to the princess's faction, and he had not yet directly threatened the Wang family's status.

Xia Fan had a vague feeling in his heart that the moment when the two sides completely broke up would not be too far away.

Returning to Jinxia City, he immediately placed the musket in front of Ning Wanjun.

"Does Qi Guo have such a thing?"

"Isn't this a pocket gun?" Ning Wanjun picked up the gun with interest and made a shooting gesture - obviously she had seen this thing before, "Where did you get it?"

Xia Fan recounted his trip to Fenghua County, "Judging from the handle pattern, it doesn't look like Qi Guo's style."

"Indeed, as far as I know, the Ministry of Industry does not produce this thing."

"Why, this is the key to entering the age of firearms!"

It would be fine if the senior management hadn't heard of it, but judging from the other party's tone, it was clear that the senior management not only knew about it, but also didn't take it seriously. This means that Qiguo has fallen behind others in the development of firearms.

"The age of firearms?" Ning Wanjun raised an eyebrow, "It's just a cannon in the sleeve, is it as important as you say? It has little power and slow shooting. It may not be able to hit anyone within twenty steps, let alone an alchemist. The military has studied it and found that this weapon is flashy and the materials it consumes are not as good as those used to make cannons."

"Wait, forge a cannon?" Xia Fan asked, "What cannon?"

"A technology passed down from the Far West. It's about this big. The principle is similar to that of a sleeve gun." The princess stretched out her hand and gestured. In Xia Fan's eyes, she turned the other person sideways. It was basically close to the size she described. " Although the attack is also slow, if it hits, at least it will result in death or injury."

Emotional gunpowder weapons have begun to emerge in this world.

"Qi Guo's army also has equipment?"

"This is a military aircraft," Ning Wanjun glanced at him, "but it doesn't hurt to tell you. There are few similar equipment in the frontier army, and only the Royal Guards of the Holy Spirit are equipped with a small amount. It has too many shortcomings, it consumes both iron and copper. It is extremely heavy and not suitable for fast movement in the wild. More importantly, the iron cannon is easily restrained by Fang Shu, especially Li Shu, Xun Shu and Kan Shu. If someone from the Ministry of Industry had not insisted on improving it, it would have been improved long ago. Knocked out.”

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details." Xia Fan asked curiously.

"Why, this thing is actually not ordinary?" The princess noticed his concerned attitude and couldn't help but become serious, "Some Lishu can detonate saltpeter powder at a long distance, allowing it to in turn kill the opponent who is firing the cannon; Sundanese can change it through The direction of the wind makes the iron cannon lose its accuracy - this trick is also often used when dealing with archers. There are even more tricks. Creating dense fog, illusions, and false shadows can limit the enemy's long-range attacks and force them to close. Fighting in person. The above tactics have been tested in actual combat and are not just my fantasy."

Xia Fan suddenly had a general idea in his mind. It turned out that the Qiguo army had put it into actual combat long ago. However, the performance of this artillery was not satisfactory, so it was not popularized.

This is indeed information that only the third princess can master.

If he hadn't cooperated with Ning Wanjun, it might have been a long time before he came into contact with the relevant information.

Because he has seen the development of firearms, Xia Fan has a completely different view on this point of view - just like when trains first came out, they were not as good as horse-drawn carriages, but products that transcend the times will eventually transcend the times. It can be upgraded to a field gun with a frame and wheels, and the musket is rifled and the spherical bullet is changed to a mini bullet, the shooting accuracy will be greatly improved. These improvements often come from a novel idea and are not technically rigid. Requirements, therefore, may be lengthy and may arise over decades.

If the technology mastered by Qi Guo came from the far west, what stage of development has the place of origin reached now

Mr. Zhang from the Privy Council Office may have said something right.

Alchemists should prioritize improving their strength at all times.

He must prepare in advance.