Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 16: Misunderstand


After not sleeping all night, Xia Fan didn't feel too tired. Compared with the physical burden, the mental pressure was the biggest problem. Now that the other person was asleep and the pressure was relieved, he felt much lighter all over.

This is probably the capital of youth. Xia Fan couldn't help but sigh. When he was in college, he could still stay up late as a meal. After going to work, he would be so sleepy after twelve o'clock that he would spend several days to make up for it. He didn't expect that he would still be able to make up for it now. One day I can return to the top.

Looking at the empty bowl of porridge, his stomach growled.

After simply tidying up the house, Xia Fan went straight to the hotel lobby and ordered twice as many meals as usual.

"Sir, please take your time and enjoy." The waiter quickly served breakfast.

Compared to the atmosphere of mutual suspicion yesterday, the lobby today was much cleaner. I don't know if it was because he got up earlier, but he was the only one in the whole room, and he felt quite comfortable.

It seems that getting up early is not without its benefits.

But this sense of comfort gradually turned into surprise when Xia Fan ate his second portion of steamed buns.

How long have you been here

A quarter of an hour? Or longer…

During this period, no one entered the lobby - either coming down from upstairs or coming in from outside. The spiritual fire can only be seen at night, and there must be many people observing it all night long. Now is the point of return. It is easier to collect during the day. The family may still need to occupy the space, so the earlier the better, the better. At the time of the handover between the two waves of people, how could it be possible that no one was seen entering or exiting the lobby for so long

Xia Fan slowly put down the steamed bun in his hand and picked up the wooden sword.

Just when he was about to go back to the house, two Luo family disciples appeared at the top of the stairs.

They stood side by side, blocking the passage behind them.

Then someone else quickly walked into the lobby and occupied the exit position—these candidates were also wearing Luo family blue robes, and all their eyes were focused on him.

The two groups of people were following such a uniform rhythm that Xia Fan instantly realized that this was probably something that had already been planned.

It wasn't that he got up too early, but that the Luo family controlled the flow of people in the hotel in advance.

What the other party was waiting for was the moment he walked into the lobby!

"Yes, your observation skills are sharper than I expected." With a pleasant voice, Luo appeared gently at the door of the lobby, "It's a pity that you used it in places it shouldn't be used."

Although her tone was calm, Xia Fan could still hear the suppressed anger and anger in it.

No, you found out so quickly that it was you who did it

And if he doesn't move, he will have such a big posture. It is obvious that the Luo family has great confidence in this. To deny it at this time would be a bit embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Xia Fan simply admitted, "I'm curious, how did you determine it?"

"Luo You'er!"

"Yes, senior sister." A little girl with short curly hair quickly stood up and said, "It's the smell! I smell your scent."

These familiar words made Xia Fan feel dazed for a moment, "What?"

She touched her nose, "The alchemy I am good at allows me to track the flow of smell within ten miles. The thief entered the house through the window and was next to the senior sister's bed - "

"Get to the point!" Luo interrupted, gritting his teeth gently.

"Oh," Luo Youer stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, "Anyway, based on this smell, I found the source, Room 129. And the store owner said there is only one person living there, and that's you!"

Damn, it turns out it’s not the licking method.

Xia Fan spread his hands, "There is no rule in the exam that you can't use cheating tactics. And this is a hotel lobby. If you do it here, you are not afraid of violating the rules of the exam? For a bottle of spiritual fire, is it necessary to mobilize such a large number of troops-"

"For... spiritual fire?" Luo gently pulled out the wooden sword, "Shameless! You have the nerve to say that... I thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect you to be so despicable!"

"Wait, is it that serious?"

"It's useless to talk more!" With a slight scolding, she dodged and rushed towards Xia Fan, the sword shadow in her hand pointed directly at his neck like a thunderbolt.

Xia Fan had no choice but to wave his sword to parry, trying to overwhelm the opponent with strength.

