Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 123: Book of Thoughts


Those are some crazy talismans.

Calculating chips is not like calculating chips, and words are not like words. Can this kind of thing really be called arithmetic

"Uh...where did you get this book?"

"Xia Fan compiled it, and he asked each of us to copy a copy." Ning Wanjun sighed, "It was quite easy at the beginning, but with each additional page, the problems became much more difficult. I suspect Is he deliberately teasing everyone?"

Xia Fan? She was shocked. This name... wasn't the person Qiuyue mentioned!

Pretending to be a ghost has always been what unlearned people are best at.

"You may... indeed have been tricked by him." Mo Yun whispered.

"Sure enough, I said how can arithmetic be like this!" Ning Wanjun slapped the table and said, "But if it were you, it would definitely not be a problem, right? Why don't you tell me what the following content is about? I'll Might as well ask him to rewrite it!"

Wait, does the princess understand the previous content

By the way, she said it was easy at first.

Mo Yun turned to the first page and found that there was also a prologue. And in this part, it turns out to be an elaboration and explanation of each weird symbol.

The most important thing in fooling others is to blur words and use words to guide consciousness. This person actually wrote out the vague parts, which is worth pondering.

Anyway, this would make it easier for her to find out the other party's flaws fundamentally.

Mo Yun decided to start from the beginning, and then defeated Xia Fan's disguise in one fell swoop.

"Give me a quarter of an hour and let me read through this book first."

"No problem." Ning Wanjun said expectantly.

"Mo Yun."

"Mo Yun?"

"Hey, are you okay!"

Mo Yun suddenly woke up from the book. She looked at the princess, who also looked at her with concern, "Who am I?"

"Ning Wanjun... Your Highness?"

"How much is this?" The other party pointed out a finger again.

"One... no," Mo Yun shook her head. Only then did she realize what the other person was doing, "Everything is fine with me, why are you worried about this?"

"Because... rumors. I'm just afraid you're going insane."

"What are you talking about-" Mo Yun smiled, "It's just reading a book. By the way, how long have I been reading it?"

She suddenly found that her neck was a little sore.

Ning Wanjun stared at her for a while, "An hour."

An hour? Mo Yun blinked in surprise, had he actually watched it for so long

"And you only read about ten pages." Ning Wanjun put a basket with dishes on the side of the table. "When we were having dinner just now, I saw that you were reading seriously so I didn't bother you. But I didn't expect that you would She didn’t even change her posture, but fortunately I asked Qiuyue to prepare one for you."

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry yet."

"As expected, you are still the same as before." Ning Wanjun shrugged, "That's why I don't want you to wander out of the palace. Speaking of which, what do you think of this book?"

"How about this book—"

This sentence was like lightning, reconnecting Mo Yun's disconnected thoughts.

By the way, I was obsessed with reading between the lines just now, and the reason why I was so forgetful was entirely because of this book - "It's incredible!"

"What does incredible mean?" Ning Wanjun asked.

"This is definitely a strange book, and..." Mo Yun was a little stuck when she said this. How could she describe the significance of this book? To say that it is extremely profound and mysterious is not true. After all, even Her Royal Highness can understand it, so it is destined to be a basic teaching book. But to say that it is the same as "The Book of Nine Calculations" is absolutely not the case.

It innovates a lot of unique vocabulary and symbols. Those weird "ghost symbols" are actually various forms of numbers and operations. It is quite difficult to adapt to it at first, but after looking at them for a long time, you will find that they are particularly concise and clear in meaning. It is more convenient to get up.

But these are not the point.

If that's all it is, then it is just an improved "Nine Calculations Book".

After pondering for a long time, she finally found a word that was barely close to it, "...thoughts."


"The most precious thing about it is its thought - the significance of this thought is not even limited to arithmetic!" Mo Yun took a deep breath, "If this book were to spread outside, it would definitely cause a sensation."

Yes, it is thoughts.

It looks similar to "The Book of Nine Calculations", and it also throws out many arithmetic calculation formulas and examples, but it is different from the latter's isolated examples. It is a careful and rigorous derivation, link by link, starting from a few calculations. A simple and obvious description, step by step to build a broad picture behind!

And everything starts from the sentence "There is only one straight line through two points."

Five axioms.

Five postulates.

All subsequent content is based on these few sentences.

Because the former is correct, the latter deduced from the former must also be correct - even if it seems unintuitive, in the face of iron-clad logic, we can only admit that it is true. This is the meaning of this book.

Mo Yun felt that a brand new door had been opened.

Everything she had learned in the past seemed scattered and unsystematic compared to the content above.

She had never imagined that arithmetic could be so beautiful and regular.

"Is it as exciting as you said... Why can't I feel it?" Ning Wanjun muttered in a skeptical tone, "That's all, you can stay here tonight and continue reading this book, but don't forget to eat. "

"I..." Mo Yun suddenly wanted to remember what she came to Jinxia City for, but she couldn't bear to put down the book in her hand, and she couldn't help showing a dilemma.

Ning Wanjun smiled and sighed softly, "You are indeed the type of person Xia Fan said was extremely talented."

"Why do you say that?" Mo Yun asked puzzledly.

"He once said something when he gave this thing to us for copying - Anyone who cannot feel the beauty of the content in this book does not have the talent to become a great scholar. Although I don't know what the title of this great scholar is, obviously you It’s something you’re entitled to.”

"Where is Xia Fan now?"

"It should be in the alchemist's residential area. I forgot to tell you that he is an alchemist in the Privy Council. He has been promoted to the fifth rank and is working in the Ministry of Order."

Mo Yun noticed that when the princess mentioned this person, her tone was full of pride.

"Can I meet him?"

"Of course," Ning Wanjun responded, "I think he would also like to meet someone who can appreciate this book, right? By the way, this guy seems to know a little bit about everything. If you have any questions that have been confusing for a long time, You might as well talk to him. Maybe he can give you some different suggestions."

How is it possible? The problems of the Ministry of Industry cannot be solved by a layman.

Although she was thinking this in her heart, Mo Yun did not say it out loud because she could feel that the other party also had good intentions. So she just nodded slightly, "I will."

The next day, Ning Wanjun took her to the beach.

Mo Yun's eyes were a little swollen from studying that incredible arithmetic manual all night, but mentally she didn't feel sleepy at all, and she even looked forward to continuing to burn the midnight oil when she went back.

It's just that she doesn't quite understand why Xia Fan, who is an alchemist in the Privy Council, stays in a place like the seaside during the day.

After asking about her confusion, the princess laughed softly, "Because he is responsible for building a brand new salt field for me."

"Salt field?"

"Well, it looks like a rice field, but it produces sea salt." She pursed her lips in front of her, "Look, we're here."