Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 115: Hiding place


"This place... is weird." Tengu looked around for a moment and muttered in a low voice.

The interior of the room is like a twisted space. When viewed from the top, it looks like a diamond, narrow at the front and wide in the middle. The stairs started from the third floor and went all the way down until they were completely submerged into the deep underground.

Since the entrance is on the third floor, it is probably hidden in a certain room. Considering that there is a brothel on one side and an inn on the other, it will definitely be difficult for outsiders to figure out the layout of the room. This is indeed a suitable place for hiding.

The question is, who built all this

Li was keenly aware that it was definitely not the Donghai Gang - they were just outsiders, and it was unlikely that they would be able to build such a building within a building under the eyes of the residents.

There is no one guarding the inside of the corridor. Apparently the Donghai Gang believes that this place is hidden enough. As long as the outside is not breached, no one can break in.

Li raised his front paws, signaling to follow, then jumped up and landed smoothly on the top of the stairs.

One fox and one dog just went down the spiral staircase, and the surrounding wooden walls turned into gray-blue bricks. After descending almost thirty feet, the two demons reached the ground.

What appeared before them was a narrow, damp passage.

Since there is only one way, there is not much choice. Li quickly rushed into the passage and trotted forward - the light in this place was much darker, and there was a candlestick in the distance. If you didn't pay attention, it would be difficult to spot the fox hidden in the dark shadow.

Then the passage branched off into several branches. Some of the forked roads are not even lit at all, and it is pitch black at the end. It is not known whether they are abandoned or used to confuse people.

This once again confirmed Li's suspicion - building such a complex maze underground could not be completed overnight. And judging from the age of the masonry, it should have been there for a long time.

After thinking about it, Li decided to take the widest path. The Donghai Gang are not monsters, they definitely prefer to stay in a spacious and bright place.

After walking dozens of steps, she finally saw the first living person.

A man wearing loose clothes and a long knife at his waist walked slowly along the passage. His hair had obviously been shaved, leaving only a short braid on the top of his head. There is a blood print similar to Aoko's on one side of her arm, but only one is red.

Li, who was well prepared, immediately turned around and retreated to the nearest fork in the road.

The man was holding a torch and looked like he was a guard. He looked around boredly, not realizing that there were two more infiltrators in the darkness. When he passed by the fork in the road, he didn't even take a second look inside.

"We are looking in the right direction." Li whispered, "Keep moving forward."

Obviously, this person is a core member of the Donghai Gang.

Being able to see people dressed in this way means that they are close to each other's base camp.

As expected, before walking too far this time, the scenery in front of them suddenly changed, expanding from a passage to a rather spacious underground lobby.

This place is almost thirty to forty feet square, with an arc-shaped top and light shining in the center, making it look like a patio. There is a sound of water flowing under the patio, and in all likelihood there is an underground ditch buried to facilitate the water intake and sewage discharge of the person living here.

I never imagined that there is such a scenery underground in Jinxia City!

No wonder the Wu Gang changed one after another, but no one found out the whereabouts of the Donghai Gang.

"Can we go back?" Shanhui pulled La Li's back.

There were about fifty Dongsheng people gathered in the lobby, and at least four of them had three-petal red blood patterns. If measured by Qingzi's strength, these were probably quite difficult Qi sensers.

Not to mention the Wu Gang, if such a group of people acted collectively, it would be difficult for the local government to fight against them unless the garrison from Shenzhou was mobilized.

At this time, it is completely certain that this is the hiding place of the Donghai Gang!

Li nodded, and just as he was about to turn around and turn back, everyone suddenly stood up and bent down in one direction.

"hold on."

Seeing this situation, Li couldn't help but stop.

On the other side of the lobby, a wooden door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man wearing a snow-white coat and a high hat walked out from behind the door and stood in front of everyone.

Shan Hui's body suddenly trembled when he saw the other party's outfit!

"That's the person from Anjia. Why... would he appear in a place like this!?"

Li found that Shan Hui actually showed his fangs and seemed to want to pounce on him.

"Hey, don't be stupid." She quickly held down the other person's head, "So what if the other person is from the An family? Don't forget where we are!"

"My hometown... was massacred by the An family." Shan Hui replied with difficulty, "There were a thousand households, and no one survived except me."

"Calm down, you're just going to die if you rush forward now." Li originally planned to stay a little longer to see what this person wanted to do, but Shan Hui had trouble controlling her emotions, so she had to take him and leave early. Enter the underground lobby.

Returning to the Order Office of the Privy Council, Li recounted his findings in detail.

"Anyway, if it weren't for this stupid dog, we might have discovered more."

"Sorry..." Shan Hui whimpered, his neck shrinking a bit.

"It's understandable to want revenge, but the premise is to ensure that you can survive. After all, there is more than one family member." Xia Fan comforted, "In addition, this information is enough - at least we have caught the enemy's tail. Hard work 2 position, Operation Clearing the Clouds is over, and it’s time to move on to the next step of the extermination plan.”

"Xia Fan, are you sure you want to take action so soon?" Li looked worried, "To be honest, I didn't expect the situation to be so serious before seeing the Donghai Gang's lair. Assuming those four people have Qingzi's strength, The headquarters will have to face four alchemists at the same time who are asking questions and even testing the level of the front. This is definitely not a problem of the Lake Gang. You are facing an opponent comparable to the Privy Council of Jinxia City."

"I agree. But the nights are long and there are many dreams. If it continues, the variables will only become greater." Xia Fan let out a sigh of relief. Although he had known for a long time that the Donghai Gang had infiltrated Jinxia City, he did not expect that the other party had penetrated to this extent. Under the feet of the government and the Privy Council, they secretly gathered a team that was comparable to the strength of the city defense army. No wonder the Wang family would So confident.

There is also the An family mentioned by Shan Hui - according to the May Witch, the alchemist or onmyoji from the An family is treated as a national master in Dongsheng Kingdom. No matter how low his status is, he will not be reduced to this level. , deign to get involved with the Donghai Gang, right

Dongsheng Kingdom sent such a group of people just to ensure the private salt transportation in Jinxia City? Xia Fan always felt a little unbelievable.

I'm afraid they have other plans.

It doesn't matter what the plot is. What's important is to disrupt the enemy's pace before the other side. The best way to counterattack is to make Dongsheng Kingdom's plot useless.

"Don't worry, the Donghai Gang has exceeded expectations, but they also have fatal weaknesses. We have no chance of winning." After thinking about it for a while, Xia Fan already had a countermeasure in mind, "For this battle, I need Let’s hold a tripartite meeting, and now come with me to the princess’s Fengyang Villa.”