But the two swords did not intersect. Luo Qingqing's sword tip just touched the sword body slightly, and then naturally slid away, stabbing at the mouth of the bowl he brought up as if borrowing force.

His color suddenly changed, and he let go of the hilt of the sword to avoid the blow. At the same time, he changed his hand to grab the sword body, and used the wooden sword as a hammer to hit the opponent.

This unexpected move did not cause her any trouble. With just a simple flick, she dodged his counterattack.

In just one round, Xia Fan was already at a disadvantage.

After all, if it were a real sword, it would be impossible for him to change his hand to hold the blade, and the weapon would be knocked off in one move. The result can be imagined.

Is this the strength of the Luo family's genius

The next few fights confirmed one thing for him - the woman in front of him was different from those he had defeated before. In terms of using the sword, she had become more comfortable with it, and her proficiency in skills made up for the lack of strength. However, he is a really good player who has received systematic training.

And he was already a little stretched just to deal with this continuous attack.


Another feint followed by an oblique thrust. Luo lightly raised his sword and charged forward, thrusting it into Xia Fan's chest, who was unable to parry.

As he tried his best to turn sideways, the wooden sword scratched against his skin, tearing a big hole in his clothes, and the medicine bag and sundries hidden in his inner pocket suddenly spilled out.

He felt bad. Although the opponent was holding a wooden sword, if he was stabbed, the outcome would not be much better. If he was unlucky, it would be normal to break one or two bones.

If you keep fighting like this, it's only a matter of time before you lose!

The question is how to fight back

Although he has been influenced by his master and is quite proficient in the tricks of the world, it does not mean that he only knows these. As one of the few people who can sense Qi, Fang Shu is his real trump card.

It's just that that technique... is a "shock" technique, and its power is difficult to control. And after he improved it, even using it twice could be fatal. Xia Fan didn't want to use it on the candidates of the same period unless it was absolutely necessary.

It's ridiculous to risk your life for a bottle of spiritual fire.

And this guy too, didn't he just take a bottle of the source of spiritual fire from her? Even being shameless and despicable is included, it’s really unreasonable—

Wait... Xia Fan was suddenly startled. He realized that he seemed to have overlooked some important points.

"Your powers of observation are sharper than I expected, but it's a pity that you've used them in places you shouldn't have used them."

"The thief entered the house through the window and was next to Senior Sister's bed—"

What the two of them had said before couldn't help but come to mind.

Could it be that that bedroom was occupied by Luo Qingqing at that time

Hey, isn't it... Doesn't this mean that after stunning everyone, he sneaked into a woman's boudoir alone

"Stop, stop!" Xia Fan shouted after barely avoiding the opponent's attack, "You don't think I did anything rude to you, do you?"

Luo Qingqing stumbled suddenly, and his sharp moves suddenly went haywire.

"Otherwise," Luo Youer yelled, "When senior sister woke up in the morning, she found that the quilt had fallen to the floor. The smell can also show that you have stayed in front of the bed for the longest time—"

"Shut up!" Luo lightly cast a look that could kill.

The latter quickly covered his mouth.

Xia Fan was shocked, it turned out to be this reason!

"Don't ruin my innocence, okay?" He defended himself while dodging the sword, "I didn't even notice the person lying on the bed when I went in, so how could I do that? Besides, the bottle was hidden under the bed. Isn't it natural to stay by the bed for the longest time? As for the quilt falling off... it couldn't be because you didn't sleep well and kicked it off yourself."

"Wow... Senior sister, he is so thick-skinned." Luo Youer said with emotion.

"Of course you won't admit it, and I don't expect you to admit it." Luo gritted his teeth gently and raised his sword again, "It is stipulated in the military examination that you are not allowed to murder candidates, but I can still beat you to death!"

"What if I can provide evidence?"

This sentence stopped her steps.

"What evidence?"

"Smell." Xia Fan pointed a finger at her junior sister, "Do you have a sachet? If I want to do something to you, I will definitely stick very close to you. As a result, some similar smell will definitely remain on my body. Can't you tell if you let your junior sister smell it?"

"But the store also said that you asked for a basin of hot water at night." Luo Youer pouted, "Who knows if you have washed yourself."

Damn it, why does the waiter in this store say anything as long as he gives me money... Can we still give customers a sense of privacy

"Do you think I look like I've been washed now?"

"..." Luo Qingqing said after a moment of silence, "Whether he has washed it, you will know by smelling it."

"Uh, but senior sister—"

"Go, I want to hear the most detailed answer," she narrowed her eyes slightly, "Sister."

Probably feeling the murderous intention contained in it, Luo Youer shivered and had no choice but to walk towards Xia Fan helplessly.

After getting closer, she took out a mint leaf and placed it in front of her, then whispered, "Xunshu returns to Xu, Xunfeng!"

The leaves instantly turned into a wisp of smoke.

Luo Youer inhaled the smoke and sniffed around Xia Fan for a long time, her expression gradually becoming complicated.

"Where's the answer?" Luo Qingqing's voice became colder and colder, as if as long as the junior sister nodded, she would take action immediately.

"That... senior sister, he doesn't smell like you."

"What?" She took her foot back again, "Are you sure?"

"You can't be wrong after hearing it so closely." Luo Youer waved her hand in disgust, "And not only did he not take a shower, I'm afraid he didn't calm down for the rest of the night."

"How to say?" Luo asked gently.

"It smells of corruption, mud and grass, and... blood." She ran back to her senior sister, "Where did you go after that?"

"I accidentally fell when I was returning the same way. Fortunately, I was relatively close to the ground." Xia Fan pretended to be relaxed and said, "Can you believe it now? To be honest, I focused all my attention on finding the bottle. On the bed, I don’t even know whether the person lying on the bed is a man or a woman.”

"But you still went in." Luo whispered softly.

"Yes, without knowing it. I deeply apologize for this." Xia Fan could completely understand the other party's shame and anger at this moment. In this era, the reputation of an unmarried girl is by no means a joke. Failure to do so is a lifelong tragedy. "I will never tell this matter. As long as your fellow disciples -" he noticed at this moment that the visitors were all female disciples of the Luo family, "if they don't tell, no one else will know about it in the future."

After a long silence, Luo nodded slightly.

It could be seen that she was also relieved.

"The bottle of the source of spiritual fire..."

"It's the Night Watch disciples' dereliction of duty, and the allocated quota will be deducted from them." Luo Qingqing returned to his previous appearance, "As for whether they will come to trouble you, I personally will not interfere."

"And the things in this tavern..." Xia Fan glanced at the messy lobby - the other party was obviously really angry just now, so naturally he wouldn't take care of the tables and chairs next to the two of them.

"As long as the compensation is paid according to the price, it is not a violation of the rules. The Luo family will handle it properly."

Sure enough... she noticed this loophole, or the "trap" in the rules.

"In addition to your clothes, I will ask the store to send you a new one." Luo coughed twice, "I also have this matter..." Halfway through, her voice was so low that it was inaudible.

"Are you saying that you have gone too far?" Luo Youer tilted her head and said, "If your voice is too soft, others won't be able to hear it."

Of course, the junior sister received a heavy blow from her hand.

"Then, I'll take my leave first." Luo gently put away the wooden sword.

"I won't send it."

Xia Fan couldn't imitate the other party's neatness, he still had to pick up the medicinal materials he had spilled.

At this moment, Luo Qingqing, who had taken half a step towards the corridor entrance, stopped again. She looked at Xia Fan in surprise, "Wait a minute!"

"Anything else?"

He only felt his eyes dazzle as the other party squatted in front of him and pinched out a piece of metal creation from the scattered debris.

"This thing...where did you get it?"

Luo Qingqing's expression actually seemed to be a bit more solemn than when he was being questioned before.